Jingling In the New Year with Festive Cocktail Stirrers
I am in disbelief… how can the new year be here already? Christmas over and now, New Years… it doesn’t seem possible.
I want time to slow down so I can enjoy every bit of the holiday season. New Years’s is always low key. Either at home or a casual dinner with friends.

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I prefer comfy cozy at home clinking champagne glasses at midnight, nothing fancy… jeans and a sweater kind of night.

Last year we had just moved and we enjoyed celebrating in our new house. I don’t make a big meal, but have finger food available all night long.
I made these Spiced Bacon Skewers and they were a hit. I will be making them again this year. You can find the recipe, here. Spiced Bacon Skewers.

To help celebrate the holidays this month I was sent not one, but two challenge boxes from Waverly Inspirations. I am a Waverly Inspirations Ambassador along with a handful of other DIY decorating bloggers.
Every month they send us a box full of fabric, paints, and ribbon and challenge us to come up with something creative using the items.
I used the contents of the first box to decorate one of the guests rooms in my house in holiday colors. The second box arrived and was filled with items to create something festive for New Year’s Eve celebrating.
Even though I don’t “do it up” on New Year’s Eve, I still like to add my style to the simple festivities that are planned. I came up with a way I can use the items to add some of my own style to the festive, yet quiet evening at home.

Since the night is all about toasting in the new year, I thought I would cover the center of a large silver tray that I found at a thrift store a few years ago for $4 with the black and white fabric. The tray is worn in the center, so making the tray liner, covers the imperfection.

One year when my daughters were little they had a few friends over on New Year’s Eve. I let them use wooden spoons and my pots and pans to make noise outside when the clock stuck twelve. The kids had fun, but my pots and pans were not very happy.
From that year on, to save my pots, I make sure I have noisemakers on hand. Instead of buying them, I made noise maker/stirrers for the cocktails, drinks and even the champagne that will be served. Each stirrer has a double function…it can be also used to ring in the new year at midnight.
How To Make a Fabric Covered Tray Liner
All supplies can be found at Walmart.
supplies needed:
- Waverly Inspirations fabric – Woven Lattice
- Foam board
- Mat knife
- Ruler
- Duct tape
- Scissors
- Pencil

- Lay tray on foam board and trace around it with a pencil. If your tray has an inset, place the pencil tip under the edge of the tray and trace around the bottom. It does not have to be perfect since it is only needed as a size guide.
- Use a mat knife and ruler to cut the foam board following the traced lines.

3. Place the cut foam board into the tray. If needed, use the mat knife to cut excess in the corners.

4. Cut fabric so it is slightly larger all around then the tray. Place fabric face down and then place foam board on top.
5. Bring up sides of fabric to the back of foam board. Pull taut. Use duct tape to secure fabric to the back.

6. Flip the board over and place in tray.
How to Make Jingle Bell Cocktail Stirrers

The cocktail stirrers are reusable. Just slip the straw off and store the stirrers until your next party or gathering. When it is time to party again, slip a new straw over the chopstick.

supplies needed:
- Jingle Bells
- Chopsticks – from your local Chinese restaurant
- Striped and polka dot paper straws
- Waverly Inspirations Pin Stripe ribbon
- Waverly Inspriations paint in Antique Silver
- White card stock or computer paper
- Free printable banner for stirrers – Cheers – Download here: Paper Straw Mini Banners
- Oprional: Self-sealing laminating sheets
- Thin silver wire
- Silver glitter

1. Dip 1-inch of the top of a chopstick in paint, shake off excess.
2. Dip painted section into silver glitter.

3. Place in a block of Styrofoam to allow to dry. (I save the foam that comes in packaging.)

4. Once dry, slide a chopstick into a straw.

5. Wire 3 jingle bells together.

6. Twist wire so there is an open center. This will naturally happen when 3 jingle bells are wired together.

7. Thread the bottom of the straw covered chopstick into the round open center of the wire and push the jingle bells up to the bottom edge of the glitter.
8. Print out Cheers .pdf on white card stock or computer paper.

9. Optional: Laminate the banners with a self-sealing laminating sheet before cutting each one out.
10. Use a paper hole punch to punch a hole into the mini-banner.

11. Tie onto what is now a drink stirrer/noisemaker…

…shake and jingle to welcome 2017.

Do you have any plans for NY’s Eve? Do you stay home or like to go out for a night on the town?