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Tips For Disinfecting Your Home And Stay Safe

The Locdowns imposed by the state of alarm has caused us to be confined to our homes to avoid contagions. In this situation, it is important to carry out a good cleaning and disinfection of our homes to prevent Covid-19 from getting into them. We are provide you with some tips on how to properly disinfect your home.

What to do when leaving and entering the house

Knowing how to disinfect the house is essential to create a safer everyday environment. Despite the confinement and the need and obligation to stay home, we may have to go outside to buy or throw away the garbage, so it is important to know what to do when you return. To have a disinfected house you must also carry out some simple practices to avoid introducing not only the Covid-19 but also any other type of pathogen from the outside.

When entering the house, you should not touch the common surfaces of the building. If possible, wear gloves, although remember that afterwards you should take them off correctly and throw them in the corresponding garbage for recycling.

Wearing gloves or not, it is essential to wash your hands with soap and water correctly. Even if you have used a hand sanitizing gel before, with an alcohol content above 60%, washing your hands is the best way to avoid contagion.

Cleaning is not disinfecting

There are differences between how to disinfect the house and how to clean it. Both actions look the same, but the first one also kills viruses and bacteria.

Another important issue is that not all surfaces are the same. Those that are smooth but not porous carry viruses more easily, so they must be cleaned and disinfected frequently. For example, door knobs, desks or tables, and mobile phones, keyboards and computers.

Surfaces such as hair, fabric, or paper are porous and do not allow viruses to survive as long as the small holes that make up these materials better trap microbes and prevent their spread.

Tricks to disinfect the house

The keys to knowing how to disinfect the house begin with a thorough cleaning of the entire home: a custom that must be carried out in a timely manner, especially in seasonal changes. But now, with the Covid-19 coronavirus crisis, hygiene and cleaning precautions must be increased.

Recommendations for before starting

  • Make a list of tasks, to create a cleaning order and be rigorous in disinfection.
  • Use new and disposable material that is later properly deposited for recycling.
  • As for the products, the most recommended is the use of bleach or ammonia, which in addition to cleaning the surfaces carry out a good disinfection.
  • Wear gloves at all times to protect hands, as well as disinfectant gel before and after cleaning.
  • Dispose, if possible, of objects and furniture that are not in use or are aged and may contain bacteria.

Disinfection by areas

To know how to disinfect the house, it is important to keep in mind that each room has its peculiarities and importance, and act on them in an appropriate way:

  • Bathrooms and kitchen . They are the main sources of infection in the home and their cleaning must be exhaustive. Bleach and ammonia are the best disinfectants to clean toilets, taps, sinks, clothes, cloths, radiators … We must clean all cabinets, starting with the ones above, both outside and inside, vacuuming and removing all traces of dust and food fragments in the kitchen. Bathroom and kitchen floors should be swept and mopped twice a week.
  • Lounge . Sofas and armchairs, as well as chairs that have fabric, are often used a lot and therefore are points of infection. If they have covers, they can be disinfected in the washing machine. If they are of other materials, we must use products suitable for them. Also put all the textiles that can be washed in the washing machine, such as bedding, curtains, covers and towels. As for the latter, they must be changed and washed regularly to avoid the concentration of bacteria.
  • The windows must always be clean, both inside and outside. The ideal is to use ammonia, for its degreasing effect and to disinfect. You can also use vinegar, diluted in hot or warm water.
  • Carpets and floor. Carpets and rugs are the birthplace of germs and should be vacuumed at least once a week.
  • Improvised offices. Telecommuting and studying at home are turning parts of the house into makeshift offices. Disinfect the desk and chair in which you work with alcohol, as well as the computer, the mouse, the mobile phone, and everything you have had contact with throughout the day.
  • Other elements of the house. Disinfect those parts of daily contact such as doors, knobs, cranks, remote controls … using ammonia or alcohol for it.

And, daily, it ventilates the whole house well by opening the windows and allowing the air to renew itself. It is another key to disinfect the house correctly. Following these recommendations and with responsibility, patience, and integrity, we will all manage to get out of this situation.

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