Make It: Match Holder with Striker
DIY idea and options on how to make a match holder with a striker that will keep matches handy on a table when needed in a functional, yet decorative way.
I love the coziness that lit candles add to a room’s ambiance all through the year, but especially now that we are entering the holiday season.
It is just not the holidays without candle glow in a room, both real and battery-operated.
I also love the item that candles need to work… matches!
Collecting them is something I have been doing since I was a child.
Table Top Match Holders
It is no surprise to me that I also like these cute little match holders and strikers (in the slide images above) that are sold in most decorating catalogs or handcrafted on Etsy.
I was given one of these match holders as a gift last year, but was sad that the matches I had didn’t ignite when run along the rough striking surface on the holder. I have tried many types of matches including strike anywhere matches, but even these do not work.
Seems silly to have to have a separate striker next to one of the holders, right? I want simple and no clutter.
Reader’s Jenny and Lynn wrote to me a few weeks ago asking how I lit my candles and do I keep a striker nearby my match holder?
Well, I am going to show you what I DIY’ed so I could have the best of both worlds. A decorative table top match holder with a striker right on the holder that actually works when using the commonly sold Diamond brand wood stick matches.

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What Can Be Used as a Match Holder and Striker?
To make my table top match holder and striker, I collected a few small glass jars from my pantry to find one that would work the best for the look I wanted.

So many choices. I couldn’t decide which jar shape I liked the best, so I decided to use all of them to show you the many decorative options you can add to a simple glass jar to transform it into a cute match holder and striker in one.
With some paint and basic craft supplies you can easily turn them into…

…decorative match holders to make for yourself or to give as gifts.
How to Make a Match Holder and Striker
There are many ways to add your own style to small glass jars. Paint, scrapbook paper, maps, wallpaper, ribbon, beads and more.
Mix and match a few of these to come up with your own design.
When it comes to choosing what striking surface to use, I found that using actual strikers from a box of matches or matchbooks worked the best. I had read that sandpaper works as a striker and tried all different grits – none of them worked.
If you want to make these match holders as gifts, consider purchasing a sheet of match striking paper. You can find it here:
supplies needed:
- Small glass food jars – cleaned and dried
- Paint – for inside of jar and lid – spray paint works best for the lid
- Small paint brush
- Decoupage medium
- Match striker cut from a box of matches or matchbook
- Decorative initial cut out from clip-art, a book or printable – I found mine in an old Dover Publication book
- Optional: awl, bead and brass fastener
Time needed: 1 hour
How to Make a Match Holder With a Striker
- Gather Supplies
Clean jar and let dry. - Decoupage Initial Art Inside Jar
If you want to add a decorative image like the initial I did, you need to use decoupage medium or watered-down white glue to attach it. Use a paint brush to evenly coat over the image and then place inside jar. Use the brush to push out any air bubbles.
Once this is dried, use a small paint brush to paint the inside of the jar. Let dry. Add a second coat if needed.
Spray paint the lid and let dry. - Attach Lid Pull
This is optional. Spray paint a brass fastener and a wood bead silver. After they dry, use an awl to make a hole in the center of the lid.
Place the fastener through the holes in the bead and then the tips on the end of the fastener through the hole.
Spread the tips on the underside of the lid to secure the bead. - Add Striker to Bottom
Cut a striker from a box of matches or a matchbook that you have. Use glue to attach it to the bottom of the jar. Let the glue dry before using the striker.
How to Strike a Match on the Glass Jar Holder

Now all you have to do when lighting a candle is to open the jar, grab a match, close the jar and then strike the match on the bottom to ignite it.
After the holder performs it function, it serves a second purpose – to add a little style to your table top.
Decorative Variations for a DIY Match Holder with Striker

Here are a few decorative options to inspire your creativity and style:
- Classic: Spray paint the lid, a bead and brass fastener any color. Leave the glass bare. Glue striker to bottom of jar.
- Boho: Paint the inside of the jar and lid any color. Let dry. Apply painter’s tape around the jar about three quarters down from the top of the jar. Mask the top section of the jar with a piece of paper. Spray textured spray paint on lower section and bottom of jar. Remove painter’s tape. Let dry. Glue striker onto lid top.
- Modern Farmhouse: Cut a piece of scrapbook paper to fit inside the jar. Use tape on the inside of the paper strip to secure. Using the same scrapbook paper, cut out a design to fit the top. Glue and seal this with decoupage medium. Glue the striker on the bottom of the jar.