Repurposed Furniture: Acrylic Side Table

I have an instant repurposed furniture idea for you today – one that I saw Miss Kris create and loved so much that I had to do it myself.

It is a simple way to repurpose an acrylic craft store frame and the legs from a TV tray.  When placed together you get one glam and affordable piece of furniture for your home.

Chic side table made using an acrylic box frame. Easy DIY that can be done in minutes. Table can be permanent or a temporary addition to a room for entertaining when more table surfaces are needed. #DIYtable #tabledecor #repurposedfurniture #repurposedframes #chicdecor

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Acrylic or lucite furniture is pretty trendy and hip. It works well with modern furnishings as well as in more traditionally styled rooms.


Adding a clear piece of furniture to a small room is one way to lessen a cluttered look since the clear acrylic creates the illusion of more space since it is see through.


Finding an affordable way to get the look makes this easy repurposing idea WIN/WIN all around.


When the frame is placed over the top of the stand – it stops the stand from collapsing and creates an instant accent table to place by seating or to even set up as a bar.  No attaching with screws needed.

Tres Chic!


I used the legs of the black TV tray table above to make my clear acrylic side table. The stand in the bottom of the photo could be used also. I found it at the thrift store.  Laundry sorters could be used or any metal or wood stand that has legs that cross.


Crafts stores sell the clear acrylic box frames.


I found the brass corners at my local hardware store.

supplies needed:

  • 4 decorative 5/8″ x 1 3/4″ brass corners – I found them at the hardware store. 4 are included  in one package.
  • 1 Acrylic box frame – 16″ x 20″
  • Clear Glue
  • Folding legs from a TV tray table or laundry sorter
  • 100 grit sandpaper
  • Chase 8-1/2-Ounce Brilliant Finish Metallic Spray Enamel, 24-Karat Gold Spray Paint

1.  Sand surface of TV tray table legs with 100 grit sandpaper.  Clean off grit with a damp rag.  Let dry.  To learn how I get a perfect finish using spray paint check out these spray painting tips & tricks.

2. Spray paint the legs gold. Use light, long sweeping strokes. Reapply a second and third coat every 5 minutes until evenly covered. Let dry.  I used this 24 Kt Gold spray paint. This is the best gold spray paint I have ever used. I used the silver on the towel bars in my kitchen.

The gold sprayed on smooth and easy.  I found it at AC Moore, but you can buy it on Amazon.


3.  The brass corners have holes so you can screw them onto the corners of wood boxes and or trunks.  Since I was going to glue the brass corners to the frame and not screw them in, I needed to find a way to fill the holes.  What I found worked was to snip the head of the screw off with wire cutters.


4. I put a dab of clear glue under each hole, then dropped the screw head over the holes on the top side of each hole.  Let glue dry.

5. Glue each brass corner to the top side corners on the acrylic frame. Let dry.


6. Place the frame over the painted stand and VOILA!  A chic and modern table that can be set up just about anywhere in your home.


Need more repurposed furniture ideas?  Check out the table I made using a garden urn.

Look what else you can repurpose and make with an acrylic frame: A Bar Tray

Repurposing ideas for decorating
Chic side table made using an acrylic box frame. Easy DIY that can be done in minutes. Table can be permanent or a temporary addition to a room for entertaining when more table surfaces are needed. #DIYtable #tabledecor #repurposedfurniture #repurposedframes #chicdecor

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  1. Patricia Hill says:

    I LOVE Everything that YOU are Repurposing!! Such fantastic Ideas to keep these items out of the garbage & landfills!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Patricia :-) I enjoy giving new life to old stuff, so much more than buying “new”.

  2. Gerrie Menasce says:

    This is a fantastic way to jazz up the boring, old, brown tray tables that i have to use in my bedroom! I’ve had “30”Surgeries & unfortunately, I have to lay in bed to help me with the horrendous pain 24/7! I’ve had 5 back, with hardware & a neck surgery with 4 levels fused with a plate & 8 screws! I use a tray table next to the bed, so this acrylic & gold makeover is perfect!
    Please send me all of your wonderful ideas! My husband is very handy, so he’s going to make the table for me!
    One question! Is there a way to protect the acrylic from scratches?
    Please Send Me Everything! 💖

    GERRIE 💖

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Gerrie – I sent this reply to you via email also in case you don’t auto receive my replies from my site.

      So sorry to hear that you have had to endure so many surgeries and are in constant pain. I can see how the table can help you.  To make sure the top doesn’t scratch, you can apply a sheet of clear contact paper over it and change that out when it starts to get stained. You can buy this wherever Contact paper is sold.

      You could also see if you could find a large piece of acetate (office supply store) or clear plastic sheeting (home improvement store) cut it to size and lay it over the top. Use large glue dots (craft store)- one in each corner to hold it on to the acrylic top. 

      Any of these will work, it is more about what material you can easily get.  Once your husband gets it done, I hope it helps and brings a smile to your face. 

  3. Diana Mouton says:

    This is so good. But I don’t know my email address or any passwords

  4. Charise Copeland says:

    GREAT ideas!! I found some wood style trays in decent shape, in someone’s trash!! I took them all cuz I KNEW I Could use them! I Had made the ironing table n I Love it! It’s Great for sewing projects! I Think O Will do a chalkboard style for my Grandson to play n draw on!! Keep the ideas coming!!

  5. Chair Hire says:

    You describe everything very clearly in few words. Thank you for this great post.

  6. Hi. Do you think that this could work if I put the try up (so that it was like a bar tray on top of the leg, instead of a flat surface)? Or, would that just make the legs unsteady?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jenn – I do not think it will work if you place the tray edges up. There would be nothing to hold the base up and it would be unstable. You could screw 4 screws through the tray and into the top of the legs. 2 screws on each side. This would make it secure to use as a table if you want to create a tray style table using the acrylic frame.

  7. Eden Ellis says:

    Love these! Do you have any idea how much weight they can hold? I am thinking about making them for my living room, but wasn’t sure if they would be able to support a lamp or something of the sort.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Eden – My table will hold a small to medium table lamp, one that is not too tall or heavy. I have used small lamps, a vase with flowers, books, etc with no problem. Once you get it set up and the top secure on the stand, it is pretty sturdy, but can wobble a little if you bump into it.

  8. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!! Shame we don’t seem to have them here in Oz yet …. unless it’s just because I live in a regional tourist town that we don’t have them where I live yet … But, I LOVE this .. & will definitely be keeping my eyes out for them! I would LOVE a tray out of this. Thanks again … :)

  9. Mark Montano says:

    First, I want to say that this is a terrific post. However, it would be nice and more honest if you properly credited my friend Kristen with this idea instead of saying that you “found it on YouTube” Here is the link to her original idea which you copied exactly.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Mark – I love Miss Kris and everything she does.:-) She is beyond chic, amazing, and fun! When writing the post, I thought I wrote it was from her site, not You Tube. Will go in and fix. I used a TV tray table, she used something different I think, but I totally understand your point and will put in the link. Wish I has someone like you to act in my behalf for the dozens and dozens of sites that take my entire posts – words, photos, the whole thing and claim them as their own. Not just the idea. :-)

      1. Hi Diane,
        In your defense …. I have only recently discovered your blog, but as you c an see from all of my comments, I’ve read at least 50% of your posts … & I have also noticed how careful you are to refer back to the original poster IF you have blogged anything that wasn’t your own original idea. In fact I’ve been most impressed as I regularly see blogs that I’ve seen their posts on other blogs.
        I think it’s a shame that this man didn’t write to you privately, before posting such a message for all & sundry to read. It’s a darn shame, especially as you’re so generous with the sharing of your Original ideas!
        Thanks for your generosity & al that you share with others who don’t have your creativity.
        Cheers …. & thanks again, Wendy from Oz …

  10. Diane, I just found this post and immediately went to the garage to check out my old TV trays. The good news is that the legs of my trays are already gold so some refreshing is all they would need. However, my trays are the type where the legs snap to the tray making them impossible to stand on their own. I’m not even sure the legs are the same height on both sides. Were yours this way too? If so, will it be resolved once the tray is added? ( I did see your comment about the tray keeping the legs form collapsing but I did not know if your original trays were structured like mine. )

    Wow and wow. I just love the end result.


    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Betty – My TV tray table stand is just like yours. The top clips to the frame and the two sides (legs) are not the same height. The frame will hold the legs in place once it is in place and the legs will automatically even out to create a flat table top.

  11. Brilliant!! Absolutely brilliant. This will be my next project.

  12. Marty@A Stroll Thru Life says:

    Oh my word I love this idea. Your corners are a fabulous addition.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Marty – It was a fun project to make – fast and easy. The hardest part was finding the brass corners. I went to the big box stores and could not find them. The smaller hardware stores near me, True Value and Ace both carried them. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  13. Stephanie@cre8tive says:

    Wow Diane you really made those boring objects into something spectacular! You are so creative, I love it!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Stephanie – Thanks. I love finding new ways to use ordinary stuff. It is what I learned to do when I worked in display. We had to find a way to make stuff for the store displays using only what was in the prop room. My brain became programmed to look at everything with a new eye. :-)

  14. This is so brilliant!! I love it!

  15. You continue to amaze me with your genius ideas. This little side table looks like a million bucks! Thanks for all the great ideas all the time! Vikki in VA.

  16. Unbelievable. I have 4 vintage TV trays that have toile ware painted trays. I hung the trays on a wall and was wondering if I could find a use for the stands!

  17. Kimberly B. says:

    Doing this today! Sooo cute:-) Thanks for sharing.

  18. A Cinderella story for a lowly tray table. Could you please try your hand on my pink tile bathroom? I do enjoy your inspiration!!!

  19. francesca says:

    such a great idea!

  20. I love a good repurpose and this one is fantastic!

  21. That looks beautiful! I love it,

  22. Michelle James says:

    Another wonderful project. I love it. Thanks for sharing.

  23. This is one of the most creative repurposing I’ve seen in a very long time. Well done.

  24. Connie Nikiforoff Designs says:

    Love the idea! I sold my TV trays at a rummage sale last year. Had them for 38 years and used them once. Oh drats! Hahhah…Could have had 4 pretty trays instead of the ugly 1970’s look.

    I’ll have to go looking for one of those acrylic frames :-) (I did keep one of my trays.) ;-)

  25. Genius, pure genius!

  26. You see possibilities everywhere! I especially love the brass corners.

  27. Diane, the idea is wonderful,
    Using the corners just completes it perfectly.
    I love love love refurbishing.
    More more more please!!!
    Thank you.

  28. You are so creative! I love this! How wonderful that you took the lowly TV tray…and transformed it so stunningly! ;)

  29. Beth of designPOST interiors says:

    So clever! Love it!

  30. you never cease to amaze me! L.O.V.E.

  31. Clever….useful…..makes me want to craft-out!

  32. So clever! I have used acrylic frames as trays but inverting it on a stand is so creative! Love the touch of the brass corners. Thanks for feeding my creative side!


    OMG Lifestyle Blog

  33. Oh I do love this! Thank you

  34. debra@5th and state says:

    stunningly creative, cannot wait to try!!
    many thanks

  35. I love it! I’ve had a hankering for brass lately and this gives me the kick in the butt I need to do something – gorgeous!

  36. You have an incredible eye for design and repurposing.