My Bathroom Gets a Rolling Door

A before & after makeover showing you how I used a hardware kit to install a rolling door in my bathroom.

DIY-Rolling-Door Designs-Tutorial

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I know you have seen rolling doors all over Pinterest.  They add tons of character to a room and my two-story bathroom needs just that!  It is just a big cavernous space.  With the removal of the swinging door into the room, I have created a better flow between rooms while adding lots of fresh style and character.

before: swinging door

When you walk into my bedroom there are 2 doors that overlap and then a third one behind the second one. Sound confusing?  It is!

There are way too many overlapping doors – door to my bedroom, door to bathroom, and the door to the shower all within 3 steps of each other. Not good!  The door knobs always touch and the shower door gets linked to the bathroom door knob daily and has to be pulled apart.  Ideally pocket doors are what the builder of the house should have put in here. 

Doorways before

after:  rolling door & hardware installed

With the help of a rolling door and rolling door hardware–removing the swinging door in the bathroom that hid the shower stall and replacing it with a rolling door creates a much better flow and the bonus…


…of adding character and style to my cavernous two-story bathroom.  Bold and big accessories are needed to create balance in here. The addition of the rolling door is like adding a piece of large art.   I chose to paint the door a fun color – the name of the color is Celestial #A1403 from Glidden.

View of doorway with the rolling door hardware installed from the bedroom.  I painted the outside of the door white and the inside – blue.


The bathroom door no longer swings into the room, blocking the shower door, but silently glides along the rail that is attached above and along the wall with 4 brackets.


Here is how it looks open.

How-to-install-a-rolling-door DIY tutorial

and closed.


Adding the door was so easy to do!!  It looks hard, but it took longer to paint the door, then to hang it.  Getting the rail up and level took the most time. This is best done with two people. I had Ed help me do this. The rest, I did myself.

Each door kit comes with:

  • 2 roller straps
  • Rail
  • Mounting brackets
  • 2 Rail end stops
  • Floor door stop
  • Floor center guide
  • Rail tap and splice kit (when necessary)

You will also need:

  • Door – A solid, not hollow-core door that is at least 6-inches wider than door opening. It can also be taller.   My original swinging door was 30” wide. I bought a new door that was 36” wide and about 1-inch taller.  You need the overlap so the doorway opening will be completely covered when closed.
  • 2 Door Pulls

Roller Strap Installation on Door

Paint the door on both sides before attaching the roller straps.

1. Install the roller straps onto the top edge of the door. The location of these straps is critical for the proper, safe use of the rolling door.

Rolling-Door-Roller Strap DIY Installation tutorial
2. The distance between the top of the door and the outer diameter of the back of the wheel (measured from the back of the door) should be 13/16” – 7/8” (this will achieve approximately 3/32” gap between the top of the door and the rail when these measurements are achieved).

3. Using the screws provided, attach the strap to the door. It is very important that the screws are installed into solid wood, not hollow-core doors with thin veneer skins. It is also recommended that you pre-drill the screw holes. Make sure that proper vertical alignment of the strap is achieved before fastening the strap to the door.

Rail Installation

1. The location of the rail is dependent on the height of the door, desired gap between the floor and bottom of door and desired overlay of top of the door to door opening.
2. Recommended spacing for the wall mounted brackets is 16”
3. The Short Bracket will accommodate doors up to 1-1/2” thick, the Long Bracket will accommodate doors up to 2-1/4” thick.
4. Wall brackets must be mounted securely into the studs behind the sheetrock. If the brackets are to be mounted to the molding surrounding the opening, the molding must be firmly secured to the wall framework

When attaching the brackets, I ran into a problem. The molding around my door is not flat. I could not mount the brackets on it.  Rolling Door Designs sells two different bracket depths – long and short. Neither was right.

You know me, I was not going to let this stop me from having a rolling door. My solution was a 1/4-inch thick piece of plywood cut to the size of the back of the bracket.   I pre-drilled holes in them to match the holes on the brackets.

Brackets-for Rolling Door Designs Door Hardware

I used one behind each bracket. This added the right depth so the door would glide over the molding freely. I could have added one long- 1/4” thick board above the door to hold the brackets, but I wanted to keep the look above the door clean-lined.

Rolling-Door-Hardware Installation tutorial

How to Attach the Rolling Door to the Rail

This is best done with two people or as I like to call it a 4-hands needed DIY  :)  Remove the rail from the brackets. There is a groove along the back of the rail that slides over the bracket tips.   Once it is off – slide the rail under the rollers that you attached to the door.   Once the rail is under both rollers, slide the rail back over the tips on the brackets.  Attach an end cap onto each end of the rail.

1. After installing the door onto the rail, slide the door to the desired opened position.
2. Install the End Stop bracket to the floor or wall so that the door stops in the desired opened position.
3. Install the Center Guide bracket so that the door will always be captured by this bracket in the fully opened and fully closed position.
4. Repeat step #2 for installation of the other End Stop bracket when the door is in the closed position.

Rolling Door Door-Pulls

I bought two types of pulls at the hardware store. A flush mounted cap pull for the outside of the door. (This is needed since this side of the door will roll back along the bathroom wall.) A pull style handle is fine for the inside of the door.

To attach the flush mounted cap pull, I needed a drill bit that would cut out a circle into the door so I could push the round metal pull into it.

If you are looking for other rolling door variations, see how I added a trifold rolling door in my Studioffice.

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  1. DYI Barn Doors says:

    Two thumbs up. have to love the space saving qualities of installing a DYI Barn Door In a home. I am going to link to your article in next months issue. Thanks for an excellent article.

  2. beth mast says:

    Love the rolling door! Please tell me about your shower door, too.

      1. Thank you! You have a great site here.

  3. Debbie Zollar says:

    I need about 5 of these rolling doors in my house!!!!!!

  4. Hi!
    I probably missed the giveaway but am SO glad to have the information! Need to remodel a very small bathroom with a roll-in shower for my little girl and this will be great!

    Just found your blog and will be spending a lot of time here!


    1. Oops! The Seabisquit Bronze single is great.

  5. Sandi Toler says:

    I just found you and love your details for making and using chalk paint. Can’t wait to read about your other projects. I love this door application. I, too, would love the nickel satin Winston Churchhill kit. I’m excited to follow you on Pinterest as well.

  6. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    I don’t know how I missed this post, but golly gosh, I just love it.

  7. Hi, I am wondering about the air drift between the rolling doon and the frame. How to avoid the humidity from bath go into bedroom, and avoid the a/c loss from bedroom. Looking forward to a solution :)

    Luv your ideas!

    Thank you

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Monica – My bathroom has a 16 ft ceiling, there is also a window, so even before I put the door in, I never had the steamy bathroom scenario in this room. If it was a smaller bathroom without a window or exhaust fan, I don’t know why the rolling door would be any different than a regular door. The opening is blocked. When choosing a door – just make sure it is wider and taller than the door opening so the opening will be fully covered.

  8. I follow you on Pinterest :)

  9. Catherine says:

    I follow on twitter!

  10. Catherine says:

    Amazing giveaway! I love the Satin Nickel Don Draper Single Rolling Door Kit!

    katcoupons13 at gmail dot com

  11. LOVE your bathroom door! Fun that you painted it blue on one side and white on the other.

    My fav? Black Homer Single Rolling Door Kit

    hope I win!

  12. I really like the Les Mis single door. So pretty yet functional.

  13. Sharon Sweeting says:

    Hi Diane!

    I’m so excited to find you! I was searching for Monogram Fonts and your blog was on Google’s first page (way to go!) – I had a lovely time looking at a number of the monogram posts and then clicked on the thumbnail for your Sliding Door.

    I would *LOVE* to have a sliding door for our Masterbath. We had to take the exciting door off, since the door hit the sink when open. I liked all of the designs and finishes, but I think the Black Earnhardt would fit the best (today).

    I’ve connected with you on Facebook, Twitter, G+, Instagram and Pinterest. I hope to hear from you on Saturday!!


  14. I like the Bronze Winston Churchill Single Rolling Door Kit

  15. Black Earnhardt is my favorite and would look awesome in my living room! I can’t get over their prices. They are so much more reasonable than others I have found.

  16. I follow you on Pinterest!

  17. I like the Bronze Earnhardt hardware. It’s awesome

  18. I’m following you on Facebook and Pinterest as well!

  19. I really love the satin nickel Earnhardt style single rolling door – it would go really well with my new light fixtures! A free kit would help push my hubby over the edge and into agreeing to do this in our master bath!

  20. jessica w says:

    I follow you on pinterest too!

  21. jessica w says:


  22. Sarah C . says:

    I’m following you on Pinterest!!

  23. Wow – your bathroom door is beaut!

    For myself? How I would just love to work the magic with the BLACK GARFIELD SINGLE ROLLING DOOR KIT .


  24. Alison Ramsey says:

    I love the Winston Churchill in satin nickel! Such a hard decision deciding on a favorite!

  25. Alison Ramsey says:

    I already follow you on pinterest! Thanks for hosting such an amazing giveaway!!

  26. Michelle James says:

    I followed you on Pinterest and G+!

  27. Michelle James says:

    My favorite is the Bronze Winston Chruchill. I love this concept of the rolling door and I have the perfect place to put it. Thanks for the chance to win!
    I already follow you on Facebook and Pinterest and I don’t have twitter. Not sure about the others but I will check them out.

  28. Lisa Mannion says:

    I would love to change out the closet door in my bathroom with Black Les Mis Single Door Kit. Like you, we have other doors in the same vicinity which makes it difficult sometimes to move around. Love your blog. And I also began following you on pinterest. Thanks!

  29. Saida Swift says:

    I love the Satin Nickel Earnhardt Double Rolling Doors. They would be perfect to close off my office. BTW your blog was my introduction into decorating blog land. I can’t believe how sheltered I was before…no time to waste, I’ve got a blog to visit….

  30. Brenda A. says:

    I love the satin nickel earnhardt double rolling door kit, and I think it would work very well in my daughters room.

  31. Ashley Pinault says:

    I am not following you on Facebook! I am way more excited about than I should be.. haha!

  32. Ashley Pinault says:

    I have been in the process of buying my house for the last 2 months and gathering ideas from your blog for the MUCH MUCH needed remodeling!! I finally closed on Monday!!! Yay!! Now the fun and work can begin! These doors are amazing! I love the sleek style of the Bronze Earnhardt. Thanks!

  33. I follow you on Twitter, FB, and Pinterest. Yikes, does that make me a stalker? lol

  34. Satin Plato door kit is my pick.

  35. The black lucky charm door is my personal favorite. But, I think they are all pretty fabulous :) By the way, yours looks great!

  36. I am following you on pinterest.

  37. Hi! I love the Black Earnhardt Single door! I’ve wanted to put a pocket door to my laundry room off the kitchen but recently found out that would involve major construction to move a header. Looks like that’s a no-go. Between the dryer door always hitting the laundry room door, and laundry baskets hitting it, the trim paint always takes a beating. This would be a great solution!

  38. Mary McNeill says:

    Please take me off you comment subscriptions. I still want to follow but do not want to be notified everytime someone post a comment. Sorry for the confusion.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Mary – I checked you off from getting all comments on posts. I think it should work right away so you should not be seeing them in your inbox anymore. Let me know if you still do.

  39. margaret k says:

    I love the bronze house laminated and the bronze Madonna. I have the perfect door! I grew up in a home built in the 1920s. The doors were solid wood with the glass knobs. A few years ago my parents sold my childhood home to a company that planned to treat it down for a parking lot! I rescued some doors and an using them as a headboard. I have an extra and would love to use this hardware to give it new life!! Thanks for posting the site and the contest!!

    1. margaret k says:

      PS: I love your bathroom rug. Did you make it yourself or purchase it?

      1. Diane Henkler says:

        Hi Margaret – I purchased the rug at HomeGoods. $14.99 :)

  40. Love the Black Madonna, would look great in our bedroom that also has dueling doors that I untangle daily!

  41. Megan Jones says:


  42. the Bronze Barnum style is Great, will be perfectly in my bathroom, i am going to make it happen :)

  43. Monica Porto says:

    Hello Diane!
    That’s a great product, I just hope that I will be able to find it here in France…
    I have two questions regarding this project:
    1) how do you lock this door?
    2) could you write a post on how you treated all the holes and gaps that were left after you removed the previous door?
    You have incredible taste and I love the way you make everything look so easy to achieve. Reading your blog brings lost of joy and light to our days!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Monica –

      Good question about the locks. Yes you can purchase locks for the doors. The type you would use would depend on the way the door is mounted around the frame. The simplest being a sliding chain to one that gets set within the door itself. Rolling Door Designs does not sell them. Maybe they will soon. If you do a Google or Bing search I am sure you will see some of the ways to add a lock.

      As for filling in the holes and cut-out sections of molding where the hinges for the old door were. Spackle, sandpaper, and paint. Fill the holes with Spackle or wood filler using a Spackle knife. Let dry, sand smooth. Repeat the process until the wood is smooth, then paint the molding. I used one coat of gripping primer since the original paint was oil-based. When the primer was dry, I used two coats of semi-gloss latex in white.

      If your doorway molding is stained, not painted – you would need to find wood filler that would take the stain after filling in the holes. You may have to add new molding if you could not find a perfect stain match.

  44. Following you on pinterest!

  45. I like the Bronze Barnum, would work perfectly in our bathroom too!

  46. Hi Diane,
    We have been looking for a way to add a door to the 5 foot doorway in our master bathroom. A double sliding door would be perfect for that. I love the Satin nickel double door Winston Churchill hardware. It matches the upholstery nails on the headboard that I am making. Thanks for the great ideas!

  47. Now following you on Pinterest :)

  48. Just found your blog, LOVE IT!! I would love the satin Barnum :)

  49. Love the Black Earnhardt

  50. Following you on pinterest :-)

  51. Bronze for sure…torn between the Madonna and the Windsor!!

  52. I follow you on Pintrest, G+, and facebook!!

  53. I like them all…but the Satin Nickel Earnheardt single door kit is my fav!!

  54. I’m following your posts on Facebook, Pinterest and twitter :)

  55. Margaret Potter says:

    Love the satin nickel Don Draper. Thanks!

  56. I love the satin nickel Earnhardt style rolling door hardware kit !!!! What a great idea!!!

  57. Cristina@remodelandolacasa says:

    This looks so neat! I need to do almost the same thing in my bathroom!

  58. Stefanie Gladden says:

    following on twitter – steffie516
    fb – steph coupns
    pinterest -stefaniegladden

  59. Stefanie Gladden says:

    I love the Black Shakespeare Double Barn Door Hardware Kit

  60. I am now following you on twitter.

  61. I love the Black Hand Forged House Lannister Single Door Kit and have the perfect place for it! Great product!

  62. Hi Diane

    I pinned your rolling door! Love it!!

  63. I love the black Homer single door kit. Please please let me win!

  64. This would be a great way to change two of our bathrooms!
    Thanks for introducing such a great product!
    Hope I win!

  65. Mary McNeill says:

    Love your blog!!!!! I am also following you on Pintrest. I love the Bronze Earnhardt Single Rolling Door Kit.

  66. Jody Stidham says:

    I like the satin nickel sea biscuit design. Years ago we we installed a rolling door on our small hall bath, we used barn door hardware. It worked on our ranch home in the country.

  67. This looks fantastic! I know what you mean about too many doors. Our guest bedroom has a door that opens into a very short hallway (like three steps) that leads into the bathroom that has a door. There’s a linen closet in the short hallway and it has a door. We’ve already removed the door into the hallway and am considering removing the linen closet door, except I would like the option of being able to hide the stuff in the closet. I like the Black Don Draper Single Rolling Door Kit.

  68. Magdalena says:

    I am now following you on Pinterest! :)

  69. Hi! I like the Black Barnum single door kit. This would be a great solution between our foyer and “TV room” (formerly our dining room).

  70. Magdalena says:

    Oh my! This is exactly what I NEED! I purchased a kit a few years ago to do exactly what you accomplished…I have three bathroom doors in a very small master bath and you have to be strategic about opening and closing, due to the crazy overlap. My problem was that the kit I had purchased required purchasing taller doors to close properly…at that point I gave up. So, this kit is genius…I can use my same doors! :) I like the Satin Nickel Winston Churchill Single Rolling Door Kit. Many Thanks for your post!!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Magdalena –

      You can’t use the original door if you want it to overlap the wall and molding around the door frame when closed. If using two doors that will meet in the center – they still need to be wider than the opening to look right. The new door I purchased was 6″ wider and 1″ taller than the swinging door I removed. If the door is taller – the rail would be placed higher on the wall. For my door height – It runs along the top portion of the doorway opening molding.

  71. I already followed you on Pinterest. Now I’m following you on Facebook, too! :)

  72. So many beautiful choices! I like the Bronze Earnhardt Single Rolling Door Kit.

  73. Following on Pinterest! :)

  74. Ohhh … how I love this! I could definitely see the Satin Nickel Earnhardt Double Rolling Door in my bathroom. Love it! Love them all!!

    Also, if you could share more information on your shower stall design … I wouldn’t doubt it was one of your fabulous DIY projects at some point ;)


  75. Laura Stout says:

    I guess I should tell you which designs I would choose are! BARN RED BUELLER SINGLE ROLLING DOOR and BLACK LES MIS SINGLE ROLLING DOOR KITS! Thanks!

  76. Laura Stout says:

    Follower on Pinterest!

  77. Laura Stout says:

    Follower on Facebook!

  78. Laura Stout says:

    I think I may just have to replace our two bathroom doors with these!! I just adore the brackets that looks like a little kid – that would be so cute in the kids bathroom!

    I follow you on Pinterest and Facebook – You have too many pins that I must do! Keep up all the (hard) excellent work!

  79. The Bronze Ernhardt is the one I’d pick. This was a fascinating post, as I’d wondered how these doors were installed!

  80. Nickie Moseley says:

    following you on Twitter

  81. Nickie Moseley says:

    liked you on instagram

  82. Nickie Moseley says:

    Liked you on Pinterest

  83. Nickie Moseley says:

    Liked you on FB

  84. Nickie Moseley says:

    Bronze Don Draper Single Rolling Door Kit
    OMGOSH we are about to put one of these up (I hope) cause we live in a barn turned house and we have NO bedroom door – just a curtain hanging!!! FINGERS CROSSED!!

  85. I love the black hand forged house lannister double door kit! We have been hoping to hang one of these for our office to help transform it into a much needed guest room! Great job!

  86. I love the Barn Red Madonna rolling door kit design.
    Love your ideas – your blog is definitely a go-to for me when looking for painting info. and project ideas. Thanks.

  87. Hi! Thanks for your tutorial !Those doors are a good idea!I love Bronze Lucky Charm Double Rolling Door Kit.I always pin your ideas in Pinterest,love your blog,thanks!!!!!Dina

  88. Love, love, love the Black Earnhardt Kit. What a wonderful giveaway, thank you.

  89. The satin nickel Earnhardt is my choice. This is a solution I’ve needed for my own bathroom door. The door was widened several years ago to accommodate a wheelchair and I’ve been stuck with a crummy accordion door since. Many thanks for the chance to win!!!

  90. monica tiesinga says:

    follow on pinterest too!

  91. monica tiesinga says:

    would love to win the “SATIN NICKEL EARNHARDT”! the kids bathroom is 6×6 and could use a sliding door so they have more room. 4 kids share this bathroom!!! (2 teenagers)

  92. Lyndsay Hughes says:

    Love the Satin Nickel Earnhardt for a single door.

    following on Facebook and Pinterest too!

  93. I love the bronze Les Miz one. This would be GREAT for my laundry room/pantry right off of my kitchen.

  94. I already follow you on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

  95. This would be perfect for my bathroom. Love it!! I like the Satin Nickel Earnhardt Single Rolling Door Kit. Thanks for the giveaway.

  96. The Black Garfield Single Rolling Door Kit would be perfect for the doors (which are just waiting in my garage for a do-over) to replace the silly bi-fold doors over my kitchen pantry! Pick me, pick me!!!! :) Thanks for posting the info!

  97. Love the satin Nickel Madonna !!

  98. bridget b. says:

    I’m following you on Pinterest!

  99. bridget b. says:

    I like the Black Winston Churchill the best.

  100. and NOW I’m following you on Facebook

  101. Nice door! Love that these are made in the US as that’s something I regularly look for when buying. I think my favorite is the Black Hand Forged House Lannister kit. All are certainly beautiful, though.

  102. Like the Lucky Charms one! Fingers crossed

  103. Love, love, love this idea. Just what I needto close off my LR. Love the satin nickel Madonna!

  104. Michelle B says:

    I follow you on FB.

  105. Michelle B says:

    I love the Madonna in black!

  106. I love the Satin Nickel Don Draper!

  107. I already follow you – via Pinterest! :)

  108. I like the Earnhardt in Satin Nickel

  109. I already follow your wonderful blog but know I have added you on Pinterest!

  110. Just purchased a new condo and the toilet is awkwardly placed behind the bathroom door like yours… having a rolling door would be awesome!!!! I LOVE the Satin Nickel Earnhardt finish.

  111. I’d follow you to the moon and back…but I also follow you on Facebook and Pinterest.

    Thank you for this give-away :)

  112. oh, Oh, OHHHH!!! This is exactly what we’ve been looking for! I LOVE the black Les Mis. Since finishing our lower level, we noticed the sound travels up the stairs. I would love to put a rolling door at the base of the steps. Function and fabulous style!

  113. Oh, my! This is the perfect solution to my bathroom door problem. We put in a double sink and now we have to inch our way into the bathroom. I can’t put in a pocket door because there’s a closet right next door. This rolling door would cover the closet, except when we’re in the bathroom. Perfect! I love the Black Lucky Charm Single Rolling Door Kit style! Please give them a big thank you for the opportunity to win!

  114. Satin Nickel Madonna Single! I love it and I know exactly where I want to install it, so fingers crossed! Pick me!

  115. I subscribe to your blog; Follow you on Pintrest; and Facebook too!
    I’d even be your neighbor, if I could!! LOL

  116. oh, gorgeous stuff! Thanks for the opportunity, Diane, and I would choose the Satin Nickel Earnhardt. Although, I’d be grateful to have ANY of their styles. What did you do to the shower door?

  117. Christy Keyton says:

    I follow you on facebook – and am so glad I do!!

  118. Christy Keyton says:

    THAT is gorgeous! I love that door in your bathroom! My favorite is the satin nickel Madonna. So pretty!

  119. Black Les Mis style would look great in my home.
    Your rolling door looks so beautiful installed in your home.
    Thanks for this giveaway!

    Lee Ann G.

  120. I’m not 100% sure but I think the black Shakespeare :) Thanks for the chance.

  121. Helen Henkler says:

    Satin nickel Plato style. Thanks Diane. Great project!!!!

  122. Margie Hall says:

    Like you I’ve seen these on Pinterest and have thought of changing out my perpetually stuck pocket door, but hadn’t gone much farther since no one I knew had undertook this project. After reading your blog, I think it has definitely moved up on my to do list.

    I would LOVE the black les mis single door kit! Thank you for giving me a chance at winning this

  123. I follow on Pinterest!

  124. I like the Madonna in nickel!

  125. Cindy August says:

    Oops! forgot to list my favorite from the website in my previous post – to busy swooning over your door!
    My fav from the website is:
    Love it – thanks for the resource!

  126. Cindy August says:

    Ohhh ~ the envy! Love the barn door look (rolling door) and so want one in my house. Have been working on convincing the hubby – I want it more for looks than necessity. Love your blog – have been following it (on the e-mail list) for a while and have actually used some of your ideas and have pinned many onto Pinterest! Enjoy your energy!

  127. I also follow you on Facebook!

  128. Oh wow! I’ve looked at those rolling door options with puppy dog eyes for quite some time now but they are just too cost prohibitive for me. They “create” room where little exists. My favorite would be the Black Hand Forged House Lannister. It would fit perfectly in my Cape Cod!

  129. Linda Southworth says:

    Always following on Pinterest…

  130. I follow on RSS reader. Since Google reader is going away in a few months, you might want to do a post how to switch to a new reader. (I’m checking out feedly, and it looks good so far!)

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Susie – I did mention it in a round-up post I did a few weeks ago, but not in detail. If you make the switch now to Feedly or bloglovin – it is a quick and easy process. They will transfer your blogs over 1..2..3…. A few clicks and it is done. I have accounts on both until I start to favor one over the other.

  131. Linda Southworth says:

    I see the satin nickel Winston Churchill for my walk-in closet. Currently looking for a door replacement. This would be grand! Yours turned out so well.

  132. I follow on Pinterest (and have for a long time!)

  133. I would choose the bronze double Earnhardt kit. I have a seldom used living room I would love to be able to use as a guest bedroom.

  134. satin earnhardt style

    LOVE this!

  135. I love the hand-forged-house-lannister- it would so fit in with my house!

  136. Annette Z. says:

    I checked the Rolling Door Design site and loved the Black Hand Forged Madonna Single Door Design.
    I am now following you on Facebook and Pintrest.
    Thank you for offering this great giveaway!!!

  137. LOVE the bronze Earnhardt! It’d be the perfect way to eliminate one of the random 3 open doorways the last owners created (really, does one need 2 entryways into a 6foot wide kitchen?!)

  138. Following you on Pinterest!

  139. hi diane! i love how the door makes your bathroom less “busy”! my favorite door is the bronze earnhardt style and i have a perfect place for it! btw, i love your shower door…………..what is it?

  140. My favorite is the BLACK STAR TREK DOUBLE ROLLING DOOR. Love the simplicity and the split size is best for our space. We could definitely do the single door though. Cheers!

  141. Patty Lucas says:

    I would use the Black Lucky Charm single hardware. I love that and would use it for my pantry.

  142. vicki kubiak says:

    I’m a new FB fan too!

  143. vicki kubiak says:


  144. I like the black garfield single rolling door kit. I was amazed at the options. I’ve never seen anything like this. It is perfect for my bathroom which also has 3 doors crashing into one another. A closet, the toiliet area and the utility room doors. A pocket door would have been great, but this is the perfect way without tearing down walls – and it is cool. :)

  145. I follow you on Facebook!

  146. Oh, we really need to do this in our laundry room! I get tired of hitting the door while moving laundry and if the washer walks at all during the cycle it blocks the door! I like the earnhardt single door kit in bronze.

  147. Are you kidding me… I’d be a happy camper with any of the options! But since you insist, I’ll choose the black Les Mis.

  148. Mary Gearheart says:

    I love all of them! If you forced me I would have to say the Earnhardt or Don Draper in Bronze. It really looks great in your bathroom!

  149. Mary Gearheart says:

    I follow you on facebook!

  150. I love the satin nickle Barnum single door hardware and have just the doorway in mind where it would look spectacular. Thanks so much for offering the GIVEAWAY!

  151. Kathi Moss says:

    I love all the designs. I want one in my kitchen over my pantry. Thank you, sharing.

  152. I follow you on Facebook!

  153. I love the Bronze Les Mis Single Rolling Door Kit. I think this is an awesome idea!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!

  154. Diane, I also follow you on Facebook and Pinterest.

  155. Great solution for tight spaces. I like the satin nickel Earnhardt. It would be perfect for my laundry room.

  156. PJ CRIDER says:

    Love these doors. so many rooms they can be used.

  157. Maureen Figueredo says:

    I really like the Shakespeare design of the Rolling Door hardware. It’s simple, classic, and goes with my understated design esthetic. It will look great in my tiny bathroom. My regular “swing” door hits the tub when it is fully open – (I told you it’s tiny!)

  158. Candy Thayer says:

    Love the Le Miz…so very French. Oui!

  159. Fritzy Dean says:

    Diane, Your projects are always so fabulous when you are finished. I do not have your talent , nor a husband to help. But I have a trusted handy man who could install the BLACK EARNHARDT, if I should win. This old lady would be so happy! The rolling door would solve a closet door problem which has plagued me since I moved into this house.

    I’m a huge fan and will continue if I win or not.

  160. Terri Ball says:

    Love the way the door looks. From the midwest, so this barn door option just never thought of as an inside door Dah…
    I would like the:
    Bronze House Lannister Single Rolling Door Kit
    $519.99 (of course My favorite would be over the limit- maybe I could pay the difference lol)
    The one that fits the criteria:
    Bronze Winston Churchill Single Rolling Door Kit
    $313.99 (I am sure I could make this work, no problem lo)

    Thank you

  161. Terri Ball says:

    I followed you on Pinterest. Thank you for another option.

  162. Love the Bronze House Lannister Single rolling door kit. This would neatly solve my problem of the door to our guest bathroom: the door opens into the narrow room and hits the toilet! Thanks for sponsoring the give-away.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Lisa – You are the winner of the rolling door hardware kit from Rolling Door Designs. Congratulations! I will be emailing you.

  163. Since I am from Indy…I am gonna have to go with the Earnhardt…WooHoo Racin’….Satin Nickel Earnhardt Single Rolling Door Kit

  164. I’ve been following you on Pinterest for quite some time now!

  165. Hi Diane, what a nice giveaway! I really like the Shakespeare Black double door roller. I have the absolute best spot for it!

  166. Patty Falck says:

    I just came across your blog last night and have had hours of enjoyment!
    I’m a lover of rolling doors and just started researching them online. We just moved my husband Steve into our 1st floor living room because of his illness, Multiple System Atrophy. He is bedridden but this move allows him to feel like he is a part of all the activity. There is an arched doorway into the room and I thought a rolling door would be perfect to give him privacy. Steve was a surfer, raced sailboats and skied until this awful disease consumed him 4 years ago. So I showed him the hardware and he said the “Satin Nickel Don Draper Single Rolling Door” reminded him of the blocks used on sailboats…just perfect for him!

  167. I love the Madonna one

  168. Madeleine Ward says:

    I would love to replace my ugly vertical blinds with Bronze Plato Double Rolling Door Kit, or my closet with the single

  169. Patricia Crowley says:

    My favorite is the Satin Nickel Eddie Vedder Single Rolling Door Kit!

  170. Kelli Siehl says:

    I like the BLACK BARNUM SINGLE ROLLING DOOR KIT. Our master bath has a similar set-up, but I want to remove the bathroom door and put the barn door on the far side of our closets.

  171. I follow you on Facebook and on Pinterest.

  172. I like the Satin Nickel Earnhardt kit. I’m sure I should win – I’d just decided this morning that a rolling door is exactly what I need between my bedroom and bath. It can’t be a coincidence, can it?

  173. I love the Satin Nickel Garfield! Great giveaway :)

  174. Following you on Pinterest. I had already repinned several great tips … might as well be a true follower.

  175. I like the Black Hand Forged House Lannister Single Door Kit. We almost ordered it a year ago for our bathroom remodel (that blew it’s budget) and had planned to use a reclaimed barn door for our new bathroom door. However, with a nearly 60 year old house other things needed “fixin”, so we don’t have a door between the bathroom and master bedroom. I’ve almost gotten accustomed to everyone walking in on me.

  176. Already follow you on Instagram, pinterest and twitter! ;) door looks great!

  177. Susan Manger says:

    I love what you selected. The Winston Churchill Satin Nickle. It would go so well with my existing hardware and style. This is such a fabulous idea for tight spaces with too many doors. Thanks for sharing!

  178. I like the bronze Barnum :-)

  179. Lisa papada says:

    I am digging the black Lucky charm! So cool!!

  180. Neve hennessey says:

    Oh this is fabulous Diane, your project looks awesome! I love the black hand forged single lannister model. It’s so unique yet classic.

  181. chris sueverkruepp says:

    Love this door enter me in the contest

  182. Luv, luv, luv the Black Earnhardt!!!

  183. Christine S says:

    Such a wonderful idea. I have a master bathroom with no door so this is perfect for that. I liked the Bronze Plato Single kit.

  184. Black Don Draper for sure. I’ve been following you on Facebook and Pintrest for a long time plus your blog is in my favorites list:)

  185. Tonya Lee says:

    p.s. Following you on Pinterest!

  186. Tonya Lee says:

    We have the exact same thing going on in our home as you did with yours. I’d LOVE the Satin Nickle Earnhardt Hanger to solve my door issues!

  187. Your door looks GREAT! I love the satin nickel Earnhardt-would be perfect with my new bathroom!!

  188. Theresa Baldwin says:

    I am following you on pinterest.

  189. Theresa Baldwin says:

    I like the Satin Nickel Earnhardt kit. Would be the perfect use for my basement bathroom and laundry room door. I have been thinking about pocket doors but this would look give a more original appearance. Thanks for the opportunity!

  190. Love them all! The black Winston Churchill would be perfect in our entry hallway!

  191. Marie Diana Fox says:

    I really like the Black Earnhardt Single or Double Rolling Door Kits: very sleek & very solid looking ~ This is an AWESOME product– your doors looks wonderful.
    Love your Blog :)

  192. Following you on Facebook!!!!


  193. Following you on Instagram!


  194. Love this so much! I like the single door satin nickel Horner style!

    What a great giveaway!!!!!


  195. Your bathroom looks great! I like the Bronze Earnhardt single.

  196. I follow you on fb Pinterest because you are awesome :)

  197. I love thebo e you choose The Winston Churchill in satin nickel. :)

  198. I like the simple Black Barnum Single Rolling Door Kit this would be perfect for my master bathroom door.

  199. My bathroom so needs one of these, I love the Barnum Single~

  200. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. says:

    The Winston Churchill just might be my favorite too! What a cool product!

  201. Teresa Cline says:

    I like all of them, however in order to choose one I would have to say;

    Black Earnhardt Single Rolling Door Kit

    My brother in law needs more wheel chair space getting in and out of his bathroom and this would be the perfect solution!!

  202. Have been thinking of dping a barn door for the bath room. Would love Black Lucky Charm Single Rolling Door Kit.

  203. following you on Fb & twitter

  204. I love the Madonna one – it would look so nice in our master bath!

  205. love the Bronze Les Mis Single !

  206. Shelley Smith says:

    Whoo hoo! I LOVE this!
    We’ve been wanting to put a rolling door between our bathroom and bedroom for ages, but the hardware can be really pricey. This is a pretty great deal though, even if I don’t win the giveaway :)

    I think if I had my choice, it would be the SATIN NICKEL PLATO STYLE SINGLE ROLLING DOOR KIT. How awesome would that look on a clean, white door with some kind of plaque on it!?

    Keeping my fingers crossed!


  207. My fav was the BLACK EARNHARDT SINGLE ROLLING DOOR KIT. But its pretty cool in the satin nickel finish also.

  208. following you on Facebook!

  209. I know exactly where I would use this rolling door and that between our kitchen and the laundry room. We need to completely overhaul the kitchen so I am not sure if nickel or black would be best but like the garfield and lucky charm hardware.

    Love your pretty blue rolling door!

    bee blessed

  210. Hi Diane,
    I’ve always loved pocket doors because they help
    deal with the “small” space problem some of us face.
    However recently I watched an episode of This Old
    House where they installed a rolling door and was impressed.
    Your post outlining the installation and the benefits of using one
    have me excited! No worrying about the construction
    element of installing pocket doors! This seemed so
    easy! You did a great job! The rolling door looks great!

    1. I’m so excited that I forgot to mention the style
      I like! My favorite is the Black Les Mis Double Rolling Barn Door Kit!

  211. Ana White says:

    Followed you on Instagram, facebook and Pinterest!

  212. I really like the Black Les Mis Single door design. I have been wanting to do this in my living room to block off the draft from the stairway. I saw a do it yourself version in a magazine a while ago, but this is sooo much nicer! Hope I win and I LOVE your projects! You inspire me!

  213. I followed you on FB. :)

  214. Ana White says:

    Love the Bronze Lucky Charm one!

  215. I have the perfect spot for a rolling door and would love the satin nickel Winston Churchill design.

  216. And, I “Liked” you on Facebook!

  217. I really like the Madonna in satin nickel! And, when thinking about how I could reconfigure the downstairs laundry and bathroom, I was thinking about pocket doors, but this gives me a much simpler solution. And, until that remodel gets started, I can still use the rolling door to block the view of the laundry room from the kitchen. All I’d need to do is scoot the washer over a few inches to make room for the door, and I’d be all set. Thanks for the great idea!

    1. Katherine says:

      What a fantastic give away! Your new door looks great! I like the Bronze Willy Wonka Single Rolling Door Kit.