How to Make XO Pillows With DIY Letter Appliques
How to make letter X and O pillows for your sofa. It is easy when you use a pair of throw pillows you already own and add the letter appliques made with fabric, no sewing is needed. When decorating, a pair of XO pillows can go beyond Valentine’s Day since sentiment of XO doesn’t have a season.

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How to make a decorative item yourself that you see in a home decor or furniture store. It can be a fun DIY decorating challenge that will save you money while at the same time, create unique style decor for your home.
Last week when I was out and about, I came across not just one xo pillow, but this set of “X” and “O” natural linen throw pillows.
They made me smile, so I checked the price tag. $99 a piece for the 20″ x 20″ sized throw pillows!!! It wouldn’t make any sense to just buy one, unless your name began with an X or and O – so it would have cost $200+ tax for them.
Of course you know what was going through my mind at this point… “I can make these using pillows and scrap fabric I already own in my decor stash.”

I couldn’t get the pillows out of my mind and asked myself why are pillows so expensive? Price mark-up is why. Eye candy that home decor shoppers can’t resist.
When I got home, I challenged myself to make my own version of them. I went to my fabric stash to see what I had to make the appliques for two pillows that had a similar covering as the pillows I saw in the furniture store.
I didn’t have muslin that would have made the letters have a nice fringed outline, but I didn’t let this stop me.

In place of muslin, I used white cotton canvas. The tighter woven fabric does not create a fringed edge when cut like muslin does, but I am happy with how they came out.
DIY Tip!
Never be afraid of trying out an idea you may have, especially if it is using items and supplies you already own. If the idea doesn’t turn out like you thought, no money was wasted. If it does turn out – WIN all around! This is one reason why I enjoy making “use-what-you-have” projects.
I thought that posting my DIY knock-off XO pillows today would be a nice way to say…
…Thank you for being the best reader a blogger could ever ask for. I love each and every one of you for reading, subscribing, commenting and connecting with me.

Without you – I would have no reason to have a blog.

So here is an X + an O for you from me. :-)
How to Make XO Pillows With DIY Letter Appliques
Normally when making appliques you use felt or fabric that will not unravel when cut. But for the $90 letter pillows, the opposite is true. The cut edge of the muslin turns into fringe that adds to the casual style of the pillows.
I would recommend using this or another fabric that has a loose weave where the cut edges of the fabric will fringe easily.
I used solid color fabrics, but making the pillows with a colorful or coordinating pattern of fabric and a solid letter or vice-versa would look great.
If using a pillow insert, these directions don’t explain how to make a cover for a throw pillow. You can find that here:

supplies needed:
The technique I used to make the letter pattern for the appliques is very old school – no Cricut or fancy cutting machine needed.
If letters are not your style and you would like to applique your own design on a pillow, you can follow the steps I used to make the appliques using your design.
Heat n’Bond is a great product when you enjoy making decorative and crafty items with fabric. It is a brand name of fusible web. It comes in rolls of various widths as well as by the yard and in pre-cut sheets. You can buy it anywhere fabric is sold.
Time needed: 1 hour
How to Make an Applique for a Pillow from a Drawing
- Make Template/Pattern and Cut Out
Draw your design or trace the letter template .pdf onto sheets of computer paper that are taped together to create one larger piece. Cut out 4 for each letter.
Note: I wanted the appliqued X and O to be large, so I taped computer paper together to make the pattern.
If making something symmetrical, you can fold the paper in half and only draw one side of the item, then cut, making sure not to cut the fold.
Once unfolded – you have an equal sided template. This only works symmetrical designs.
If you are making a smaller design or letter that is no larger than the paper you are using, then you can simply trace the full letter or design on.
- Transfer Pattern to Fabric
Tape the cut letter pieces together to create the letters – X and O.
Lay the paper letter on fabric. Use straight pins to hold it in place. Use scissors or a rotary cutter to cut out the letter.
Note: I wanted the letters wider than I made the pattern, so I used a pencil to draw a line around the letter – 1/4″ away from the edge. I could have made a new template, but I was experimenting and wasn’t looking for perfection. - Sew a Stitched Outline
Using a contrasting color thread and your sewing machine’s longest stitch, sew an outline about 1/4″ from the outer edge on each letter. - Press Heat n’Bond
Attach fusible web to the back of each letter or your applique using a warm iron. Let the webbing cool. I cut the fusible web 1/4″ shorter all around as I wanted to create a fringed edge for the letters that was not attached to the pillow.
- Apply Applique to Pillow
Peel the paper backing from the fusible web on the back of the letter and center on the pillow. Use a warm iron to attach the letter to the fabric on the pillow front. Let cool.

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