How to Spray Paint – Problems Solved and FAQ’s Answered
Spray painting makes it fast and easy to paint or make over almost any item in and around your home to give it a new life.
I know this as I learned the right way to spray paint all sorts of items after working for years in retail display where we had to paint the store props to reuse so the color would fit with a brand promotion as well as the seasons of the year. I was nicknamed the “Spray Painting Queen” and know all the in’s and out’s when using spray paint.
Spray paint can be tricky to apply if you don’t follow a few basic application tips. In this post you will learn the right way to spray paint and how to get all your spray paint problems solved so that you have success when you want to change the color of an item.

This spray painting guide is one of a few Paint Tutorials & Tips posts I have shared. Be sure not to miss my others that include, What Paint Application Process to Use, Paint Recommendations, Painting Tips for Decorators, and How to Clean Up After Painting. After reading these, you will be a pro painter.
The two great things about using spray paint to give a fresh coat of paint to just about anything is that the finish will be smooth and even with not a brush stroke in sight.
The other good thing about using spray paint over brush-on paint is the ease of use on textured items, like wicker where there are a lot of nooks and crannies in the surface where paint needs to get into are much easier to paint with no paint build-up from trying to push a brush loaded with paint into.
Spray paint is not latex paint so it cannot be cleaned up with soap and water like latex.
Spray Paint FAQ’s Answered

The Most Important Spray Painting Tips Not to Overlook:
- Setup a Good Painting Environment first to guarantee painting success. Lay a drop cloth down and use lifts to hold objects off the work surface. Painting lifts can be purchased at the paint store, but you can use any type of can or jar from your recycling bin or blocks of Styrofoam from packaging to hold your item off the ground.
- Sand the surface using a fine-grit sanding block to rough up the surface a little so the spray paint has something to stick to.
- Always spray outside or in a well-ventilated area like a garage with the door wide open. Wear a protective mask when you spray.
- Shake, shake, shake the can for a minute, then shake it again for another minute and also while you are spraying.
- For optimal paint adhesion and drying, try to spray when the temp is between 65 – 85 degrees. Cooler is better. 75 degrees and no humidity – perfect. If you spray when it is very hot and humid out, it can dry to a grainy texture.
- Use more thin coats than fewer heavier coats. Thin coats dry faster and adhere better. Continue this until you have the desired coverage.
- Before adding another coat, if you see overspray on the item which can happen when you are spraying when it is very hot out. Use a clean soft rag to wipe the surface from any overspray, dust or debris that may have gotten on the surface between the coats. You can also use very fine steel wool, or even a super fine sandpaper to lightly knock down any dried overspray in between applying thin layers.
- Long, light fluid strokes are the way to spray – and don’t forget to shake the can a few times while you are spraying. Keep the can vertical, if you spray the paint with the can horizontally the paint may spatter or come out blotchy.
- You must get all the coats needed on the piece you are spraying within an hour. If you can’t get this done, wait 48 hours to apply a new coat. If you add a coat before this waiting period, you run the risk of the paint wrinkling.
- Let the piece dry longer than the directions on the can state. Weather conditions greatly effect the drying time and the piece may feel dry to the touch, but may not have cured yet. When placing the piece back in your home to use, be gentle with it for a few days while it cures.
- When spraying smaller items, place them on a drop cloth covered Lazy Susan. Turning the Lazy Susan as you spray will get an even coat on all sides.
How To Spray Paint FAQ’s Answered
In this post I am also going to answer all your spray painting questions. If you have a spray painting problem and it is not addressed here, please leave a comment and will try to help you figure out what went wrong.
The number of coats needed to get full coverage when spray painting any item is at least 2 light coats, perhaps even 3 applied at different angles to make sure you are getting everything covered.
More light coats are better than one heavy one, but be sure to get all the coats on within an hour.
The length of time to let primer dry before spray painting an item can vary with each brand of spray paint. The ideal time is when the primer is completely dry.
If you used the recommended thin coat it should dry within an hour, but read the spray paint can label to make sure.
Drying time will take longer in hot and humid conditions.
Re-coat using light coats within an hour as mentioned above. If the temps are optimal between 65- 85 degrees you can re-coat about every 5 minutes as long as you are applying light even coats.
If the item is two sided, let the first side dry to the touch, then flip and paint. It should dry to touch in 30 minutes, to handle – 1- 2 hours, and be fully dry in 24 hours.
When using spray paint to paint an item, drying time can range from 30 minutes to a few hours. This range in time depends on the weather and how thick you apply the paint.
For faster drying times, spray on a nice day with low humidity in the air. Also use only light coats as they dry faster and will also help the paint cure faster after you are finished spraying.
All paint takes time to fully cure – up to 30 days. What curing means is that that paint and underside of the paint takes time to become completely hard and durable. So even if your spray painted finish feels dry to the touch, it may not be dry on the underside – so be gentle with the item for a few days.
If you sprayed an item and wondered why is my spray paint cracking or wrinkling there are a few different factors that can cause the finish to wrinkle or crack when applying another coat of paint.
Here is how to fix wrinkled spray paint that can happen after spraying an item with spray paint.
The most common reason a dried spray painted coat can crack or wrinkle – is applying the paint too thickly – which makes the surface of the paint dry too fast and not the underside. When you re-coat, the solvents in the paint shrink and this causes the wrinkling.
How to fix spray paint crackle and the way to avoid it– spray only when the temperature is 65 – 85 degrees, apply only light even coats, and re-coat every few minutes.
Also read the back of the can. Some brands say you should get all re-coating done in under 30 – 60 minutes. After that, do not re-coat at least for 24 – 48 hours or the paint may wrinkle. Again…read the label for specifics.
Another reason it may happen is if there is wax or residue on the item that is incompatible with the paint.
Sand, clean well and dry your piece before painting. Use a primer and make sure the spray paint you are using is made for that specific surface. Read the label.
Powder residue after spray painting happens when you paint outdoors when it is hot or in the sun.
The paint spray dries before reaching the surface and it cannot level because of too rapid evaporation. It can also be caused if you hold the can too far away.
It is better to spray in the morning or evening during the summer and keep the can about 8-16” away from the item as you spray.
If it is a chandelier or large piece that has to be sprayed in sections, block off other sections while you spray one section at a time with a piece of cardboard.
When spray painting, after shaking the can for a minute and then shaking it again for another minute – hold can upright 8” – 16” from surface.
Press trigger or nozzle and begin covering the surface lightly in a steady back and forth motion, slightly overlapping each stroke and shaking the can a few times as you paint. This will give you a nice even finish.
You get blotches of paint when you hold the spray in one area for too long. If you get blotches and want to sand it to start over.
Wait for the paint to completely dry. If you sand too soon you will create a gummy mess that will be hard to remove. If this happens, use paint remover to remove the paint, clean well and start over.
After the item you spray painted is completely dry, depending on the sheen of paint used, you can apply a clear coat over spray paint. If you use high gloss, semi-gloss and you want a shiny finish, you really don’t have to seal it.
If using a lower sheen you can seal with a water-based sealer like Minwax Polycrylic. It comes in a spray version.
Most brand’s mention on the can’s label about how to seal and even sell sealers to go with certain formulas of their paints.
Yes – you can paint over spray paint as long as it is completely dry, not just to the touch but really dried and cured.
You need to sand the finish lightly with 100 grit sandpaper to provide something for the new paint to grab onto.
If you sand too soon after spray painting you will create a gummy mess. After sanding, clean the surface well with a damp rag and let dry.
Then you can paint over the spray painted surface with any kind of paint.
When painting plastic or any plastic surface including outdoor plastic furniture including resin. It is best to use a spray paint formula that has been made just for plastic.
There are two brands that make plastic spray paint labeled specifically for plastics.
One is Krylon Fusion for Plastic or Rust-Oleum Specialty Plastic Primer spray paint.
The reason to use one of these spray paint formulas when painting over a plastic item is that they will bond to the very smooth and pliable surface and will not peel off.
If it is the Rustoleum brand with the fancy spray tops – they can’t easily be fixed. If the can is new then I would take it back to the store to get your money back.
Three Options to Unclog a Spray Paint Nozzle:
Before trying to unclog a spray paint can nozzle, put on a pair of safety glasses to protect your eyes just in case the nozzle moves as you work on it. You don’t want to get spray paint in your eyes.
1. After each use, clear the spray valve on the paint can by holding the can upside down and spraying off until only clear gas comes out.
2. If that doesn’t work, remove the valve and run very hot water over it to remove any paint.
You can also soak it in nail polish remover for about a half hour. Then take the end of a pointy toothpick or straight pin and put tip into the holes on the nozzle to clean out the paint.
Do both holes on the nozzle – the underside and the one on the side of the nozzle.
Important: Only clean a spray paint nozzle when it is removed from the can. NEVER stick a pin into the nozzle when it is still on the can.
Place back on can, shake the can very well, really shake it so the paint is completely mixed and spray. If it doesn’t spray, hold the can upside down and try to spray.
3. If you have a few cans of spray paint in your paint supplies, try switching out the nozzles. This usually helps get the can spraying again.
TIP: Before I throw out used cans of spray paint I save the nozzle. I place them in a baggie and store it so I have plenty when I need to change a clogged one.
One way to reduce spray paint odor is by minimizing its curing time. Paint the furniture outdoors on a dry, moisture-free day, if possible. If you already painted the furniture, set it outdoors on a non-humid day.
Sunny weather helps even more. Place it outside in the sun, bring in at night so it won’t get moisture on it.
Do this for several days until the smell is gone and the paint cured. The air movement helps cure the paint and will cut down on the odor.
If unable to keep the furniture outdoors, store it in a garage for a few days, or in a well-ventilated spare room of the home.
Create a no-cost collapsible spray booth to store in your garage. (See photo at the end of the post). This not only keeps the overspray from going everywhere, but it is also a place to spray paint when it is too cold to go outside.
Just be sure to open the doors while you spray and then close them when you are done. Also remove your cars from the garage. Trust me… overspray happens.
You can find large boxes in the dumpsters behind retail stores.
Place your item on a piece of foam. If your object doesn’t have a flat bottom, use toothpicks, Popsicle sticks, whatever to raise it up so that you can easy move the piece your spraying without actually touching it.
This way you can move the piece easily by picking up the foam and not the actual object to turn it around so that you get all sides equally covered with spray paint.
Pebble style foam that comes packed in boxes around TV’s and knock down furniture works the best as the spray paint doesn’t melt it.
STYROFOAM will melt if the spray paint is applied very close to the surface. Using light coats of paint will lessen any melting of the foam. I use my blocks a few times and then throw them out once they start melting away.
When using any brand of chalk paint that comes in a spray can, follow the same spray techniques as you would a regular can of spray paint. Keep the coats light, spray from about 8 inches away from the surface and follow the label directions.
To make sure you are getting all the nooks and crannies when painting wicker – use spray paint and spray it on when the the piece is in all directions – upside down, right side up, and sideways. This will ensure you get complete coverage.

How to Make a DIY Spray Painting Booth
- Get a box to accommodate the item to be sprayed. If you spray paint a lot, get a big box that will accommodate all sizes. Use Duct tape to tape a few together to use when spraying larger items.
- If you have an extra box or two – flatten them to make a large liner for the floor.
Small objects only need a small box.
I also like to use a box top to place items in. You can find these in the box stacks by the check out lines at Costco or when you buy cans of dog food in bulk.
This allows you to carry the item inside to dry where the temps are better. Then you can collapse the spray booth right after using and pull the car back into the garage.
No need to have to wait for it to dry before moving it.
To Store Your Instant Spray Booth: Simply open the bottom to make the box flat and store it vertically against a wall and out of the way until you need it again.
When you need it – just fold up the bottom of the box by tucking every other flap under each other so the box becomes an opened top box again.
How to Spray Painting Large Items:
- See this post for the tutorial on how to easily make a spray booth.
- With bigger spray paint projects I use a tent shelter.
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