How to Make Monogrammed Slipcovers for Outdoor Chaise Lounge Chairs

How to make two types of outdoor slipcovers for outdoor chair cushions or any porch or patio chair using ready made terrycloth beach or bath towels. The first way requires no sewing to cover outdoor chairs. The second slipcover requires some sewing.

Post Updated: 7/2/2020

If the chair cushions on your outdoor chairs are old, ugly, faded, ripped or you just want your outdoor chairs to look or feel better on a hot summer day then don’t throw them away… re-cover them.

How to Make Outdoor Lounge Chair Slipcovers

Cushions BEFORE

Chair cushion makeover
My Chaise Cushions In Need of a Makeover

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To make slipcovers for these old chaise cushions I used fluffy white bath sheet towels that I bought for $6 a piece at a Ollie’s Discount Store. Walmart and Target sell large white towels that are affordable.

Chair Cushion Makeover

Before I started making the slipcovers for the cushions, I added some length to them since they were too short for the chairs.

To do this, I cut an old bed pillow in two, length-wise.  I then had to cut each half of the pillow to fit the bottom of each cushion making them the same length as the chairs.  I then pinned the pillow to the chaise cushion and using my sewing machine sewed them together. Not pretty, but I knew the slipcover would hide this addition.

Cushions AFTER with Monogrammed Towel Slipcovers

Outdoor Decorating Ideas

supplies needed:

  • Beach towels or large bath sheets: Each chaise required two and a half towels.  You could also use terry cloth fabric yardage from the fabric store
  • Thread
  • Sewing machine
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
How to make an outdoor chair cover

The towel cover is made up of 3 pieces – top, underside, and a flap.  It is basically a long pillow case with a flap.

This photo will give you a better idea on how I constructed the towel slipcovers. The cover looks like a long pillow case with a flap.  If you look closely you can see the seam where I had to add another towel to the end of the top and bottom towels to add length.  Once the flap is over the front all the way it hides this seam.

  1. Wash the towels in hot water for shrinkage and to get rid of extra lint.
Chair cushion Makeover

2. Place the chaise cushion on one towel to make a pattern.

3.  Optional: If your towel is long enough you can skip this step: The towels I bought were shorter than the chaise, so after I cut the long side off, I then used that excess section of towel to sew to the top to add the length I needed.  I made sure I placed where this seam would be at the top opening of the slipcover so the flap would hide it.

4. Once I had the correct length, I cut the second towel the same way I did for the top piece to use for the underside of the cover.

Outdoor Chair Slipcover tutorial made from a towel

5. Once they were both cut out and the same length,  place the right sides of the top and underside pieces together and pin and sew the two sides and bottom together.

The slipcover looked like a sleeping bag at this point.

Outdoor Chair Slipcover tutorial

6. Turn right side out.

Towel Chair Slipcover

7. Straighten and smooth corners and press if needed.

Add Slipcover Flap

How to make a monogrammed chair cover
  1. To make the flap section for the cover, cut the 3rd towel in half width-wise.

Optional:  Have had each flap section of the towel monogrammed by a local monogram shop. Google to find one in your area.   The monogram is 4 1/2″ high.  Cost was $14.00.

2. This monogrammed piece is for the “flap” section of the slipcover. Measure and cut this piece to fit the open “back” edge of the cover.  Since I had to cut the towel to fit – I had to hem each side of this flap piece. This flap will hide the seam I had to make since my towels were not as long as the cushions.

Outdoor Chair Slipcover tutorial

3. Sew the right side of the flap to the right side of the underside section of the slipcover.

Chaise Lounges With New Towel Covers

How to make an outdoor chair cover with a towel

Simple, spa-like, easy to remove and washable outdoor chair slipcovers.

How to make an outdoor chair slipcover

Flip the flap over the top of the cushion.

Monogrammed Towel Outdoor Chaise Covers

When they get dirty, I can simply remove them to wash.

How to make an outdoor chair cover with a towel

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  1. Cushion Sunbed White says:

    I really love the ideas of this blog and I am really glad that I read this. Looking forward for more article about Cushion Sunbed White. Thanks a lot for sharing this it really helps a lot!

  2. Love these! Oh I hope Ollies’s still sells these cheap! I have 6 lounge chairs! Unfortunately, mine are missing the cushions.

  3. I just love all your thrity ideas! I wish you lived by me! I need a friend like you! :)

  4. Jami at Freckled Laundry says:

    Love these! Now I just need some chaises….

  5. Julie @ Frugal & Fabulous Design says:

    Wow! These came out AMAZING – so luxurious looking. What great spot to relax in – especially with the fun drinks your husband made. :-)

    Thanks for linking up to Fab Friday –


  6. These slipcovers look so nice and crisp, and I love the monogram! What nice lounge chairs to have by your pool (so jealous of that, btw!). Best of luck to your husband as he continues his job search. I hope he finds something soon. He sounds like a wonderful guy!

    1. Hi Cara-
      Thanks for the comment. Things are looking up on the re-employment scene – but nothing finalized yet. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

  7. Amanda @ The Hand Me Down House says:

    What a great idea! I’ve been wanting to do something like this for a while- thanks for the great tutorial!! Looks like you have a summery haven to relax in! :)

  8. Love it, love it, love it. Although being a southern girl maybe I just love anything w/ a monogram. ;) ha! Please come link this up to Fabulous Friday, very interested in your blog…great style!

  9. The Neo-Traditionalist says:

    You are such a genius when it comes to these things! They look like a million dollars. It’s as though you’re at a fancy hotel swimming pool….I just love it. Bravo Diane! Hope you have a lovely weekend : )

    xx Katie

  10. Excellent project and wonderful solution! Love the luxe look of the white terry and the monogram is such a stylish touch. If my lounge had a white terry cover like yours I’d be parked in it hours a day. Still, I’m going to try to make one, this just looks too inviting.

  11. simpledaisy says:

    That is such a cute idea!!!
    I love your blog too!!! So many cute ideas:)

  12. Heather @ The Travelling Thrifter says:

    I love these, I abosolutly LOVE these! I wish I had lounge chairs to do this too.

  13. Lovely. I like how you staged your after shots!

  14. Infarrantly Creative says:

    They look like they belong in a spa. How beautimous!!

  15. Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says:

    This is wonderful Diane! It took me getting to the end to say {out loud}, “Oh, I see” for the flap portion with the monogram that you were describing. : ) Very clever and I like that solution! I hope things turn around for your hubby soon.

    1. Hi Kathy-
      I had planned to draw a few diagrams in the begining of the post, but just ran out of time. I will add some clarifications to help clear things up.
      As always, Kathy – thanks for leaving me a comment.

  16. Absolutely love those covers! I am definitely going to give this a shot. Regarding your sweet hubs, mine is in the same position for the past 14 months, after 30 years in the same industry. He has decided the jobs aren’t coming back and he has been struggling to get a business of his own off the ground. We too are moving along as normally as possible but I think this will be the new normal for many. Not all bad, just different. We are enjoying his being home instead of traveling and he is much less stressed. We have even set up an office together as I am working now too, to help take up the slack. (I was a spoiled SAHM :) I think it could end up being a blessing as it gives us a whole new outlook on life. What was the old saying, “The rat race is over and the rats won”? Well they can have it! Hang in there and enjoy each moment. Hugs, Pam

  17. jen@homeinthecountry says:

    Those are fabulous! Like fancy hotel fabulous! Your husband sounds amazing; hope you both hang in there! Take care!

  18. Amy@maisondecor says:

    I love how you figured out how to make thechaise slipcover with the clever flip over flap! The monogram was genius. I hate that I threw out my old chaise cover just cuz it was faded. Duh. I spent $40 on a new one and I coulda had a spa cover. Grrr.

  19. Sydney @memorableminutes says:

    Hi Diane,

    These look fabulous. I would love these by our pool. I’m glad you guys take time to relax and I look forward to when you can fully relax in those chaises as you intend. In the meantime know you are not alone (something I often dislike hearing), but I am there and my brother was laid off a year ago. There’s something about relaxing outside (and a pool) that brings some fun though!
    :) Sydney

  20. Funky Junk Interiors says:

    This is the best idea EVER for loungers! I totally want to do this! I’m always dragging a mishmash of towels along with me when using mine because they just feel the nicest to sit on. Brilliant! Love the white, they look very luxurious. :)


  21. Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal says:

    They are spa like! I love that you monogrammed them with our last initial too :) I actually was going to make a cover out of towels for the boat cushion. It gets pretty hot to lay on. It’s just oddly shaped. I love the way yours turned out.

  22. Those are so great! If I only had a pool I’d make some myself!

    1. Hi Julie-

      You don’t need a pool, the terrycloth is the perfect outdoor summer fabric and great when it is hot out. If you are sitting on a chair in shorts. No more sticking to the cushions.

  23. I’m so glad you stopped by my blog so that I could find yours! You have such unique ideas. Your chaise slipcovers are so perfect by the pool and I LOVE your roladex project a few posts back….I’m adding it to my To-Do list!