Make a Fall Inspired Simple Wood Block Photo Frame

Make your own simple wood block photo frame for fall or any season or occasion using a scrap of wood and craft paint. I created two with fall colors to coordinate with the autumn decor in my living room.

Fall is weeks away so I am going to start changing out my decorating accessories to reflect cozy autumn colors and textures.

I like to re-use and repurpose my fall decorating items I own like this fall photo frame I made in minutes and these DIY wooden candle holders when I change my decor from summer to autumn each year

Fall tabletop wood block photo holders on table

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This year is no different and I am taking my “finding uses for old things” a step further by finding a way to reuse scraps of wood and craft supplies I have leftover from previous projects to create a way to display a few of my favorite photos of my granddaugher.

How to Make a Fall Inspired Wood Block Photo Frame

I wanted my wood block photo frames to look aged so I used a wood weathering product. It is not an oil-based stain, but a water-based accelerating stain that changes the color of unfinished wood. I used the product to change the color of the wood bead garland I made last year and also to change the wood color of my dining room table that was in my previous house.

Different types of wood will take wood stain accelerators differently. I used the same stain on both of my wood blocks and you can see that one of the blocks (treated pine) took the stain much better than the other that I think is a softer pine that was very smooth.

supplies needed to make a wood block photo frame from scrap wood

supplies needed:

  • Scrap wood from a 2″ x 6″ or 2″ x 8″ board or purchase a wood block at the craft store
  • Saw
  • Sandpaper
  • Painter’s tape
  • Ruler/pencil
  • Craft paint
  • Wood vintage weathering stain
  • Rag
  • Soft wax

Time needed: 2 hours

How to make a wood block photo holder for fall using a piece of scrap wood.

  1. Cut wood to size desired.

    Depending on the size of the scrap wood you have, cut the board to height desired. I cut the orange stripe block to 8″ high. The yellow stripe block is 7″ high.

    cutting a block from a 2 x 6 wood board

  2. Sand wood

    Sand wood using 100 grit sandpaper to remove any rough edges.

    how to sand a scrap piece of wood to make a picture holder from it

  3. Apply weathering wood stain

    Apply weathering wood stain to wood with paint brush and let sit for a 5 – 10 minutes, then wipe it away. If you would like the wood to be darker, apply another layer and let sit longer before wiping the excess away. Let dry before proceeding to the next step.

    how to weather age wood

  4. Add Tape to Create Stripes on Wood

    Find center of wood and place painter’s tape over center mark. Next, add tape 1″ or as wide as the tape is away on each side from center tape. Repeat adding tape to evenly cover the block of wood.

    Use craft paint to paint stripes on wood block where there is no painter’s tape. Let dry and add another coat if needed. Let dry.

    How to paint stripes on a block of wood to make a photo frame

  5. Sand to age paint

    Remove painter’s tape and then go over the painted surface with 100 girt sandpaper to age the paint a little.

    How to age painted and stained surface on wood.

  6. Seal

    Seal the stained and painted surface with clear soft wax using a soft cloth. Buff and then add a layer of dark wax and buff to a soft sheen.

    how to add a layer of soft wax to painted and stained wood.

  7. Attach photo

    Use raffia, yarn, or string to attach photo. Simply wrap it around the block as shown. Place photo under the wrapped raffia.

    how to attach a photo to a wood block picture holder

  8. Another option to attach photo

    Use decorative tacks to attach photo. Center photo and push a tack into each corner of photo. Use hammer if needed.

    wood scrap craft project wood block photo holder

Products That Will Weather Unfinished Wood

Wood block crafts you can make in an afternoon. Fall inspired Wood block photo holder frames made using scrap wood and craft supplies you may already own. 

#scrapwood #scrapwoodcrafts #woodblockcraftsDIY #photoholder #pictureframeDIY

More Fall Craft Ideas to Make:

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  1. Sarah @ The DIY Mommy says:

    Such a great upcycle! Love finding unique ways to display photos. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sooo cute! (And those frames aren’t bad either!) Thanks for sharing this easy DIY on the blog hop Diane. Happy Fall!

  3. Came out great … and those babies are so adorable.

  4. I love this idea simple and rustic idea for pictures of the grandbabies. They would make great gifts too!

  5. Ashley Mills says:

    This is precious Diane! And of course those grandbabies are gorgeous. Hope you’re having an awesome fall!

  6. Kristin salazar says:

    Love this idea! I tried a transfer method one time and it didn’t work, I Like this much better :)

  7. Jo-Anna Rooney says:

    Really lovely Diane! Such a nice way to display pictures!

  8. Rhonda Hallstrom says:

    This is just too cute! I absolutely love this idea!

  9. SO STINKIN’ CUTE! Not ready to jump on the Fall wagon just yet since it’s in the 90s still, but this is going to be my jumpstart. I love these and also the simple way to rotate out pictures of our grandchildren as they grow.

  10. Ashley Stringfellow says:

    These are so sweet! xoxo

  11. jen hadfield says:

    Super adorable Diane!!


  12. Jennifer Lifford says:

    These are so cute and your granddaughter is adorable!

  13. Christy James says:

    These are so cute and such a great way to use up those wood scraps, but the star of the show has to be those cute babies! XO

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Christy – Since the birth of my granddaughter 5 months ago I have taken quite a few photos – hundreds. :-) Had to find a way to display a few of them besides on my fridge.