Paper Valentine Candy Filled Hearts To Make

Valentine’s Day cuteness ahead… sweet little paper Valentine candy filled hearts that you can make for everyone you love.

Since Valentine’s Day is only a few weeks away, I thought I would make something special to give to my family and friends.  In previous years I have made Valentine Gift Tubes, Petite Gift Boxes, Valentine Doily Candles, and Valentine Gift Wrap

To make the candy filled heart pouches, I gathered up the decorative paper, gift wrap and scrapbook paper I had in red, pink, and white and got to work while watching a movie on Netflix.

Valentine-Heart-Candy-Pockets laying on white table

How to Make Valentine Candy Filled Hearts

I made each paper Valentine candy heart using decorative paper – construction paper, gift wrap and scrapbook paper. I closed each in a different way. I hand-stitched one using Baker’s Twine, stapled another closed, and used my sewing machine to close the third heart.

Doing that one brought back memories of playing with sewing cards as a child and the requirements needed for a few Girl Scout badges.

Two pink Valentine's Day heart pouches made using paper
Close up view of completed candy filled paper hearts

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The magenta heart is stapled closed. I trimmed the edges with scalloped scissors. The pink heart I hand-stitched. The red and white heart – I sewed closed on a machine.

How to Make a Valentine Heart Out of Paper

  1. The easiest way to make a heart to use as a template for your candy filled hearts is to fold paper in half and draw half of a heart shape along the fold on the paper. Cut out.
  2. Use the cut-out as a template to cut out the rest of the hearts from your decorative paper.  If you can’t draw a straight line, I have included a free download of 2 different hearts for you to use as your template.  The print-out also has the letters – X and O to use as gift tags.

Click here to download:  Heart Template .pdf  – Print it out on card stock to create an easier to trace around template.

How to Make Paper Valentine Candy Filled Paper Hearts

supplies needed:

  • Decorative paper – construction, gift wrap or scrapbook paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Candy – I used Valentine colored M&M’s 
  • Choose one to attach hearts together: Baker’s Twine and sewing needle, stapler and paint or a sewing machine and thread
  • Optional: buttons, jewelry, yarn and small trinkets
hoe to make a Valentine-Craft-heart
  1. Once you have your heart cut out, place it on a folded piece of paper. Trace and cut out.  You will have a front and a back.
How-to-sew-a-paper-Valentine candy-heart-pouch on a sewing machine.

2. Coordinate your thread to your paper.  With right sides of the paper face out, sew a seam around the heart making sure to leave a 2-inch opening.  You will sew the opening closed once you fill the heart with candy.

Make-a-paper-Valentine heart-to-hold-candy

3. Fill the heart with candy through the opening.

Red gift wrap paper made into a heart candy pouch.

4. I left the opening at the top of the heart.  After doing this, I decided it was better to keep the opening along one bottom edge of the heart so that any overlapping stitches made when closing up the heart after filling would be less obvious.

How to Close Paper Heart By Stitching

Valentine's-Day-Pink paper heart sewn with red and white Baker's Twine.
  1. To close the hand-stitched heart, I used a large-eyed needle and Baker’s Twine. I just poked a hole in the paper as I sewed along the edge.

How to Close the Heart Using a Stapler

How-to-paint-staples to make a Valentine crafts
  1. For the stapled-closed hearts – paint the top and sides of the staples first and let them dry. This way they will match or coordinate with your paper and will look more decorative.
  2. Staple around the heart, leaving an opening along the bottom, fill with candy and then staple the opening closed.

Optional Finishing Touches To Add to the Valentine Candy Filled Hearts

  • Trim the edges if necessary with regular, pinking, or scalloped scissors.
Embellishments to add to paper Valentine hearts
  • Embellish the hearts with whatever you have on hand – buttons, pipe cleaners, yarn, twine, and ribbon.

Little Hearts: I Mod Podged a chandelier crystal with an initial and attached it to the center top of the heart with a large jump ring.  See my post on how to do this – here.

Red & White Heart:  I cut out X’ s and O’s from card stock and tied them on with Baker’s Twine that I threaded through a button first.  Once the letters were tied onto the button, I hot glued the button to the heart.

Print out the X an O here:  Free printable Valentine X and O

Red Heart:  The Key to My Heart. I punched two small holes in the top center of the heart and threaded the twine through to tie on a key.

White Heart:  I tied a bow with Rick-Rac and then hot glued it on the heart.


To tie a gift tag on to the heart – thread twine through a set of buttons. Bring the buttons together and tie a bow on the top button.

Valentine ideas to make
  • Attach the X and O by piercing the top of each letter with a needle and then threading the ends of the twine from the bow on the button through and knot on the back side of the letters.

Another Option: Punch two holes next to each other horizontally at the top center of the heart. Thread a pipe cleaner or yarn through them and bring the ends to the front of the heart. Thread a gift tag on before tying into a bow.

If you would like to add a pre-made Valentine gift tag to a heart, you may like one of these free printable Valentine’s Day gift tags.

Valentine craft-Ideas to make

On this dot pattern heart – I hot glued an earring that lost its mate.

White Valentine heart filled with candy

When the recipient is ready to enjoy their Valentine treats all they have to do is rip the heart open.

Paper X and O on Valentine Candy filled pouch
How to make paper heart pouches to fill with candy or a small gift to give for Valentine's Day

More Valentine’s Day Ideas

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  1. Valentine pouch:
    Had an idea about using staples. An alternative: instead of painting them first, staple heart shape & leave an opening big enough to fill. Then paint the edge of heart, covering staples. Or — cover staples by gluing on a piece of thick cording or ribbon.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Christine – Thanks for the great ideas on other ways to close the heart pouches. :-) I know my readers will like the options. Wishing you a very sweet Valentine’s Day.

  2. Dear Diane,
    Thank you for this fun Valentine’s Day gift idea.
    My Grandkids will be delighted to receive some surprises, especially since the packaging is so interesting and adorable. You always inspire me with your “can do” spirit!
    Best regards,
    Mary P.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Mary – Of all the Valentine’s I have made the heart candy pouches are a favorite. Enjoy making them and giving them to your grandkiddies. XO

  3. Donna Marie says:

    I really like these valentine hearts, but I’m afraid I’ll be hurt when they tear open my gifts!!! Lol

  4. So cute! On my DIY list, for sure.

  5. I just made a bunch of these with the youngster & boys i babysit. So we sealed sides with Alenes Glue, used recycled thick paper, & decorated kids version! It was so much fun! I was hoping I would be able to do these myself one day, & You have the PERFECT tutorial & most gorgeously colored finish.

  6. Oh my gosh! This is too stinking cute and easy to make. I love all of the photos and great tutorial. You are amazing and thanks for sharing this with all of us. Yipee…Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

  7. seyed vahid says:

    wow! beautiful…………..tank

  8. ma di che tipo di carta ce bisogno?

  9. These are so cute. What a great idea!

  10. Love the little hearts! Will be making some with my granddaughter who is learning to sew. May I ask if you are sewing on a little Featherweight? I have a “white” one too!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Jeannie. My sewing machine was a hand-me-down from my Mother-in-Law. It is a Singer Slant Needle 301. It is from the mid 1950’s. I love it. It works beautifully. :)

  11. Cindy deRosier says:

    I’m the Editorial Assistant for Fun Family Crafts and I wanted to let you know that we have featured your project! You can see it here:

    If you have other kid friendly crafts, we’d love it if you would submit them. If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can grab one from the right side bar of your post above. Thanks for a wonderful project idea!

  12. I love these!! And you can sew paper?! I need to get a sewing maching – I feel so left out of the loop, haha. Seriously, though, I want to make these for some of my girlfriends at church!

  13. oooooooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  14. Love the pouches…made four today for my grandchildren. Thank you for the idea.

  15. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    I did not read my emails for a day or so and somehow missed this…. would have been so sad if I had not ‘found’ it. I can even do this one and I love all of your ideas. I am so wanting to do all of the different stitching and embellishing.

    Did I ever tell you that last year I totally botched making the tissure paper flower for the top of my reused Valentine candy canister? I realized my mistakes and am doing much better, but not sure I will EVER be as good as you at making the flowers. I will not give up trying though as I think for me it will take a tadge more practice. I love them so much and I am determined… grin.

  16. Katharine from Kat's Almost Purrfect World says:

    You’ll have to let them know they have candy so they don’t think they are pretty maracas. lol This is a cute idea!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Julia I will come over and check out all the other ideas. I love making things for Valentines Day.

  17. Christine says:

    I would love to spend a day with you to see how your brain and hands works!
    I am always surprised and excited to see your creations.
    These hearts are so cute but really simple. This is a craft that I know I can do and become a hero with my grandchildren.
    Thank You!

  18. Renee @ Lattenene Chat says:

    Diane – what a simple, but great little something to give friends. I;ve got some BFF’s that will love this. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Jean Delp says:

    Everything you do is just amazing and being a nice person also.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Jean – :) How are you doing? I have not seen you in a while. Miss our lunches and dinners with the BT crew.

  20. These are great! The stitched hearts are our favorites!

  21. I did this with my kids – great small project to learn to use the sewing machine!
    As for the colored staples – I have seen them in the stores – Hobby Lobby maybe??

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Betsy – never thought about buying colored staples. They make everything nowadays. I will have to check out Michaels and AC Moore – no Hobby Lobby in my area :(

  22. I was wondering where you found those cute staples that matched your project so nicely, and then saw that you painted them. Brilliant! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Hi, Diane

    How lovely are these pouches. I especially love the purple earring. : ) You make the greatest stuff.


  24. debra phillips @ 5th and state says:

    oh my oh my, you are brilliant!!!

    was just thinking that i would like to make something for my shop for valentines and this could not be more perfect!!

    tried the link to the little hearts and it did not work diane, could you advise?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Debra – What browser are you using? I just checked the link in the post on two different computers – one using IE and the other Firefox. The link worked on both and opened up the .pdf. Do you have pop-ups blocked or anything like that? Let me know. If you cannot open it. I will email the file to you.

  25. You are so VERY clever. I love these ideas. Thanks for sharing!!!

  26. Oh, I can’t believe how clever and talented you are! These are so cute!