Christmas Tree Napkin Ring DIY

How to make a Christmas tree napkin ring with scrapbook or decorative paper.

Every Christmas I like to create a festive holiday table to enjoy Christmas dinner with my family.

Turquoise and white christmas-Table-settings

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In my previous house I had a dining room with a large table where we would host between 7 – 14 people. My dad made a top to extend the table to fit 14.

When we moved, the table and chairs didn’t fit in the lake house so it happily went to my oldest daughter who did have the room in her house for it.

Paintable Textured Wallpaper in Kitchen and round table.

I still like to come up with holiday table setting ideas, but now I do it for the round table in my kitchen that seats five. It is the only inside dining table we have.

The biggest challenge in doing this is that it is a round table. I like the bare wood surface paired with my white plate’s most of the time, but do like to change it up.

Placemats really don’t work as the corners of each overlap on the table.  Round tablecloths are hard to find and when I do find them, I usually don’t like the fabric.

Thanksgiving table setting idea

I could make them myself, like I did last year for Thanksgiving, but it does take time to do that. This Christmas, I wanted quick and easy.

Christmas decorating ideas using red. Christmas house tours

I was gravitating to using red plaid. I really liked how my living room looked with the red plaid I used on my tree and…

…the gifts under it.  I wanted to find a plaid tablecloth to spread the pattern into the dining area.

Christmas-red Plaid-table-setting on a budget.

When I was out Christmas shopping last week the thrift store I found a few plaid cloths I liked but figured they would all be rectangular or oval cloths. I was thrilled to find a round one.  It was one of those “meant-to-be” finds. 

Easy Christmas Table setting centerpiece idea

For the centerpiece on the table, I tied twine around a cylindrical vase and stuffed glittered twigs in between the vase and twine. (I bought the twigs last year at Hobby Lobby.) I added a small poinsettia from Walmart’s garden dept. and pine branches from my yard inside the vase.

The Kosta Boda Snow Ball votive holders around the vase are my favorite Christmas decoration. I love them and have had them for years. I use them all around the house in many different ways.

Make simple DIY Christmas tree napkin rings from paper to add a festive touch to your holiday table setting.

Since the plaid is a busy pattern, I kept the rest of the table setting simple and made paper Christmas tree napkin rings. They are not really rings, but more of a napkin wrapper.

Christmas-Plaid-Table-setting idea

They were easy to make with red printer paper. I was considering adding glitter to them and writing names on each so they would double as place cards, but then decided I like the the way they looked just simply red.

Since Christmas is still 12 days away and we use this table all the time, I am storing everything in my china closet except the centerpiece that is still on the table and the new plaid tablecloth that is hanging in a closet all pressed and ready to go. On Christmas Day I will be able to put it all back in place 1…2…3.. :-)

How to Make DIY Christmas Tree Napkin Rings

supplies needed:

  • Paper of any type from construction paper to gift wrap. Cut to  3-1/2″ x 11-1/2″
  • Scissors
  • Christmas Tree template -Click here to print:  Christmas Tree Napkin Ring template
  • Optional  – cardboard
How to make a paper Christmas tree napkin ring for a dinner table setting
  1. Print and cut-out tree template. If you are going to make a lot of them, trace the tree onto a piece of cardboard. It will hold up better to repeat tracings.
How to accordion fold paper to make a Christmas tree napkin ring.

2. Fold paper into 1-inch wide accordion pleats.

Christmas tree napkin ring wrapper template

3. Place tree template onto accordion-folded paper.

How to make Christmas Tree napkin ring wrappers.

4. Cut-out the traced shape, making sure the lowest tree branch and the base under the tree trunk remain uncut on the accordion folds.

Easy to make Christmas Tree napkin ring wrappers for your holiday table setting.

5. Unfold paper and wrap around a folded napkin.

Make simple DIY Christmas tree napkin rings from paper to add a festive touch to your holiday table setting.

Do you plan out how you set your holiday table every year?

Holiday napkin rings. How to make DIY Christmas tree napkin rings using paper. Easy to make and fun for kids to help. #christmastablesetting #Christmasnapkinrings #ChristmasDIY #Plaid

Ok, the dinner table is set. Now, how about the rest of the house? Are all of the other rooms decorated or might you ant to check out some more Christmas decorating ideas?

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  1. palaciodevillabona says:

    ¡Muy didactico! Ciertos motivos. Manten este criterio es un blog sincero. Tengo que leer màs posts como este.


  2. Sunset Magazine ages ago suggested cutting two sem-circles from plywood and hinging them with tape for a table extender. Maybe you have another table extender in your future.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Connie – I will have to do a Google search for that. Thanks for telling me.

  3. Does a 90 inch round tablecloth reach to the floor? I can’t tell from your pictures. THANK YOU!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      H Valerie – No it does not go near the floor. It passes the seats and falls about half the way to the floor. My table is 4 feet in diameter. A 70″ round skirts the seats.

  4. I don’t know if you received my message so I’m sending it again.
    I have found 90 inches round tablecloths in a great store in Canada. I saw about 10 styles. The beauty of it is that they do deliver to 48 States in the United States and the Website is both in French and in English.
    A few of the styles are more of a winter theme than a Christmas one, but, nevertheless, I thought I would share that info with you.
    Thank you for the interesting articles and ideas!
    Here’s the name of the store: Simons or All you have to do is click on EN to see the English descriptions.
    It’s my favourite store ever!
    Happy holidays!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Chantal – I didn’t see it, but thank you so much for telling me about the site. I will check it out. Happy Holidays!

  5. Deanna Rabe says:

    Its perfect! I love plaids, especially reds at Christmas!

  6. So pretty and inviting. Merry Christmas Diane and Happy New Year!

  7. Love your beautiful plaid tablecloth, it’s so pretty & festive!

  8. Kimberly Bruhn says:

    LOVE the plaid…but I’m Scottish (even have the DNA test to prove it…hahaha) so plaid, Scottie dogs and vintage Christmas are always a hit! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  9. Linda L Weeks says:

    Thank you, Diane, your family should feel very lucky to have you! Merry Christmas!

  10. I personally love a round table over any other shape…of course that does mean not as many at the table, but oh well ;-)

    LOVE your tablecloth and the entire tablescape!

    Usually I don’t get to host Christmas meals but whenever I host a dinner party, yes, I do love to do fancy & festive table settings. My guests always compliment me on my table settings and say something like “Oooh I feel I’m in a 5 star restaurant”.

    Thanks again Diane for your truly wonderful, practical and very common-sense decorating ideas that work for smaller budgets! Kudos to you :-)

  11. Norma Rolader says:

    you bring so much to everyone and thank you for inviting us in

  12. Diane,
    To answer your question, YES, I do set a holiday table in my dining room using my Vietri St. Nick pattern dishes and other plates etc., as well as my Fostoria red glasses passed to me from my mother. I arranged the table in early December and will leave it until my dinner with friends on the 23rd. Seeing the red and the different St. Nick faces, as I pass the dining room, gives me great pleasure.
    I wish you a Merry Christmas. Your blog brings me much pleasure all year long. You are so clever. I have gleaned many an idea!

  13. Jules Schroeder says:

    Very pretty! I’m feeling red plaid this year as well. Just wondering if I missed a post on your pantry re-do. No pressure – just wanted to be sure I caught it. Have a great day!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jules – Thanks. No you didn’t miss a post about my pantry makeover. Christmas prep got in the way. I am finished 95% of it and am enjoying the ease of finding what I need now. I will be posting about it in early January.

  14. I love this idea! Plaid is one of my favorites for Christmas. I know how hard it is to find a 90″ round tablecloth! My formal dining table is 60″ round and a 70″ tablecloth just doesn’t work. I found some solid 90″ black and white ones at Sam’s Club and grabbed a package of each. A smaller red plaid square table cloth over the solid is the best I can do this year, as I don’t want to make one. Alas, no Home Goods store close enough to me.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Patti – Putting a square plaid cloth over a solid color is a great idea. Offers a lot of options throughout the year, too, Plus a square cloth is pretty easy to make :-) Round ones, not so much. I have a white round cloth, I will on the lookout now for some pretty fabric to make square toppers.

  15. JuLia@Cuckoo4Design says:

    It looks so good! Love the centerpiece so much and the red little paper trees. Such a cute idea

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Julia – Thanks. I usually keep the colors pretty neutral, but red and plaid were calling my name this year.