Style Scouting: Vol. 140

Thanks for stopping by for this week’s Style Scouting. My Sunday post where I share the random stuff that captured my attention or inspired me that I found online.

Counter to ceiling windows in kitchen
photo: Murphy & Co.

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How can it be that April is now history and we are welcoming May tomorrow. I usually don’t like to see time fly by, but am happy that May is here.

It means in a couple of weeks that my granddaughter, Zoe is going to have a little brother. Which also will give me my second grandchild. :-) and a trip to Los Angeles.

On a design note, this week I am going to start a kitchen remodeling plan. No idea if we will do it, but why not dream and that is what I am going to do. Dream up the kitchen of my dreams and share it with you, even though my kitchen is small. If you have any small kitchen redesign ideas, let me know.

Now onto this week’s links.

Posts You May Have Missed This Week:


What a happy house. I could move right in.

Lots of decorating eye candy in this home.

I like the simple, almost shaker appeal of this home.

A neutrally decorated home with a mix of wood tones.


I like finding creative ideas like this on how to use tin cans in decorative ways.

This simple pillar candle holder that you can stain or paint.

Home Improvement

I have 4 sets of 3-door sliding glass doors off my deck. Each set needs a door mat and over the years the ones I bought haven’t held up well. I just bought 4 of these and am hoping they will last. Does anyone have these? Do they hold up well?


Just in time for Cinco de Mayo. A festive drink that is a cross between a beer and a Bloody Mary.

How smart is this way to toast up a sandwich wrap.

If you love Erin French and enjoy watching The Lost Kitchen.

This not only looks good to eat, but also fun to make.

Out & About

Ed and I are thinking about cutting the cord on cable TV and go with streaming services. This article has helped us understand all that is offered.

Reading & Watching

The All the Light We Cannot See trailer and release date is here. I read it when it first came out and knew it would make it to the big screen one day. It is one of my favorite WWII era books EVER! It is going to be hard having to wait until November to watch it. If you haven’t already, you still have time to read the book

A list of what will be coming to Netflix for May.

Fashion & Beauty

I love short sleeve shirts like this for spring and summer. Comfy and stylish with jeans or a skirt.

Fun & Interesting

Have you read about or seen the newest Barbie Doll? She will make you smile!

A cute story for anyone who played sick so they didn’t have to go to school for a day.

When you can’t sleep at night, try this trick the military uses.

Something to Think About

Stuff like this is always good to be aware of. Same with this news since most of own cell phones.

“If you see someone without a smile today, give ’em yours.” – Dolly Parton

If you enjoy these posts – You can find past Style Scouting posts here.

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  1. Dianne Whitehead says:

    Hi, Diane. I have followed you for oh-so-long and love your posts! One thing I would really like to read about is how to organize a chest freezer. I liked the one about organizing the regular refrigerator freezer, and so it made me wonder if you could help me with my challenge with the deep chest freezer. I have tried plastic bins/boxes from Dollar Tree, but the extreme cold causes them to break when you take them out. I had some success with plastic tote bags, but you can’t see what’s in them.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Dianne – Thank you for being a long time follower. XO I have never owned a chest style freezer and off the top of my head don’t have any ideas. Let me think on it awhile to see if I come up with something. The tote bag idea is clever, I wonder if you could find clear ones?

  2. Love that toasted sandwich trick!

    And… we gave up cable several months ago and went with YouTube TV. I’m not sure that it’s the cheapest streaming service, but we wanted access to live TV so it was a good fit. Between that, Amazon and PBS Passport, we have plenty of options.

  3. Becky in 'Bama says:

    Regarding cutting the cable: there was a time it was much less expensive to stream; however, those streaming companies continue upping their monthly fees. I read posts on Facebook from ‘friends’ who say that they are mostly back to their previous cable bill charges; some have now surpassed those fees because of programming they like that requires them to use ($$) another streaming platform. I suppose you can save money if you develop a stringent list of programming and don’t succumb to some new popular show. Funny (not) how services advertise on the regular cable channels. I’m still mulling over it as my tastes in viewing change.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Becky – After doing a lot of research, your comment is spot on. My husband Ed is a Philadelphia Eagles fan and living in SC, we never get the weekly games during football season. He has to have Sunday Ticket which used to be on Direct TV. Now it will be on YouTube TV – which is a streaming service. All I can say is that choosing a TV Cable/streaming provider is so complicated and really shouldn’t be. Right now we are looking to see if just adding YouTube over football season and then removing it will keep costs down. Like you we are still mulling over the options.

  4. Thank you very much for posting about the USB chargers and the dark patterns. Extremely useful to know

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Liz – Reading the articles opened up my eyes. Over the last 18 months I have been traveling a lot to Los Angeles and spend a lot of time in airports where I use the USB kiosks all the time. No more! Happy to know that you found the article useful.

  5. Congratulations on the new grandbaby! Ok, kitchen ideas…what about if you relocate your studioffice to the second floor bonus room, expand the kitchen using the former studioffice, take down the wall that’s currently between the living room and kitchen. Also I hate that your beautiful view is blocked by the section of wall where the TV is, so I’d put another set of sliders there instead. Hey, if you’re dreaming, go big, right?! 😉

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Melanie – Thanks for taking the time to comment with kitchen ideas. All of them are great ideas. If I am dreaming… I would like the entire wall with the sliding doors to be retractable so the inside and outside of the house become one. :-).

  6. I have chilewich door mats and have had them out in the weather under all kinds of conditions and they are in excellent shape after ten years. They haven’t faded and are not showing any signs of wear and tear. The good news is they’ve expanded their sizes and colors. I highly recommend them.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Linda – I was not familiar with Chilewich door mats and just looked them up. Nice. I love the colors. I think I will get one for my younger daughter’s house as they are so cheery, plus knowing that they last for 10 years – worth the cost. Thanks for taking the time to tell me about them.

  7. Wow!! So many interesting articles in this post along with gorgeous homes!!

    Congratulations on your newest grandchild!! I’m sure everyone is eagerly awaiting their arrival 💜

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Lynn – Yes we are all eagerly awaiting his arrival which I can’t believe is almost here. :-)

  8. I have a huge water hog mat in my utility room where the dogs go in and out the back door.
    Keeps a lot of mud out of the rest of my house during the rainy days. They are well worth the money as they last for years. I have never heard anyone say they were disappointed with this particular mat. Looking forward to seeing your ideas for your kitchen.

  9. Jen from Ottawa says:

    I can vouch for the LL Bean Waterhog mats 😊 we have had one in charcoal for about 12 years and it still looks new – and we’re in Canada- it gets road salt and gravel on it, so we just bought another one in a paler grey. They are heavy and tough. Hose them off outside to clean them. They’re expensive, but worth it, in my opinion.

  10. Yes! The Water Hog mats are great! They are heavy, but that’s good in this case. One feature I like is the wide rubber edges are beveled. No tripping.