Not Yet Ready to Decorate for Fall? Try Doing This Instead

It’s mid-August and hot outside. I bet if you are like me you are spending more time indoors out of the heat and perhaps even thinking ahead to the cozy days of fall.

It is also around this time each year that many home decorating bloggers start sharing fall decor ideas with their readers which is fondly becoming known as “Augtober“. I enjoy these posts, but am not quite ready to decorate my house for fall yet.

I am not letting the time slip away though while staying cool in the house. Instead I am finding small ways to make some of the items I use on a daily basis in my house be functional and easily accessible, but pretty at the same time.

I learned the importance of doing this back when I came across the book, Living a Beautiful Life by Alexandra Stoddard. When I first read the book back in 1986 it changed my life. If you do the math, that was 38 years ago.

Cover of the book Living a Beautiful Life
Paperback | Used 1986 Edition

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Fast forward to 2024 and this book still holds inspiration for me.

If you have ever read the book you know what a great book it was and still is. She taught us not only to find beauty in the everyday and joy as we go about our daily rituals, even our chores and of course how to master the art of puttering around the house to show it a little love.

I still have a signed copy of the book that I have re-read many times, although the last time I read it I took notice of how it can seem dated since there is no use of technology mentioned. Even with this shortcoming, it doesn’t take away from the forever rereadable decor ideas and lifestyle inspiration.

While I am not ready to decorate full-on fall yet, I have taken Alexandra’s advice to putter around the house looking for new ways to add simple touches that will elevate ordinary stuff that are used on a daily basis.

It is the things we do and items we use everyday that involve eating, sleeping, bathing, and chores that we should focus on, yet few of us stop to consider how we perform the routines that occupy 95 percent of our lives.

What inspired me most though in the book was where she taught us to:

  • Swap the ugly for the pretty.
  • Use color in unexpected places to delight our senses.
  • Add small embellishments to items using ribbon.
  • Flowers everywhere even if it is a one stem/bloom in a small vase on your desk.

None of the ideas are DIY projects that need a tutorial. Instead the ideas are more about taking the time to putter about the house to tidy and pretty up so every detail not only looks more cohesive in a room, but you feel better in it.

Below are a few ideas to get you started

Small Embellishments Around the House

I am sure over the years you have done many of these ideas yourself, but as you are waiting to decorate for fall, take a second look.

Perhaps there is a new way that you can make something look better by reusing something you already own in a new way or adding a touch of color to it using ribbon, paper or some kind of embellishment that fits your style.

Using Pretty Containers

Plastic moisturizing cream container on a white tray in a bathroom.

This blue and white pump jar of ordinary cream that I like to keep handy on my bathroom counter was what inspired me to write this post. I like the cream, but not the container, so I went in search to find a pretty pump jar.

White stoneware moisturizing cream decorative pump container that looks pretty on a bathroom counter.

I finally found one at HomeGoods.

Pretty bathroom counter display where everyday bath items are in pretty container instead of the packaging containers they come in.

So much better, right? Take a look around your house and replace the containers and bottles the items you use come in with pretty jars and dispensers.

moisturizing cream jar pump with tube removed.
moisturizing cream jar pump

To make my swap work, I needed to also swap out the tube end on the blue and white pumper and place it on my new pretty white pumper. This was easy to do as the tube just pulls out easily from each.

If you can’t find a wide nozzled pumper for cream like the one I bought at HomeGoods, consider getting a plastic container with a pump dispenser or one of these Airless Pump Jars that are white and have no labels.

Before throwing away a wine or liquor bottle take note of its shape. If you like it, fill it with a dish detergent in a fun fall color and add a clear pour spout to the opening. It will look nice by your sink and turn doing the dishes into a more joyful experience.

Here is another pretty use of an empty liquor bottle.

Shop Your Home To Find Embellishment Options

Keeping your mind open on ways to reuse items you already own is the best way to not only save money, but allow you to change the way things look around your home without having to leave it.

cut crystal sugar bowl on kitchen counter coffee station.

This is what I did when I wanted to find something more fall like to use as a sugar bowl that we keep out on the kitchen counter by the coffee maker.

orange ceramic pumpkin bowl with lid to hold sugar for the fall season placed on a kitchen counter coffee station.

I found 3 items that I have owned for years that I always used on a shelf, table or mantel as decor, never as something functional, until now.

Why had my brain never seen how this ceramic pumpkin could be used as a sugar bowl? It makes me so happy now to see it being used in this way and sparks joy for me since it is a treasured item my mom made back in the 1970’s.

brown ceramic pumpkin bowl with lid to hold sugar for the fall season placed on a kitchen counter coffee station.

The other two options were this brown pumpkin or this…

white ceramic pumpkin bowl with lid to hold sugar for the fall season placed on a kitchen counter coffee station.

… white one. I chose the orange one, but will keep my brain open to other ways to use these besides just as static fall decor.

How to use small trays to organize items on a bathroom counter.

If you don’t have any pretty vessels to hold ordinary items you use daily the first place I look is the thrift store or Amazon, then stores like HomeGoods, Walmart and Target.

Always Eat Off The Good Dishes

white ridged dinner plate from McGee & Co on top of a purple plate from a thrift store.

Life is too short to eat off worn, chipped or ugly dishes. Always eat on the pretty dishes and use pretty napkins everytime you eat. Why have them if you are not enjoying them and you don’t need expensive china, just what you find pretty.

white ridged dessert plate from McGee & Co on top of a purple plate from a thrift store. Filled with veggie tacos.

Mix and match pretty dishes that fit your style. I like many sets of dishes that I see when out browsing in stores or online, but instead of buying a whole expensive set, I buy just one or two.

Doing this allows for Ed and I to mix and match with the plates I already own like I did here pairing a purple handmade plate found at the thrift store with a new Adele side plate from McGee & Co.

Adding Touches of Ribbon to Everything

In her book, Alexandra frequently mentions using colorful striped ribbons and lists many ways to add them on everything around the house.

a stripped side table with striped ribbon around the top as a decorative accent.
Tack a ribbon on a table to add a pop of color and interest.

At many of her book signings and readings I went to, she came with 6″ long pieces of pre-cut ribbon to give to everyone in attendance to use as a bookmark. I still have a few.

DIY: Chalk Painted Preppy Pink Stool with Ribbon Border.

Use decorative tacks to add even more interest as I did to this stool I use daily in my studioffice.

easy lamp shade update

Add a piece of ribbon to the bottom of a lampshade with glue.


Trim a pillowcase with ribbon by sewing it on or using fabric glue for a no-sew option.

close up of a blue towel with ribbon and fabric added to it to make it more interesting and to coordinate with the decor.

Give a plain bath towel a dash of pretty by sewing on a length of a decorative ribbon.

ribbon used as shelf trim

Ribbon looks very nice added to just about anything. See more ways I have used it around my house in this post: Easy Home Decorating Ideas Using Ribbon

Using Color to Spark Joy in Every Room

Here are a few more takeaways from the book that you can ponder before decorating for fall begins in earnest.


Add cheerful pops of your favorite colors in every room to create a happy vibe.

gift wrap drawer liner

Line the inside of drawers with colorful paper where you least expect to see a pretty pattern to delight your eyes.

Make It As Luxurious Feeling As You Can

Sleeping is all about comfort. See what you can find that will make your bed feel special. Try to sleep on the most luxurious sheets and bedding that you can afford. Buy it a color that will quiet your mind to endure a great night sleep.

If you have a duvet cover, consider placing more than one comforter inside to make it extra full and cozy. This is what Pottery Barn and bedding catalogs do to make their bedding look super comfy in the photos.

Don’t Settle for the Wrong Type of Lightbulb

The type and color cast from a lightbulb can make or break all your decorating efforts. It is worth the time to find out what color of bulb not only looks best for your rooms, but one that also makes you feel good in it.

Lightbulbs have come a long way and are constantly getting better, so much so that now they are made where the bulb’s color cast can be changed right on on the bulb itself. Alexandra must love these!

Household Chores

organizing a closet for cleaning tools

Not many of us place cleaning the house high on our list of favorite things to do, but it has to be done. To make it a more pleasant experience, don’t use smelly old cleaning tools.

Instead, opt for brooms, mops and dusters with fun colored handles that will engage your senses into action. Not sure doing this will have you wanting to clean every day, but it may help. :-)

See & Feel The Results of Your Small Changes

The results of the small changes you make don’t have to be time consuming or expensive, they don’t even have to be permanent! What matters is that you took the time to be present in your home and show it a little love without really decorating at all.

With the shift in season coming and as new daily fall rhythms begin, taking the time to pretty up the small things and tidy up now is a good thing so every room in your home is ready when you do feel inspired to start adding fall decor around the house.

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  1. So adorable using the lovely pumpkin your mom made as a sugar bowl for fall! Thanks for the great ideas.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Holly – Seeing the pumpkin on the kitchen counter makes me smile every time I see it. :-).

  2. Sue Bauman says:

    So many achievable tweaks! Thank you.

  3. I LOVED that book too. I have all her books & they changed my life too!!! No wonder I follow you.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Ali – Alexandra Stoddard is the best – a true classic and pioneer when it comes to decorating and living beautifully at home. :-)

  4. Oh Diane,
    Two posts in a row featuring comments about two of my fav authors… Alexandra Stoddard and Susan Branch❤️. You have made my week. I have almost every book Alexandra has written and many displayed in my home. Years ago I gave my sister my Susan Branch books as she could not afford the extra splurge. Since reading your post I have tracked down five of her books and two arrived today and three on Friday. Thanks for sharing their talents with us.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi June – I have gotten rid of almost all the decorating books I have purchased in my life, but have never parted with Susan’s or Alexandra’s books. They are classics! Have you read Susan Branch’s 3 books about her life? If not they are fun to read. Everyone I give one to, loves to learn more about her.

      Fairy Tail Girl
      Martha’s Vineyard – Isle of Dreams
      A Fine Romance

  5. Thanks for a great post with many ideas for the transition from late summer to early fall. I like the ideas you mention and the notion of “pottering” around the house. That’s a beautiful ceramic pumpkin your mom made! I have Alexandra Stoddard’s books and it’s time for me to have another look at them. She still puts out a monthly newsletter, often showcasing the flowers in her garden and nearby.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Linda – I do subscribe to her monthly newsletter, too. She still is living beautifully even as she ages. Did you see when she wrote about selling her art and some of the decorative things she loved for years?

  6. I have been doing most of these things for years. They are very similar to many of M.Stewart’s fine things suggestions. Also as a former teacher, you
    quickly learn to update or create out of what you already have on hand.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Nancy – Oh I love Martha’s Good Things when her magazine was in it’s heyday. It was my favorite part of the magazine. :-) I didn’t realize you were a teacher. you must have files of creative ideas.

  7. This was such an inspiring, useful post! Thank you! Now, I too am looking around my house to see where I can make little changes! Always such a pleasure to read your posts!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Suzane – So happy that you found my post inspiring. :-). Thanks for reading.

  8. Great post!! At the moment I have my daily vitamins in small clear bottles on a silver tray. Makes taking pills more enjoyable….My dish soap is in a champagne bottle….fun on the countertop……I love repurposing. Small fall touches will start in Sept….

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Nancy – I adore repurposing so much. Finding new ways to use stuff makes me smile and I love the money I save by doing so. The pills on a silver tray sound so pretty and using a champagne bottle as a soap dish – so creative!

  9. Thank you for this lovely post about Alexandra Stoddard. I have been a huge fan of hers since her first book came out in 1974. You included great reminders of her class and style in this post.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I really enjoyed this post and just ordered a copy of Living a Beautiful Life. Thank you Diane!

  11. I really enjoyed this, Diane. Thank you!