Thrift Store Transformation: Tissue Box Cover

Remember the tissue box from the thrift store I wrote about. I told you I would show you soon what I was going to do with it?    Here it is –  my thrift store transformation of an outdated tissue box cover.

I have also chosen the winner of the Silhouette Portrait – see end of this post.


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No earth shattering before and after, but a simple transformation using gift wrap.

I need tissues in my studioffice, especially this time of year when the ragweed starts to wreak havoc on my nose.  With all the rain and heat we have had this summer, I am afraid people with ragweed allergies are going to suffer. I am going to be ready – and instead of a boring cardboard tissue box on my table – I now have something pretty.

Simple, easy, style that costs less than $2.00

I used gift wrap from one of the rolls I bought at HomeGoods


With a little imagination and decorative vision, items from the thrift store shelf can be easily transformed with paint, tapes, twine, you name it – there is no limit on ways to make something your own.

Here is my tissue box cover –before.


supplies needed:

  • tissue box cover
  • Gift wrap
  • Spray glue
  • Ruler
  • Craft knife
  • Pencil


1.  Lay giftwrap, pattern face down.  Place tissue box upside down on center of giftwrap.  Use a pencil to trace hole on top of box onto paper.

2.  Place a ruler against the box and draw a straight line where the ruler extends past the box.  Repeat on all sides of the box.


2.  After drawing the lines, the box cover template on the paper should look like this.


3. Do not cut out until you add 1/4” on the right side line of each side of the pattern – draw a parallel line so that you can make tabs that will wrap around each side of the box.


4. It should look like this after you cut the pattern out.


5. Using a craft knife, make cuts for center hole.


6. Apply spray glue to wrong side of gift wrap. Let it get tacky and then line up center of box back on the gift wrap. Bring one side up and smooth with your hand. Fold the tabs to the side and press smooth with your fingers.


7. Repeat on the other 3 side’s, but do not fold over the tabs on the last side.


8. Lay box on cutting surface and cut the last sides tabs off as well as the excess paper on the bottom of the box.


9. Use your fingers to smooth center hole tabs to the underside of the top.  Apply white glue or Mod Podge to secure.


10. To hide any cut lines along inner edge of hole, cut a thin piece of giftwrap and use ModPodge or white glue to attach it. Let dry.

Optional:  Since the gift wrap I used has a vinyl feel to it, I did not seal it. If you want to add a protective sealer – use Mod Podge spray sealer or any non – yellowing water based polyurethane, like Minwax Polycrylic. Test on a scrap piece of gift wrap first to make sure it won’t change the color of your gift wrap.

The winner of the Silhouette Portrait giveaway was chosen via

Congratulations  Jen # 192

I will contact you via email.

Silhouette Portrait




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  1. Thisni Caza says:

    Thanks for this! As an allergy sufferer, I have a box of tissues in nearly every room in my home…and the designs used on the boxes have become less appealing (to me) over time. I used to always have a brownish tortoise-looking box in the living room, but can no longer find anything neutral! But, cheapskate that I am, I’ll need to adapt these instructions for the flat boxes, as tissues in cube boxes cost nearly twice as much. How is that for being cheap : ) …? Thanks for your post.

  2. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    Yes, I have to find a tissue box first.

  3. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    Now this is just so clever. I don’t have a tissue box, but nice to know how to customize it when/if I ever get one….. wonder if I could make one? Might try it.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sheryll Lyn- this is a project you could do in a hour. I bet you have some pretty gift wrap around your house – maybe even some cute paper with dogs and cats on it.

  4. I’d love to see the end result of the masking tape and paint project! Please do it sometime!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Gloria – I will try to get one done for you to see. I remember my mom doing it on bottles and then rubbing shoe polish over the tape and then wiping it off. It looked very cool. It was quite a popular project, I think I covered a tray using the technique when I was in Girl Scouts. :)

      1. Thank you! I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with!


  5. The attention to detail (lining the cutout) is the most impressive part. I think that may be the key to why your projects look fantastic and mine always look ok. Sigh.

  6. Diane, I wish you could just move in with me for a month – you could go treasure hunting here, as I think I am downsizing. Your box would make the ideal hostess gift, last minute Christmas for someone who slipped your mind, etc.
    Even if I stay here, you would be in wonderland giving me more and more ideas of things to do with my old, inherited stuff. Love your work! Sad I didn’t win the contest, but at least someone’s husband can’t use that excuse anymore!

  7. christa sterken says:

    Enjoy seeing simple directions to use ordinary things, thanks

  8. L-O-V-E thrift store transformations. Very cute Diane!

  9. Katherines Corner says:

    a very creative craft. I love it! hugs

  10. Great job on this up-cycle! I have a metal tissue box that could definitely use a makeover!