High Gloss Paint Makeover for My Office Desk

Remember the desk I found curbside for free that I recently placed in my studioffice?


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It was a very pretty desk with great lines, but I didn’t like the color.  I transformed it using very high gloss white paint.

How to line a desk drawer with pages from a book.Furniture makeover of the inside of a desk drawer using cut up book pages to line it.- before and after

The desk has one large drawer. I posted about:

Desk Before

When I picked up the desk in curbside trash, it had a yellow aged and painted design. Nice, but not quite my style.  The legs were pretty beaten up and white where the finish had worn in spots

Before and After Furniture transformations

How to Paint with High Gloss Oil Paint

To create the durable, super extra high gloss furniture paint finish I used Glidden Oil Base Trim and Door paint that I bought at The Home Depot.

I know, I know… you are saying – “Yuck – no way am I painting with oil”

Glidden Trim and Door Extra high Gloss Paint

That used to be me. Once you see how this paint covers and shines, you may change your thinking.  It is incredibly shiny and dries to a super hard finish. I needed two coats. It took 24 hours to dry and did smell, but the wait was worth it – no brush marks at all!  It is as smooth as glass as the paint self levels.

Glidden Trim and Door Extra High Gloss Paint

It is gel paint – very thick!  A paint stirring stick stands upright in it.  It only needs to be stirred gently– no shaking.  I used Bright White, but I think it comes in Antique White, Red, Black, and Navy.

Water-Based Glossy White Paint Option:

If you want to paint your desk high-gloss white and don’t want to use this oil-based paint, my other go-to gloss formula of paint is much easier to use. It is water-based, Rustoleum Painter’s Touch Ultra Cover. It also dries to a super shiny finish, but does not self-level. Even with that said, you will not be disappointed in the sheen of this paint.

When using either paint formula, make sure to use a high quality brush.  When you have a great paint brush, your painted finish will look like a pro did it.

How to prep and paint the desk:

  • I lightly sanded the entire desk with medium grit sandpaper, then cleaned it with a tack cloth to remove all the dust.
  • I used my trusty 2” angled Purdy paint brush and simply brushed the paint on. Since the paint is thick  – I needed to push the brush into the strokes with a bit more pressure than normal to get it to spread out, but it went on quickly.
  • I let it dry for 2 days before I added a second coat.
  • Let the finish dry for at least a few days before using.
  • IF USING WATER-BASED paint, you can add another coat after about 4 hours. Let desk dry at least 24 hours before using.

Pretty Desk top ideas

Once the paint was dry, I gave it more of my personality by adding my stuff.

Desk decorating ideas

You can see how shiny it is – the glass vase has a reflection.

I am thrilled with the desk – I am over the moon happy as I have never had my very own desk before. Growing up, I shared a room with my 2 sisters and we shared a desk.  In college I had a desk in my dorm room, but it was dark brown and attached to the wall with built in shelves.  It didn’t feel like a desk and I never used it. This desk is my very own – pretty and what I always imagined a desk should look like.

How to accessorize a desk

On one side I have all my pens and pencils, my second brain –my DIY Rolodexdesk clock, and flowers.

How to organize magic markers

On the other end I keep all my colorful markers in a thrift store find, photos of my daughters when they were little, and a few favorite objects.


Since I painted this desk, I moved to a new home. The finish on the desk is still in great shape after 8 years!!!

In My Own Style studioffice

See how shiny it still is?  You can see how it looks now in this post:

A home office with a white and pink color palette.


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  1. While searching on line for “storage”/”filing” suggestions I ran across your page. Your view of the lake………..caught my eye as we literally live on a lake in a 17×75′ houseboat.
    This has been quite a change after selling our 80 acre bison ranch and moving back to this lake in No.Idaho. My “office” literally consists of me crawling thru a “doggy” door of sorts as it is one of four “bedrooms”. Cannot enlarge “doorway” as it has a steel beam built into the support system.Hubby said I didn’t need a file cabinet any longer….hah!….emptied 2) 4-drawer and (2) two drawer to get here now the files I need are still in banker’s boxes. The bedroom I have taken over has a queen mattress on the floor…no closets anywhere so hubby has hung closet poles across the expanse for our “closet” and I am in one corner with my (2) pcs/one monitor and printer. Will be looking to your space for future ideas. Thanks for the “venting” space…………..

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Mo – Sounds like you are working to make your houseboat just perfect for you. It may take some time, but as I like to say… edit, edit and edit till you get just what you need. Enjoy life on the lake.

  2. Meg Stegbauer says:

    Diane! Thank you for this great tutorial. I’m painting tables for my sewing room and this is the look I want. I bought the paint and applied the first coat — I’m so upset — I have brush marks! What did I do wrong? It gets tacky very quickly so going over where it was painted caused also some glitches. The tables are 8 feet long so trying to do 1 long row then down to the next is where the row above was tacky and I couldn’t blend it. What do I do? I painted them last night — I have 2-8′ long tables. I can see the shine, but see the brush marks. I used a 2″ Wooster Pro White China Bristle angled brush. Home Depot didn’t have the Purdy. Any help is appreciated!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Meg –

      Sorry to hear that your table makeover has run into problems. From your description of what happened, I think when you went over the initial coat of paint to try to smooth it out is what caused the problem. The paint is self-leveling. Even if it looks uneven or brushstrokes in the first coat, just leave them – they will level.

      What is the temp in the room that you are painting in? That may have caused a problem if it was not optimal.

      To fix the surface. Let it dry completely. Don’t sand for at least a few days. If you begin to sand and the finish gums up. Stop. Let the paint dry more. If you don’t want to wait, you can strip the surface with a furniture stripper, but that is a messy job. If you go that route, CitraStrip is the least toxic.

      If you don’t want to re-coat with the same paint, you can use a Rustoleum Ultra Cover. It is also a shiny finish paint and not as new-fangled. You can read more about it in this post where I used it on a mirror. http://bit.ly/2IDAM9m

      The Glidden paint is different, but the finish is amazing! I painted my desk years ago and it still looks shiny white with no yellowing. There are a few chips on the edges that happened when we moved, but other than these, the finish still looks so nice.

      1. Meg Stegbauer says:

        Thank you so much for responding so quickly! I love the finish of this in the good spots so I don’t want to change paints. I definitely want to achieve your beautiful results. I will sand it in a few days then. Light sand? 220 grit? Obviously not sanding it all off, right? Just enough to even out the brush marks? It’s so shiny and beautiful I really want to get this right. The temperature in the room is 77-78 degrees Fahrenheit. It was definitely when I tried to smooth out the strokes that caused the one problem. I tried to brush it on without having too much paint, but most likely did. Thank you again, Diane! I’ll let you know how it works out!

        1. Diane Henkler says:

          Hi Meg – When the finish is dry, you can start with 220 grit sandpaper and see if it is enough to smooth. You can also try wet sandpaper. It is black.You use with water and it does a nice job to smooth. If the 220 is not enough, then go to lower numbers of grit until one works. Then before painting again, go over with 220 to really smooth and then the surface will be ready. When using the paint, long strokes are best, but it is hard since the pant is so thick, but it will level. Try not to touch up, as that is when the problem happens. It is hard not to do that though. :-) Let me know how it turns out.

          1. Meg Stegbauer says:

            Will do. Also, hubby just told me I probably didn’t have enough paint on the brush. Thoughts? I was afraid of getting too much on and thought I had a sufficient amount. I started out with about 1/2″ on the brush and spread it as far as it would go — I thought, which was only about a foot and then would add more to the brush.

          2. Diane Henkler says:

            Hi Meg – you can load up the brush to the point where the paint is not dripping off. It will go further.

          3. Meg Stegbauer says:

            Okay, I’ll do that. Thank you for all your help. I can’t wait to get this right. They’re going to be beautiful if I can just get it all even.

          4. Meg Stegbauer says:

            Hi, Diane! Me Again! I have the surface of the 2 – 8′ tables sanded and they’re an ultra smooth finish. Just wondering if a wider, say a 3-4″ brush would be better since these are 8′ long tables. Much longer than your desk. Thoughts? Rather than the 2″ brush that you used for your desk? Just don’t want to start painting it until I get the correct combination.

          5. Diane Henkler says:

            Hi Meg – For the size of your tables. You can use a larger brush. It would work fine and help you get more paint on with one swipe. I am not sure it will go the whole 8 ft. though. You will have to work in sections, trying not to overlap.

            This is what I did, I tried to make the longest stokes possible and then quickly re-load the brush and apply more paint to the surface.

      2. Meg Stegbauer says:

        Also, Diane, I have the ceiling fan on in the room thinking that would aid the drying process. Does that cause an issue?

        1. Diane Henkler says:

          The fan is probably not a good thing as it may blow dust in the air onto the surface. Once the paint surface looks drier you can turn the fan on, but while painting and the paint coat is wet, I would leave the fan off.

        2. Meg Stegbauer says:

          It is impossible to get the paint to go 8′ or should I use smaller sections?

        3. Meg Stegbauer says:

          What if I painted instead 8′ long, the other way and did it the 2′ wide direction? That’s not the direction of the grain, but thoughts?

          1. Diane Henkler says:

            Hi Meg – If the grain is not too deep or large, it may work just fine. It would allow you to get one long stroke across the tables. Is there a way to test it out, maybe on the underside of the table?

  3. Thank you for sharing this How to. I came upon it when I did a search on how to paint my old dining table which has seen years of wear. Hopefully I can still get the Glidden paint you have mentioned

    1. Meg Stegbauer says:

      Right. Yes, I’ll give that a try on the underside. Just want it perfect and so I’m being cautious before I start again. Thanks, Diane!

  4. I love the desk, It looks so pretty, I might get one like that, When I decide where can I place it in my home, Sherry/Chicago

  5. I love your desk makeover. Thank you for sharing. Did you customize your rolodex or buy it that way? I love it!

  6. Lydia Gardner says:

    Your desk looks awesome. My daughter will be inspired by this project and definitely be encouraged to paint the worn out desk that was given to her. Good Job and Thanks for the Great Tips!!

  7. Hello
    I am interested in how u painted the large armoire behind your desk chair.
    I have a very similar piece.
    Really enjoy your site and many creative ideas for updates. Tks

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Ann – That paint on the armoire has a funny story behind it. It was painted orange by Ed’s parents and was handed down to us when we were married. I decided to paint it beige and did so. I was young and didn’t know I needed to sand and prime. About a week after I painted it, it started to peel off. I had to scrap for days to get it all off. I then sanded it with 100 grit sandpaper. To get into the carved areas I folded small pieces of sandpaper and used the folded edge to get into the tight spots. Once the wood was smooth, I applied 2 light coats of bonding primer and 2 light coats of latex paint in semi-gloss. I brushed it on. I plan to paint it again in a few weeks, but this time I think I will use chalk paint.

  8. Elaine Williams says:

    I love your desk! Your tutorials and product selections are so very helpful. Takes a lot of the guess work out for your fans. I have a question about the legs. You said they were really beat up. So does that mean the paint was beat up or were there dings in the wood? So if there were dings they could be filled in with wood putty and then sanded?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Elaine – When I found the desk on the curb, the finish on the legs was chipped in many places, not the wood. I sanded them smooth, then I painted. If the dings were deep enough and in the wood, you could definitely use wood putty to fill and sandpaper to smooth them.

  9. This is beautiful! I found your blog and this post when searching on painting veneer furniture gloss white. ;) I have a large dresser I bought second hand, sight (and in this case smell) unseen, and after one night in my bedroom it had to go live in the garage – the smell of men’s cologne was overpowering. I am super sensitive to chemical scents, and I spent a truly unfortunate $250 on this dresser that I doubt I will be able to resell, so I’m wondering if sanding and painting over it will seal in that odor, which is still going strong 4 months later out in the garage. I’m a little concerned about the odor from the paint itself, though. Did your desk continue to emit any odor after drying? I know oil based paints are pretty noxious, but they do a great job, and I have a respirator I could wear while working. I’d be willing to do that for a glassy hard finish if the out-gassing stopped shortly after drying. If you’ve got any advice on dealing with perfumes and smells in used wood furniture, I’m all ears! Thank you!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Diane –

      Your dresser sounds very nice and with a little effort you can get rid of the smell. There are a few different deodorizing techniques for old furniture to try. They work best in extremely dry conditions or in full sun during low humidity, where the heat helps remove moisture and odor. Sanding will help, so I would go over the surfaces with a medium grit sandpaper around 160 grit.

      After sanding, clean every surface inside and out of the dresser with a mixture of TSP cleaner and water (found in the paint aisle) and let the dresser dry out in the sun. Next place unused charcoal briquettes in the drawers and let them sit there for a few days. If the drawers still smell, you can apply clear shellac to all the surfaces inside and out and let it dry very well before using. Shellac seals in wood tannins and smells very well. I have used Zinsser Bull’s Eye Shellac on a mirror and it worked great.

      For your second question about the gloss oil paint smelling after it is dried. It smelled for a few days, but once it was cured there was no smell at all. One thing that I know does happen with oil paints is that if you are using light colors, they may darken over time especially if they are in a dark room. My desk has always been in a very brightly lit room so it did not happen, but where I had a pencil holder on the desk, underneath it, I did notice the paint did darken a bit.

      I love the desk and have used it every day. When we recently moved to a new house the finish held up perfectly during the move. I would use it again to get the high gloss white finish the paint creates.

  10. I am looking into doing a coffee table with a high gloss bright white similar to the desk. I’ve been reading a lot about high gloss pieces since i have never uses it before and your paint choice and method has been the best advice I have found so far! Has the paint held up over time to be durable for a coffee table? The table has glass panels in it that I am thinking about replacing with mirrors. Do you think the high gloss finish like yours would be too much shine with mirrors? It’s always so hard to guess the shine involved in a finish untill the project is done- any thoughts you have would be helpful.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Amy –

      The gloss finish on my desk has held up great. It did suffer a few chips in our recent move while in transit, but I have touched them up and all looks perfect again.

      There is another gloss paint that I like a lot also that is not oil-based and much easier to work with. It is called Rustoleum Painter’s Touch Ultra Cover. I wrote a post about it here: https://inmyownstyle.com/2015/03/my-two-favorite-glossy-white-paints.html

      I highly recommend it. If you prepare the surface correctly, sand, use light coats you are sure to get a lasting finish.

      If you want the table to look modern, then a glossy finish with the mirrors will look fabulous. If your decorating style is more traditional or casual, you may want to use a semi-gloss or even a satin. The contrast will add interest and look more classic. The Rustoleum Ultra Cover comes in a few different sheens.

  11. Did you use a primer? I’m thinking about painting my grey parsons desk a glossy white (a la the west elm parsons desk) and not sure if priming is an absolute must or if i can get away with just sanding.


    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Amber – No I didn’t use a primer since it is oil based paint paint. I just sanded the surface. I use the desk everyday and the paint has held up great.

  12. Hi Diane,
    First off, thank you so much! Your entire site is amazing – you are SO talented! And the instructions for this project have been perfect!
    I’ve got one issue – little fuzzies in the air. I painted yesterday and noticed a few were landing on the wet paint. More have arrived today. Have you ever had to deal with this issue or do you have recommendations about how to deal with them? Do I need to sand again? (I’m sick of sanding…but I will if I have to!)
    Otherwise, things are working really well!
    Thanks so much for the inspiration!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Gillian –

      If the paint is still wet, you can use the side of a knife or needle to get it out, then brush over the area lightly. If the paint is dry, you will have to sand the area – 220 grit sandpaper to remove the fuzzies. Then repaint.

      Right now – Spring is a big pollen season and it is blowing everywhere – it is not good when painting. When painting, try to paint in a room that does not have a lot of traffic in it. Close the door after you paint to keep airborne stuff out.

      1. Thanks so much! Fingers crossed :)

  13. So , I’m working on making the ottoman. I am slowly gathering all the parts. I ordered the foam from Amazon, and only need the wheels and I’ll be ready to go. Can’t wait.
    In the mean time I’ve painted a small table using your $2.OO Chalk paint method, It came out great. Lime green. It’s loud and proud. LOL. It was a retro looking little table so I thought green would work well and it did.
    I’ve garbage picked an old dresser to make into a storage space for all the fabric I scored this past weekend at yard sales. I bought 6 large trash bags for $3! The dresser looks awful but I’m going to use your method and add some shelves and some chalk paint and turn this ugly duckling into a swan. Can it wait. So I have tons of fabric and I’m looking to make a table cloth for my really long dining table. I’ve noticed that the house feels really dark and heavy. Most of my furniture is dark, as are my wood floors. My walls are tan w/white trim.
    So I’d like to change the drapes and maybe add a light colored table cloth to lighten up the room. Which brings me to my question.

    I thought I saw how to make a ruffled table cloth on your site , but I can’t find it. Was it here and can I have the link?

      1. Didn’t see it ,but I’m sure I’ll come across it again. I’ve got plenty to keep my busy until then. I started a small desk project using your $2.OO (pink and off white) paint method and Anne Sloan chalk paint (French linen). I’m off the races! I’m also re organizing my kitchen junk draw using your little box method. I’ve already done two bookshelves and the linen closet.

        I could never thank you enough. I’m getting so organized and saving a ton. Thx!

        1. Diane Henkler says:

          Hi Dee Dee – You are on a roll, please send me some of your energy. You are on what I call a decorating marathon. One project fuels you to do the next. It makes me happy to know that I have inspired you. Thanks for taking the time to let me know. XO

  14. Beautiful desk , but I’d like to know more about the ottoman. Did you make that? It’s gorgeous. (thanks , I love your site)

      1. Thanks Diane. I’m going to check it out now. I can’t believe you made it. It’s beautiful.
        You are so creative.
        This site is seriously addictive. It should come with a warning label.

        1. Diane Henkler says:

          Hi Dee Dee – That is the nicest compliment ever :-) Thanks so much. It makes me happy to know that you are finding inspiration on my blog. XO

  15. I went to Home Depot to buy this paint at your recommendation and it turns out they are re-doing the line to be “Trim, Door and Furniture” paint. It’s probably the same paint inside, but the exciting part is that the old line is currently 75% off to get rid of it! Well, not the black or white, but Crisp Linen, Navy, Red and the Brown are all $5. I stocked up, because that is an awesome price!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jeanette – Wow that is a great deal. I did not know they were changing it. Will have to check it out before they sell out.

  16. Hi – I just wanted to thank you for your tutorial! I am doing a home office makeover and since I could not find the desk I wanted I built one instead! I used 2 doors I got at a construction recycling store, cost $55, and used the paint you recommended and it turned out BEAUTIFULLY! SO HAPPY! As you said the painting was super easy because it’s so thick, goes on smoothly and NO lines. Thanks!!

  17. I’ve wanted to do a high gloss piece for some time now. So… it’s time… now:) One quick question: Does the desk have brush marks? I’m going for almost a lacquer effect and most of what I’ve seen says to use spray paint to avoid them. Thoughts?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Shannon – If you use the Glidden Oil Based Gel Door and Trim paint you will not have brush marks – not a one. It is self-leveling paint. It comes in 5 – 6 basic colors and is sold at the Home Depot. The finish is super high gloss and wears great.

      It is a different kind of paint and does take about 24 hours to dry, but if you have the time to wait you will be rewarded with a high lacquered finish. The paint is super thick – really thick. It is spreadable once you get the hang of it. Do not stir the can, but dip the paint stirrer in a few times to make sure it is mixed. Read the can and follow the directions. Do not over work, brush on one area and move on. Having a high quality brush makes all the difference in brush strokes showing up, too. Buy a Purdy – I like the angled ones.

  18. Hi Diane,

    I absolutely LOVE how your desk turned out! I decided to paint a thrift store find the exact paint color and it looks beautiful. Do you remember how long it took the smell to go away? I’m pregnant so I’m a little concerned about the fumes. The bureau was painted about a week ago and it still smells pretty potent.

    Thanks for your wonderful website! I love getting inspired by your projects!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Ashley –

      The smell went away after a few weeks. The drier the air, the faster it will cure and not smell anymore. If you live in a humid area, it may take longer to fully dry. I placed my desk in a room we didn’t use and I closed the door until it was fully dry.

  19. Thanks for your reply, Diane! I didn’t know about oil paint potentially yellowing. That’s valuable info :) I will definitely consider the chalk paint. Usually I have seen this used with the distressed finish, but I bet it would look really nice without that, and more my style. I didn’t realize you could use a poly coat over chalk paint. That would probably be best for me since I need to wipe my table regularly. Thanks again for the wonderful information! I really appreciate it!

  20. Hi, Diane! I found this post when searching for tips on painting my dining table. I was wondering how the Glidden paint has held up. Our dining table gets a lot of wear and tear, so I want the paint to be as durable as possible.

    I previously painted it was spray paint but it has developed small chips here and there. Would I need to use a special primer between the spray paint and the oil-based paint?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Julia – It has worn well. There are a few little chips along the top of the drawer, but the finish is high gloss and looks like it has just been painted everywhere else. I have found it does yellow if you place something on the surface and never move it. I have a pencil caddy that spins on the corner of my desk. I noticed recently that it did slightly yellow a bit under the caddy. Everywhere else is super white-white still. Oil paint needs light to not yellow.

      Have you ever considered painting it with DIY chalk paint. When you use chalk paint you do not have to distress or age it. When I use the Calcium Carbonate and Plaster recipe – it creates the most durable finish I have ever painted. I love the High Gloss oil, but it is an oil paint and is different because it is so thick. If you are after high shine – go with the Glidden. If you want super durable – use the chalk paint and then use a super thin coat of soft wax over it and buff it to a subtle shine or a non-yellowing polyurethane – Miniwax Polycrylic is a good one.

  21. Did you put a protective coat on post painting? Like a poly? I am wanting this finish for a piano!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      If you are going to use the High gloss gel paint from Glidden that I used on my desk, then there is no need to put a poly over this paint. It would ruin the tough high gloss finish. The finish is glass after it is cured.

      1. Thanks so much! Yes I want to cover a piano with it!

  22. Hello Diane,

    I know you used two coats on your desk, but did you use the entire can for the two coats? I purchased this same color this past weekend and I will be painting my desk this weekend. I need to know if I need two cans of this paint or not. I think this quart size is so small but that’s the only size it comes in. Also, I know you said that you lightly sanded your table, was this the reason for the two coats? I sanded my table completely raw, so I’m wondering if I’ll need two coats. If so, I don’t mind, I just don’t won’t to have to purchase another can.


    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Lala – I only needed one can of paint. It goes a long way. Since you sanded to the bare wood, you may want to use a primer first so the paint does not soak into the wood too much. I would use Kilz original primer. It is oil-based and dries in 30 minutes. It is also white and may help lessen the need for 2 coats of paint. After you get the first coat of paint on, it has to dry over night. You can access then if you have enough paint left for a second coat. If you desk is the same size, I don’t think you will need more paint. The reason for 2 coats is to make sure the coverage is even.

  23. Hey there Diane,

    I just painted a desk with the black version of this paint. I carefully prepped and did long smooth strokes. It appears that my brush marks are still visible though. They didn’t seem to “self level”. Its definitely glossy and shiny but I see lines horizontally across the desk top where I took every stroke. I haven’t added a second coat yet. I was wondering, can I sand the first coat smooth and then apply a 2nd coat? Or should I not sand?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Chris –

      Yes – you can sand any brush strokes to smooth. Clean it off and then reocat. What kind of brush are you using? A Purdy or Wooster? They are the best and you will see no or very little brush strokes.

      1. Thanks for your quick reply!

        Yes, I bought a brand new 2″ Wooster for this job. I think I may have needed to apply more pressure than I did to the brush. It’s a smooth finish. It just has light grooves. But I’ll sand down the brush marks and apply a 2nd coat. Hopefully it’ll smooth out. Thanks again!

        1. Just an update…

          I added a second coat to the desk and it’s perfect! Deep black, shiny and smooth. Thanks for the info Diane. It helped so much.

  24. Hi Diane, I was wondering if you think with a good oil based primer I could paint laminate with that paint? Thanks, you are one of my favorite bloggers , as we have much in common. Have a good day . Beth

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Beth – Yes, you will be able to use the paint over an oil primer on laminate. I would sand the surface first – just a bit to rough it up. I would use Kilz Original primer. That is my go to for jobs like this. One light coat – let it dry – sand to smooth out any drips – then add another light coat of primer. After it is dry – check for smoothness – sand areas if necessary and use a tack cloth to clean. Then apply the paint. I would practice on a scrap piece of wood with the paint so you get the hang of using it. This will allow you to see how it goes on and completely self levels.

  25. Gorgeous! This is exactly what I was looking for. I want some super shiny white floating 24″ shelves (I know, a little specific) and couldn’t find them anywhere! DIY to the rescue. I am so excited to try this (and a little nervous after reading some of the comments, eek). I have written down all your tips, and will do my best! The worst part is waiting on the drying time to put them up and admire!!

    1. So I just finished up my first coat on my shelves. It was pretty easy… only issue I had was that a little bit of fuzzies got in the finish, it seems that they are falling from thin air. Maybe it’s normal but whatever, I think it’ll look fine in the end. Should’ve researched how to clean oil based paint off paintbrushes before hand (now I’m thinking I should’ve just left my paintbrushes dirty and kept them wrapped when I do my second coat tomorrow, hmm) but anyways I used paint thinner (should’ve gotten the gallon like my dad said lol). Lots of lessons learned.

      I’m hoping the paint levels itself when it’s not done on a vertical too..?? ie my shelf sides. It’s very thick so I don’t want any “drips.”

      1. Did you have luck removing fuzzies? I’m having the same issue. I don’t know where they’re even coming from!!

  26. I LOVE your beautiful desk and have been thinking of transforming an old dresser and vanity into this high-gloss look. The pieces were refinished some time ago with a stain/varnish of some type, not sure. Once I do some sanding would I need to apply a matte base primer before applying the oil paint for better adhesion? I have known others to use oil based paint for this type of project only to have it chip. Should I assume they did not sand/prep beforehand??
    Thanks for your advice!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kelly – When working with older stained pieces, it is always best to sand at least a little bit and seal them before painting. The stain and wood tannins will bleed through the wood if you don’t use a stain blocking primer. I would use Kilz Original primer on the pieces first. It is their oil-based forumla, but dries in 30 minutes. Apply two light coats, let the first dry before applying the second. Sand in between coats to smooth. Then apply the gloss paint.

  27. I have a question–I want to use this on a desk, too. I am so impressed It looks wonderful. But how long did it have to wait before you could actually start using it as a desk–putting your lamp, laptop, etc. on it?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Gloria – I waited about 4 days to place things on the desk. It takes at least 24 hours to dry.

  28. How long did it dry before putting stuff on?do you have and special tips for doing this to a mirror? Looks great!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Shelley – I waited about 5 days before I put anything on the desk. If the weather is right, it should dry in 24 hours. It can take up to a week or longer to cure. Do you want to paint a mirror or the frame around the mirror? On the mirror surface, you may want to use a thin coat of gripping primer first, let it dry – then paint. Glidden makes one called Gripper. For the frame – sand it to rough up the surface, clean off the sanding grit and then paint.

  29. How do I do the same thing but with a pink color I found at Benjamin Moore?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Anne – The high gloss gel paint from Glidden only comes in a handful of colors. If you have the BM paint # for the pink paint, then I would search for the brand with the highest gloss paint finish you can find and get the color mixed using that. If none are glossy enough you could also add a high gloss water based polyurethane finish on top of a satin finish paint to provide the sheen. If you don’t mind using an oil based paint, most oil-base in a gloss finish are also pretty shiny and durable on their own.

  30. The desk looks beautiful! I’m thinking of trying it for my $75 craigslist find dining table. I know you had said we do not need an additional protective finish because it would cake on, but would this table generally be okay as a dining table surface? Easy to clean if food gets on it? Also, do you think buffing with steel wool in between coats would make it glossier?Is it even necessary with this paint? (I saw that tip in a flea market book that shows how to makeover flea market finds). I am going to try it on the dining table leaf first before I try it on the entire table. Thanks!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Terese –

      You don’t need anything over the paint, it is super shiny and easy to clean. I have even gotten ink on it and used detergent mixed with Comet to remove the stain. As far as using steel wool in between coats. It can’t hurt, but the paint does self-level, you may not need it. Try it out on a scrap piece of wood to get the hang of using it before trying it on the table leaf. It is unique paint, very different and super thick when you spread it, but magically – it comes out smooth and shiny like glass. When dry it does not have that latex look or feel – which gives it a pro look.

  31. Thanks so much for a great reply!! I’m excited to get started!! :)

  32. Hi! I’ve been admiring your work on this desk for a while now, and I’m wondering how the finish has held up for you? I’d love to see a pic of the top now….just so I know what to expect when I paint my cabinet like this. Thank you!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jodi – The paint finish on the desk is perfect. I would use the paint again in a heartbeat. One of the nice features of it, since it is so shiny and durable – it is easy to clean. I have gotten a few pen ink stains on the top and the area right on the edge where my arms lay when I am typing on my computer. I simply wipe it with a rag and dish detergent and it is gone. For the ink stains I have used Comet and water. Stains gone and the finish stays shiny. A few readers have asked about yellowing. There is none. Yellowing can occur in dark rooms, but since the room the desk is in is quite bright I have not had this happen. You can see a recent photo of the desk in this post: https://inmyownstyle.com/2013/04/a-new-toy-book-winners-and-a-few-other-things.html

  33. Hey Diane, great job on the desk! I’m actually interested in your rolodex though. Did you make it or purchase it? It’s fabulous! Whatever info you can provide would be great. Thanks!

  34. gummy smile says:

    Wow, superb weblog structure! How lengthy have you ever been blogging for?

    you make blogging look easy. The full look of
    your website is magnificent, as well as the content!

  35. I’m wondering, is there a need for a wax finish to protect it?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Patty – Since it is highly glossy finish – wax would not penetrate. It would just sit on the top and cake up. It is a super durable finish as is. No need to put a protective coat on it.

  36. Jay Harris 4 The Home Depot says:

    Hi there Diane,

    Great project! I thought it was a really cool project to take on and I completely agree with your choice of paints on this one as well. I’ve used that particular brand before and had fantastic results. Doesn’t that high gloss finish look amazing once it sets up? And all without primer too! Hope you don’t mind if we re-pin this awesome project on our pinboard.

    – Jay

  37. Jennifer Choi says:

    Hi Diane,
    I’m planning on painting my old coffee table using your instructions but I noticed a discrepancy. You mentioned back in March 2012 to a commenter that you used 1 light coat of Glidden Gripping Primer. But recently you said that you actually didn’t use primer. Just wondering what you actually did, so I can do exactly what you did :)


    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jennifer –
      What finish is on your coffee table now? That will determine if you need to prime or not. I use primer on most wood – except the pieces I have painted with chalk paint. When I used this paint for the first time – working with oil and the gel flow technology formula was new to me. Since my desk’s previous finish was oil paint, I did not use primer. On the can it states that you can use the product as a primer over certain surfaces. With that being said though – It can never hurt to prime with a good primer first. Kilz Original is oil based (dries in 30 minutes) and Gripper(latex)are my favs. If your table has a shiny poly finish on it – you do need to lightly sand the surface first to remove some of the shine – then clean it off with a tack cloth to remove all the dust. Clean and let the surface dry before you paint. Using Kilz Original primer to block any dark stain/poly from seeping through will help keep your paint color from getting an orange cast to it. If your table has a painted finish on it now – I would just use 2 coats of the gel formula paint. If it is dark wood and you are going to use a lighter color paint – you may want to prime also. One light coat of primer – two coats of the paint. Priming will lessen the need for more coats to cover darker colors.

      I used this paint on the window and door trim in my studioffice also. I did not prime first since I was painting over an already white painted finish. The finish is amazing – no brush marks at all. Use a good quality brush – Purdy makes them. Do know that working with this gel flow technology oil paint takes getting used to since it is so thick and doesn’t spread as easily. It does self level. I would try a few strokes first on a scrap piece of wood so you can get used to working with it and see how it dries.

  38. Hi did u use primer on the desk? How has it held up? Any chipping on the corners or peeling? I want to achieve the same look but I’m skeered :-0

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Lilly – I did not use primer on the desk since the paint I was using was an oil-based paint. It is a new type of paint – one the uses Gel technology. It is thick paint, really thick and that is the way it is supposed to be. One reader said she thinned it. It is not meant to be thinned or stirred much. It takes 24 hours to dry and smells when you are painting, but I would do it again in a heartbeat to achieve the beautiful finish it has provided. It has not chipped or peeled at all. If you are afraid to dive in to a big project, try it on something smaller first or even a board to get the hang of painting with it. You need a really good brush, not a roller. You need to use long sweeping motions to get the paint on. It self levels so even if you see brush strokes when you are painting – as it dries they will level.

  39. Hi there! I just came across your blog from Pinterest & I love it!
    The desk turned out gorgeous and painting furniture is a new thing to me. I was wondering did you have to use a separate protector on your desk? I am wanting to paint mine because right now it’s black, and I’m not a big fan of it (but the desk is perfect!)

    I also want to paint my table top white. Any advice on what to use & what to avoid?

  40. Hi!! I love your high gloss desk… I am interested in doing my armoire similar to yours in the background- is yours bright white? Or an antique white?? Thanks and I love your style:)

  41. I tried this paint on a small table and it was a disaster! Because I love the high gloss finish, I am going to strip the table and try again. But, am thinking of adding Penetrol to make the paint flow better. Did you have problems with this paint? I prepped as directed, used the proper brush and sanded after first coat. Or maybe I should give up and return the paint to HD?

    1. Hi Valarie. I had major issues w/ this paint as well, and like you, I followed her instructions. I had so much trouble with it curing and the clean up process is a MAJOR PITA. I wished I knew how difficult it is to clean oil-based paint prior to repainting my vanity table because I would have tried a different method! It’s been 6 weeks since I finished my vanity table, and I am still experiencing issues. It took about 3.5 weeks for the paint to fully dry in some parts (such as the crevices and joints of the table) and the oil-paint fumes, which are strong and nauseating, are still present. I’m am very disappointed, and will never use this method again because it isn’t worth the hassle.

      1. Diane Henkler says:

        Hi Libby – I saw your reply to Valerie – so sorry to hear that the paint didn’t work for you. Drying time can vary a lot by where you live – temp, humidity, thickness of coat, etc. With Valerie’s question about the thickness – it is made to be that thick. It is a totally different painting experience. Adding a thinner to it would take away its gel properties. It is unlike any other paint on the market and takes some time to get used to painting with. I am not a fan of oil based paints because of the smell, drying time, and clean-up, (this was the first one I have used in 28 years) but this paint does produce one fantastic finish once it is dry and the smell goes away. I used it on the woodwork in the room also. It came out fine, but the vertical areas were hard to do as I had to keep an eye on them as it dried since the paint was thick I was afraid it would sag. Now that it is dry and cured – it looks amazing, but it did take a lot more time and effort to do then if I had just used latex. I love it on my desk and would do it again, but I don’t think I would paint a very large piece or anything with large vertical sections with it.

        Thanks for taking the time to comment and tell us about your experience. Happy 2013!

        1. Sheryll & Critters. says:

          I totally trust you Diane…. cause you have always told me the truth. I can attest for the humidity thingy here in Jax, Fla….. cause many, many years ago.. guessing September 95, I painted my parents kitchen…. the whole thing, by myself and I thought the cabinet doors would NEVER dry… I took them out to the garage and the air was constantly icky damp. And I used latex…… except for and thank the good Lord for Kilz Original… saved my sanity.

          Now this year if I had the money, it would have been a whole entire different bowl of wax…… dry this year.

  42. Beautiful! Wonder if that paint would work on builders grade kitchen cabinet. They are brown now, but I want white. I’m sure they would have to be primed. Do you think they would be too shiny for kitchen cabinets?


    1. Thanks Cjay – I am not sure I would use the oil gel gloss on your kitchen cabinets since it is so shiny it will show every imperfection on the cabinets. I think it would be better to use a good primer and a latex enamel,satin, or semi-gloss finish. I painted my kitchen cabinets over 10 years ago using Glidden gripping primer over slightly sanded cabinet surface and then Sherwin Williams latex in semi-gloss. They have held up beautifully. I did a post about the process. You can find the link in my sidebar.

  43. Sorry about that I mean makeovers. Their all very pretty.

  44. Beautiful make overs. Love your ideas.

  45. hi diane! so I’m lovin’ pinterest even more at this moment cuz it opened the door for me to your marvelous blog!! this DIY is amazing and I LOVE that you picked up this beauty of a desk on the side of the road! the whole room is beautiful! thank you for the inspiration and wonderful tutorial!! :) looking forward to reading more of your blog!

  46. Diane,
    I love all of your projects and this desk is fantastic! I have a similar desk, but it has a laminate top. (any other tips would certainly be welcome!) I’ve been wanting to paint it, but was unsure just what to do with the top. I think the oil paint might be the right solution. Thanks for all your tips and beautiful creations that you share with us! Looking forward to seeing more!

  47. Beautiful! I wonder how this paint would work on a laminate piece of furniture. Any idea?

    1. Hi Julie- since it is an oil based paint, I think it would work fine. I would still use 1-2 coats of a good gripping primer over the laminate to ensure that you get great adhesion before applying the paint.

      1. Thanks for your reply, Diane…..You’re the first person to make oil based paint not sound like a horrible thing to work with!

  48. angelica laboy says:

    Hey I was just wondering what type of primer you used? I’m planning on using this paint on my dresser, your desk just looks so amazing

    1. Hi Angelica

      I used 1 light coat of Glidden Gripping Primer. Ben Moore makes one also called Aqua Grip. I like Kilz Original Stain Blocking primer. That would be a good one to use, if you are painting over stained wood. It will block any of the wood tannins from bleeding through the paint. The gripping primer is good to use over a painted piece.

  49. Stephanie@cre8tive says:

    Thanks Diane! I painted my desk white with water based paint and it just didn’t do it for me. Now I am going to go back and re-paint it with the oil based paint, thanks so much for the tip, it looks fantastic.

    1. Hi Stephanie – I went back and forth about painting with water based paint, because I knew I would not have been happy with it on the desk. I am so happy that I found out about the super high gloss paint. The finish it provided is worth having to deal with the smell and long drying time. I just love how it turned out.

  50. You are my favorite person! This site gives me so much inspiration to get up and give myself the things I love and deserve. What an incredible site. I have even started a whole portfolio for my kitchen makeover on a budget.

    1. Thanks so much Ashley. I appreciate you taking the time to write and connect with me. XO Enjoy re-doing your kitchen. Keep me posted on your progress.

  51. Love the studio/office. Found you through My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia. I am a new follower of your blog and pinterest boards.

  52. So pretty & girly. I love it

  53. Jen Lossing, The Consigner Designer says:

    I absolutely love your desk. The high gloss is so chic! Great job!

  54. The Single Nester says:

    Looks terrific. I just finished my office makeover and will be posting about it soon. I think I am going to try this paint for my front door. Does it clean well?

    1. Hi Carmie – I have only had it on for about 2 weeks now, but I did wipe off some dust and it came right off. It is a very durable finish and scrubbable, so I think it will clean beautifully.

  55. I couldn’t help but notice that beautiful floor! What type of wood is that?

    1. Hi Morgan – We put the floor in about 10 years ago. It is Bruce Engineered wide plank in the color – Gunstock.

  56. cheryl @ nefotlak. says:

    what a fabulous desk – and such a wonderful study.
    love your style.
    cheryl xox.

  57. Fabulous makeover, it is so pretty but so is the whole room!!! Thanks for linking up! Hope you are doing well, I’ll be featuring it tomorrow.

  58. Paula Gale says:

    Wow Diane – that desk is simply exquisite. It looks so fresh and light and airey. What a wonderful room it looks like to create and be creative in. That desk has turned out stunning too. What a find.

    In the UK at the moment – in second hand furniture stores, vendors have become wise to the ‘upcycle revival’ and seem to add either ‘vintage, shabby chic, retro or antique effect’ to everything just so they could charge a premium. Here I think you would have to pay somthing in the region of $115+ to obtain the desk to start with. It must be great to ‘curb’ so many nice things in your neighbourhood. I love reading your transformation stories so with live them through you – no chance of any bargains around here!

    Paula (UK) xxx

  59. Just love your desk. You did a fantastic job! I wish I had my own space for an office, maybe I can find a corner somewhere for a desk.. Thank you so much for sharing with us!

    1. Hi Cyndy – Thanks for the nice note. When I was growing up, I wanted so badly to have a place to call my own. I finally have it with my studioffice. It is my favorite space in my house. I remember reading a wonderful story about when the artist, Mary Englebreit was growing up she wanted her own place and her mother emptied a linen closet for her to set up as her very own. I would have loved that. I have a clipping from a magazine where someone took an old TV Armoire and outfitted as a creative space. It had doors to close it off, one side where the TV went was the desk. They added a bulletin board and lamp. The other side had shelves and drawers for storage. I thought it was a great idea and still have the clipping somewhere. I will add it to an upcoming post.

  60. Coastal Femme says:


    I just love how your desk came out….it’s stunning! I’m definitely going to copy your method for lining the desk drawer. Your office is gorgeous!

  61. Your desk is gorgeous! I love the gloss white. Thanks for the great tips on using the oil based trim paint. I’m going to try that trick!

  62. Laura Ingalls Gunn says:

    Your desk and office are just gorgeous! Well done.

  63. Christina Rodriguez | The Diva's Home says:


  64. This is a great office! The desk is so pretty, I like the glossiness!

  65. I love this paint job on the desk. I have a similar one that was my husbands grandmothers. I have had it for years trying to decide what to do with it…now I know. I am glad I found you through pinterest! Keep on dreaming and designing.

  66. Anna@MyDesignEthos says:

    Lucky you to find such a beautiful desk! I have been hunting for something with lines like this for my own office but have yet to find the right piece. It looks stunning in gloss white. (Just came from the My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia blog). :)

    1. Hi Anna – I was truly fortunate that day – to find it along the curb and for FREE! When the stars align like that- I know it was meant to be. I hope one shows up in your life soon. :)

  67. Diane – your office is just beautiful! I’m green with envy!! I’m totally swooning over that gorgeous armoire you have, girl! Wow! I always loved using oil based paint on furniture. It goes on smoother and cleaner looking (no brush strokes left behind). Well worth the little extra clean up duty. Great job!!!!!

    xoxo laurie

    1. Hi Laurie- My dad is an oil base painter and so is my brother in law who does it for a living, so I have been told many times the virtues of using oil. This is my first interior use of it and I am extremely happy with how it came out. Like you said -well worth the little extra clean up duty.

  68. C.A. @ How To Be A Heroine says:

    That is GORGEOUS! I think this is the solution for my husband’s dingy dresser! It’s a dingy brown now, and it is just begging for some lovely, glossy white paint. Do you think white would look good? Here’s what the dresser looks like now:
    I was thinking of gold drawer pulls. I would love your opinion. You have such great taste!

  69. Diane, I appreciate your projects very much and check in on your blog often. Thanks for your hard work to share. The tip on the shiny white paint is fabulous! I have an end table that I painted white but it was never quite right as I wanted it super shiny and it just wasn’t. This stuff will be great. xoxo Vicki

  70. Donna McBroom-Theriot says:

    Love it. I’ve been rearranging and setting up my office too. So exciting! I just got a flat screen (thin) monitor and I just want to stare at it all day long! I now have so much room on my desk.

  71. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    Oh gosh, your desk is so beautiful. Breathtaking is a good descriptive and just gorgeous. I so love everything you do, fix or think up. I could be so happy with my house just half as nice as you have redone yours. And I agree, it is just beautiful against the soft color of the wall and then the trim in this bright white pulls it together so perfectly. It is my dream for my little office someday.

  72. What a beautiful desk! I love all the white you’ve used in that bright sunshiny room! It must be wonderful room to hang in… don’t know if I’d get any work done surrounded by such pretties! =)

    1. Hi Holly It is so streamlined now and less cluttered that my mind can now focus on the task at hand, although I do keep looking out the windows and dreaming about Spring :)

  73. Megan @ Megan Brooke Handmade says:

    I love it!!! Love the shine :)

    I also love the wall color in your office! What color is it?

    1. Hi Megan – The wall paint is a white, but it has a slight pink cast to it. It is a Glidden color called Pink Petal White GLC04. I got it at Home Depot. I had it mixed in a Eggshell finish.

  74. looks gorgeous Diane! I remember your basement organizing project and the desk in there. It looks so beautiful in it’s new look. I do have one question? Doesn’t oil tend to yellow over time? That’s really the only reason I’ve ever avoided it. Love your room. So fresh and pretty. I’d love to work in there everyday.

    1. Hi Denise – That is a good question. Oil base paint -white especially can yellow over time. It may take 10 years with the quality of this paint, so I am not too worried. I do not usually go for oil, I like the ease of latex, but you could never get the super high gloss finish this paint dries to with a latex paint. I guess it is a trade off- what do you want more of kinda thing. My brother in law is a professional house painter and he told me if whatever you paint is in a sunny spot you may not see any yellowing, but if it was in a basement with little light- yellowing will occur over time. If by the time it does yellow and I still want it white, I will simply have to sand it a bit and give it a fresh coat :)

  75. Gorgeous! ‘nough said

  76. Erin@TheSavvySeeker says:

    It’s amazing what a little paint can do! The lines on your desk are so pretty…and I LOVE your footstool. I recently painted my dining room chairs with Sherwin Williams black enamel with a satin finish and they turned out beautifully. Paint can really update a piece.

  77. Kristin@Bring Pretty Back says:

    EXTRA high gloss paint! I need some! Honestly I think this is THE perfect office! I am not only pinning it I am printing it off to put on my dream board.
    Heading to the Home Depot for some of this paint this weekend!
    Have a PRETTY day!

  78. Best paint in the world! I’ve used it too, and it looks beautiful. Your office is so fantastic, but then you have such a creative mind, I’ve know it would be. Can hardly wait to see the entire room finished.

  79. laurie @ little blue chairs says:

    I love it. It was pretty before, but like you, not really my style.

    I am glad you wrote about the Glidden paint. I have been anxious to try it. And now I will.

    1. Hi Laurie-

      If you want a high gloss finish you will love the paint. I now have it on the desk and all the trim in the room and plan to paint my front door with it once Spring arrives. The paint does take some time to get use to using since it is so thick. Light coats work best. Seeing how it dries to such a smooth and shiny finish makes having to clean your brushes with paint thinner not seem so bad.

    2. HI Laurie-

      I know the classic design on the desk is sought after by some, but it just wasn’t me. If it were a fine antique, I would have left it alone and sold it, but since it was just a reproduction with a good aged finish, I knew I had nothing to lose by painting it to fit into my decorating scheme. It is my favorite piece- I am sitting at it right now. :) It was great meeting you at Blissdom and I look forward to your posts.

  80. Wow, that turned out so beautiful!

  81. Anne Boykin says:

    Hi, I think your office looks wonderful just as it is! I love your desk and the highgloss look to it. It’s the perfect scale for your room. Enjoy!

  82. Gorgeous Diane! Classic and beautiful with lots of colorful touches in the accessories. Enjoy your office!

    1. Thanks Holly – Did you and Shannon go out on Sat? I am so sad I missed getting to hang out with you two. Did you find anything good?

  83. Debbie {visual eye candy} says:

    What a transformation! It looks so pretty.

  84. Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says:

    Diane, that turned out so good! Yes, I cringe when I hear oil paint, but I have to say it really looks nice on your desk. I love the reflective quality of it. I love the way you’ve accessorized it; it definitely says it is your desk! : )

  85. What a beautiful desk! I love the transformation. Enjoy! Megan

  86. Oh my goodness, Diane! She’s a beauty! She’s so pretty you might need to give her a name! I saw a very similar table on craigslist yesterday for $463- I almost sent you the link. Enjoy!

  87. Laura @ Ms Smartie Pants says:

    This desk turned out beautiful! What a beautiful bright room for creating. I can’t wait to see what else you add!

    1. Hi Laura – I am loving the brightness. I love to experiment with wall color, but know I feel best when my walls are white or light colors. Now I can’t wait for Spring to arrive so I can open up the windows.

  88. Coastal Decorating Blog says:

    I would have had a hard time painting over the design on the original desk, but I gotta admit your desk turned out gorgeous! And I can see where the original design doesn’t fit your style.

    Lesli @ BeautifullyCoastal.com

  89. Connie@Connie Nikiforoff Designs says:

    Wow this is beautiful! I’m working on our home office too. Both my husband and I have home-based businesses. But we don’t have wireless and we don’t have a laptop so there are cords to hide everywhere! And we need two desks, and we use paper files for our customers & clients (I know..old style!) and, and—- :-) Well, needless to say, our office will never look this streamlined. Still…it’s getting better and I worked out a way to more or less corral/hide all the cords. LOVE your desk and office redo…Awaiting further pics of your beautiful space.

    1. Hi Connie – Thanks – I have cord issues, too. My laptop only runs for about 2 hours when not plugged in. I am working out a plan to hide the cords and will post about it soon. I have my file cabinets off to the left side of the desk. My chair has wheels and I can wheel over to it. Right now the cabinets are taupe – not sure what I am going to do with them – paint? -but they are a needed component in the room.

      I have been really working on streamlining. Before I used to love having all my inspiration around me – on the wall pin board etc. But I found that my computer has that all for me now – Pinterest, plus I find I think better with less clutter around. It is a work in progress.

  90. Diane,

    I love your desk makeover! It is a great feeling to redo a room just to suit you! Have fun, it looks awesome!


  91. It’s positively gorgeous! What a facelift! :)