Style Scouting: Vol. 189

Thanks for stopping by for this week’s Style Scouting. My Sunday post where I share the random stuff that captured my attention or inspired me that I found online.

3 decoupage cans with flower napkins.
photo: First Day of Home

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I have been busy painting my bathroom vanity this week. I removed the drawers and cabinet doors and placed them on saw horses in my studioffice to paint. Having the space in this room comes in very handy when trying to paint production line style.

I am taking my time so I get a smooth finish. I have the vanity base painted and the backs of the doors and drawer fronts done. I am hoping to have the vanity done by the end of the week and will share it with you soon.

While the paint is drying, I came up with a plan to make a new headboard for the guest room I call the rustic guest room. My neighbor who is moving and had the woodshop asked me if I wanted any of the aged wood he had. At first I didn’t want it, but then inspiration struck and I took it all.

This morning I am off to Lowes to get more paint. It is project central at my house this week… I hope you have an inspired one.

Posts You May Have Missed This Week:

My Primary Bath is Getting a Makeover


I always enjoy looking at vacation home real estate listings like this.

How a designer created a new “old” house.

Form meets function in this cottage.

Featured projects from this designer’s work.


This recycling project turned out so pretty… now I want to make a few.

Update a bathroom vanity with fabric. And if you like decorating with fabric, how to make a sink or open base cabinet skirt without sewing.

How to use fabric as wallpaper. If doing it on a wall seems to daunting, try the technique on a piece of furniture.


This recipe for a busy weeknight dinner.

The best sauteed shrimp.

I have made cinnamon buns with Pillsbury Crescent Rolls that are always delicious. Here is a new to me recipe using them where the soda Sprite is one of the ingredients.

Out & About

Get together ideas on what you can do with friends besides going out for drinks.

Fashion & Beauty

This preppy ribbon and straw tote. :-)

Fun & Interesting

On your next flight, don’t ask for a Coke or Bloody Mary, consider asking for this drink from the flight attendant when asked want you would like to drink.

Something to Think About

Phrases to use to shut down a conflict according to psychologists.

“Be brave and clear. Follow your heart and don’t be overly influenced by outside factors. Be true to yourself.”- Shirley Temple

Oh… So Stylish Finds

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

If you enjoy these posts – You can find past Style Scouting posts here.

And… If you’re catching up on blog posts you may have missed, be sure to sign-up to get my newest posts via email to stay up to date with everything that’s happening here on the blog and more.

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  1. Barbara Pilcher says:

    Thanks for our dose of Sunday links! I always enjoy the variety of your choices. The decoupage post has good tips in it. That picture frame and those straw totes have your name written all over them.

    My computer virus protection blocks the link for “Form meets function in this cottage.” Thought you should know.

  2. Hi Diane, I always look forward to your Sunday posts, and the links you send are interesting. Among other things, this blog is poorly designed–postings aren’t separated into different links, they just follow one another and the entire page just goes on and on. Ads caused some “hopping around” making it tricky to follow a story. Everything is cluttered with ads that cover up text and are off-putting (especially the ones about torture), and I have an ad blocker on my computer. I won’t visit this site again.

  3. I haven’t thanked you in a while for your frequent entertaining posts. I appreciate the ideas you find to share. I also enjoy your DIY posts.

    Thank you for brightening my Sunday mornings!

  4. Julia@Cuckoo4Design says:

    Thanks so much for linking to my blog post. I always love your style scouting posts. Have a great Sunday!