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Five tips to tidy up your house with the Marie Kondo method

The book in which the decorator offers tips for a good cleaning became a ‘Best Seller’. Marie Kondo has always been a fan of decoration and cleaning. When she was little Marie grew up reading home and decoration magazines and practiced the advice in her room and in the rest of the house. His passion went further and, thanks to her, Marie decided to write a book that has become a super sales in Japan. In addition to her Best Seller, Marie also has clients in Japan, whom she advises when keeping her home clean and tidy.

Marie offers simple tips to keep your home tidy and well clean, something that for many is a challenge, so we bring you the main tricks that this order guru repeats and advices.

1. Save only what gives us joy

“The organization begins with the elimination”,

It is one of the phrases of Marie Kondo and one of those that best summarizes the objective of this style. It is true that many of the things we have messy around the house are objects that we do not use very often or do not know if we want. It is best to go with everything we have at home, whether they are figures, clothes or any other object and think about whether it makes us happy to have it; If so, we can keep it, if on the contrary we don’t like it, better take it out.

2. Sort by categories

After selecting everything we want to stay, we just need to start ordering, but instead of doing it according to the area of ​​the house, we better sort by categories; that is to say, to put together everything we have at home of a certain type of object in one place. For example, if we start ordering clothes, we must put all of the houses in one place and start ordering and storing clothes according to our satisfaction.

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3. Start with the easiest

In the words of Marie Kondo, the simplest thing when it comes to ordering is clothes, followed by books, papers, various objects and, finally, the sentimental elements that we keep. To avoid abandonment in the middle of the task, it is best to start with the simplest and, furthermore, divide it into sections: upper garments, such as t-shirts, in lower, such as pants, clothes on hangers, such as dresses or coats and finally underwear, accessories, etc.

4. Everything in sight

It is best not to buy furniture and objects that serve to store everything inside them. Marie says that the most important thing is to have everything in sight and opt for simplicity, so, in a simple glance, you can find what you are looking for without occupying all the spaces with furniture to store all our belongings. KonMari’s method is based on using all the everyday objects we have at home, empty shoe boxes or rolls of toilet paper.

5. Fold clothes vertically

It is best to leave clothes vertically to see what we want at first glance without having to stir everything. This method, except for clothes designed to hang on hangers, will make the clothes take up less space and stay smooth. The trick is to form small rectangles with the clothes until she stands alone. In the case of pants, the buttons and zippers they have will be fastened. We iron with our hands and fold in the same way to keep them standing alone. And, in the case of bags, it is best to keep one inside the other to save space.

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