Valentine’s Day Crafts – Free Printable Initial Hearts
Valentine’s Day is this Friday. When I was a kid in elementary school I used to love this week.

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Every year the teachers would put aside the reading, writing, and arithmetic to allow time to make Valentine’s Day crafts. We would make cards to give our family and classmates and a mailbox out of paper and cardboard to tape to our desks to hold all the cards we would receive on Valentine’s Day.
Give me some construction paper, doilies, glue, and glitter and I excelled. It was the only time I did and it felt good when the teacher would hold up whatever I had made to use as an example of what the rest of the class should make.

These fond memories always have me gathering any red, white, and pink crafting supply I own in early February to come up with a way to not only decorate, but to wrap Valentine goodies to give to my family and friends.

This year is no different. When my daughters were little, Ed and I used to give them lots of little surprises. We still do, but have to mail them. I gathered my stash of supplies and created a few initial heart gift tags and a Valentine banner for the kitchen.
I created an alphabet of heart shapes for you to download and cut out to use in a variety of ways. Gift tags, banners, and cards are only a few ideas.
I cut scrapbook paper in colors that I liked to the size of 8 1/2″ x 11″ so I could use the paper in my printer to print out the initial heart printables. To download the .pdfs – see the end of this post.

You can cut inside or outside the line around the hearts depending on the look you like. I cut outside the line on the hearts for this banner.
How to Make a Doily Heart Banner
Use a hole punch to make two holes in a doily. String ribbon through the holes. Glue the initial hearts onto the doily with a glue stick. Hang with tacks or as I did by placing the ribbon in the corners of a cabinet door.

I also made gift tags out of paper straws and doilies.

To make the straw starburst gift tag, I cut paper straws in half and then hot glued them onto a doily. Then placed another doily on top . Glue an intial heart on the top doily. I cut a piece of scrapbook paper into a heart shape to place under the top doily to add some color and pattern.

For the other tags, I just glued the cut-out hearts onto doilies and tied or glued them onto the gifts.

Do you have fond Valentine’s Day memories?
To download the free printable initial hearts, click on the link below each image.

Valentine Free Printable Heart Initial Gift Tags page 1

Valentine Free Printable Heart Initialgift tags page 2

Valentine Free Printable Heart Initial Gift Tags page 3

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