My Day at Nest Fest Near Charlotte, NC

This past weekend I put down my paint brush to go on a creative excursion up to Charlotte, NC to attend Nest Fest 2016. Notice I put 2016 after Nest Fest. This was the first time for the event and I am sure that it will not be the last.

It was a two hour trip to get there, but well worth it. I am so glad I went.

Nest Fest 2016 vendors

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I thought I would share some of the photos I snapped while there.

Nest Fest

If you read affordable DIY blogs, then you probably read The Nesting Place or The Nester as blogger, Myquillyn has become fondly known.


She and her husband bought a rural house with lots of acreage a few years ago with the plans to host events on the property such as Nest Fest that was a cross between a vintage flea market and a crafts fair.


They renovated a dilapidated out-building on the property and turned it into a meeting place called, The White Barn. 


It is a cavernous space that is white and bright and perfect to host a small gathering or a larger event.


It was only one area where Nest Fest was held, most of the vendors were outside.


The decor was all done in Myquillyn’s distinctive style.

Nest Fest 2016

I arrived right at 10:00 when Nest Fest opened to find a crowd was already there.

Vintage table setting at Nest Fest

There was decorating inspiration at every vendor’s booth…


…which were set up all over the property.


From vintage decor…


…to French-milled soaps…


…and more.


There was even music and food trucks so you could simply hang out at one of the many picnic tables set up…


…all around to enjoy the gorgeous fall day.


When I go to craft fairs and flea markets, I always like to scout out all the vendors first and then if I see anything that I love, I go back and buy it.

This was not the case when I came up to this area.  Way back in the far corner, I saw this….


…and my heart went pitter-patter.  I knew if I wanted it, I would have to act quickly since it was so unique. Knowing exactly where I would put it and how I was going to use it. I bought it, not even 15 minutes after arriving at the event.

Nest fest purchase

Its new home in my studioffice. 


I am not sure what I will do to it yet. I want to take my time and think about how to make it perfect for me.

One of my favorite pieces of furniture I have is this library file. In my previous house, it was in my studioffice. Now it is in Ed’s office area. I miss it and am so happy to now have a unique piece like it once again to use in my space.

At another booth I bought the OFFICE sign. I have always wanted one, the price was right, so now I have one. :-)


After paying and getting my metal chest of little drawers tagged with my name, I continued to visit every vendor.


…and got many decorating ideas.


I loved the way this glass canister was filled with shreds of book pages. So easy and affordable to do.


I simply adored this…. a skirt for a dress form made using Kraft paper. I use to work in retail display and have a dress form that I covered with Kraft paper many years ago.

When I first started blogging, I had two dress forms and gave one away in a blog reader giveaway. Mine is in the attic now, but I think I will be dusting her off and fashioning a skirt like this for her.

I had a wonderful time. This was the first Nest Fest, but gauging from the crowd, I am sure it will not be the last.


It was a huge success that I look forward to attending again, but will be bringing friends and family along with me so we can all enjoy the day together.

Do you like to attend craft fairs and vintage flea markets? Are there any that you love to attend in your area of the country?

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  1. Love the chest you bought! I had planned on attending but ended up going out of town. So bummed I missed it. Sure hope it happens next year, only about 1 1/2 hours for me.

  2. kayla greenwald says:

    Wow! That looks like so much fun and I’m sure that you had an awesome time! What a shame that I’m all the way in New York… maybe next time I could plan ahead for it!

  3. Looks like Nest Fest was a great event! I’m fortunate to be able to get to the Country Living Fair in Rhinebeck, NY, each June, which is always full of vendors with great things and wonderful inspiration and presentations by well known creative personalities. I also have on my calendar an annual church sale and auction in North Chatham, NY every October. I always find great things – antiques, housewares, vintage jewelry, books, plus a terrific auction – I wouldn’t miss it!

  4. Looks fabulous too bad I am way up in CT.

  5. Sheryll $ Critters. says:

    I love your new chest! I am so very jealous. lol, but I will live without. How did you get it home? And may I ask how much you paid? I like this one for the shallow and wider drawers. But the white handles would be grimey very soon, so I prefer the gold of your first chest. There are several festivals in or around Jacksonville, Florida. My favorite is the Blue Crab Festival in Palatka. It is dedicated to our Veterans. It is held Memorial Day Weekend. I missed it this year. It is free,even parking.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sheryll – To get the chest home, it fit into the back of my very tiny Mini Cooper. :-) It slid right it. I paid $130 for it.

  6. Thank you to Beth and Molly for mentioning the Fairs in California. I’m already making plans to attend. Diane,
    What a fun day! I love your style, I would have picked the very same thing.

  7. So proud of The Nester and all her hard work for years to make this dream come true. Looks like you had the best time! Can you tell us what the wreath on the tissue paper with the monogram is? What are you working on? (I’m nosy)

  8. Paige Coggin says:

    I’m fascinated that y’all are wearing fall clothes. We are still in flip flops! Im definitely gonna figure out a girls weekend for this trip. Love your new cabinet too. Now get back to painting!!!! :)

  9. Diane,
    How do I find out about these craft/flea market events in advance so I have enough time to plan to go to them. This one looked so good! I love the piece you bought, thanks for sharing!

  10. laura janning says:

    oh how fun. i wish i had made a plan to meet you there. Charlotte is about 3 hours from me ( i think?) how long did it take you to get there?

  11. Yay! What a fun event. Thanks for sharing! The file cabinet looks beautiful as is too, but I’m sure you will add something wonderful to it too!

  12. lindalw666 says:

    Another great trip! Looks like it was enjoyable. Glad you could go! I’ve often thought that the most creative ladies seem to come from N.C.!

  13. Kelly Elko says:

    Looks like an amazing market Diane! Glad you had fun and your find is amazing!

  14. Sue Davies says:

    I love to attend Renningers Antique Extravaganza in Mt. Dora, Fl ( just north of Orlando). They have it the third week-end of November, January and February. It is fantastic, with everything you can think of. Vendors come from all over – even Canada. It runs Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I always finds lots of treasures. If you live in the area and have never been you should give it a try. You can pay $15 for a pass that ‘s good all three days.

  15. I loved your photos, especially the white barn! The one I have been to twice now is the Round Top Antique Festival, in Round Top, Texas, and is EPIC in size and fun! My friends and I have done some marathon antiquing and junking in this string of small towns that run along Texas Highway 237 from Carmine to La Grange. The countryside is beautiful and historic and the expansive pastures are transformed into one of the largest, longest, and most lauded yard sales in the country.

  16. I love to attend craft fairs as I too gather so many wonderful ideas. We have Market Days in Tallahassee that is widely attended.

  17. Kathi Jordan says:

    Rustapalooza in Jacksonville, FL. They have only been having fairs for a couple of years. This year was the first time they had a fall fair and they held it at the fairgrounds ( I was a first time vendor there). We had over 16,000 people show up for the one day event! Crazy!

  18. Looks amazing… Would have loved every minute, and I love the things you bought! Do you ever read the blog: Kates Creative Space? She has a dress form that she dresses very unusually… Long twigs for skirts, etc. You’d love it, I think. LOVE your blog, Diane!

  19. Cassie Bustamante says:

    it really was awesome and i am so glad we got to meet up! and i am actually in one of your photos. ;) it was like where’s waldo but i found myself!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Cassie – I wish I had gotten a photo of you, Emmy and I. :-( I am going to play Where’s Cassie now? :-)

  20. There is a similar event out here on the central coast of California called Goat Hill Fair. It started about five or six years ago at a lovely old estate in the hills with land and a big white barn—and goats. Over the years it has definitely been ‘discovered’ and the small, charming event is now held twice a year at the county fairgrounds. I didn’t notice if there was an admission fee at the Nest Fest. For $20.00, The Goat Hill Fair offers ‘early goats’ an extra hour and a half purchasing time before the general admittance from 10:00 – 4:00 at $5.00. The pictures you posted could have been taken at the Goat Hill Fair, the setting, displays and merchandise look so similar. I hope the Nest Fest becomes a regular event back there, too.

  21. Beth Fagundes says:

    In my area, the central coast of California, we have a bi-annual show put on by the Three Speckled Hens. It is like this NestFest, but it has grown to huge proportions, by our small town measure! I look forward to it every May and October. The May show is usually my birthday weekend, so I get to buy myself a birthday treat!!

  22. Stacey Keeling says:

    Wow, the Nester outdid herself! That looks like so much fun. Inspiration and fun things to buy at every turn. What more could you want?

  23. Terri/Houston lady says:

    Hi Diane, yes I love to attend craft fairs.. My sister and I went to a church craft fair this past weekend.. Thanks for sharing your pics..looks like a great fair!!
    Have a great day ?

  24. Thanks for sharing for those of us too far away to attend.