How to Stencil Shower Doors with a Cutting Edge Stencil

I have a fun and decorative idea for you today.   I am going to show you how to stencil shower doors.   I love the look of an allover stencil pattern on a wall and I stenciled my mudroom about 12 years ago in a lattice pattern. I used a stencil that was 8” x 14” to do the entire room. It took me over a week and it was not easy.  I wish I had a Cutting Edge wall stencil back then. Their stencils are large and you use a roller so the process goes very quickly. No pouncing brush necessary.

Cutting Edge Stencils

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Since I am not sure if I will have to move because of my husband’s job,  I didn’t want to to stencil an entire wall somewhere in my house. If we have to move I would not be able to take it with me, so I opted to do something on a smaller scale.

If we do have to move and I have to stage the house for sale, I can easily remove my stenciled shower door with some glass cleaner and a razor blade.

One of the best things about Cutting Edge Stencils is that they can be re-used many times.  So I can stencil a wall when I know for sure I am staying in this house or to make my mark in my next house.

I picked the Zamira pattern, but there are so many to choose from.  I had a tough time choosing mine. I had to pick it by playing Eenie, Meenie, Miney Mo with the three that I narrowed down as my favorites.

Cutting Edge Stencils
Cutting Edge Stencils
Cutting Edge Stencils


Just your average stall shower door.

How to stencil shower doors


I stenciled the outside of the door using white paint.  I thought about using etching cream with the stencil, but I wanted to add more white accents to the room to coordinate with the white molding around the mirror above the sinks.  The etching cream would have added a greyish look, so I went with white and am very happy with how it turned out.

There is a skylight in the bathroom that I can not reach to cover, but it was casting shadows on my newly stenciled door when I was taking these photos, but you can get the idea.

Stenciled Shower Door

supplies needed:

  • Allover Stencil from Cutting Edge Wall Stencil – Zamira pattern
  • Painter’s Tape and Elmer’s Spray Adhesive
  • Foam Roller
  • Paint tray
  • Paper towels
  • White latex enamel  paint

Note:  This allover stencil is created for walls, floor, or any large surface.   To use it – you work from the least seen corner of your room and then to the left until you come back around to your starting corner. For my shower door application I decided I wanted to center the pattern on the door.  When I had to move the stencil to the left side – everything automatically lined up.  When I had to stencil the right side, I had to find the pattern section that matched up.  Not difficult, but I did have to do it a small section at at time.

To learn more stencil how to’s and tips you can click over to The Cutting Edge Stencils site to view a few of their videos.

Tips on Using an Allover Pattern Stencil

How to Stencil a Shower Door

1.  Spray a small bit of Elmer’s spray adhesive on the back of the stencil.  This helps it stay flat against the door.   Find the center of your door and mark it. You can see the piece of tape I have on the top border of the door.  I also used some tape to make sure the stencil was flat and secured.  It is not shown in my photos, but I taped around the edge of the glass so I would not get any paint on the rubber gasket and metal frame.

How to stencil a shower door

2. Using the foam roller that came with the stencil.  I rolled it into my paint tray and then rolled it on a piece of paper towel to remove most of the paint. You want the roller to be a bit dry. Less paint on the roller will give you the best results.  Make sure to keep your pressure even as you roll the roller over the stencil.  When you are sure you covered the pattern, remove the stencil and move it to the left. Line up the design and  secure with tape.  Roll over the stencil again.   When done, move the stencil back to the center under the top center section you rolled on.  Repeat the rolling on the paint process, and then move it to the left. Keep repeating this process until the center and left side of the door have been stenciled.

How to stencil a door

3. To do the right side – find the section on the stencil that matches up with the right edge of the pattern that is already stenciled on the door. Tape it in place and paint. Keep moving it down and matching up the pattern until you have the right side stenciled on.

Along with your allover stencil pattern, you get a small strip with all the different pattern pieces on the stencil so you can do any edge work.  I cut out one of the pattern pieces from this strip and used it to be able to stencil behind the door handle.

From start to finish, stenciling this door took less than an hour and I took this photo when it was still wet while the  light was still bright enough to get a daylight photo.

Stencil on a shower door with a cutting edge stencil

I really like how it gives my bathroom a modern touch. I also like how it looks against the texture of the grass cloth on the walls.

How to stencil using Zamira pattern Cutting Edge Stencil

How to stencil


stencil a shower door



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  1. Maria Gordon says:

    Hi there! Love the idea!
    I found a glass paint – “Krylon Stained Glass Paint. But I can’t decide on a pattern. My husband does not like the idea of painting glass very much. But he liked the pictures of your “After” result.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Maria – The nice thing about painting on glass is that when you tire of it, you can wet the surface and remove the paint with a razor blade scraper. EZ and no damage to the glass. :-)

  2. when you are done what about the adhesive you sprayed on the stencil? does it remove with windex? and it doesnt hurt the paint? I am considering using this pattern on a few mirror cabinet doors but may use some gold metallic enamel paint.. not sure how to seal it or if i need to so when little hands get fingerprints on mirror i can clean them and is there any residue from the adhesive.. please answer asap.. wanting to get started, you did an amazing job.. looks stunning!! Kim

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kim –

      When spraying the adhesive on the stencil, you only need a little, only enough to make it tacky. When you remove it, there should not be any residue left. If you apply too much adhesive and some gets on the glass, you can use a pencil eraser to remove it. Just rub over it, then use Windex. As far sealing the paint, if you use a semi or gloss enamel, there is no need to seal it.

  3. Hi there! Just found you on pinterest. Love the idea of stenciling onto a shower door! Once done, are you still able to clean the shower door as usual with Windex or another glass cleaner?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      HI Rhonda – Yes no problem at all. What I do is spray glass cleaner on a paper towel not directly on the glass. It has been more than a year since I stenciled my door and it looks just as good as the day I did it. When stenciling – a thin layer (use a foam pouncer or stencil brush) of paint is all that are needed.

  4. This is an amazing idea! Great job… I’m so glad my kids are napping right now so I can dream through more great projects on your site!

  5. I just saw this on Pinterest and it is absolutely fantastic! I have the same tired shower door, and I’m thinking it will get a stenciled facelift!

  6. I love the Moroccan Dream Allover Stencil & plan to use this on my bathroom shower door. Thanks for the great tutorial!

  7. Visiting from Home Stories, that is some amazing creativity. Way to go!
    :) crafty texas girls

    1. Hi Samantha-

      Since it was just a builder grade shower door, I figured I had nothing to lose if it didn’t work out. It looks very cool from inside the shower, too.

  8. Lexie Holtz says:

    I liked Cutting Edge Stencil FB page. I love both of your sites! Thanks for the tips!

  9. Dandelion says:

    They are all so beautiful! I would choose the budding clematis.

  10. Love the Marrakech Trellis Allover Stencil. Would look great in the master bedroom and the master bath shower door.

  11. Too many choices! I would have to say I like the Vision Allover stencil! I love most of the allover stencils! They are AWESOME!!!

  12. I love the Oasis Allover Stencil! I think it will be perfect for my new project!!

  13. Helen Henkler says:

    I loved the Bamboo allover pattern. Now just need to find a place to put it! I also “liked” the website. Thanks for the great “how-to” Diane!

  14. Frances Huynh says:

    By the way, I am already a fan of Cutting Edge Stencils. Would love to win a stencil so I can get to decorating one of my bedrooms.

  15. Frances Huynh says:

    I am loving the new stencils but if I had to pick my current favorite, I’d have to go with “Connection.”

  16. Beautiful door! I wish I’d seen this BEFORE we replaced ours with something else. As for a favorite stencil, I’m really liking the Connections Allover stencil right now — very fresh!

  17. Diane, that stenciled shower door is fabulous! Thanks for sharing it at Wow.

  18. Lexie Holtz says:

    I LOVE the Zamira Pattern. I am so inspired by your shower door project that I am going to do one myself. I have never stenciled before, so a smaller project seems good to start with. Cutting Edge Stencils are like no others!

  19. Tracy | Screaming Sardine says:

    What a great idea! It makes the shower door look so elegant. TFS the tutorial.


  20. Mary Stephens says:

    Good job. That looks really nice.

    I liked three of the stencils at that site – the poppy fields, butterfly dance and allium gladiator flower stencils. It would be fun to play with those with our decor. :-)

  21. I have been drooling over the Zinnia Grande Flower Stencil for ages now! What a great give away from a great blog!

  22. Lisa @ A Room with A View says:

    This was a great idea, Diane! Love the effect of stencils..this is something different..almost like a frosted glass pattern.

  23. another one I love is the Spring Songbirds Wall Stencil

  24. Renee @ CreatingCottage says:

    Love the bathroom stencil you did – great job, as usual! On the Cutting Edge site I just fell in love with Marie-Antoinette Grand Panel Stencil, that entire Marie-Antoinette series actually:) I’m off to ‘like’ Cutting Edge on FB too!!!
    Have a great day ~Renee

  25. Love off the tree stencils-but can’t decide which I like best.

  26. Crystal S. says:

    Liked them on Facebook.

  27. Crystal S. says:

    I really like the Gabrielle Damask Stencil.

  28. My favorite stencil is the Moroccan Dream Allover Stencil. I would have never thought to use it on a shower door. I love how you always think outside of the box!

  29. I would love the Marrakech Trellis Allover Stencil for my dining room.

  30. Erin Hitzeman says:

    I LOVE your shower door, and I LOVE that exact pattern! Although I may be a stencil addict now! :)

  31. i like on FB steph sweeper

  32. i like the zagora stencil!

  33. I love the allover paisley, the damasks, the pretty dahlias, ooh there are so many that I like! I’d be so happy to win one! I really enjoy your blog.

  34. Wow! I love that you had the guts to do this, and it turned out great! I’d choose the Zamira pattern too.

  35. Love the rabat and hourglass stencils!

  36. I love the ikat and the Rabat. Awesome giveaway!

  37. I also liked them on facebook. What a great product! I may have to order some for the house we’re about to close on.

  38. I L-O-V-E the fishscale all over stencil! I have sheets that match it!

  39. orangesugar says:

    I officially liked cutting edge stencils on facebook.

  40. orangesugar says:

    Would love to win the casablanca stencil.

  41. I would probably get the casablanca all over stencil.
    rncstrong at gmail dot com

  42. I liked Cutting Edge on Facebook and would like to win the Anna Damask stencil and thank you for giving us the chance! :)
    and I LOVE what you did to your shower door! Looks very nice!

  43. What a great idea! I might just have to steal that one! It’s hard to choose just one pattern, but I think Kagami would look great on my shower door.

    Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

    Maggie :)

  44. What a fantastic way to update a shower door, I love how it turned out! I like the Zinnia grande flower and also the falling leaves. I have seen so many amazing stencil projects lately, I really need to give it a try!

  45. Debbie~refreshrestyle says:

    I would love to win the Vision Allover Stencil! Thanks for the chance!

  46. Debbie~refreshrestyle says:

    I liked Cutting Edge on FB!

  47. Hana Jung says:

    I love the ZAGORA ALLOVER STENCIL! I also liked them on FB too :)

  48. I love it! You did an amazing job on the door! Liked on Facebook too!


  50. I “liked” the facebook page.

  51. I would love the Verde Damask!

  52. Louise in NE OK says:

    The harlequin….no, no, the Casablanca….no, no, the Rabat…..I would love to win and then I would be forced to pick one of the many that are so gorgeous!

  53. I’m dying to try one in my bedroom. Loved Rabat!

  54. I also “liked” Cutting Edge Stencils on FB. thanks!

  55. I like the Casablanca stencil!

  56. I “liked” Cutting Edge on FB.

  57. I would choose the Parsley Blooms stencil.

  58. ColleenwithMurals&More says:

    It’s stunning, Diane. Did you seal the latex paint in any way because of painting on glass? Or have there been no problems?

  59. Christina says:

    LOVE the vintage paisley design. This is such a great giveaway. I am a total DIY queen and I just happen to be growing tired of one blank wall in my living room. Talk about being inspired after visiting the site. Awesome stuff.

  60. the cape on the corner says:

    oh my goodness, that’s amazing! i would never have thought to stencil my shower do. it looks like a lot of work that has a great pay off. amazing!

  61. Maury @ A Fabuless Home says:

    Oh and I’m your newest follower! I’d love a follow back but no pressure :-)

  62. Maury @ A Fabuless Home says:

    What a great idea! I’ve never thought of stenciling a shower door but it adds so much glamour to the space! I love the ceiling medallion stencils!

  63. Also liked them on facebook.

  64. Love the idea, love the stencils! I really like the casablanca one, but also several of the damask ones.

  65. I also like Cutting Edge stencils on FB.

  66. What an absolutely creative way of using a stencil! I LOVE it!

    There are so many gorgeous stencils, but I really love Paisley allover.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  67. I have that exact same shower door. Thanks for the great idea.
    I like the Lilly Scroll.

  68. All over polka dots small scale for me! Perfect for my little girls room.

  69. Casablanca is gorgeous!

  70. I want the Zinnia flower one!

  71. Mary Stewart says:

    I liked them on FB and left a comment too!

  72. Mary Stewart says:

    I really like the Casablanca Allover Stencil. It would be great for a wall and even better for a rug!

  73. I love, love what you did with your shower door! My shower texture looks just like yours! (I have the door and one in glass). I am so excited to stencil it now that I have seen what you have done! It took me forever on Cutting Edge website to pick my favorite one but I decided that I liked the Birch Forest Allover! I am headed to like their FB page!
    I am your newest follower…looking forward to getting to know you! I hope you will drop by my blog sometime for a visit! I am also following you on Twitter (my user name is Twittle__Dee)

  74. this is awesome! i love what you have done with this door! enjoy!


  75. Maureen Fitzpatrick says:

    I love the Paisley stencil and have a big Thanksgiving weekend project in mind.

  76. Oh, and I “LIKED” Cutting Edge Stencils on Facebook. In fact, I saw some floral stencils on their FB page that I didn’t notice on their website. Guess I’ll have to go back and take another peek!

    Thank you for the opportunity of a giveaway!

  77. I love the zamira stencil you used, and the birch one as well. I also liked them on facebook.

  78. So many I like–but I think especially the Diamond Damask stencil…

  79. Gosh — all of the stencils are wonderful. Among my personal favorites:

    Casablanca * Moroccam Dream * Rabat Allover Small Scale * Oasis
    Fuji * Fruit Tree Large * Spring Songbird

  80. MELISSA G says:

    Would like to try the Lilly Scroll in our Powder Room

  81. Jessica L says:

    I would love to try the Wall Stencil Lily Scroll in my dining room!

  82. MELISSA G says:

    Liked Cutting Edge on Facebook

  83. My favorite stencil is the Rabat! It would look so cool in my guest bedroom as a feature wall! :)

  84. Liked on Facebook, too!

  85. I love the Kerry Damask pattern! Thanks for the giveaway!

  86. I liked Cutting Edge Stencil on FB also!! Thank!!!

  87. What an awesome idea! If I win, I’d like the Lilly Scroll Allover Stencil

  88. Michele Catino says:

    Bamboo Allover Stencil! This is a great idea. I will do it in frosted glass over a sliding door mirror in my master bath. I have been wanting to do something to cover those mirrors. This is perfect.

  89. I like Cutting Edge Stencils on FB!

  90. I LOVE the chandelier stencil! I’d use it on the wall over my desk. How perfect!

  91. I love the Brocade No 1. Stencil. Would love to dress up my closet with this pattern.

  92. I love the Paisley stencil. Paisley is my favorite pattern of all time. I would love to be able to use that stencil on my wall.

  93. I would try harlequin trellis first I think!

  94. I like cutting edge stencils on fb…..and can’t wait to try my first stencil project!

  95. Ashlyn@Pinecone says:

    These are so cool! I love the geometric zagora pattern.

    Your shower door turned out fab. xo

  96. I liked them on facebook! :)

  97. I love the paisley all over stencil! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  98. Liked them on facebook :o) Thank you for hosting this give away!

  99. Theresa Parsons says:

    Oh, and I liked them on facebook.

  100. Theresa Parsons says:

    I love Zagora, Casablanca ….. too many favorites to pick!

  101. I like them on facebook.

  102. I have looked many times and don’t need to look to tell you my favorite! It is Rabat. I want to do it on my dining room wall and the inverse colors on the window curtain.

  103. I would totally chose the Turkish Tulip design. I may be slightly partial just because of the name (I grew up in Turkey!) but I do love the design :)

  104. I like Cutting Edge on FB

  105. I love the casablanca stencil! Thanks for the opportunity to win =)

  106. P.S. Your shower door looks phenomenal! If I ever get glass doors, I am totally gonna do this in my bathroom!

  107. I would totally buy the trellis wall pattern called Rabat. It’s one of my faves on etsy! :)

  108. what an awesome giveaway! i want to stencil the tops of 2 tables right now and am waiting to be able to afford the stencil I want from Cutting Edge! I already like them on facebook :)

  109. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    I was so busy looking at all. I DID Like them on FB. Now I have to check to see if I shared the site on my wall on FB.

    I am so excited about this now. I hope to do my walls. I am going to Kiltz them first & then either white or a white you recommend and then a pink beige for what I picked or maybe a pink gold? Not so sure I can find what I am wanting. I always seem to want something no one has.

    Thanks for the information and the help.

    Sheryll & Critters.

  110. Sam @ The Junk House says:

    I’d pick the Casablanca Allover Stencil!

  111. Sue Scanlon says:

    So many creative choices! Paisley Allover is my favorite.

  112. Molly Burkhart says:

    I also “liked” Cutting Edge on FB!

  113. Molly Burkhart says:

    I love the Weeping Cherry Wall Stencil. Wouldn’t it be lovely in a bedroom?

  114. My choice right now would be the all over Paisley for my 12 year old daughters side of the room.

  115. I like Cutting Edge on FB

  116. Tracie Mae says:

    I liked them on Facebook!!

  117. I like Cutting Edge stencils on FB!

  118. We actually just decided we wanted the Simple Rhyme Stencil for our nursery! Would love to win it!

  119. Brittney H. says:

    Absolutely LOVE these stencils! I feel like I could say I love them ALL! Just to name a few, I am deeply in love with the Marrakech Trellis, Casablanca, Hand Forged, Zamira Entwined AND Boucle! I could find so many projects to use these stencils! Now that I am friends on Facebook I can get lots of ideas!

  120. I like Cutting Edge on FB

  121. I love the Rabat, I hope I win!

  122. LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea – these are contemporary patterns…I bought peel-and-stick wall art for the wall behind my bed-it came in many pieces I had to match up. I had a difficult time lining it up in pieces (and it was in a roll that kept rolling up) – it turned out fine, but this is much easier and I do not have to buy another one if I want to use all or a portion of it somewhere else. These can replace expensive wall paper and when you change your mind…you paint over it and get a new one.

  123. I also “liked” them on Facebook. :)

  124. Patricia in Denver says:

    Everyone of those stencils look great, as does your shower door! But my favorite ( by a slim margin ) is the lovely lemon tree.

  125. I love the Birch Forest Allover Stencil. So pretty!

  126. jennifer zachry says:

    BTW I liked them on fb too

  127. jennifer zachry says:

    That looks amazing. I really want to do this, did you put a sealer on it? I was wondering how the paint holds up.

  128. My favorite is the Brocade Stencil. I so want to try this on my glass walled shower! What an amazing idea!

  129. I love the transformation. Great idea! I love the Rabat pattern. I would love to stencil it on fabric for curtains.

  130. I follow them on facebook

  131. I really hope I win cause I am redoing the basement and have been thinking of stenciling. I love the Zinnia Grande Flower Stencil and Rabat Allover stencil

  132. Love this giveaway, too.. Thanks! I liked their Facebook page.

  133. LOVE the hourglass allover stencil.. So pretty!

  134. Zamira for sure, but actually loved the polka dots too.

  135. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    Oh Diane,

    How beautiful your shower door came out. I am so impressed yet again. I have never seen this site before and I am definitely going to share it on my FB as well as yours. I keep telling everyone to read ‘ALL’ your blogs.

    Okay, I have yet to do my wish list on Cutting Edge Stencil, but I have been back and forth so many times, my mind is now feeling like a jig saw puzzle. But for my next wish to fix project, I think…… notice I said think…… I am choosing the Lilly Scroll Allover, since I want to do at least three of my walls, okay all four. I am wanting to go with subtle, like a white wall with some very pale pink beige or pink gold for the scrolls……. and I want so much to do this on my shower curtain as well. Still considering how dark the scrolls should be. I don’t have but a very tiny bathroom, so I don’t think I could take too much pop. I so hope I win, but I know it is a random thingy. I have always wanted to do some stencils, but was terrified of trying.

    I am so excited that now I forget how expensive the one I picked is. Going back to look and look for probably a few hours more.

    Sheryll & Critters.

  136. I also liked them on FB! Thanks for the giveaway!

  137. I’ve been shopping around for a stencil for a wall in our bedroom, so I would love to win! I like the new hand forged design among others :)

  138. Love your shower door! One of the bird &?or branch patterns might me my fave…they are all great. Thanks for the opp to win!

  139. Amanda Allen says:

    I like Cutting Edge Stencils on facebook!

  140. Amanda Allen says:

    My favorite is for sure the damask stencils! They are gorgeous! I could love to try that out!!

  141. What a clever idea! I hadn’t thought about stenciling a shower door but I -have- been musing about stenciling a window for more privacy (and that’s not so very different, no?).

    I really love all of the trellis patterns but the “Turkish Tulip” pattern ranks pretty much at the top.

  142. Janette@The2seasons says:

    What an ingenious idea. I would never have thought of that.

  143. Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says:

    Great idea to dress up a shower door, Diane. I’ve been eyeing these stencils for a wall in my small entry/foyer to the new place. I was thinking of doing a stencil on one of the walls. I like the Harmony Damask stencil. Thanks for the giveaway!

  144. I love the Ikat, the Paisley Allover or the Pebbles!!!
    Thanks for sharing!

    Ps… love your blog too!

  145. Sanghamitra says:

    Fantastic post! It turned out great ! Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  146. I love the Marrakech stencil the best, but all of the Damask ones are beautiful as well! Your shower door came out beautiful. What a creative idea.

  147. I love this idea! I like the stencil with the birds! It would look great in the hallway!

  148. So beautiful, what a GREAT idea! There are so many beautiful choices so it is tough to choose, but I would definately love the Damask Bird of Paradise stencil. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  149. Carrie D. says:

    I already “liked” cutting edge stencils on Facebook!

  150. Carrie D. says:

    I would love the “Anna” damask stencil…plan to to use it for stenciling painters canvas to recover my dining room wing chairs. Thanks for the shower door tip…I think I’ll steal it!

  151. Christine Gant says:

    I have never stencilled anything, but I’d really love to learn! I love your shower door project. I really, really would love to do that because my shower door is completely clear.

    I browsed through their stencils, and although I’ve wanted a tree and birds stencil for months, I LOVE the vintage paisley stencil. Too hard to choose… I’d have to have both!

  152. Just liked them on FB, too. ;)

  153. There are so many stencil patterns to love! I think I like the Acanthus All Over stencil the best. :) Thanks so much for a unique giveaway!

  154. I love the “Anna” Damask stencil!

  155. Laura @Ms Smartie Pants says:

    I also “liked” them on fb!

  156. Laura @Ms Smartie Pants says:

    I love that, and I need to do that to my bathroom door that is looking a little old and foggy, no matter how much I scrub! I would love to win and I think I would use the exact stencil you did, very classy!

  157. Love the stencils, and the larger scale makes life much easier! I especially love the Flower Power, Casablanca and Nagoya patterns. Very cool, thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  158. DeeAnna Child says:

    I love the daisy crazy and the lilly scroll–beautiful! And your idea for the shower door is wonderful, we might have to try that!

  159. I love the simplicity of the Zagora pretty!

  160. Latoya @ The Scott's Crib says:

    I am Cutting Edge Stencil’s latest follower! Good luck everyone!

  161. Latoya @ The Scott's Crib says:

    Thanks so much for this fab giveaway. I have had my eye on the Rabat all over stencil!

  162. I love the large fruit tree stencils!

  163. I also liked Cutting Edge on FB…unsure why I hadn’t done that already. Thanks for hosting, fingers crossed!

  164. Great idea! I love the Trellis all over stencil and intend to use it in my hallway whether I win it or not. :) Thanks for hosting!