Faux Woodgrain Finish on My Front Doors

 Front door makeover showing how to paint a faux woodgrain finish or faux bois effect on entry doors using paint and liquid glazing medium.

This post is sponsored by KILZ®, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.


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Here is the before photo of the front entrance of my house that I shared with you on Instagram a few weeks ago.

The doors are unique in design and solid, but the finish was in bad shape and I have been wanting to lighten the wood stain color of the doors so it matches the lake side of the house where the wood trim is lighter.

How to paint a faux woodgrain finish with paint

From a distance the doors look fine, but up close…. not so much. They are in need of a makeover!

I also wanted the green painted sidelight trim on either side of the double doors stained in a wood tone to match so it looks more like there are 4 wood doors across the entry.

Update: The green/teal color of the house has been painted with a neutral color. You can see how it looks in this post: House Exterior Before & After Makeover

I would love to replace the doors with 6 panel doors like Chip and Joanna of Fixer Upper fame have on their home and…

Exterior door idea

…had fun with Photoshop to show you my future vision to add four of the same style – 6 panel doors to replace the existing doors on my house, but that is not going to happen anytime soon.

Since the current doors are stained and the sidelights painted, I would have to strip everything and re-stain it all so they are all the same color.

I did sand away an area on one of the doors and also on the green painted sidelights and found they are different colors of wood, so stain would look different on each.

Then I remembered back in the early 90’s doing a faux woodgrain finish on a bench using paint and liquid glazing medium.I knew I could do the treatment on the doors, but first needed to find some photos of wood doors in the color I wanted to use as inspiration and a guide to create a wood look using paint and glaze.

I found this photo of these beauties to use as my faux woodgrain painting guide. If you notice the doors are made up of panels where some of the wood grain is horizontal and other sections vertical.

To make sure my faux woodgrain painting would look authentic, I made sure to follow how the grain on my doors was directed so my painted wood grain effect would look as close to real wood as possible.

How to Choose The Color Paint to Resemble the Color of Wood

To choose the colors of paint, I dipped a paint stirrer in a can of stain we have that is used on the lake side of the house deck and trim. The other side is the paint color of the house.

I then went to Walmart where KILZ® Complete Coat is sold and found that the colors Golden Sunrise and Tonka Bean would create the same color or close.

How to Paint Faux Woodgrain with KILZ® Complete Coat Paint

supplies needed: 

  • KILZ® Premium primer
  • KILZ® Complete Coat in the colors: Base coat: Golden Sunrise and Top Paint/Glaze coat: Tonka Bean – Semi-gloss finish.
  • Liquid Mixing Glaze  – Sold in craft and paint stores. Used to create faux finishes with paint.
  • Paint Brushes  – 3 – 4″ wide
  • Wood Graining Tool
  • Wallpaper brush
  • Whisk Broom
  • Paint stirrers
  • Coffee can or container with lid to mix paint and glaze together
  • 100 grit sandpaper and sanding block
  • Painter’s Tape

Creating Faux Wood Grain in 3 Steps:

The process can take a few days since you have to wait for each coat of primer and base color of paint to dry completely before adding another coat of paint.

I waited a few days in between each coat since it is hot and humid where I live and paint takes longer to dry in such conditions. If doing this when the temps are not soaring, you may be able to add the next coat of paint every 4 hours.

  1. KILZ® Premium primer coat – 2 light coats, let dry after each coat..
  2. Base Coat Color – Golden Sunrise, 2 light coats, let dry after each coat.
  3. Wet Topcoat with Glaze:  Color – Tonka Bean  – This coat is where the wood grain magic happens when you drag a wood graining tool, wallpaper brush, and then a whisk broom through the wet/paint/glaze to create the striated look of wood.
  1. Remove door hardware and sand doors to smooth wood, but not to the bare wood, just enough to remove shine from the previous finish and provide some tooth for the primer to adhere.  These doors had a lot of coffee-graining in the stain so I had to sand hard in a few areas to remove it. Once sanded smooth, clean doors with dish detergent and hot water or use a product like TSP. Rinse with clear water and let dry.
  2. Mask off areas you don’t want paint on with Painter’s tap, lay down drop cloths.  I taped cardboard on the inside of the doors to close off the door knob openings since we had the AC on in the house.

3. Apply first coat of KILZ® Premium primer using a brush or roller, let dry.

4. If you see bleed thru coming through the primer, let first coat dry and apply another light coat of primer, let dry.

5. Let primer dry for 4 hours.

6. After primer is dry, apply first coat of base color paint. I used the color Golden Sunrise. It looks pretty bold, but once the top coat of brown Tonka Bean paint/glaze goes over it, it will be very subtle.  I applied two coats of the color, letting the first coat dry overnight before applying a second coat.

How to Create the Faux Woodgrain Topcoat

Woodgraining tutorial using paint, liquid glaze and and brushes

Here are the tools in the order I used them: Paint brush, woodgraining tool, wallpaper paste brush, whisk broom, chip brush. 

There are many types of wood graining tools and ways to use them. Some have graduated size combs, others are like the one above where one side creates the swirls and knots you seen in some wood, the prong side creates grain line stripes. I used the prong side.

Note:  I used the larger tool and cut the ends off each side so when I dragged it through the topcoat I could go right up against an edge along the doorframe.

7. Apply the top color of paint in the color Tonka Bean mixed with clear glazing liquid.  Here you can see how it looks after I dragged a wood graining tool, wallpaper brush, and a whisk broom through the wet paint/glaze.

Here is a close up after the wallpaper paste brush was brushed over the surface.

Below is a graphic that shows all the steps with tools used:

I worked one section at a time so I could follow the wood grain direction in each section.

  1. Dry base color of Golden Sunrise. 
  2. Mix Tonka Bean with liquid glazing medium.  4 parts paint to 2 parts glaze. Use more glaze to your mix if you want more transparency. Brush on door.
  3. As soon as paint/glaze mixture in brushed on, run the woodgraining tool through the wet paint/glaze keeping the tool as level as possible to create straight lines. It is OK if you waver a little as real wood grain does, too. :-)
  4. Gently run the wallpaper brush vertically through the wet paint/glaze to soften the woodgraining tool lines.
  5. Using both hands a some pressure, run the whisk broom through the wet paint/glaze.
  6. If you see any blobs or areas that still need softening, use a chip brush over the area

NOTE: If you don’t like the way it looks, simply brush on another coat of Tonka Bean/glaze and repeat the steps.

If you want a darker more layered wood grain look, let first layer dry and then apply one more coat of the paint/glaze mixture and repeat the steps.

Such simple tools create the look of wood grain.


I used the same process for all the carved areas on the doors. The chip brush came in handy to remove excess paint/glaze around the recessed areas.

I made sure to complete the panels on the doors where the door knobs go first so we could use the doors again.


The new bronze handles!!! Just like in my inspiration photo.  :-)

They complete the new lighter faux woodgrain painted finish.

I am very happy with how they turned out and even the UPS guy who brings me packages on a daily basis noticed the difference right away and told me how good the doors looked…and so much better then before.

The power of paint :-)

How to paint a faux woodgrain finish

I would like to add some flowers to the porch but it never gets any sun. I am in search of something fake that will add some color to the area. I am also going to paint over all the green paint with a neutral color, but that will have to wait until the fall.

The entrance looks much lighter and grander now that the doors and sidelights are the same. I am so happy I decided to go for it and use paint to makeover the doors instead of waiting what may be years to be able to afford new doors.


If you prefer to watch a video of the step-by-step process, this is short, but may help you see the process in real time:

Want more paint products and project inspiration?

Check out the KILZ® website and follow KILZ® on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Painted Faux finishes. How to use two colors of KILZ Compete Coat paint to create a faux wood grain finish on doors and more. Simple step-by-step process that anyone can do using basic tools that you may already have in your home. How to create the updated look of light wood exterior doors like you see on the homes they make over on the show Fixer Upper. Create this look using a faux wood grain finish using paint and glazing medium. No need to buy new doors.

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  1. Jennifer Marriott says:

    The more I read, the greater your substance is.

  2. I’ve read the post several times. I plan to try your method, but I can’t find the video… can someone point me to it (or post a link)?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sharon – The video is on the post about painting my front doors. I did these first using the same paint method I used on my garage door. You can find the video at the very end of this post: http://bit.ly/2xZDIWs

      1. If there is anyone else having this problem, I had to turn off the ad blocker that I had installed on my computer to even see where the video was. Thanks

        1. Diane Henkler says:

          Hi Sharon – Sorry you had a problem. I know there are ads and they can be annoying. I do have 2 questions for you if you don’t mind answering as I would like to make sure I know what video you were watching so I can tell the ad network to make some tweaks to better the user experience.

          Were you looking at the video at the bottom of my post, not the video at the top of the post and then if watching on a laptop or desktop computer goes into the sidebar? The video near the top of the post is a ad video player that runs all the time showing all my videos with ads in between. If you looked at this one then I can understand your frustration.

          The video at the bottom of the post is the one that you will only see an ad in the beginning and can click SKIP to stop it so the video starts. I forgot that it is also viewable on YouTube – Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reRig519yZQ

  3. That Sassy Life coach says:

    Stunning! I bet your neighbours are super jealous!

  4. You are just amazing. That’s all, that’s it. Just flipp’in amazing! :)

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Dawn – Thanks :-) When I want something and can’t afford it, I try to make it happen with DIY methods. I am very happy with the faux woodgrain and also did the same thing on my garage door and another exterior door. Now they all coordinate.

  5. Anita Rohmer says:

    I LOVE your site! ‘Have been trying to get started on my pantry which is also, the laundry room. (NEVER again!)
    I enjoyed the Faux Wood make-over on the front door!
    My daughter did a wood grain on our concrete living / dining room after we removed the carpet. Back then the wood grain tool was no wider than 2 “! She sat on that concrete and completed it. It looked fabulous, though!
    We had to tell people it was not wood! We didn’t want to put any money into new flooring because we were selling the house.
    I have a question / comment. I never found the give-away with the Faux Door Project.
    If it has expired, NO problem. I will continue looking at your wonderful projects!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Anita – Thanks for the nice note. Kudos to your daughter for doing the woodgraining on your concrete floor with only a 2″ wide tool. That took patience!!!

      The giveaway runs to midnight tonight. It was supposed to be just for Instagram, but I will add all the commenter’s names from both my blog and Instagram and randomly choose a winner tomorrow morning. Since you already have left a comment on the blog post, you are entered.

  6. Carissa Link says:

    Wow! This is an awesome transformation! I am amazed because the final finished photo makes your front entry area appear so much larger! My entry is so narrow and tiny – now I see how doing this can make all the difference! :)

  7. Lisa Ronan says:

    You did an awesome job! If I didn’t see the steps I’d swear they were wood grain!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Lisa – Thanks – My neighbor came by yesterday thought we got new doors. :-) YAY! for the power of paint. :-)

  8. Absolutely beautiful. What an amazing job you did. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Becky in 'Bama says:

    Remarkable job. Your ideas and energy are admirable – says this ‘older’ reader. LOL Living in the south, I understand how the heat and humidity can zap a person, so I am impressed with your ability to take on such a project. Like one other person noted on here, I vote for some sort of ‘faux’ etched window or peel and stick window product for the side glass. (I’ve done the peel and stick stuff before and it’s a bear – so with a glass surface as large as yours, it might be an onerous challenge.) BUT it’s your life and your windows, and if you are good with the blinds so be it. The door makeover is a winner!

  10. Betty Baker says:

    I have said it before and I will say it again. You are one unbelievable lady. Your decorating finesse is fantastic. Thank you for sharing everything you do. I only wish I had your decorative knowledge and energy. Betty from Ontario,Canada.

  11. This looks great! I have done a similar project many years ago and know how time consuming it is….but so satisfying when finished. The front door of your home is so important and I loved the doors Chip & Joanna did also. About 2 years ago we purchased two 10 pane French doors that were covered in layers of paint (the glass too) at a thrift store. I spent hours getting the paint off down to bare wood. I then painted them and we installed them at our front door . When we built our home 40 years ago we recessed this door and had an outside alcove and I almost immediately hated it. I could never quite decide how to improve it until I hit on this idea. I thought I could attach a photo, but am not having luck…..anyway, I love the doors and think they look wonderful. I would not replace them, but replace the old windows with some that match the doors better. Also, several people have mentioned impatiens, I think they would do well on your porch. I love them for my shady areas.
    I am fairly new to your blog and enjoy it very much!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Martha – Thanks for the nice note. I can just imagine how time consuming stripping all the paint off your doors was. That is a labor of love for sure. :-) But now you have exactly what you want, which is the best part of DIYing. If you would like to send me a photo, you can attach it to an email to me: inmyownstyle @gmail.com Thanks for reading, happy that you took the time to say hi and connect with me.

  12. Melissa Leach says:

    Congrats on a job well done and for only $75! You are amazing!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Melissa – Each gallon of paint was under $22 and the tools are basic and not expensive at all.

  13. Karen Wilson says:

    This is a very impressive paint transformation on your front doors and side windows. I find the white blinds in the side windows distracts from the doors. Do you need them?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Karen – Thanks – I dislike the blinds and removed them for a few months, but put them back up as they hide the cloudy glass. The glass is old and looks dirty especially from the inside of the house looking out. The cloudiness is in between the glass panes and can’t be cleaned. I need to find another way to hide the glass until we can get it replaced.

      1. Love your front door transformation! For the cloudy side lights, have you seen the translucent textured window films in several various patterns made by Artscape? (www.artscape-inc.com). Each sheet of film comes in a roll and measures approx. 24 x 36, so not full 6-7ft door height, but the patterns repeat, so they can be pieced together “to cover any size window” (per the package). I picked mine up at Home Depot and used them on windows where I wanted some privacy, but still wanted to allow light into the space. They apply to windows very easily with a little soapy water and can be easily removed later. That might be a quick and fairy inexpensive solution until you can replace your side lights. (Of course, you can always treat the glass permanently with an etching medium on the whole glass area, or with a nice stencil pattern, but that’s not something you can remove.)

  14. Stephanie says:

    Looks great – once again! As an avid DIY’er myself (I just ripped out my kitchen to the studs and rebuilt it myself), my one suggestion / question would be: since you love Joanna and Chip’s doors, if your doors are solid wood and not metal, why not cut out those squares of dated moulding and insert glass instead? That would closely give you the look you are going for until you can replace your doors for good. You may have also answered this one before, but how far away from the street are you? Why not remove the blinds from the insides of the sidelight windows and add a large plant or something on either side inside or frosted sticky tack in a detailed design or squares?
    I love the blue you are contemplating painting the house, but if your porch doesn’t get much light, why not paint this portion of the ceiling white and do the blue (or whatever your colour choice ends of being) only on that front façade where you have those two hanging baskets and continue to carry it around the house. The white up there would pull in more light for any plants you want to put out there and brighten your interior hall. Your entrance also looks like one Joanna did on a show and she chose to put two white porch swings on either side of the doors like yours – if not in the budget, why not add two cheaper (or homemade from 4×4’s) white benches out there? Sorry- the thoughts and ideas just kept popping into my head and by no means takes away from the amazing job you did. Keep doing what you do …..

    1. I’m surprised there are some who do not like the carved panels in the door. I love them and think they make the door look unique and expensive. Actually, I’m sure those doors were very expensive when originally purchased and would be so today. Vikki in VA

      1. Diane Henkler says:

        Hi Vikki – I think more readers like the doors than dislike them, but personal style and choices truly make the world go round. One of my friends told me they remind her of The Brady Bunch House.

    2. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Stephanie – Thanks for taking the time to share your ideas with me. To answer your questions, my house is not seen from the street so I really don’t need to have a lot of curb appeal out front. The lakeside of the house is where the action is. :-) I dislike (more like hate) the blinds and have removed them twice, but but them back up as they hide the cloudy old glass in the sidelights that looks really bad, especially from inside the house. I plan to get the glass replaced eventually. I know the Fixer Upper house you mentioned with the swings. Something like that would look nice. I am still on the fence on what color we will paint the house. All the houses around us are neutral and I may just end up going with a sand or taupe color so the house looks like part of the neighborhood and more updated. I will hire the job out as it will be too much for me to take on.

      I wish I could do everything at once to totally transform a house like they show on HGTV shows, but it is a gradual process according to our budget to get everything changed out and updated the way I envision. Thanks again for sharing your ideas.

  15. mary heicher says:

    Your doors look marvelous!

  16. Romeogirl says:

    The hardest working woman in the biz! You never fail to impress. Great job!!!!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Romeogirl – Thank you so much. Painting wasn’t hard, but the temps last week were killer and did zap my energy.

  17. Pam Clark says:

    Wow!! You did an amazing job!

  18. I’m always blown away by your talent and smarts! The doors look beautiful. Loved the video and your last line…”and that’s all there is to it.”I laughed out loud when I heard you say that, LOL. What do you think of the idea that some of those who responded have to paint the ceiling of the porch? What color would you paint it? I agree about taking out or trimming down the hollies on either side of the porch. Impatients, or begonias would do good on the shady porch and add lovely color. Once again Diane, thanks for all the inspiration and if you decide to do the “workshop” as suggested by liz (above) I’ll come and be the cook. Vikki in VA.

    1. Vikki, Yeah! for supporting the “workshop” idea. :)

    2. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi again Vikki -I will be painting over all the green/teal, but that is going to have to wait until the Fall or Spring. I will probably hire most of that job out to exterior house painters. Even though I love the navy color I posted about a week or two ago, I will probably paint the house a tan/beige/taupe. Most of the houses around me are neutral in color and I think it will make the street look very cohesive even though every house is unique. I have been looking for planters, but have not found any that I really like yet. I know I will find exactly what I envision if I keep searching. I think I will try Impatients or Begonias once I do find planters. Thanks for sharing your ideas. I would love to remove the hollies and plant something that is not so dangerous by the front door. :-) They hurt when you brush past. Ed has trimmed them down, but they are very healthy and keep growing. I would like to plant hydrangeas all across the front of the house. That is a next springtime project.

  19. Oh Diane…the doors are gorgeous! Just the perfect color! Such a remarkable difference! ;)

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thank you Donnamae XO

  20. Diane, you are so talented! These are just gorgeous!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jenna – Thank you so much. When I was painting the doors I was not so sure how they would turn out since I hadn’t done any faux painting in years. I guess it is like riding a bike, once you know how to do it, you never forget.

  21. You are one in a million with your DIY ability! Your doors look beautiful and so new looking.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Linda – I wish I had a million dollars so that I could hire pros and contractors to do all the work. :-) I do enjoy being able to add my own style to the house so I get pretty close to the look I envision.

  22. Barbara Whitaker says:

    Amazing…they look so much better. I have an antique woodgrain finish kit that was my grandmothers (early 1920’s) they used in a house they built. It could be so today in the choices.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Barbara – I bet that is one very good kit. It may be worth something!!!

  23. Hi, the other day I had this thought – you could offer a workshop where folks could come for a long weekend. You could help them with ideas to spruce up a space in their house. One part of the workshop would entail going to HomeGoods etc and looking for pieces. Another part could be a tutorial on stenciling or something. You could offer simple lunches and breakfast and dinner folks would be on their own. Perhaps have one cookout on the lake one night. Needless to say this is a shameless hint to invite me to visit ;)
    But I do think it might be fun and perhaps even profitable.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Liz – I would enjoying doing something like you mentioned. Do you read Heather Bullard’s blog? She started workshops in France to share her knowledge of the country and photo styling. I will have to think of a way to create something that will work for what I can offer. Classes, trips, and more. Thanks for the idea and for reading my blog.

  24. Abbie John says:

    These door designs are splendid. And as plenty, as you assert you would really like the look of 2 door design going all of the manners across your access it would surely be a disgrace to get rid of those doors.

  25. My front door needs the same kind of update! on a much smaller scale…but needed just the same! What you’ve done looks amazing!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Kelli – The painting process is not hard, just a series of steps. If your doors have less detail than mine, it is even easier. The hardest part was that it got really hot a day after I started. I was soaked to the skin after getting a new coat of paint on the doors. If you plan to do it, wait until the fall when the temps are better for painting :-)

  26. Your doors look amazing! I love your blog and the inspiration you give to me in the DIYer realm.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thank you Carla – Thanks for reading my blog.

  27. Wow! You never cease to amaze, do you? Those doors are amazing. And as much as you say you would like the look of 4 doors going all the way across your entry it would really be a shame to remove these doors! They are beautiful they just don’t make doors like that! Please reconsider! You continue to be an inspiration. And as I’ve mentioned before- you exhaust me just reading about what you do! Do you ever sleep? And when you do, is it just so you can dream up new projects?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Joanne – The doors are classic, solid and quite unique in design. As much as I would love new doors, the price of my future vision is quite hefty. I may just get new glass in each of the sidelights. I do sleep, but since my brain is very visual, it seems to never stop even when my eyes are shut. I do keep a pad and paper on my night table to write down ideas I get in the middle of the night. :-)

  28. That’s amazing!! Looks like wood! Your choice of the two colors worked so well.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kat – Thanks. I did play around with a few colors before deciding on the two I picked. Having the inspiration photo helped a lot.

  29. Jeane Gallo says:

    Your doors look fabulous. I live down the road a ways from you, in Summerville. Impatiens should do well in your entryway. They can’t take the sun, but thrive in shade down here.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi neighbor :-) Thanks for the tip on using Impatiens. In my previous home, there was no shade at all, so having shaded areas is new to me. Now I have to find planters I like. The search is on.

  30. Simply incredible! You obvioujsly spent so much time completing this project, and I’m certain you have the aches and bruises to prove it!! Pat & Clara beat me to the finish line! As soon as I saw the final result, my eyes were first drawn to the porch ceiling. I agree w/ Pat that changing the color of the Porch ceiling would put the focus back on the door. Another suggestion would be to cut back the overgrown shrubs in front of the Porch as they almost overwhelm your pretty new door. The addition of a small wooden bench on the porch would add warmth and be a great prop for all your holiday decorations. Diane, you are blessed with tremendous talent so keep those creative juices flowing to your devoted fans!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kathy – Thanks for the ideas. I agree with all of them… :-) Time and money is the only thing that I need more of to get it all completed, that or winning the lottery. :-)

  31. Beautiful doors and thanks for the video tutuorial!

  32. Millie Torres says:

    Diane, I love your front door. It came out absolutely beautiful. You did such a great job and as a home decorator myself I know the time you spent on your door. It was a lot of work but you did an amazing job…Millie form:

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Millie – When I can’t afford to buy pretty new things, DIYing comes in pretty handy. :-)

  33. Carol Heartfelt Whimsies says:

    Diane—you never cease to amaze me! Truly beautiful!!

  34. Well done!!! I always wanted to try it with these products.

  35. Diane, I’m sure you don’t actually realize how talented you are. You put other do it your selfers to shame. Believe me, it’s a gift. I love the new color and that the turquoise paint is no longer around the windows. I do have a suggestion and it is to paint the ceiling of your porch another color so that your window sidelights do not reflect that blue-green color off the ceiling. I think that will make the woodgrain around the windows pop even more.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Pat – Thanks – I think my background in retail display helped me get the talents I needed to DIY.We always had to create something from nothing. Painting the house is on my to-do list. It will be a big job that I am not sure I want to tackle myself. It may be a job I hire out. One of my friends told me I should contact the local tech school as they may have have a group they teach to paint. She said her town in CT has such a group where you only pay for the paint. The students have the instructor watching every stroke as they get graded on how well they do. She said everyone was always very happy. It will be one way to get the house painted. :-) When the house does get painted, I will post all about it.

    2. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Pat – That means a lot to me. XO I do plan to paint all the teal green, but it will have to wait until the fall when the temps cool down. I will probably do with a neutral color to go with the brick. Over the next few months I plan to try out colors to find the best one.

  36. I love the look of your doors! It’s so much lighter and brighter!

  37. Beautiful job. You did a wonderful job and it looks great. It seems there is nothing too hard for you to tackle. You have my admiration!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Joan and thank you for reading. XO


    Wow! the doors turned out beautiful!

  39. Carla from Kansas says:

    How about adding mullions to the dide panels to look like French doors? Beautiful job.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Carla – Good idea. I have to do something with the glass in the sidelights as it is old and cloudy. I am keeping the blinds there just to hide it. I am going to call a local glass company and see what they can do.

  40. You did a great job! The doors look beautiful!

  41. Gail Vernali says:

    Wow amazing transformation yourentryway looks so much brighter. You killed it with Kilz! We were going to replace our front door, but now I’ll paint my front door to match our pergola and this method will be perfect, so glad it’s only one door. ☺ I love it and I love the old doors too!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Gail – The process is sooooo easy, just takes some time as you need to wait for each coat of paint to dry before you can add the next. I can’t wait to see what you do.

  42. Janice Lacy says:

    What a job! You did it beautifully! But I don’t like the gold color…it looks way too 1970’s for my taste.

  43. Caladiums and dragon wing begonias do well on my north facing front porch that gets no sun. Also, coleus and hostas with begonias.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Pam – Thanks for the flower recommendations. My previous house got full sun. I have to educate myself on shade loving plants.

  44. Video addition. Good idea. Diane, your ideas and talents are sobon the spot. Congratulations and keep them coming.

  45. Bettsi Ledesma says:

    Hi Diane, I love your doors! How gorgeous! I didn’t expect it to be such a stunning transformation, but it really is. I’ve entered the contest- @bettsi. Boy do I need KILZ!

  46. And THIS is the reason YOU are the DIY Blogger, and I’m NOT!
    Just beautiful, Diane…just beautiful. And I love those new handles…good job

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Sharon… I will be posting more about the handles and more hardware I am adding in the house soon.

  47. Linda Weeks says:

    They are awesome alright! I never even knew that Kilz came in colors! I’m going to go check them out right away. Love the beautiful entrance!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Linda – The Kilz Complete Color line is sold at Walmart and a gallon runs about $22.

  48. What can I say but AHHHHMAAAAZZZZING! Once again, you did it Diane! Really really lovely!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thank you Connie XOXOXO

  49. Try some caladiums and/or coleus in your planter. They are both colorful foliage plants that love shade. Impatiens or any variety of begonia are good for shady areas as well.

    The doors look great!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Niki – Thanks for the recommendations. I have seen begonias,impatiens, and coleus, but am not sure I know what caladiums look like, but I will have to look them up on Google.

  50. Wow! What a fantastic job, Diane! Now I can see why you felt you didn’t have much to offer on your blog last week….. You were working to the nth degree to show us some really talented work this week! As I’ve said before, you’ve got to be the best blogger ever, so detailed with instructions and photos. I can really appreciate the work involved, knowing that it was no quick job! The doors look wonderful with all the same wood-grained look! Were these your everyday normal metal doors originally? I love them!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Tegamet – As always…thanks for the nice note. The doors are solid wood and are original to the house that was built in the early 70’s.

  51. I love the doors:) You are amazing at the projects you complete. Thank you

  52. Jan Loehr says:

    Your projects are always spot on and come out spectacular! These doors look brand new and I must tell you I love the sidelights with the window blinds just the way they are! The paint project makeover you worked so hard on gave them an entirely new updated look…if you must get new doors for the sidelights, so be it, but the look at this time is fabulous!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Jan – I hope I can just get new glass for the sidelights since the glass is quite cloudy from age. If I can, I will be very happy with leaving the doors as they are.

  53. Amazing!!! Question though. How do you tackle projects like that on the front of your house without all.the.neighbors stopping by to ooh and aah??!! Hopefully they let you work in peace.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Sheri – My house is away from the street so no one saw what I was doing except of course the UPS guy who drives his truck down my long driveway to deliver packages a few times a week.

  54. Peggy Smith says:

    Wow! The new look is Fabulous!!!

  55. Diane, the doors and sidelight lol amazing! Worth the work! Congratulations!

  56. Theresa Stewart says:

    OMG you scared me with that kind of “baby poo” yellow-ie color but sure enough, you worked your magic and I adore your doors!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Theresa – I too, was a little shocked when I added the yellow coat, but it was needed to get the wood look I was after. I figured if it didn’t work out, I would just have to paint over it with another color. :-)

  57. Sue Bauman says:

    The power of paint, indeed! In your capable hands, all the more successful outcome! I love it! What you’ve done to your lake home is so inspirational. Thank you for sharing your processes!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Sue – I wasn’t sure if I could do it or not, but I knew from experience that it could be done. I did take some time to find the right colors so they would look like the doors in my inspiration photo.

  58. The doors looked very refreshed and I love the new hardware (always makes such a huge difference). I wish there was some way you could have covered up the carved panels in the door. I think they date the door but I’m sure many others would disagree. I’m a big fan of very simple lines and the floral panels are a little too fussy. Like the others said you did a beautiful job of the faux wood. Absolutely amazing. Can’t wait to see your next project. Always a vicarious pleasure.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Linda – I am not a huge fan of the detail either. The like the inside of the doors much better since the panels are plain and simple… no floral panels. One of my friends told me they remind her of the doors on the Brady Bunch’s house. :-)

  59. Nice work! That color looks better with the brick color. I am having trouble picking a color for my door. I hope this gives me some guidance

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks – Picking the colors is the hardest part…but it is only paint. If you don’t like the color, you can always paint right over it with another.

    I remember one time on Fixer Upper they had an entrance similar. They had swings hanging across from each other.

    Just think of sll the fun each holiday will bring to that area.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi June – I know the the Fixer Upper house you are talking about. That was a really nice entrance and makeover. It will be nice to decorate more on the porch, although no one sees it since my house is not seen from the road. The lakeside of the house is more like the front entrance.

  61. Deb Wostmann says:

    The difference is striking and makes for a much more updated and cohesive entrance. Great job!

  62. Beautiful Work
    I prefer the before – I like color

  63. Wow – looks so much better thanks to your hard work!!

  64. Your doors are AMAZING! It is astonishing what paint can do!
    (Your loons are having a great time on our lake in Northern Wisconsin)

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sarajane – I miss the loons. Right now we have lots of ducks and a few geese. The ducks are adorable and we love all the ducklings. They hang out along the shore and when no one is looking the whole family will come up to the birdfeeder in the yard to look for seed the birds discarded. When I try to sneak out to watch, they skaddle in line double-time right back into the water.

  65. What a difference! Looks great!

  66. Catpainter says:

    The time you took to use the progression of tools to create the woodgrain certainly paid off. Best faux woodgrain ever – the doors have the warm look of wood. Kudoes for a job well done! BUT, every job I have seen you show has been well done. You take the time and have the patience to get them all done right. A lesson for all of us.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks so much for the the nice comment. It means a lot to me and is very nice to hear. XO

  67. Rebecca Mercer says:

    Oh My Goodness…..you are amazing. I would not attempt this project. I so admire your knowledge and hard work. What a beautiful result.


  68. Aaaaaaaamazing! You never cease to amaze me! It looks fantastic, you did a great job. Would have loved to seen a side by side photo of before and after, but I’m not complaining one bit?


    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Debbie – Thanks – I did add a photo, that was a good idea. Thank you for asking for one. It is not a huge photo, but a side-by side that fits in my blogs column width.

  69. OMG is it really the same door?? Simply incredible. Good job.

  70. Carol Griffin says:

    WOW! What a beautiful transformation! You are absolutely amazing. Looks totally different with the trim color gone around the windows…..love it! As for flowers and color, you could always use some shade plants such as “winged leaf begonias” which I always use on my covered porch and they do get big and so colorful. Also, geraniums come in a beautiful, bright pink color that you love and they do very well in shade……have one of those also on my porch. Our covered porch here on the creek in Murrells Inlet gets so much shade and I have to have some blooming plants on the porch, not just all green plants with no color. Again, great job!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Carol – Thanks and thanks for the shade loving flower recommendations. I will check into each the next time I am out and about, but know I would LOVE the pink geraniums. There are many nurseries around so I am sure I will find them. I also will search for some planters.

  71. Elaine Williams in Baltimore, Maryland says:

    Diane! This has got to be one of the hardest most involved mult-step projects I have seen you do. Or could it be the video? I don’t know but either way I admire your guts and ambition. I would never tackle a job like that! You do beautiful work!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Elaine – Thanks – The heat was the hardest part to deal with. When I started it was in the 80s and then it shot up to 95 – 98 the following days. It was hot!!! I did most of the painting in the early morning. Making the video was a little stressful since the area is in the shade. My sister came to visit so I used her as an extra pair of hands to take the video footage.

  72. Again, WoW! Looks a hundred times better. You are such an inspiration! That was a big job (especially in the summer heat) I’m ready to scrape the door on my pumphouse and repaint after this!! :) Thanks for sharing Diane

  73. Kathy Chastain says:

    Love them….Wonder how that would work on kitchen cabinets

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kathy – Faux finishes look great on any surface. Wood grain would look amazing on cabinets and if they are mostly flat – pretty easy to do.

  74. Carolyn B says: