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Pandemic Proof Best Home Decoration Tips For Every Room

COVID-19 has changed our way of life and habits at home. Pandemic-proof decoration is more necessary now than ever. The objective? Turn your house into a safe “nest”.

Pandemic-proof decor, room by room

We review each stay in the home to see how it can be improved and to make the necessary changes that allow us to feel protected in it against possible future confinements … The motto: to be at home is to be in glory!

The Entrance Or Receiver

pandemic-proof decoration for entrance

Leaving any virus or bacteria outside the door is a must in a pandemic-proof decoration. And the hall or hall, a strategic place for it. Properly equip it with racks where you can hang your jacket when you enter the house and with a shoe rack to store your shoes, a practice that is highly recommended both in confinement and in any other situation in life.

It is also a good idea to install a small table or console with a basket in which you have a paper envelope or a plastic bag to put the mask and place the hydro-alcoholic gel.

Pandemic proof decoration for Lounges

pandemic-proof decoration for lounge

This space is the nerve centre of the house, we spend many hours in it, we meet with family and friends, we watch our favourite series, we read a good book. We share it with our partner, our children and pets… For this reason, it is essential to choose a pandemic-proof decoration that turns the living room into a cosy, comfortable, functional (and safe) room. A space in which we feel clothed.

A corner of teleworking, do not miss

pandemic-proof decoration sitting area

How is this accomplished? With a fluid style, without variegation, that facilitates a simple and regular cleaning and whose distribution allows to establish different areas within the same surface: a rest area, another to eat … And, of course, a teleworker corner: the decoration Pandemic testing has completely transformed certain ways of life and working at home is a formula that is here to stay.

Comfortable sofas, the best choice

pandemic-proof decoration sofa

In the living room, the sofa is the absolute protagonist. Choose a comfortable and ergonomic model, even if you have to spend a little more. In the long term, you will pay it off in abundance.

It must offer the necessary firmness to prevent us from sinking, and the backrest must adapt perfectly to the back and the curvature of the neck. There are models that add many pluses: sliding seats, tilting heads … or they can also be equipped with a chaise longue module , in which to take a good nap or relax.

The removable seats are recommended in a pandemic-proof decoration. They are very practical: the covers are removed from time to time and cleaned regularly. As for the rest of the textiles (curtains, curtains), it is better that they are not very heavy and you should also avoid, as far as possible, carpets. Vinyl designs are very functional and can be washed without a problem.

Pandemic proof decoration for The Bedroom

pandemic-proof decoration for bedroom

The quintessential resting place should be a haven of peace and cleaning should be extreme. In addition to ventilating daily, a hundred percent healthy habit, order must be maintained to the maximum .

The pandemic-proof decoration should create a pleasant sleeping environment with a mattress, pillows and bedding made of natural fabrics that promote thermoregulation. Avoid over-furnishing, let the air flow, and don’t choose heavy, dark colors. A palette in light tones provides more serenity and relaxation.

As for the light, it is basic to achieve a good rest. Install several light spots: on the ceiling, on the nightstand, or at the head of the bed, and much better if its intensity can be adjusted. With these tips, the bedroom will be a “ten” space, not only in times of forced confinement but in any other circumstance.

Pandemic proof decoration for Kitchens And Baths

pandemic-proof decoration for bathroom

It is not necessary to emphasize the importance of deep cleaning in these two spaces of the house: it must involve sanitation and disinfection with the products recommended for the fight against COVID-19: soapy water, bleach, alcohol …

It must also be done much more often than it is done under “normal” circumstances. And in the bathrooms, in addition to the soap dishes, it is recommended to have dispensers with disinfection gels, especially in the courtesy baths.

More cabinets and pantries

cabinates and pantries

During these months of confinement at home, it has been demonstrated how important it is in a pandemic-proof decoration to have a good storage area in the kitchen. Closets, cupboards, pantries … have been full of food all this time.

It is clear that a pandemic-proof decoration requires practical furniture for storing preserves, imperishable or cleaning products that will be consumed or used in the medium-long term. This organizational system will also help you optimize your time. We have also learned during confinement that spaced visits to the market or supermarkets leave many more hours free to enjoy what one likes … So, include this habit in your life from now on.

The pandemic-proof decoration guarantees a healthier and more welcoming home, a house designed and organized to make its residents happier and a space to share and enjoy.

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