Decorating Challenge: Find Ways to Repurpose Your Furnishings
I have a budget-friendly decorating challenge for you to do this weekend. It is not difficult. In fact, you may enjoy doing it since it doesn’t have any calories, won’t cost you a dime and you can do it without the need to leave your house to complete it.
Best of all, doing this challenge may help you to use something already in your home in a different way. It will offer a fresh appeal to your surroundings that you never previously considered.
I took the challenge myself and could not be happier with my results.
So what is the decorating challenge you can do this weekend?

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The challenge didn’t start off as a challenge for me. In fact, it came to me as a surprise that all started when I needed a handy place to store an air fryer that was too big to keep on my kitchen counter.
I added this metal rolling cart and turned it into a kitchen island last spring. It has become the most used surface in the kitchen.
When I got an air fryer a few months ago, I stored it on the open bottom shelf of the rolling island. It fit fine, but it made the cart look cluttered.
I had to come up with an idea to hide it and figured I would have to go to HomeGoods to see if I could find a storage basket of some sort that would fit on the rolling cart. But HomeGoods is closed like so many other stores are now, so my need would have to wait.

After thinking about wanting to get out shopping to find a basket to fit the rolling cart, I went to my bedroom for an unrelated reason. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a basket that I use to hold pillows when they are not being used on the bed.
The basket is usually empty and I don’t give it much thought…. until that second when I decided to look at it in a different light and ask myself…
“What if? I am always looking for ways to repurpose items in my house. Here is one that I never considered before. What if I try to use the basket in a new and better way for my needs. It looks like it could fit on the rolling island. What a win if it did!“

As you can see, it did fit… like it was meant to be. Not only with the rolling cart, but it also goes with the color of the kitchen floor and chairs around my kitchen table.

Why didn’t I ever see the potential for this basket before? The reason – because once we put something in a room, we tend to only see it for that one room or use.

The basket is such a perfect fit for the cart and slides right out when I need to reach in to remove the air fryer.

Here’s my decorating challenge for you this weekend, even if you don’t have a specific need to fill. Much like finding a basket for a kitchen cart, is to really open your eyes and look at every item in every room of your house. Consider using one or even a few of them in different ways in different rooms.
It could be as simple as hanging artwork in another room. Perhaps you could use a side table in your living room as a night table in your bedroom or switch the lampshades on every lamp you own with other lamps to see how they look.
You never know until you try. If you don’t like the item in the new place, you can simply put it back. But don’t decide right away as your eye might not be used to seeing something different.
After a few hours, you may find the new placement is much better, after you take the time to really see.
So this weekend, when you get tired of making yeast-less bread, putting 1000-piece puzzles together and other homebound activities, try taking the challenge to see what new decorating potential you can find in your home.
Baskets You May Like…
I find most of the baskets I use around my house at HomeGoods and thrift stores, but since they are all closed now I searched for a few baskets that I would like to have in my house to use in one way or another.
The beauty of baskets is that they can be used in many ways. Big baskets can be turned upside down to create a side table. Smaller baskets can be stacked for smart storage.