My Go-To Autumn Hostess Gift
It has been a glorious autumn weekend here and I have been out enjoying every minute of it. I went back to work last Monday after being on a 6 week medical leave. It was hard!!! Even though I wasn’t feeling great when I was home, I was still home – enjoying puttering around, nesting, blogging, relaxing, and reading. Now that I am back to work – “my time” is limited. Since it was so nice my hubby, Ed and I biked about 24 miles on the Perkiomen Trail yesterday. It runs north of Philadelphia along the Perkiomen Creek. If Ed were alone he would have made it all the way to Valley Forge, but since I was with him, we didn’t go the entire route.
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It was so nice to get outside and get fresh air in my lungs. My legs were a little wobbly when we got back to the car to load the bikes, but other than that it was a perfect way to spend a beautiful fall day. This photo is taken pre-helmet head.
I took lots of photos along the trail…
And we even made the acquaintance of this cute little kitty. Isn’t he the perfect autumn colored kitty? I wanted to put him in my bike basket and take him home, but we figured he belonged to the owners of the house where he was playing.
Today brings another aspect of autumn that I love – Football. Ed is a huge fan and I just love hearing the game on TV – it brings back fond childhood memories being all cozy and snugly waiting for a Sunday dinner or the ultimate cozy holiday- Thanksgiving. We live near the local high school and every Friday night, we can hear the cheers and the band playing at halftime. We can always tell if the high school is winning by the roar of the crowd. I also love packing the car with tailgating goodies to go to homecoming every year at my husband’s Alma Mater, the US Naval Academy. To me, Fall would not be the same without football and the partying that goes along with game day.
Football games also bring neighborhood get-togethers and I am going to one this afternoon. We will be inside a friend’s home this evening. It is a cool crisp day and I am sure their fireplace will be burning, just adding to that perfect autumn ambiance of comfy cozy – the best way to spend an autumn Sunday. I always like to take something to these get-togethers. My go-to hostess gift is simply placing some mums in a brown paper shopping bag with the sides rolled down filled with some yummy Panera bread, a pretty hand towel or napkins, and a bottle of wine. Plus, it serves another purpose – the perfect centerpiece for the buffet table.

Now I am off to watch the Eagles beat the Redskins.