Simply ReStyled Decorating
I was going to title this post “Raid Your Decorating Stash”, but decided, “Simply ReStyled” better explains what this post is about.
This post is about decorating, which of course I know you enjoy, since you read my blog. XO
But not just any decorating… this post is all about the decor YOU own.

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New decor is always fun to buy, but in reality I can’t keep buying new items just to have something brand new to use when I decorate. Always buying new stuff gets expensive. More importantly, I don’t want more “stuff” than I need to function and to make my house visually appealing for my family and me.
Everything else to me is just clutter that takes up space, not only in the house, but in my mind as well.
This is not to say I will never buy new decor for my house. I love going to stores like HomeGoods, Target, chic independently owned shops and finding treasures at thrift stores, but I no longer buy stuff on a whim or just to have something new.
On the other hand, I don’t want my decor to get stale looking. Change is a good thing. So where do I find the happy medium?
ReStyling is how. ReStyling is especially easy when you have collected decorating items over the years and have it already out in a room or stashed away in a storage closet just waiting to use again.
This is what this post is about – ReStyling what you already own to give it new appeal.

Do you remember a few weeks ago when I told you I was in no rush to get my living room decorated after taking the holiday decor down? Well – that was the best decision.
I took a break from thinking about it. Ed and I took a few trips over the last few weeks and each time we returned home, my mind was filled with ideas on how to ReStyle what I already own to give not only my living room a fresh look, but also my kitchen without the need to buy anything new.

Last year around this time, I showed you where I store my decorating stash. When I open the door to that stash, I enter the best shop ever, since it is filled with things I love just waiting to see the light of day again.
I just need to bring them out, hold each in my hand, then ask myself a few questions about each item’s potential to be ReStyled in some way. This could be by itself, coordinated with another item or changed in some way.
I started my ReStyling with the empty mantel. I grabbed a few items from my stash, including a window sash, mirror, books, frames, and vases. I have had a few of these items for more than 20 years. Next, I started playing and arranging them along the mantel, taking out what didn’t work until I liked what I saw. Not one of these items is new.

I even went outside and brought in a topiary ball that was out on the deck and not being seen over the winter. Inside on the mantel and placed on a low pedestal bowl, it looks brand new. to me.

I get so many questions from readers wanting to know how to use what they have that I am going to start a new series called, Simply ReStyled. It will partner with Budget Decorating: The Forgotten Secrets and Insta-Style.
- Simply ReStyled posts will be short and sweet with a do-able decorating takeaway to inspire you to simply restyle what you already own, as I did for my mantel in this post.
- Budget Decorating: The Forgotten Secrets posts are more about basic decorating ideas and projects that can make a HUGE difference in our homes. Perhaps we once employed them regularly but have forgotten to add them when we make changes to our rooms over time.
- Insta-Style is all about changing a basic item in only a few seconds to be used for something completely different.
When we go about decorating the rooms in our homes, we tend to use the same items in the same way in the same room and for the same purpose. When we tire of them or they are seasonal, they go to our decorating stash.
Items stashed away in a closet, attic or basement tend to never come out again or only be used for a certain purpose. Let’s change this mindset. Let’s find ways to use every single item in new and fresh ways.

Take my mantel. After playing with the decorative items I chose to try out, I was happy with placing the black painted window sash slightly off center from the centered mirror and placing the silver votives in front and the topiary to create balance. None of these items have ever been used together before making them look fresh and new along the mantel.
Why ReStyle Decor?
- It is Fun!
- No cost involved, only your time.
- It is rewarding to be able to find new ways to use and decorate with items you already have and love.
- ReStyling doesn’t need any project supplies or DIY skills. Of course if you have these, you can take your ReStying efforts up a notch.
I Am Not Creative Enough to Find Ways to ReStyle My Stuff
If you feel you need to be creative to find ways to ReStyle what you already own, get that thought out of your mind.
When I first started blogging, I wrote a series of 3 posts called, Creativity 1… 2… 3. What I wrote may help you realize your creative potential.
How to Become More Creative When Decorating:

How to Start ReStyling Decor
Hold each item in your hand and ask yourself a few questions. Answering them should get you in the ReStyling mindset.
1. What can I do to this to make it better, unique, more attractive?
2. What if I enlarged or reduced a part of the object, changed the color or texture of the surface?
3. What if I rearranged or eliminated some of the parts?
4. What if I add on or combine existing parts in new or unusual ways?
5. What if I reverse or exchange some of the parts?
6. What if I substitute one part for something else or substitute something else for one of the parts?
7. Does the color of the item work in any other room?
8. What if I put my own signature twist on the object?
More Ways to Find Decorating ReStyling Inspiration
- When out shopping, instead of buying new, use shopping trips to search for items like pieces you own and see what you can do to yours to make it look like a new one.
- Move furnishings around within the rooms in your home, or even room to room. This can be everything from the furniture, art on the walls, window treatments to the tiniest detail. When moved to a different room, the item will hold a new appeal or use.

I hope this post and series will inspire you to raid your stash and find ways to reuse and ReStyle everything you own to give it new appeal.
Over the winter months, when we are cocooning inside all day, is the perfect time to start playing and experimenting with a few items until you come up with new looks for every item and room in your home.
Share your ReStyling ideas: Let me know in the comments if you ReStyled anything. Other readers will enjoy reading all the ways others ReStyle and use items they may also own.

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