Style Scouting: Wait to You See What Hurricane Helene Did to My House

Before I share the links for this week’s Style Scouting. I wanted to share what happened at my house.

interior house damage from a tree crashing through roof during Hurricane Helene September 2024

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How do you like how Hurricane Helene decided to re-decorate one of the guest rooms in my house?

If you are wondering what punched through the roof of the house and into this bedroom…. that would be a very large tree. What amazes me is that the glass globe on the ceiling fan in the room didn’t shatter.

House damage after a tree falls down on it.

This and more happened on Friday morning as our day was starting and Hurricane Helene whipped into town with 35-40 mph sustained winds and 80 mph gusts. She created devastation in her path in the way of trees down and power outages everywhere.

Property damage from Hurricane Helene

We are still without power and most likely will be for days as one of our neighbor’s trees fell over the road to the cul-de-sac on which I live. It pulled down the wires and brought down the electrical transformer on it that services the cul-de-sac.

yard debris after Hurricane Helene blew through.

Ed and my brother-in-law have spent the last two days cleaning up the mess on the ground. Once done, we will help neighbors with similar scenarios like us until a tree service can come and remove the tree.

I was able to write this post at my sister’s house where they just got their power back, but they just found out that they will be losing the use of water.

Bedroom in house damage after tree breaks through ceiling.

When destruction like this happens and we lose electrical power and the ability to use our phones, get online, wash dishes, shower and have the use of water at our fingertips, it makes you realize just how much we take having them so readily available in our homes for granted.

Insurance has been called and we are waiting for the adjuster and tree removal service to come out. We were told it could be 4-5 days before they can get here.

The most valuable lineman in America are not in the NFL meme

For now, all we can do is wait for the insurance adjuster, tree service and the lineman to bring a new pole and transformer. God bless them for working so hard around the clock to help us get our lives back to normal.

Ed and I are trying to stay positive as we were not injured.

If you live where Helene came through, I hope you were not impacted too severely.

I will try my best to get a new post up this week, but with no electricity and internet at home, I know if I don’t you will understand. :-).

Now onto the inspiring links I found for you this week.

Posts You May Have Missed This Week:


Love, love, love this kitchen’s island and the kitchen itself. (open in same tab)

This is a house that I could live in. (open in same tab)

This beautiful home tour. So much to see. (open in same tab)

This lakeside cottage is a beauty! (open in same tab)


The finish on these wood frames came out great and look like they are from a decorator catalog. (open in same tab)

A clever and spooky cute DIY Halloween decoration for your windows. (open in same tab)

The easiest interior door DIY. So creative and smart! (open in same tab)


If you like to use your phone for everything then you may like this way to label your bins and boxes. (open in same tab)

Home Improvement

What these homeowners did when they wanted more light in their kitchen. (open in same tab)


What a beautiful cake decorated for the fall season. (open in same tab)

A dinner classic to enjoy for a weeknight dinner with maybe enough leftovers for another meal. (open in same tab)

If you like apples did you know this tip? (open in same tab)

Out & About

Did you know you can trade in your tech at Costco for gift cards? (open in same tab)

Fun & Interesting

Seeing what some farmers artistically do to their cornfields in the fall amazes me. No pun intended. (open in same tab)

How to write a meaningful thank you note. (open in same tab)

Something to Think About

What JOMO is and how to embrace it. (open in same tab)

And make sure you are getting all of these. (open in same tab)

“The best way to treat obstacles is to use them as stepping-stones. Laugh at them, tread on them, and let them lead you to something better.” – Enid Blyton

Oh… So Stylish Finds

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If you enjoy these posts – You can find past Style Scouting posts here.

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  1. Melanie R says:

    I am so, so sorry. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. My heart and prayers are with you and everyone else affected by this devastation.

    1. Oh my goodness…what a site. Glad to hear you two are doing ok though. I hope the repairs go smoothly for you, and for your neighbors. Stay well! ;)

  2. Diane I am so grateful you & Ed are safe. Keeping you in my thoghts and prayers. Hope it isn’t too long until you have power again, the tree is removed & your guestroom is repaired. All the best to you & your community.

  3. I’m so sorry about your damage. Living through Helene this time was rough. Our town is devastated. We are counting our blessings that we are alive and have a roof over our head. I pray power will come more quickly than expected.

  4. As with all the other commenters, I am sorry you and Ed had damage to your home, and grateful that you were not injured. Hopefully your home won’t receive any more damage while awaiting for the tree removal and roof repairs.
    Thank you for posting your usual Sunday Style Scouting post. You find the most interesting items. The thank you note information was indeed helpful as I always struggle to know how to express thanks.
    Prayers for you and Ed and all the other hundreds of people impacted by Helene. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

  5. It’s unbelievable to see that tree coming through your ceiling. I’m glad you are safe, but what a shock. The whole thing must seem unreal, and it’s good you have family to comfort you. I expect all the people who work in situations like this are going to be very busy for a long time. Take care and know that all your readers care about you very much!

  6. Wow, just unbelievable and so scary!! Amazing that the mirror isn’t cracked or anything. So glad no one was hurt and it must be comforting to have your sister nearby too. So sorry this happened and to everyone else that has been affected by this hurricane. Horrifying videos online. I can’t imagine….Meanwhile, it was another great post with lots of fun links. I always learn something! Thank you for taking the time to send a post today. Prayers for everyone in the path of Helene’s destruction.

  7. Lou Clifton says:

    So sorry for the tree damage, we cut down every pine, that was tall enough to hit the house, they have very little roots, unlike oaks, but we had a huge oak just fall over back in the summer, it was dying in the middle we were fortunate it didn’t hit the house, at that point we took another large willow oak out that if it fell would hit the house, I am sure we will not miss the leaves this fall, we live in middle of NC and my heart goes out to everyone that has been affected by this weather

  8. If there was ever a blog post to comment on, it’s today’s. SO very sorry this has happened to a home you have so lovingly made your own and generously shared with us. Looking at the photos, it could have been so much worse and glad that you and Ed are okay. Best of luck as you start cleaning up and dealing with overwhelmed insurance adjusters.

  9. Such terrible news, Diane! Thankfully, you and Ed got unharmed. It must have been really frightening. Wish everything will get back to normal as soon as possible. Such a blessing you have your sister nearby now. My best thoughts for you and all the people affected by the hurricane, from Buenos Aires, Argentina

  10. Michele M. says:

    Oh Diane, I am so terribly sorry about the damage to your lovely home. How awful. Thank the good Lord you weren’t hurt or more damage done. It’s just awful what these hurricanes and tornadoes and tsunamis and volcanos are doing to mother earth. Praying for this world!

    On a happier note – thank you for your Style Scouting. It is always a highlight of my weekend. You find the BEST home tours and decorating. That’s my fav portion. Take care.

    1. So sorry that happened to your beautiful home. Thank goodness it can be fixed. Grateful most of all that you weren’t injured. That storm was supposed to hit us but it swerved in your direction. I wish you all the best with getting your life out back together.

  11. So very sorry for your damage but giving thanks you and Ed were not harmed. We have been through two hurricanes living on the Alabama Gulf Coast and can understand the confusion you feel and just where do we begin with recovery. I even washed my hair with the hose pipe in our front yard. It’s amazing how as you say we take for granted so much. There is a rainbow coming on the other side. Just take it one day at a time. Thankful too you have family near. Prayers for you.

  12. Debra Wallace says:

    Wow Diane, those pictures are incredible! That must have been so frightening when the tree broke. I can’t imagine the sound. I’m so glad you and Ed were unharmed. I’ve been praying for the victims of the hurricane–didn’t know you were one of them!

  13. I am so sorry that you had damage from the hurricane. I live on the Northeast side of Columbia, SC and had 7.5 inches of rain with wind gusts up to 55mph. Our power flickered, but we never lost power. It got scary a few times that morning though! We definitely understand if you aren’t able to put out a new post for a while. Just glad that y’all are OK!

  14. Barbara Pilcher says:

    So glad you and Ed are safe. The devastation here in NC is mind-boggling! Some towns can never replace what was lost of their old-world charm.

    This week’s links got me in the autumnal mood. Thanks for sharing.

  15. So sorry to see the damage on your home from Helene. Keeping all those affected in my thoughts and prayers.

  16. Kathleen Lyons says:

    Always look for you emails each week and so enjoy all that you share and the advise you have given me on two occasions.

    I want to say am sorry for the destruction you have been given by the hurricane—-not only you but the hundreds of others.
    Wish you and yours the best and take care.


  17. Caye Cooper says:

    Oh Diane! I’m so glad you are safe!!!! Did that happen during the day or at night?
    I’ve see the horrible destruction in NC and TN and I’m overwhelmed. I’ve been watching on YT, Ryan Hall Y’all. He’s a meteorologist and forecaster and is just great at storm tracking and predicting. He has an organization which is totally designed to help disaster victims. Last Spring he raised $300k for tornado victims down south. He goes to hardware stores and gets water, food, blankets and other supplies. He then sets up trucks to deliver and distribute. He even has a simple kitchen setup so his volunteers can make easy meals if needed. I can only imagine how horrible it must be to lose everything but the clothes on your back. A few hours before you had a home, a bed, clothes, food, water, and a roof over your head, and now it’s all gone. How mind bending that must be.

    So again, I’m glad you are safe and able to carry on. Take care.

  18. Sue Bauman says:

    Wow, the tree that hit your home is HUGE! What a scary scene to see your initial photo, I couldn’t figure out what was going on in your guest room. I am very glad you and Ed survived Mother Nature’s wrath and I hope the path to recovery is smooth for you and your neighbors.

  19. Wishing you the best in the repair of your home. Glad that both of you are OK!

    Here in Cary, NC we faired well. Cannot say the same for those that live in the Big Bend of Florida – my friends say Cedar Key is gone.


  20. Julia@Cuckoo4Design says:

    Oh my gosh, Diane, I’m so sorry but glad you guys are ok.

    1. I’m so sorry for the damage, but the tree is keeping with your “white and woodsy” design style… ;-)

      Glad you’re all ok. 🩷

  21. Michelle c says:

    I am so glad you and Ed are ok! With your creative ideas, this temporary disaster may bring you a new blank canvas to have fun with!

  22. Patty Reed Pederson says:

    Link for table brings up wrong item

  23. Linnea Rodman says:

    Diane, so relieved to hear that you and Ed are safe after the hurricane. Good luck with getting the house repaired. Happy Fall, Linnea

  24. Diane and Ed,

    So sorry to read about the damage to your home and property. You have been on my mind as updates were constant on tv about the hurricane. So much damage for so many😔. Sending prayers that you recover quickly.

    Diane, do not worry about your followers. Take a break to take care of you, Ed and your lovely home. We all understand❤️

    1. So sorry to see this, and so relieved you all are ok! I’m in the Charlotte area and was thinking of you this week as the storm came through. Thanks for your generosity in putting up a post for your followers today. Sending very best wishes to you for the repairs and recovery!

  25. I am so sorry you’re having to deal with this. What amazes me is how great that room looks, even with a tree crashing through! The bedspread isn’t even crumpled.
    I hope clean up goes well and you’ll soon be able to return home. No doubt you’ll come up with some creative uses for that pesky tree!

  26. I’m so sorry to see the damage the storm caused to your home. Thankful you and your family are okay. Prayers as you wait for power to be restored and for the arrangements for repairs to be made.

  27. Helene is a tyrant!!! So sorry about all this but really happy to hear you’re all ok and safe 💜. Thinking good thoughts for you and your family!!

  28. Laura Janning says:

    Oh no Diane! Who knew this storm would have such devastating impacts to so many.. so many states. Glad you both are okay.

  29. Terry Marks says:

    Dear Diane – I’m so sorry about your house. God is providential. He knew down the road you’d be needing your sister and he got her in place well in advance. Stay well friend.
    Terry Marks – Maryland

  30. Diane, I am so glad you and your husband are safe. Hoping you get power and water back quickly.

  31. So glad you are safe after the storm! How nice of you to do your post in the midst of chaos – thank you! When you have wifi and things have settled down, could you share the link again for the three tier side table? When I click on it, the Stanley thermos product pops up. Appreciate all you do!

  32. Liz Feldman says:

    So pleased neither one of were hurt. What a mess the storm made of your garden and guest room. An opportunity to change the decorations? Regards Liz

  33. So sorry for your beautiful home! ….. And, for your neighbors! Prayers for all to get back to normal very soon.

  34. Diane, I am so sorry you have damage to your house but thankful you and Ed are ok. I live about 30 miles south of Atlanta where Helene came through as a strong tropical storm. We were anticipating power outages, etc too but luckily our power stayed on. There is devastation everywhere and flooding where people had to be rescued. Unfortunately, another hurricane is forecast through the same route in a week. Stay safe!

  35. Thank goodness you & your husband are safe & unharmed!