Large No Sew Accent Pillow To Make

How to make a removable accent pillow cover that doesn’t require a zipper. It can be made using fabric yardage, a dishtowel or any type of fabric.

I don’t use a lot of throw pillows around my house since they usually end up taking up valuable seating and end up on the floor when someone wants to sit down.  I do however like pillows on the banquette in my kitchen. It has L-shaped seating with bed size pillows along the wall that act as a backrest.

Wait to you see how easy this DIY no sew pillow cover is to make when you use dishtowels or napkins that already have finished edges. | In My Own Style

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On a stroll through Pottery Barn, I saw pretty pillow covers designed for 18″ square pillows. I really liked them, but not the price tag.

A week later, while I was strolling the aisles at Target I saw a set of purple and white oak leaf dishtowels on clearance.  I loved the color and knew immediately that they were going home with me to be made into a seasonal no-sew pillow for the banquette.

No sew pillow tutorial

What I like about using dishtowels or cloth napkins to create decorative accent pillows is that they come with finished edges which makes decorating the no-sew way even easier.

The pre-finished edges allow you to easily add a strip of Velcro along the inside edge so that you can easily take off the cover to wash or to change the pillow for the current season (keeps things fresh looking and makes it easy to change out seasonally).

Finding seasonal dishtowels is easy at stores like Target, HomeGoods, Marshalls, and TJ Maxx since they all carry many colors and styles all the time.

How to Make a No-Sew Removable Pillow Cover


supplies needed: 

  • 2 dishtowels
  • bed pillow standard size
  • Speed Sew or any brand of fabric glue
  • 18-inches of Velcro. I used adhesive Velcro since I had it on hand, but no need for only this kind as the sew-on type will bond to the fabric with fabric glue 
  • clips or clothespins
  • toothpick
  • scissors


1. Wash and dry dishtowels to allow for shrinkage.

2. Lay one dishtowel on work surface with right side down.


3. Open tube of fabric glue and run a bead of it along one short edge (hem) of dishtowel and two long sides.  Use a toothpick to spread out glue over entire hem on these sides.

4. Line up top and bottom dishtowel and press the seams together.

This will create the cover leaving one side open.


5. Cut the 18-inch long adhesive Velcro in half lengthwise. You don’t need the full 1-inch width.

Pull the loop side away from the furry side of the Velcro.  Apply a line of fabric glue along unglued short side that is still open in the same way you did the other 3 sides.

Lay the loop side along the glued edge.


6. Repeat the process on the top dishtowel’s edge using the furry side of the Velcro.

How to use fabric glue to make a no sew pillow

7. Place the top and bottom edges of the dishtowels together and use your finger to press the two sides of the Velcro together.

You will hear it snap and click as you go along.

How to make a large no sew pillow in 20 minutes

8. Clip edges together until glue dries. It will take a few hours.

How to make a no sew Velcro closing pillow cover

9. Remove clips and place pillow into the opening of the dishtowel cover.


10. Close the cover by snapping the two sides of the Velcro together.


All done.

Now I have a new pillow to snuggle up against in the afternoon when the autumn chill in the house summons me to the kitchen for some hot tea and cookies.  :-)

If you liked this no sew pillow to add to your home decor, you may also like to make one of these:

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  1. Wonderful idea great minds think alike. Cant wait to make this.
    Also I am making a curtain out of my old scarves just sewing altogether and making a open hem up top then sew or glue and put pole threw it and bingo..

  2. Betsy Eades says:

    How big does the dish towel need to be to cover a regular size pillow?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Betsy – The dishtowel I used was a 20″ x 30″ thin cotton style cloth. It wasn’t the smaller size that most terrycloth dishtowels are sized.

  3. Are you able to wash these? How well do they hold up with just glue? Very pretty!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jodi – Yes, you can wash the the items you make with fabric glue. I have used a few brands and all can be washed. Before washing, the glue has to be fully dry – a few days. You also can’t dry clean, but they can be washed in a washing machine with regular laundry detergent.

      Here are all the washable Fabric Glues I know of that you may want to consider:

      I like Beacon Fabri-Tac and Aleene’s Its OK to Wash It. I have used these along with Speed Sew.

  4. Good morning. Can these go in the washing machine? If so I will be sure making these. Thanks for the tip. Have a happy day. Your site is telling me I already asked that question. I don’t remember asking that.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Mary – Yes the pillow covers can be washed as long as you use a fabric glue that says it can be washed on the label. Most fabric glues made these days are made to be able to wash.

  5. Diane, I use the same inserts season after season by just changing out the pillow covers. I especially like the fact that the pillow covers don’t take up much space to store in your linen closet, etc. It’s a win, win.

  6. Norma Rolader says:

    Diane I love the no sew pillow and thank you for all the instructions God bless

  7. Can Gorilla glue be used in place of fabric glue?? I want to make these for Christmas gifts.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Anna – I do not think Gorilla Glue would be a good replacement for fabric glue. Gorilla glue foams up as it dries and will create a very hard line that you would feel under the fabric. Fabric glue dries clear and flat.

  8. I love that purple pillow. I’m going out right now to find the dish towel for my dream pillow. thanks for the inspiration.

  9. Lisa Rosales says:

    Hi there! I just leased myself an iohone6 Apple cell phone& in exploring new sites I never ever thought about until today,right now& in loving the fact that I came across the “IKEA” website & I’m reading along & as I’m reading along I came across ur pillow no sew idea!! Boy does that give me ideas for gift giving being that the Holidays are coming up I LOVE ur idea about these no sew pillows now I need to go & get me these inexpensive items & start creating my “GIFT” giving ideas with plenty of time for the Holidays& with many birthdays also coming up I’m “LOVING” ur idea Soo much more!! Thanks for ur idea!!? Ms. L.R. Of Chula Vista,California

  10. Julia@Cuckoo4Design says:

    That’s such a great idea and I love how it looks. I have to try Speed Sew.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Julia – I have used many no sew glues and think Speed Sew is the best. It goes on easy, dries fast and the bond is almost instant.

  11. Lillian Sauve says:

    Hi. I would like to make large pillows for the floor for my great grandchildren. Would I use towels and a kind of stuffing.

    Thankyou Lillian S.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Lillian – Large towels would make great covers for floor pillows. For the stuffing you could use old towels, cloths, linens, etc. Cut them up into small pieces. You could also purchase pillow stuffing, batting, or fiberfill. It is sold at Walmart and or sewing and craft stores.

  12. I’ve used dish towels to make curtains and seasonal pillows but never thought about making a bigger one. Love this fabric and how these turned out. Too perfect! I’d love it if you would like this project up at our Best of the Weekend Party. It’s open from Friday until Wednesday!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Sounds like you think like me when it comes to looking at items to use in new and decorative ways.:-) Thanks for the invite to your Best of the Weekend party.

  13. I really like this idea, but for me personally……lol, this is more trouble than sewing the edges together, including the velcro….but that’s probably because I have a sewing room where my machine is set up and ready to use, 24/7. If I had to drag it out of a closet, etc, I’d probably never sew anything! Thank you for sharing this great idea, Diane. I feel like I need to go to Target now.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sharon – I agree that if you sew and have a machine, using it to make something is easier than no-sew methods. When I worked in display, I didn’t have the luxury of having a machine to use and had to come up with no-sew ways to make decorative stuff. This pillow is geared for the many who do not own a machine and still would like affordable custom made pillows. I will admit, though that no-sew products have come a long way since the Stitch Witchery days.

      1. Oh absolutely, and I love the idea! That’s what’s so great about following your blog….you have awesome ideas and simple ways to do it, no matter the skill level. And, I like to figure out how I can make something work for ME. Thanks again and keep those ideas coming!

  14. Looks so much easier that stitch witchery! Thanks for the instructions and tips on fabric and cheaper options.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Linda – It is. Using fabric glue is so much easier than using Stitch Witchery and bonds 100 times better, too.

  15. Susan Krauss says:

    omgosh, Diane! This is amazing! I definitely have to try this. Pillows can be so expensive, pre-made. Is that a standard size bed pillow that you’ve used?

  16. Laurie Tuttle says:

    Great idea! Thanks, I’ll use your technique soon. Love the colors you chose!

  17. Sheryll $ Critters. says:

    I love the color, technique and your wonderful window seat…. that you built yourself. Did you gunk up your scissors cutting the sticky back Velcro? Even if it did that tip to cut it narrower is a big money saver for me $ others too.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sheryll – The adhesive on the Velcro was not very sticky so no residue on my scissors. In the past though my scissors have gotten gunked up with other types of adhesives. I use Gunk-Off or citrus based cleaners to remove it. They work great.

  18. Hi Diane, I think I missed something, although I read it 2 or 3 times. Did you just glue the other three sides together? I assumed so, but you didn’t say, that I could see. I love your pillow, and think your ideas are brilliant! I hope your house sells soon. I’m looking forward to reading about your next “chapter” in your new home. Have a great week!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Marilyn – You are right. Thanks for telling me. :-) I assume when I was editing I somehow deleted a few sentences. It have added them back into the post.

  19. Great idea for a lot of reasons: the no-sew option, the idea of using a bed pillow outside the bedroom, and a great resource for fabric: kitchen linens! No excuses not to pursue this idea and bring it home!! Thanks so much!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Susanne – I like the fact that the price of a bed pillow is much cheaper than buying a smaller pillow form, too. Way cheaper!

      1. Hi Diane! Just an idea – I buy throw pillows at the second hand stores for $2 or $3 and take the covers off. I then sew an envelope style pillow case, which is easy peasy to do, and push the pillow in. Voila! I live in Canada and velcro here can be fairly expensive, so it is much cheaper and less time for me to just sew a few seams and make the envelope pillow case. But your idea is great for someone who doesn’t want to sew!

        1. Diane Henkler says:

          Hi Diane – Thanks for sharing your idea about buying pillows at the thrift store for their forms. I agree that Velcro can be expensive. I usually wait to buy it when I have a 40% – 50% coupon from the crafts store.

  20. Too cute…and I love that color! Thanks for those easy directions! ;)

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Donnamae – The color is what grabbed my attention when I saw them at Target. It is one of my fave colors.

  21. Jann from Newton Custom Interiors says:

    Cute! I love the fabric!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jan – Target is the best place to find decorative stuff on clearance. They hide it on the back end caps of the aisles. I have learned to look there first to find marked down goodies. :-)