Easy DIY Lamp Makeovers

A basket, a table runner, or a metal flower pot are some of the easiest ways to quickly change the personality of a lamp in an instant. See some more great DIY lamp makeovers throughout this post.

A white ceramic base

Easy Lamp Makeovers

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Prest-o  Change-o   –  a rustic look.

DIY Lamp Shade Makeovers

 I placed the white ceramic lamp into a basket so it would blend in with a rustic decor.  The trick is finding a basket that covers the base completely. I covered the white shade by tying on a cream colored crocheted table runner with twine.

Before and After DIY Lamp Makeovers

Lamp Makeovers

All of these photos are from my book, Instant Decorating so they might look a bit dated, but I wanted to show you how easy it is to quickly change a lamp with items you may already have laying around your house.

The shade in the first photo is fabric shirred and  glued on along the top and bottom.  I glued decorative cord to finish the top edge.

The black shade was made of shiny black fabric fused to interfacing and pleated.

All instructions are at the end of the post.

Shade Slipcover using burlap and ribbon.

How to make an easy burlap lamp shade cover

Shade Slipcover using bright colors for kid’s rooms.

DIY Lamp Shade Makeovers

Step-By-Step Instructions

Crocheted or Lace Table Runner Shade Cover

Lamp Makeover Tutorial Using a Basket

Lamp Shade Slip Cover

How to make a lamp shade cover tutorial

**For a less gathered look for the shade cover, you only need to add about 1/2 the bottom circumference, not double as stated in Step 1.

How to make a lamp shade cover

Shirred and Glued Lamp Shade Cover

How to make a lamp shade cover tutorial
How to make a Lamp shade tutorial

Pleated Fabric Lamp Shade Cover

How to make a pleated lampshade cover
How to make a pleated lampshade

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  1. P.S. I found you over on LambAround:)

  2. I sooooo LOVE the burlap lamp shade cover! Awesome!

  3. Great tips for updating a lamp!

  4. What a great idea!


  5. jen @ tatertots and jello says:

    So cute!! It’s so funny, I am working on a lamp slipcover project for my Laundry Room too. Great minds think alike :) Awesome project!!


  6. Ooh, I love that burlap shade! I could spend all evening browsing through all your pretty decorating photos here :)

  7. No way! I have never thought about doing this. What a good idea and so much easier ( and less permanent) than making a lamp out of the basket. Love the 3 different pics of the room, too!

  8. So many great variations to a lamp!

  9. This lamp is so cheerful. It turned out very nicely. La

  10. Wonderfulnous! Your lamp redos have me looking at several of my own with a calculating eye. I have one shade which I want to cover with muslin that has writing on it…still working the details out on that. Your book always sounds fantastic, seems you have always had great ideas!

    1. Thanks Ann-

      I try to re-do a project every once an awhile from the book. Since fall is all about rustic and leaves, I figured I would post the photos right out of the book. It makes me smile that you found inspiration. :)

  11. Stephanie@cre8tive says:

    Wow those are super cute! I am in love the burlap one.

  12. I find it amazing how much changing a lampshade can change a whole lamp. I have a lamp that I love -have had it for years and have never been able to find a shade that fits it properly. I think I am going to have to play around and maybe take the framework of one that is almost deep enough and add a bit of trim or fringe or something to the bottom. Of course, because I have had the stinking thing for so long it is bright brass so NOW I have to spray paint it first! lol But, I must say…your blog got me thinking about what I can do! Hugs- Diana

    1. There are so many great spray paints to choose from. I am sure once you are done, your lamp will look great without a ton of effort or expense.