Insta-Style: Candle Holder

I love to DIY, but sometimes I don’t have time to create something from scratch, although I still want that stylish something that is unique and affordable to use around my house.

My mind is always searching for ways to repurpose items I already own into something new and exciting. I call the decorative ideas I come up with during times like this…Insta-Style.

Welcome a new weekend series I am adding to my blog that will show you simple 1..2… and done projects where no DIY skills or tools are needed.

A simple 2 photo post  – so easy a tutorial is not even needed.

You may not own the same items I have, but I am hoping that the ideas will inspire you to look at everything around you with new eyes and ask yourself…”what if?” to come up with your own Insta-Style decorating ideas.


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What do you get when you put a candle and a Ba-Tampte pickle jar lid together?


A holiday pillar style plate candle holder is what.  Festive, fun, and done in an instant!

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  1. Marie@The Interior Frugalista says:

    Hi Diane, I have no idea why but realized I haven’t visited your blog in a bit. Love the new look! What a great idea for a candle holder – so festive. Sorry for being MIA – that changes today!

  2. micki clemens says:

    I enjoyed the diy on bow making. Your idea for using the pickle jar cover was ingenious! Congratulations.

  3. Nancy Carr says:

    I had better eat the rest of those pickles fast so I can use the lid. Great idea!

  4. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    I love this…. and I am doing it also. I have only light blue and gold, with possibly some white on my green tree and this will be perfect and you can save the jar and reuse it with the lid for buttons or such after.

  5. This is awesome! Thank you so much for such a simple decor inspiration.

  6. How flipping awesome ! I am going to love this series

  7. Lisa@2PerfectionDecor says:

    That is amazing.. SO simple.. yet very festive and pretty. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Catherine says:

    Simple and elegant!!!!! Love it.

  9. This simple project shines in your home because your style is clean and uncluttered. I’m looking forward to getting there too.

  10. Love everything about this . . . pillar candle holder and the news that you’re starting a weekend 1, 2 projects blog. Can’t wait!

  11. Looking forward to this series! I like a mixture of projects. Long and involved, and short and sweet. That way, I can work on whatever I have the time and patience for at the moment :)

  12. Connie Nikiforoff Designs says:

    Like you, I’m always looking for ways to reuse something that generally gets thrown away. This is SO cute and so practical Diane. I just love it! Another easy insta-holder would be to ‘redo’ the lid (think spray paint, painted on paint, rick rac, ribbon, etc.) if the one that fits isn’t within your color scheme. :-)