Insta-Tip: Free Painting Tool


How To Make A Free Painting Tool Out of a Milk Jug

Today I have an Insta-Tip for you.  It is a quick and easy DIY tip.

It is part of the weekend series where I share a simple project for which no tutorial is needed.

I am hoping that the ideas in this series will inspire you to look at everything around you with new eyes and ask yourself…”what if?” to come up with your own Insta-Tip ideas.

Painting tool that you can make. Make a paint bucket out of a plastic milk jug. It is free and easy to make. Win/Win all around since you will be recycling and making the job of painting a wall or anything much easier.

You can make a very free and very handy paint bucket with a used plastic milk jug.

  1. Using a marker, draw on an empty and clean milk jug as shown. Stop about 2-inches from the bottom.

2. Cut a slit and small rectangle near the neck of the jug.

3. Volia!…. A easy to hold paint bucket that also will hold your brush when you need to put the bucket and brush down.

To hold the paint jug easily, slip your hand into the handle with your palm towards the jug.

When finished painting, pour the unused paint back into the can using the jug top as a funnel. You can clean and reuse the jug or toss it in the trash.

Smart Painter TIP:  Before pouring paint back into a paint can, stretch an old nylon stocking over the opening of the jug to filter the paint while pouring.

For more Insta-Tips and Tricks like this, check out my Insta-Style page.

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  1. Teliukh Vladyslav says:

    Hi, good tools I would add to this set, but nebo flashlight review to protect yourself from power outages, sky review flashlight that you can make on our website

  2. Gloria Gawa says:

    Been doing this for years but I cut mine out a little different. What’s so great about this is you have a nice handle on the container. Makes it so much easier when you are on a ladder.

  3. Catpainter says:

    They are also great as plant cloches. I cut the bottoms off and set them over frost tender small plants and herbs in my veg garden. I also use one for watering house plants. I just add a light dose of plant food and can water several small plants with no drips or mess.

  4. Clever and very useful! Thanks I am pinning this idea!

  5. Linda L Weeks says:

    Not to mention that you won’t have to buy a gadget for $3 or $4 at the paint store! I am such a sucker for paint store gadgets, but here’s one I won’t need to buy!

  6. Auntie Kaye says:

    Whatsa nylon stocking?? LOL!

    Great tip, especially the throw it away part…a quick wipe with one piece of the free weekly shopping paper and into the recycling bin. We have 10+ empty jugs a week around here, an endless supply, and I am always looking for ways to use them.

  7. HI Diane
    This is a great upcycle idea! Love it! laura

  8. Great idea – and very timely for me. I have some small paint jobs that have been waiting for me and I’ve put them off until I can once again work in my garage (still too cold in my neck of the woods). Can’t wait to get out there and complete some of the things on my to-do list. Spring temps, please hurry up and get here. I’m ready.