Valentine Flower Vase Trio Tray

If you like to craft and have a closet full of unused craft supplies, then you may have all you need to make this pretty in pink Valentine Flower Vase Trio.

Vases to use for Valentine Flowers

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One reason I am excited to have my foyer “almost” back in use is that I can create pretty seasonal vignettes again on the sideboard using decorative accessories.

I like to keep the space neutral so when the seasons change and holidays like Valentines Day come around, I have a surface to simply add a little holiday touch. Nothing crazy, but simple and pretty.  Using white and neutral colors on the walls allows me to make seasonal color changes that pop out and become the focus in the room.

If you have been following my blog the past year then you know that I have been sharing projects with you using Waverly Inspirations products. I am one of their brand ambassadors. Besides sharing a project with you this month, I got a second surprise from Waverly Inspirations this month. (More at the end of this post).

Valentine flower vase idea

This month my box of creative goodies were pink and perfect for Valentine’s Day.

Valentine Decorations to make using fabric and paint

When I receive the surprise box of Waverly Inspirations fabrics, paints and ribbon for the monthly challenge, I never get an idea right away. I have to experiment and play with the paints and fabrics to come up with a creative way to use them. For this month’s challenge, I tested out a few ideas. I couldn’t decide which one I liked best so I will show you all of the ideas I experimented with.

Since the sideboard has a long rectangle shape, I wanted to create something long for the top. I headed to Walmart where Waverly Inspirations products are sold along with a $50 Walmart gift card to find something to use.

I found this long and narrow white platter and…

3 glass drinking glasses that look like tin cans. I loved them. :-)

I also bought 9 fake pink roses in case I couldn’t find real pink roses at the supermarket near me. I didn’t, so I used the fake ones to make my Valentine Flower Vase Trio Tray.

I made the XOXO insert for the gold frame from a magnet I had hanging on my fridge.

Valentine decorations to make using fabric and paint

I also wanted to find a way to use the pretty colors of paints that were in the box of goodies. I found two pieces of scrap wood in my garage, one is smooth and the other rough.

Here is what I made with the rough board…  I painted a pink, purple and white plaid pattern on the board and dry brushed white paint on the sides.

Valentine Flower Vase Ideas

I painted the smooth board pink and color-washed stripes over it.

I like each one and placed them in different areas around my house to show you. Painting the plaid and stripes was so easy when you use a 2″ wide basecoating brush.

Here is how I made the vases and painted boards.

How to Make a Valentine Flower Vase and Painted Trays

All supplies can be purchased at Walmart.

supplies needed:

How to Make Fabric Covered Vases

Valentine fabric for crafting

Choose the hearts you want to use from the fabric and cut them out with a sharp pair of scissors. Don’t cut along the shape of the heart, leave a little extra fabric. You will cut this away later.

To stiffen the fabric hearts so the cut fabric does not unravel, I created a non-sticking work surface to apply decoupage medium to the hearts. Once they are dry, they will peel right off instead of sticking.

How to make Valentine hearts using fabric
  • Cover a piece of cardboard with plastic wrap, secure on the back with tape.
  • Lay hearts on top of plastic wrap and apply a coat of decoupage medium evenly over hearts.
  • Let dry for a few hours then peel hearts off plastic.

Cut Out the Hearts and Add Eyelet

How to punch an eyelet into fabric
  1. When hearts are dry, cut out the heart right along the heart shape.
  2. Using the tip of the scissors, punch a small hole in the upper center of the heart.
  3. Put an eyelet in the hole and then use an eyelet punch to set the eyelet.
  4. It will look like this.

How to Fringe Edges on Vase Cover Fabric

For the hearts I wanted the fabric stiff so the cut edges would not unravel, but also to make them retain their shape. For the fabric vase covers I wanted the opposite, to create a homespun feeling with fringed edges.

How to create fringe on fabric edges

The gingham fabric has a nice fringed selvage. I used that to my advantage so I would only need to fringe one edge of the cover fabric.

  1. Cut fabric to size needed. For the tin can glasses, I cut the fabric 3″ x 12″.
  2. Hold the cut fabric in one hand and using your other, begin to remove the vertical threads. The fabric will ball up as you pull and remove the threads, but just pull and straighten it and keep pulling.
  3. You should pull the threads off until you have about 1/4″ of fringed edge to match the fringed selvage.
Valentine Flower Vase tray DIY
Valentine fabric heart vase DIY

4. Use a glue dot to attach fabric to the glass.

5. Cut an 18″ long piece of double-edge ribbon and thread through the back of the heart as shown above.

6. Tie onto glass, snip ribbon ends.

How To Colorwash Wood With Craft Paint

The Waverly Inspirations Basecoating Brush is sold for painting larger projects, but I found it the best way to paint fast stripes on the boards I painted. The technique can be used on any flat surface including furniture.

How to paint straight stripes with a paint brush

I wanted to color-wash the boards. To do this I mixed the paints with water.

To make the pink paint, I mixed 1 part White with 1 part Fuschia. The other colors of paint I used, I mixed 1 part paint to 1 part water. You can add more or less water depending on how transparent you want the paint wash to be. I wanted to still see the wood through the color-washing.

Use an old splayed out paint brush or chip brush to dry brush sides of wood. (sorry no photo of this step). Dip the brush into the White paint and then pounce it a few times on a paper towel to remove some of the paint. Brush on the paint against the grain of the wood. Let dry.

Paint To Apply Color Washing

How to color wash wood with craft paint
  1. Mix 1 part Crocus with 1 part water. Brush over wood.
  2. If the paint is not transparent enough, brush water over it.
  3. Let dry for a few minutes
  4. Optional: Dap with a paper towel to remove some of the color.

How to Paint a Plaid Pattern Using a Basecoating Brush

How to paint plaid
  1. Once board is dry, find and mark center of board. Dip basecoating brush into pink paint (White, Fuschia, and water mixture).
  2. Brush over the center of the board to make first stripe.
  3. Repeat the process to each side, leaving about  2″ in between each stripe. Don’t worry about them being perfect, the color washing should add to the distressed look of the wood.
  4. Once the wide pink stripes are dry, use the basecoating brush in a different way to apply the thin stripes. (see below)

4. To create thin stripes using the brush, apply the paint by keeping the brush vertical and pull the brush towards you as you paint the narrow white and pink stripes. Let dry.

When you color wash with paint, the paint will be very transparent and some colors may run into one another creating new colors, just as if you were using watercolors on paper.

Decorative painting tips

I created the narrow stripes on the pink board by only using the tip of the brush and holding it vertically as I pulled the loaded brush back and towards me.

Painting stripes on wood is very easy to do especially when you have the right tools, in this case the basecoating brush. It made it possible.

If you are feeling the winter doldrums, a trip to Walmart to see all the Waverly Inspirations paint colors and fabric patterns may just inspire you to add some color to your home this month.

More Ideas on How to Decorate With Trays

DIY Valentine's Day idea for flower vases using drinking glasses and fabric.

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  1. I was wondering about the tin can glassware you used. I’ve been looking everywhere for those specific glasses. I unfortunately cannot read what the brand is in your photo. Do you know or remember the name of the brand?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Emily – I bought the tin can glasses at Walmart. I wish I could give you a link to them, but they don’t have one on their website. I was there about a week ago and I saw they still had a few. I hope you can find them.

  2. vivek yadav says:

    Hiii Diane

    Your idea were Fresh and Charming. Beautifully Done.

    I Love Valentine Project. So Much.

  3. These ideas were very charming.
    You are truly the most creative person I have ever ‘met’.
    I was just looking at the project you did in 2012 – decorating the tin with scalloped paper and a tissue paper flower.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Kat :-) You are so kind. Thanks for reading and my older posts, too. XO

  4. Di-ANE! This has got to be the cutest Valentine project ever! Those drinking glasses and white tray from Wal-Mart of all places are the perfect base for this fresh and charming look! I am particularly enamored with the methods you used to paint the board, I’ve GOT to try that! Not saying that I will be successful, but I’m certainly going to try! The pink gingham, the ribbons, the hearts…Happy Valentine’s Day!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Judy – Thanks so much. Painting the board it super easy when you use the wide stiff brush. If you make the first stripe in the middle of the board and then go out from there to each side making brushstrokes… you can miss. I just eyeballed the spacing between the stripes since I wanted a slightly imperfect look.

  5. Linda Weeks says:

    Everybody likes the roses! I like that we both hit the Walmart now and then!

  6. Hi Diane,
    Did you make the XOXO print? I would love to have one so any info would be
    greatly appreciated.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Diane – The XOXO is a magnet that I had on my fridge. My sister gave it to me about a year ago. It fit perfectly in the frame that I bought last week at HomeGoods. It is a Drexel Heritage frame that has a chain attached to the top. I removed that and put a ribbon through the ring that held the chain on. I am not at home right now, but when I get back, I can see if there are any markings on the back of the magnet to see who makes it.

    2. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi again Diane – I am home from my trip and took a look at the XOXO magnet to see if it had any brand info on the back. It sure did. Here is a link to it:

  7. Hi Diane,

    Did you make the XOXO print? Love it and would love to have one. Any info on that?
    Love all your ‘stuff’…so much talent you have.

  8. Joanne B. says:

    I kept re-reading your post to see where you finally said you did find real roses! Those are the fake ones? I absolutely despise Walmart and avoid going there mostly because they never have what I run in for in the first place, but those roses look stunning. I may have to go get those- that is of course IF they have them. I won’t hold my breath!

  9. Mary Ann Howat says:

    You were looking for a swing out bed lamp — look at Houzz website. Lots of them and lower priced. I do like yours a lot though.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Mary Ann – I will head over there to see what they have.

  10. So lovely, adorable pink gingham.

  11. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me!

  12. Linda O'Neill says:

    How charming. Beautifully done. The fake roses are stunning. Wherever did you find them?

  13. I love the way you decorated the vases with the gingham and fabric heart and I love how you put the ribbon through the eyelet. I will make one of these vases for the hostess who’s having a Valentine Dinner for us. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Gosh, I thought those roses were real! They really have come a long way with artificial flowers, haven’t they?
    Everything looks so pretty, Diane. Can hardly wait to see the big reveal!
    You will have so much fun in Palm Springs! Enjoy

  15. So cute. Thanks for sharing! :)

  16. Sue Bauman says:

    I love this project! It has turned out so pretty and uplifting! I can’t wait to see how your foyer turns out, too!

  17. Love this project! So fun!

  18. Theresa Stewart says:

    Been following your blog for a cpl years and you are so fun! LoL and the hotel colors are soooooooo you! Have a great time and post all you can while you are there. Will be waiting with baited…paintbrush :-) <3 tree

  19. They couldn’t have chosen a more talented contributor! We love Palm Springs. Have Fun!

  20. I just recently discovered your blog and I love it!
    This is very sweet project too. I actually have a tray like this already, so this will work out nicely for me. Thanks for all of your inspiring posts.

  21. Carla from Kansas says:

    Those fake roses look real in the picture. So creative. You will love Palm Springs. How do bloggers find out about the different conferences throughout the year?

  22. TerriC/HoustonLady says:

    Hi Diane,

    Such a cute Valentine project!! I am planning a trip to Walmart tomorrow : ) Have a great time in CA!

    Safe travels