Style Scouting: Vol. 192

Thanks for stopping by for this week’s Style Scouting. My Sunday post where I share the random stuff that captured my attention or inspired me that I found online.

Lilacs in a wicker vase on a marble kitchen counter.
photo: The Grit & Polish

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Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there.

When I think of Mother’s Day I always think of lilacs. They were my mom’s favorite flower. When I came across the photo of the lilacs on the Grit & Polish blog, I smiled.

My mom would have loved getting a big vase like this filled with them. It would be the best gift I could ever give her. She liked getting them more than any fancy or expensive item.

My mom is no longer living, but in the house I grew up in she strategically planted a lilac bush in the backyard where she could always see it when standing at the kitchen sink since it was a place she spent a lot of time.

My girls and grandkiddies are having a tea party over Facetime this afternoon. I plan to place a small bouquet of lilacs on my dining table in remembrance of her. I did see them once at the grocery store and hope they have them again.

Wishing you a wonderful day.

Now onto the links I found this week.

Posts You May Have Missed This Week:


I like the mix of white and dark wood in this home on the shores of Lake Michigan.

What a bright and cheery kitchen in Atlanta. I love it, not too trendy and has pops of color.

This home’s decor is for color lovers.


This clever and creative DIY done on a refrigerator. It looks great!

Love this repurposing idea on how to add a floral planter to the center of an umbrella table. If it doesn’t work for you, try this idea.

This planter is sold out online, but you can still get it at your local Walmart. Look at what you can do with it besides using it as a planter.


What your pantry says about you.


This pasta dish looks good.

I have never heard of this kind of cake, but oh my it looks delicious.

Do you like to make ice cream? If so you may love this recipe.

Out & About

How to save money at the grocery store. (NYT gift article)

Fashion & Beauty

I remember doing this back in the 1980’s to make you look your best. It is becoming popular again.

A very pretty everyday summer blouse.

Watching & Reading

I just started this book on Friday night. So far, so good. I want to keep turning the pages to know more about the main character and why she is doing what she is.

Fun & Interesting

Do you know what a skeuomorph is?

Are you terrible at directions? Here are some Tricks to improve your navigation skills.

Something to Think About

When you are feeling overwhelmed by anything in life, these tips may help.

“Everything that is real was imagined first.” – The Velveteen Rabbit

Oh… So Stylish Finds

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  • I am thinking of getting a few sets of these (so cool) for around the front steps and deck of my house.
  • I will coordinate with my bedding in these comfy pj’s. :-) They come in a few different colors and patterns.

If you enjoy these posts – You can find past Style Scouting posts here.

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  1. Carol Heartfelt Whimsies says:

    Diane—-I loved this post—my great-grandmother had a huge lilac bush off her kitchen and lilacs always remind me of her.
    Your blog posts are amazingly chock-full of so many interesting/beautiful/helpful tidbits.
    Thanks for all the great content!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Carol – Thanks :-) I enjoy writing about the things I do and sharing what I think will interest readers. Thanks for reading.

  2. Michele M. says:

    Love your new blog pic. Well done, ma’am.
    Great Scoutings this week. Love that lilacs pic- the wicker just gives it the perfect look. When we moved into this home 21 years ago we planted a lilac bush right outside my kitchen window. And my word they smell so nice with the breeze – oh how I love that huge bush. It’s grown so huge. My mom loved lilacs too and we had a lilac tree vs a bush. Hope you had a nice mother’s day weekend.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Michele – I wish lilacs and other flowers and flowering trees would stay in bloom longer so we could enjoy them all season long and not just for a short amount of time. Just think of the beautiful smelling breeze all spring and summer long. :-)

  3. Sue Verbaan says:

    I love the lilacs! I have good size bush and clipped a few branches
    to enjoy inside. I smashed the branch end so the water would be better absorbed. The next day the branches were totally wilted and
    past be viable. Do you have any hints? So disappointed.
    Hope you had a warm and wonderful Mother’s Day.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sue – I have never smashed the branches. What I do is before placing flowers in a vase, I trim the stems at a 45-degree angle, removing at least one inch. This slanted cut helps flowers absorb more water. You can also make 2″ slit up from the bottom of the branch so the flower will get more water. The other thing you can try is what I do with Hydrangeas. I read to cut them only when it is cool out or in the morning and plunge them into water as soon as you cut them. I have a bucket full of cool water outside with me to place each cutting in. Once I have enough, I take them inside and angle and slit each and place in a vase of room cool water. Since I started doing this, no more wilted flower heads.

  4. Lilacs are wonderful💜. Thank you for sharing your memory and Happy Mother’s Day🌺

  5. That’s a beautiful memory of your mom. For me, lilacs remind me of my dad. The week he passed away lilacs were out early that year & were magnificent. The glass lit stones are gorgeous, how stunning placed along a garden path as well, but so pricey. Love the fluted planter with the pizza pan!

    1. One of my favorite flowers is lilacs but my mother really loved all flowers. They smell so great. The fluted planter was impressive. I love that you changed your profile picture!