How to Stencil Shower Doors with a Cutting Edge Stencil
I have a fun and decorative idea for you today. I am going to show you how to stencil shower doors. I love the look of an allover stencil pattern on a wall and I stenciled my mudroom about 12 years ago in a lattice pattern. I used a stencil that was 8” x 14” to do the entire room. It took me over a week and it was not easy. I wish I had a Cutting Edge wall stencil back then. Their stencils are large and you use a roller so the process goes very quickly. No pouncing brush necessary.
Since I am not sure if I will have to move because of my husband’s job, I didn’t want to to stencil an entire wall somewhere in my house. If we have to move I would not be able to take it with me, so I opted to do something on a smaller scale.
If we do have to move and I have to stage the house for sale, I can easily remove my stenciled shower door with some glass cleaner and a razor blade.
One of the best things about Cutting Edge Stencils is that they can be re-used many times. So I can stencil a wall when I know for sure I am staying in this house or to make my mark in my next house.
I picked the Zamira pattern, but there are so many to choose from. I had a tough time choosing mine. I had to pick it by playing Eenie, Meenie, Miney Mo with the three that I narrowed down as my favorites.

Just your average stall shower door.
I stenciled the outside of the door using white paint. I thought about using etching cream with the stencil, but I wanted to add more white accents to the room to coordinate with the white molding around the mirror above the sinks. The etching cream would have added a greyish look, so I went with white and am very happy with how it turned out.
There is a skylight in the bathroom that I can not reach to cover, but it was casting shadows on my newly stenciled door when I was taking these photos, but you can get the idea.
supplies needed:
- Allover Stencil from Cutting Edge Wall Stencil – Zamira pattern
- Painter’s Tape and Elmer’s Spray Adhesive
- Foam Roller
- Paint tray
- Paper towels
- White latex enamel paint
Note: This allover stencil is created for walls, floor, or any large surface. To use it – you work from the least seen corner of your room and then to the left until you come back around to your starting corner. For my shower door application I decided I wanted to center the pattern on the door. When I had to move the stencil to the left side – everything automatically lined up. When I had to stencil the right side, I had to find the pattern section that matched up. Not difficult, but I did have to do it a small section at at time.
To learn more stencil how to’s and tips you can click over to The Cutting Edge Stencils site to view a few of their videos.
Tips on Using an Allover Pattern Stencil
How to Stencil a Shower Door
1. Spray a small bit of Elmer’s spray adhesive on the back of the stencil. This helps it stay flat against the door. Find the center of your door and mark it. You can see the piece of tape I have on the top border of the door. I also used some tape to make sure the stencil was flat and secured. It is not shown in my photos, but I taped around the edge of the glass so I would not get any paint on the rubber gasket and metal frame.
2. Using the foam roller that came with the stencil. I rolled it into my paint tray and then rolled it on a piece of paper towel to remove most of the paint. You want the roller to be a bit dry. Less paint on the roller will give you the best results. Make sure to keep your pressure even as you roll the roller over the stencil. When you are sure you covered the pattern, remove the stencil and move it to the left. Line up the design and secure with tape. Roll over the stencil again. When done, move the stencil back to the center under the top center section you rolled on. Repeat the rolling on the paint process, and then move it to the left. Keep repeating this process until the center and left side of the door have been stenciled.
3. To do the right side – find the section on the stencil that matches up with the right edge of the pattern that is already stenciled on the door. Tape it in place and paint. Keep moving it down and matching up the pattern until you have the right side stenciled on.
Along with your allover stencil pattern, you get a small strip with all the different pattern pieces on the stencil so you can do any edge work. I cut out one of the pattern pieces from this strip and used it to be able to stencil behind the door handle.
From start to finish, stenciling this door took less than an hour and I took this photo when it was still wet while the light was still bright enough to get a daylight photo.
I really like how it gives my bathroom a modern touch. I also like how it looks against the texture of the grass cloth on the walls.