Storage Basket on Wheels

I like wheels – wheels on furniture to make a piece go zoom…zoom.  No really, I like the mobility wheels give a piece making it easy to move where you want it, when you want it.  Wheels also add a bit of the unexpected and character.

You have seen proof of just how much I like to add them…My Craft Cart, Rolling Game Table, Studioffice Doors, and the IKEA hack dresser I turned into a desk for the BHG March Madness Challenge.

I also like or should say love baskets, especially big ones like this one I picked up last year at the thrift store to make a Christmas tree skirt. It seems my local thrift store knows this and always has good ones waiting for me every time I go in for a quick browse.


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How can I not scoop them up with price tags under $6. When I saw this big one I knew exactly what I was going to do with it.

Big-bread bakers baskets-on-wheels-at-Eataly-in-BYC

Ever since I ate at Eataly in NYC where I quickly snapped this photo of these baker’s baskets on wheels, I have wanted a big basket on wheels like these to use in my home.  I had no idea how I was going to use such a basket in my home, but I just love them and knew I would figure out a way.


I did come up with a purpose for my thrift store find…a place to hold my fitness equipment. I want to keep my new fitness room simple and don’t want to add furniture. The basket holds all that I need in one place, plus with the addition of 2 sets of wheels my storage is also mobile.

basket on wheels-step-by-step-tutorial

My Yoga mat, DynaBand, DVD’s and a towel all fit nicely inside for easy clutter-free access.

How to Attach Wheels to a Basket


supplies needed:

  • 4 swivel caster style wheels
  • 16 machine screws that are long enough to go through wheels, two pieces of plywood, and bottom of basket
  • 16 wing nuts that fit screws
  • 8 thin pieces of plywood cut into 2″ x 3″ size pieces
  • Miter box and saw
  • Pencil
  • Drill and drill bit large enough for screws to go through
  • Hammer

*My Home Depot and Lowes did not have small white casters. I found them at True Value Hardware. I also saw them at Ace Hardware.


1. Center caster on cut 2″ x 3″ piece of thin plywood. Use a pencil to mark the screw holes.  Remove caster and drill 4 holes.  Repeat on the other 7 pieces of plywood. if necessary, use sandpaper to smooth the area around the drilled holes.


This photo will give you an idea of how the casters will be attached to the bottom of the basket.  The bottom of the basket will be in between the two pieces of plywood.  Wing nuts will hold each screw in place.


2. Place the screws through the caster holes and then through one a piece of the drilled plywood.  I placed each caster right at the corner and used a hammer to tap the screws down through the wicker. This was fairly easy, but I did have one corner where I could not get all the screws through the weave of the wicker and had to break a small piece of the wicker off to get it through.

Once you have the screws through the bottom, turn the basket over and place the second piece of drilled plywood over the screws on the inside basket bottom. It takes some jiggling of the screws to get them lined up with the holes in the plywood, but I got them all through with a bit of persistence. If you have trouble, drill the holes slightly bigger.


3. Tighten a wing nut on each screw to secure each caster.


Now I have a basket on wheels to add to my rolling furniture collection.   What do you go in search of when you are out thrifting?

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  1. Dianne Whitehead says:

    Did you make a Christmas tree skirt out of a large basket? I’d love to see a picture of it!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Dianne – Yes I did make a tree collar out of a big basket I found at a thrift store. You can read all about it in this post:

  2. Nancy Dellinger says:

    Thanks, Diane, for so many great ideas! Now that we are home and grateful to be well-supplied with the essentials, I have been sharing loads of your DIY videos and how-tos with my better half! Hopefully, he will become the Ed clone and we can spend this time using many of your great ideas. Thanks for sharing your expertise. Stay well and safe.

  3. I used to have that same pilates machine! I have since switch to an at home barre, but isn’t it so nice to be able to workout at home since no one can go to a gym right now!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Lisa – Yes, it is so nice to be able to workout from home. I do miss my workout buddies, though. What kind of home barre did you install?

  4. There are ads for Canadian fishing, minn home show, storage co and other construction sites. Help, I do not want ads, I want your great content. This was today in the post about baskets and redoing a box into a tea chest for your daughter

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Nancy – Sorry about the ads. Did you see them while viewing my site on your phone, tablet or on a computer? Knowing this I will be able to tell my ad network specifics. Thanks. I have it set up with my ad network to only have one “in-content” ad, but I know sometimes more show up.

    2. Miss Betty says:

      Try AdBlocker. its free and hassle free. blocks all kinds of unwanted ads. I use it and love it.

  5. Linda Weeks says:

    I always look for baskets, we all have stuff, so baskets make a good place to put it; as a matter of fact, I believe my basket collection has now officially outstripped my collection of stuff! They look great, they’re organic, useful, and not too expensive to acquire! But wheels? Now that is clever as anything!!

  6. Cheryl Smith says:

    I love the idea of attaching caster wheels to the wicker basket. I think this would make a great laundry basket. I will definitely have to try this out and see how it works.

  7. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    What a beautiful basket. And you say only $6.00?????? I don’t ever rind anything that inexpensive. Last time I went to look, it was all just stuff I did not want. Even the pair of shoes I really liked did not fit, so I pointed another gal to them and she took them….. lol I am so jealous.

    And it is a great basket too. I am focusing on “trying” to plan and build a window seat, only mine will be little bedrooms for my pups and one small end for a cabinet for me….. I hope. On their end, I hope to use hardware cloth and make some doors with the same, so they have plenty of ventilation in both summer and winter. Wish me luck.

    Also, can I please ask you which is what I should buy for my chalk paint? I have paint, just need the grouting. I have a choice of these two and do not know the difference and I am scared to ask the store….. last time I asked they did not even know about homemade chalk paint. Thank you in advance. I am still trying to redo my pathetic bedroom.

  8. A-1 Basement Solutions says:

    Okay…how cool is this?! What a fantastic, practical idea! Diane you have the most clever projects!

  9. Virginia Jimenez says:

    Have you tried reversing the screws so that the wing nuts were on the bottom?? I would be afraid
    of ruining something I stored in the basket because they got stuck on the wing nut.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Virginia – Yes you could reverse the screws if they are short enough, otherwise the wing nuts will get in the way of the movement of the wheels. You could use locking nuts on short screws.

  10. Hi Diane, I enjoy your blog a lot! Is there anything you can do to get rid of the dark gray pop-up bar that continues to appear again and again after I close it? It contains three links to subject areas, with the topics changing each time. SO annoying!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      hi Susan – Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention. There should be no pop outs showing up on my site :-( do you remember what it was for? I get so upset when the ad networks I am with put an ad like this in my ad tags when in my contracts with them I have them banned. If you could tell me what it says and where on the page it shows up I will be better able to find which network it is and get it removed.
      If a blog or website has ad network ads – most do – the ads that you see are targeted to you and not everyone sees the same ads. What shows up for you is based on your browsing history. I have never seen a pop up show up and if I do I am right on it to get it removed. Thanks for telling me and your time so I can get the banned pop up removed.

  11. That is darling! Would be great for kid’s toys too.

  12. I love your practical ideas! So useful for everyday life, love that about you!

  13. Connie Nikiforoff Designs says:

    Love it!

  14. You come up with the niftiest ideas! ;)

  15. Linda Weeks says:

    You are too clever! Love it! ..and I always pick up any cool baskets too! They can be painted or just placed, since they are very handy storage items

  16. Julia@Cuckoo4Design says:

    This would be perfect for my basement Etsy shop to store my vinyl. Love it!

  17. Very nice! Thrift stores are the best, aren’t they? Actually this idea would work on a plastic bin too, wouldn’t it? Baskets are prettier for sure.

  18. Inez Foreman says:

    BRAVO, is the only word to describe this great idea.
    Thanks for sharing,

  19. Laura Ingalls Gunn says:

    So cute and clever!

  20. Diane,

    I love your ideas! They are clever, useful, and can be incorporated in so many ways. I thoroughly enjoy your site and when I can take a moment and catch up on what you are doing, it feels like a mini-vacation. Thank you for sharing your creativity. God bless!

  21. what a fabulous idea Diane, I have several large baskets too big to lug around but perfect for the sewing room. Will definately give this one a GO Thank you