So Long Summer at Lake George

What to do on a day trip to Lake George in upstate New York.

I was in a New York state of mind over the Labor Day weekend.  Ed and I got back last night after 4 fun-filled days spent visiting our oldest daughter who lives in the Albany area.  The weather was gorgeous… perfect for enjoying the last weekend of the summer vacation season.

Lake George NY

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On Saturday we headed to Lake George. If you have never been…it is a jewel of a lake located at the southeastern base of the Adirondacks. It’s all about scenic water views, quaint old-fashioned inns, cottages, motels, shops and restaurants that surround it on the western side.

It was a hopping place around the town of Lake George, so we headed a bit further north up Lake Shore Drive to Bolton Landing where it was somewhat less crowded.

Renting kayaks at Lake George

We wanted to go kayaking and there is a great place out on Green Island to rent them called the Lake George Kayak Company. I took this photo of my daughter and her boyfriend after we kayaked and were headed to dinner.

Lake George-2

We spent 4 hours out exploring the lake.  I enjoyed paddling around Green Island to see the Sagamore Hotel Resort from the lake

Resort on Lake George

and later on foot. We learned that it burnt down not once, but a few times, but was rebuilt each time and is thriving.

Lake George-3
Lake George-4

We paddled by ferries…

…and a waterfront Bed and Breakfast, complete with boathouse underneath.

kayaking on Lake George NY

Now if only I can find a lake like this where it doesn’t freeze over in the winter. :-)

Lake George-5

The day ended way too fast. It was one of those perfect days I will remember for a long time.

Lake George-7

After we turned the kayaks in we headed to the Tavern on the Lake for lakeside dining.  The restaurant is located in a very old stone building that is right on the water’s edge.

Lake George-6

I can just imagine how spectacular this view from the restaurant’s terrace will be in a few weeks when all the trees start to show off their autumn splendor.

Lake George-10

On Sunday we relaxed and took a leisurely walk along a peaceful trail.

Lake George-11

On Monday, we packed a picnic lunch and went hiking at Thacher State Park, which is 15 miles southwest of Albany.  We hiked along the Indian Cliff Trail.

Lake George-12

In the spring, there is usually a waterfall here, but it has been pretty dry over the summer, so only rocks…

Indian Cliff Trail in New York state

…that someone had fun pretending he was holding up.

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Again the day went by too fast and we had to head home, but not before stopping for…

Marthas Dandee Creme

…the biggest ice cream cones ever at Martha’s Dandee Creme.  This is a small.  The next time we plan to take on a large :-)

It was a fun trip, getting to spend time with family, kayak on Lake George and explore the surrounding areas.  If you are interested in finding out more about a stay in Lake George.

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  1. I grew up in New England and may summer holidays were spent in Lake George and the surrounding area. I tookmy son their several times when he was growing up- but we live in Maryland and it is not as much of a hop ski and jump as it was for me growing up in MA. I have been looking for a similar option, like Lake George bt does not freeze over in the winter, yet cool and cleana nd deep. Keep us informed should you find options.

  2. Oh, I miss so much the summers at Lake George. I live in England now and at the last couple of years I don’t have the chance to go there. But next summer I`ll plan a vacation there :)

  3. Patricia Wilson says:

    Diane, in your and Ed’s quest to find the “perfect place” to down-size, I’ll be following the two of you all the way to take notes to decide the locations my husband I may want to explore ourselves to find our own “perfect place. I hope, Diane, that you’ll be able to continue your blog throughout your exploration. Though I don’t know you personally, nevertheless, I find myself identifying with you through your home design choices and your narrative on your blog. Wishing you the best in this newest chapter.

    Patricia Wilson
    Columbia, CT

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Patricia – Thanks for the nice note. I plan to post all about our trip and the areas, shops, and sites we see as we travel. Once we find a place to live, I will be excited to get back into what I normally post about…DIYing In My Own Style. :-)

  4. Wow, that looks like a fantastic vacation destination. I’m not familiar with that region, but now I’ll definitely be checking it out. We’re west coast people, so it’s hard to make it east of the Mississippi, but we’re hoping to make it some day in the near future.

  5. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    Wow, what gorgeous photo’s. You sure are brave to go out so far in what appears to be rough water……. scares me. There are some lakes in Florida….. and they do not freeze over….. but we have many more months of warm weather here. Shorts, tee shirts and flip flops are the dress of the day here. And the weather reports said it was hotter in N. Y. , than here in N.E. Florida. Life is good here in good ol’ Jax. Like my dear dad used to tell his Yankee relatives, “Florida is much more conducive to better living!” lol Well, I must agree, cause I bought my first home here and retired here, to never live any other state again.

  6. Wow! Such beautiful scenery.

  7. What a fabulous place and Stunning promotional pics for us non US citizens <3

  8. Diane,

    not a lake but creeks and Pamlico River here in Eastern NC that don’t freeze. We have a State Park with a nice boat ramp, beach, camping, fun kayaking. Tons of boat ramps all around. Lots of water front lots to build on or water front homes. You should check it out.
    Heike :)

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Heike – The Pamlico Sound is on our list of places to check out. We are headed there in a few weeks. Any recommendations of towns or areas? Are there any areas to avoid…flooding issues?

      1. Washington (North of the River) and Chocowinity (South of the River) each have gated communities with water access. I live outside of Bath (oldest incorporated town in NC – home of Edward Teach, Blackbeard). I really like it here. Belhaven is a quaint little town, but as it is 3-6 ft. above sea level it does flood. Most houses were raised after Hurricane Floyd. Bath has a lot of Subdivisions on the water with plenty of lots and new homes for sale. Boating, kayaking, fishing, biking are all amazing here. we’re about 30 mins from the Swan Quarter Ferry to Ocracoke. I would not go out as far as Pamlico Sound, it’s just too far away from everything. Even the creeks around here are larger than some rivers elsewhere. My husband is a commercial fisherman, so I can tell you first hand that the seafood is It’s been well over 20 years since I have bought any kind of seafood at the grocery store.
        Email me if you come down to check out the area, maybe I can show you around or answer any other questions you may have.

  9. I was just there in August and ate at the same place. It’s beautiful there! We stayed away from the crazy tourist areas. So glad you had a great time!

  10. Oh what a great time you must have had. I used to love Lake George when I grew up. But now I live too far away to enjoy that trip. Brought back wonderful memories.

  11. Oh what fun! I love upstate NY… so much resembles the Ozarks where I grew up and still live in the area. By the way, we have beautiful lakes all over the Ozarks, Diane, and they get cold during the winter but don’t freeze up….just sayin’

  12. Mary from Virginia says:

    My husband’s family is from Schenectady, New York. He spent many summers on Lake George. Sadly, I have never been, but your pictures make me think I should!

  13. Dorene @ Seasonal Chapters says:

    We have several friends that vacation at Lake George annually and absolutely rave about how beautiful it is. My parents live in the Finger Lakes region of NY and that area is gorgeous too. So glad you had a fun weekend and am looking forward to the fall home tour.

  14. Hope Williams says:

    The pics are just beautiful. What a fantastic way to send summer on out to fall. Family and a beautiful lake.
    Welcome home!

  15. Elaine Williams in Baltimore says:

    What beautiful pics! Makes me want to visit there.

  16. Connie Nikiforoff Designs says:

    What fun! Times filled with joy and glorious memories.