How to Make a Thrifty Knock-off Outdoor Candle Chandelier
How to transform a thrift store brass chandelier from the 1990’s into a home decorating catalog worthy outdoor candle chandelier.
Over the weekend I started on a bit of Inside-Outside decorating on my deck so I can enjoy it more during the summer. I love to be outside and am always on the lookout for outdoor decorating ideas. I love looking at the pages of home furnishing catalogs this time of year for inspiration.
I like to keep things simple, but make my outside space look inviting and comfortable. To get the look I am after and not spend too much, I bring my inside decorating accessories outside for a thrifty makeover. Everything I added to the deck can easily be brought back inside when not in use.

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My newest addition is a cheap fake brass chandelier that I picked up at my favorite thrift store. I transformed the chandelier to make it an outdoor candle chandelier and hung it from the pergola.

The chandelier cost me $5.90 minus 25%; it was on sale. The candles cost more than the chandelier. I bought them at Walmart for $2.88 each. They are real candles, but you could also use battery-operated candles. I am excited to sit out here in the evening now. The candles will add to the mood when we are eating alfresco or I am enjoying some quiet time on the swing with a good glass of wine.

Chandelier Before

This is what it looked like right after I brought it home from the thrift store. I like the fact the candle bases are wide. When the existing electrical sockets are removed a pillar style candle will sit nicely on these bases.
How to Make an Outdoor Candle Chandelier Using a Thrift Store Light Fixture
supplies needed:
- Hanging light and chain
- Scissors and or wire cutters
- 100 grit sandpaper
- Spray paint and primer
- Screw-in hook
- Candles- These battery-operated ones are perfect and won’t go out when a breeze goes by.

- Removed the candelabra covers and stash them safely away as they are in perfect condition and I can use them on other fixtures. I cut all the wires from the center of each candle socket and then removed the socket. They simply unscrewed.

2. It was easy to unscrew the top section from the bottom of the main body of the chandelier. I cut all the wires and pulled them through the chandelier to remove them, then screwed the chandelier back together again.

3. This is the pile of electrical guts I removed. See the price tag – $5.90 minus the 25% – I know I told you that already, but I love the fact that the thrift store discounts their already low prices. :-)

4. To keep the base of each arm on the chandelier intact, I needed new screw- nuts, but I ended up cutting each socket screw off with tin snips. I needed that bottom nut to screw back on.

5. If you don’t have tin snips – you will need to buy nuts that fit over the screws on each arm of the chandelier. You can see the section that was cut off from the socket. I also thought I could cover the screws with a blob of hot glue to hold them in place if I could not find nuts to fit.

6. Screw the nut back on over the existing arm screw. I had to slightly bend each base so it was level.

7. Repeat the process on all the arms and it is ready for spray paint.

8. Rub 100 grit sandpaper over the surface of the metal then clean well.
TIP: If new to using spray paint, check out these spray painting tips to ensure you get a perfectly smooth finish.
9. Spray on one light coat of Rustoluem metal primer on the brass and let it dry. You can skip this step if using a spray paint that is a paint and primer in one.

10. Follow the timing on spray paint can label for re-coating times before spraying. Spray the fake brass chandelier with Rust-Oleum’s Universal Metallic Oil Rubbed Bronze Spray Paint. It is a primer and paint in one.

My new outdoor chandelier goes nicely with my outdoor furnishings and accessories.

The throw is from my family room. When we are outside at night it can get a bit chilly, so this is nice to have. I made the pillows and no-sew cushion last summer.
My party baskets are in easy reach and at the ready. Now all I wish for is a laptop with a screen that can be easily viewed outside. I would love to be able to work out here – that is the only thing that is stopping me.

Have you decorated the outside of your home like the inside? If you have I would love to see your photos as I would like to add them to my outdoor decorating ideas.