Mason Jar Crafts: Christmas Gift Bag

Mason jar crafts for Christmas. How to make a cute festive Christmas gift bag that resembles a purse using a Mason jar. All your female friends will love it.

Christmas is not Christmas to me without a little glitter, greenery, and jingle bells. Giving gifts that have these on the wrap make giving even the smallest gift seem more festive.

When thinking of Christmas gift wrapping ideas for my sisters, I ended up using all three to convert a pint size Mason jar into a cute little gift bag purse.

Ball jar turned into a little Christmas handbag gift purse.

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Anyone can give a gift card this holiday season, but why not think “out of the box” and “in the jar” to create something that is personal and made to share in this season of giving.


What inspired me to make this gift bag using a Mason Jar was this Vintage Christmas card.

I loved it and her pretty red dress.  The thought that went through my mind as I was thinking of what to do with Mason jars I had…“how cute would it be if she had a Christmas handbag that coordinated with her dress”.  It is just how my mind works…all visual.

These two thoughts crossed in my mind and the idea for the purse was born.  It was right about the same time that I posted about all the things you can do with garland ties. They were on my work table and became the handle of the purse.

How to Turn a Mason Jar into a Glittery Christmas Gift Bag Purse

Mason jars crafts for Christmas ideas

supplies needed:

Time needed: 30 minutes

  1. Prepare Jar and Lid

    Cut out one of the labels in the free printable .pdf download (from the supply list above) to use to mask the lid. This will keep spray glue from getting on it.  I made a roll of tape to attach it and then centered the label on the lid.

    mason jar crafts and gift ideas

  2. Spray Glue Over Surface of Jar

    Place painter’s tape around top screw edge of jar.
    Spray an even coat of spray glue over the jar, screw top, and lid.


  3. Add Glitter

    Spray an even coat of spray glue over the jar, screw top, and lid.

    Tip:  To keep glitter from getting everywhere, place the jar and lid in a box to work on them. When you are done, excess glitter can be poured back into the jar and the box thrown away or stored until the next time you want to add glitter to an item.

    Quickly sprinkle glitter over all the pieces. Let dry.
    Turn jar over and repeat to cover bottom of jar with glitter. Let dry.
    Remove painter’s tape.


How to Make Handle for Mason Jar Christmas Gift Bag Purse

How to attach Mason-jar-Christmas-purse-handle

1. Attach one garland tie to a second as shown above.  Simply twist end of second tie around the first as you would a twist tie to create the handle.


2. Snip 8 – 2″ pieces of wire.  Twist each around a jingle bell. Starting on one end of the bottom garland tie, attach bells onto garland about 1-1/2″ apart.

Mason-jar-gift-ideas coworkers

3. Once all the jingle bells are on, twist ends of bottom garland tie around jar lid. It is a snug fit. Use point-nose pliers to twist the ends of the garland tie together if needed.

Mason-jar-ideas-for-Christmas. Handle section of a gift bag purse.

It should look like this.

Make Name Gift Tag For the Lid

Mason-Jar-ideas-for-gift-giving. Make the name tag for the lid.

1. I used Photoshop Elements to add the name to the labels.  Once you download the free printable label .pdf, open it in your photo editing software and then add text into each circle.  If you don’t have the software, use a marker to write the recipient’s names on the circle labels.

I used the font Cantoni Basic in the size 117.7 for mine.

2. Print and then cut out with scissors.

3. Turn name tag face down and spray glue over back.  Let it get tacky for about 30 seconds, then attach to lid.

What Types of Gifts Fit Into a Mason Jar?

Small items work best. Here are a few ideas on what will fit.

  • Jewelry
  • Rolled up dollar bills
  • Coins
  • Candy
  • Gift Certificate
Pint sized Ball jar filled with fake snow and a gold link bracelet.

I filled the jar with fake snow that I bought at the craft store and then placed a shiny gift inside.

Pint sized Mason jar turned into a cute Christmas gift bag. Text overlay says Mason Jar Gifts for Her.

Now I have to find a pretty red dress so I can give all the girls in my life their gifts in style.

For more Ball Jar inspiration follow along on Pinterest and Facebook @BallCanning


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Still not enough decorating? Grab a tea or other delicious seasonal beverage and head over to my Christmas decorating project gallery.

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  1. Awesome site lots of great ideas thank for sharing!!

  2. Michelle James says:

    I have seen these jars and they are so cute anyway…but you have made it adorable. I love this.

  3. A very creative idea. I will have to do this for my wife’s gift. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Pamela Lopour says:

    This is a great idea. Thank you for sharing.

  5. this is so stinking adorable. I just love it. I wish i had seen this craft earlier in the season. I would have made a ton of them. Hopefully i can remember and do it next christmas season.

  6. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    I will have to wait, but I plan to make one of these for myself. What a great ring holder and more! I love this…… and oh for a little girl, such an adorable little gift purse.

  7. Omg, love this idea! Beautiful!

  8. Linda Weeks says:

    you are so original and creative; thanks for taking the time to inspire us even while you must be crazy busy with your own family holiday! This is an adorable gift!