The Best Two DIY Projects I Ever Made
I wanted to share with you 2 of the best DIY projects I have ever made. I started working on them many years ago.
I can’t take full credit for how wonderful these two projects have turned out, as they have been a joint DIY effort that I could not have completed without the able-bodied assistance of my hubby, Ed. He has been at my side since both projects conception.

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I can’t say these projects were easy, as they are still on-going and have come with many of the usual DIY glitches, mistakes, and frustrations. We didn’t have a step-by step tutorial to follow, we just followed our gut – tender loving care and lots of time and attention.
You may be working on one or more of these projects yourself, as they are a common do-it-yourself project. Yours may not be as far along as mine, but the steps involved to complete them is still the same. Working on these projects can be exasperating at times, especially when you have been working on them for about 13 years, but I think in the end you will be just as delighted with how your projects turn out as I am with mine.
The Two Best DIY’s I Ever Made
When I think back to when these two projects were still pretty new, I laugh and cry at the same time as they change so fast – one minute they are your real life little dollies that you can carry around with you where ever you go.
But they keep growing.

Wait rewind, stop the clock! I can’t . These projects are perpetually moving forward.
Then in what seems like a blink of your eye – they are pretty much complete… all grown up.

It seems like yesterday they were playing on toy horses.

Then before you know it – they are riding the real thing.
When they were still sort of new. My 2 projects could not be left in water alone and had to wear “water wings“.

Then blink – they can fly through the water with no wings at all.

They used to drink formula out of baby bottles.

Now they belly up to the bar for Mardi Gras – tasting beer out of bottles.

She used to love driving her Barbie car

Or getting to drive on the bumper cars on the Ocean City, NJ Boardwalk

Then blink – she is driving the real thing.

They used to love getting dressed up.
And had many dresses…. worn only once.
The first day of school …
to graduations from Pre-school

High school

and College.

Crooked teeth, years of orthodontist visits and thousand’s spent –

But worth every cent!!!

The next thing you know, you are saying goodbye with tears in your eyes at the station as #1 embarks on a 27- month journey across the globe with the Peace Corps.

And just this week, Ed and I helped move # 2 into her first college apartment outside of the dorms. She won’t be home this summer as she will be working in her college town.
You only have one chance to make these projects turn out beautifully. Tomorrow will be here before you know it. Enjoy every moment you can because in a blink of your eye – your yesterday’s are gone, your memories will be sweet, and your nest empty.
The house is quiet now. It’s just Ed and I. None of their friends coming through the house – saying, ” Hi, Mr and Mrs H, how ya doing?” No more speakers up to full volume, or junk food in the refrigerator and pantry. No more pool parties with their high school XC team trying to create a world record to see how many of them can fit into the hot tub.
There is less laundry, practically none. Their rooms are like museums, empty of life – but exhibits of their childhood. The house is no longer filled with their presence, laughter, and goings-on. There is a stillness about that I am just getting used to.
I could not have made these 2 projects come out as well as they did without giving my hubby half the credit. He has been the best hands-on dad ever- so thanks honey x o
A fun new adventure… time for me. When most of you are having to adjust to your project’s being out of school for the summer, I am on the other end. My first summer without #1 & #2 around.
I now can read a book on the beach without having to worry that I will lose sight of one of them, no more carpools, or teacher conferences, homework to help with, recitals, dances, bag lunches to make, etc
I will enjoy this new time in my life as it is nice to see them all grown up and happy, but in my heart they will always be like this – my precious real life little dollies.