More Free Artwork for My Bedroom

If you ever read the “About Me” page on my blog, then you know I adore old movies, especially ones with Cary Grant, Doris Day, Rock Hudson, Audrey Hepburn, and Rosalind Russell. These are my favorites…Pillow Talk, Lover Come Back, Sunday in New York, Roman Holiday, Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House, Auntie Mame, Sabrina…but my list goes on and on.

Free art work for your home

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I ADORE them…and have watched them over and over again and will do so for the rest of my life. They make me happy. When something makes me happy, I want to add more of it to my life.

Check out this gallery wall idea using movie DVD case covers...repurposing project

Creating decor from stuff I have on hand also makes me happy.  It is the most affordable way to make a change in a room. I figure since I bought and like the items, why not switch them up and if they are not actually a decorating item, repurpose them to become one.  That is what I did with the covers of the DVD cases I had from my favorite movies.  I made them into decor… the best kind of decor – custom fit, practically free artwork, and for me alone.


I have been updating my bedroom and this is the last side of the room that I have to complete.  I started with the area above the TV. It fits perfectly between two IKEA shelving units. I haven’t done anything with the shelving units yet, but will show you what I do with them very soon.

The wall space above the TV needed something to add interest. I tried a few different pieces of art, but all looked awkward or were just not the right size. I wanted something to look like it was an integral part of the shelving units.

When something doesn’t come together right away, I have learned to just walk away to let my mind refresh. Looking at the blank wall for a few weeks is when I saw that it needed something white that would have to be custom fit. I also had the IKEA Ribba frames on hand from a project I did a few years ago. They are classic frames and go with any decor. They worked to fit the tight but open space.

The hardest part of this project was choosing only 6 of the covers of the movies I love.  I have so many favorites. I chose my top 10 then used the covers that had the most color in them. That Touch of Mink with Cary Grant and Doris Day didn’t make the cut.  l wanted it to be part of the gallery, but the colors were too dark. :-(

How to Frame Movie DVD Case Art

In case you’re wondering, I put all the actual DVD movie discs in a DVD storage notebook. Now all my faves are handy and compact and can go with me from room to room or even on vacation. It was one of the things I did when I was decluttering my basement. I recycled all the plastic cases after I removed all the cover images.

Free artwork using movie DVD case art

supplies needed:

  • frame with a mat; I used IKEA Ribba frames.  Frame size is 9″ x 11″. Image size in mat is: 4-3/4″ x 6-3/4″
  • scissors
  • tape

1. Remove movie art from the DVD cases. Cut out the front image with a pair of scissors or paper cutter.

How to frame movie DVD covers to create free art for your walls

2. Remove back and mat from frame. Lay mat right side down. Place cut image face down and center on back of the open section of mat. Use tape to secure it in place making sure the image is centered and straight.

How to make free art using movie DVD cases

3. Flip over and confirm that the image is straight and centered. Put frame back together.

How to Hang Movie DVD Case Art

supplies needed to hang the frames:

  • Command Brand Picture Hanging Strips
  • Painter’s tape
  • Pencil/marker
  • Measuring tape
  • Bubble level
  • Small piece of cardboard or foam board

1. Measure your wall space and figure out how many frames will fit across and down, then figure out how much space you want between each frame. Find the center point on the wall and mark it.

Use this picture hanging centering tip the next time you are creating a gallery wall in your home



I eyeballed where the center of the wall was and placed a piece of painter’s tape there. I then drew the actual center mark on the tape.  This allows you to make an easy-to-see mark, but not damage the wall.  When you finish hanging the frames, you simply remove the tape.

2. For the picture hanging strips to work perfectly, clean the surface on the frame and the wall where they will be attached with Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol and let dry.

how to use Picture hanging strips

3. Place a picture hanging strip on the top back corners of your frames. If your frames have narrow back corners, I have been known to cut the strips in half vertically to fit.  When I do this, I add a third set of strips across the top of the frame as well as on each corner to make sure there are enough strips to hold up the weight of the frame.

Free artwork ideas for your walls

4. Lay the frames on the floor or a bed and arrange them the way you want. I tried to balance the colors and used the most colorful ones on the bottom center row.  (I wanted to use all of these, but only had room on my wall for six. I will have to find a way to use the other three.)

How to hang artwork on a wall

5. Once you know your layout, start with the center top frame. Center it with the center mark you made on the wall.  Place a bubble level on top of the frame to find the level position for the frame and then press the frame into the wall.  You will hear a little snap.

6. Hang the next frame under the centered top frame. Figure out how much spacing you would like to see between the frames. My frames are 1-1/4″ apart and also 1-1/4″ from the sides of the two shelving units.

How to Perfectly Space Frames When Hanging in a Grid Style Gallery Wall

How to hang frames in a gallery wall grid the easy way


Using a piece of cardboard or foam core make a little “square” the size of the space between the frames.  Mine was 1-1/4″. Use it to help you evenly space the frames as you hang them.

7. Hang the rest of the frames using the previously hung frame as your guide. If there is room, use the bubble level to help ensure the frames are level.

8. On the picture hanging strips’ package directions, it says to remove the frames after hanging and wait a few hours before putting them back up so that the adhesive on the strips has time to adhere without weight.  You can do this, but I have been using these strips for years and have never done this step. I have never had a frame fall down on me yet.

I still have more to do on these shelves in my bedroom and will be posting my progress as I complete it….

…and speaking about bedrooms, have you heard about the Game of Love?

It is a game on a bed is loads of fun.  The Game of Love Bed sheet game

It is the fun idea of fellow blogger, Monica Mangin from East Coast Creative. She made the game for her husband and posted about it. It became one of her most popular posts so she decided to make it into an actual product.

Its launch is today!  I have two weddings to go to at the end of the month. I am giving the brides the game as a bridal shower gift. I have a feeling…it is going to be a big hit!

The game of love bed sheet game

To find out more about The Game of Love, check out the website and video.

Free artwork for your wall. Use the case art from your favorite movie DVD's to make a gallery wall...big or small | In My Own Style

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  1. Jasmine Mitchell says:

    Really had fun reading this very inspiring post. Thank you for sharing this wonderful tutorial and tips. Got some ideas on what to do next on my next decorating project.

  2. barrywalker says:

    I loved the way you have framed movie DVD case art. The way you have conceptualized the whole thing is superb.

    I would be doing the same kind of artistry in my room.

    Would it be wise to use old pictures especially black and white pictures to get frame in white picture frames?

  3. Phyllis E. says:

    OOPS! in my above comment about the scene from “Mr. Blandings Builds his Dream House”, it should read “after SHE leaves..”

  4. Phyllis E. says:

    Great idea. I LOVE old movies, too! They sure don’t make ’em like they used to in the golden age of Hollywood. I especially love “screwball” comedies–“Bringing Up Baby” is one of my favorites–I love anything with Cary Grant,too! In addition to the wonderful leading actors and actresses they had back then, don’t you think that they also had many fantastic, memorable character actors who added an extra level of depth and richness to the movies. (I can’t think of a single “character” actor of note in modern movies, though maybe I just don’t watch enough of the modern popular movies. )

    As a designer, don’t you just love that scene in “Mr. Blandings Builds his Dream House”, where Mrs. Blandings is talking to her painter, and goes to great lengths to describe the exact shade of each color she wants in each room and then, after he leaves, the painter turns to his assistant and says something like, “Got that: red, blue, green, yellow.” I guess they didn’t have paint color sample strips in those days!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Phyllis – I agree that they don’t make movies like they used to.I keep up with current films and only a few make the cut for me. The paint company,Benjamin Moore had a ad campaign around 20 years ago with that exact scene in the picture with the exact color quote from the movie. I clipped the print version of it from a magazine and had it hanging on my bulletin board for years. I think I still have it filed away somewhere.

      1. Phyllis E. says:

        I would LOVE to see that ad! If you ever find it, please post it. I did a quick google search and found some mention of it, but no photos. But I stumbled on a site that had a clip of just that scene: here is the link, below, for anyone who wants a good laugh–those of us who care about getting just the right color on our walls will really appreciate it (someone, like my husband –probably not so much–he would react more like the painters in that scene!)

  5. Aww.. I just discovered “Sunday in New York” a few years ago! Don’t you love that loft apartment with its gorgeous 60’s decor!!?? And Gregory Peck in “Roman Holiday” is a heart-breaker! Your framed movie art is great gift idea too!! Thanks!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sue – When I went to college in NYC, my mind was spoiled by all the fabulous apartments in the movies I grew up watching. I was a little disappointed that I could not afford to live in one of these. My dorm rooms were nice, but when I moved off campus and into the city – pretty ordinary. The apartment in Sunday in NY was dreamy with the upstairs loft. I would have even taken the 5th floor walkup in Barefoot in the Park, hole in the glass ceiling and all.

  6. This is such a fun idea! I love old musicals so that’s what my wall would be!

    1. Jude Devaraux says:

      Love this idea Dianne…but you HAVE to include the wonderful James Garner to your collection. I may try this and just have his dvd,s on the wall.

      1. Diane Henkler says:

        Hi Jude – I like him, too! XO

  7. Stephanie @ Casa Watkins says:

    Great idea! I am thinking of doing an entire wall of this in the basement. Oh wait, I just remembered that my husband sold all of our DVDs and upgraded to stream them over our Apple TV. :( Now I am also wishing I didnt toss out all my old TV guides.

  8. Way cool idea Diane. Thank you for the tutorial and tips.


  9. Lovely! But, I was hoping you were going to tell us where we could get the art for free! I don’t have dvds to have covers of! 8-\ I loved all those old films, but I think Auntie Mame was my favorite!! Rosalind Russell was so vibrant in whatever movie she was in. I adored her.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Linda – If you don’t have the DVD’s, but do have a printer, you can do a Google image search for the movie you want. A lot of the cover art will show up. Find the one you like and print it out. Most of the images when opened up are large enough to use without distortion.

  10. What a smart idea! I bet my step-daughter would love to do this with her Disney movies or Lord of the Rings!

    1. Marcia Parmeley says:

      Diana, I am thinking you are one smart lady. What a cool idea for “decor” in a young girl’s room! Would love to do this for my granddaughter. I’ll bet this would work great for a young boy too.

  11. Love these movies and this idea! I’m trying to find a spot where I can do this too.

  12. Diane,
    What a fun idea!

    My boys love their video games. How fun to do the same for a game area too!

    We tend to donate no longer watched or played movies/games. It would be well worth making a color copy of the contents and keeping the original pic for a project like this.

  13. Marcia Parmeley says:

    Love this idea. However, I’m a bit lost. I went to the IKEA website and there are a multitude of frame styles and sizes in the Ribba series. Would you mind giving us the size you used since they seem to fit the artwork so well? Or link us up?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Marcia – I always forget that IKEA has a whole series in their named products. I put the info in the post, but here is the link to the frames I used.

      The outside dimensions of the frames are 9″ x 11″. The opening in the mat is 4-3/4″ x 6 3/4″

  14. Debbie How says:

    Hello Diane:

    I absolutely LOVE your movie artwork display. Oddly enough, all these movies are my favourites too. I remember watching them as a teenager. Fond memories…thanks! : )

  15. Great idea….love those movies too! ;)

  16. Christina says:

    Diane, I agree with Marsha! Wonderful display and a great tutorial! You also gave a great quote: “When something makes me happy, I want to add more of it to my life.” Yah sure you betcha!!

  17. LOVE!, LOVE, LOVE, those old movies too.
    What a great way to be reminded of them.
    Thank you.