Fall Window Decorating Idea – Easy No Sew

Fall window decorating idea that uses burlap to create different styles of window treatments.

Learn how to use natural elements such as a tree branch as a rustic curtain rod as well as where to buy all colors of burlap to create a vibrant, yet simple burlap valance to DIY made burlap curtains for a more traditional style of fall decor.

Living room decorated for fall using brown, rust and orange

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I thought I would share a fall decorating project from my book, Instant Decorating that was published way back in 1994.

The publisher of the book, Better Homes & Gardens wanted me to focus the book on home decorating projects for all 4 seasons.

The book is no longer in print, but still has many doable ideas. This was the fall room that was filled with DIY fall decorating ideas from floor to ceiling.

The fun part of decorating for fall is that the decorative accessories needed to add a fall decorating theme to a room can literally be found right outside your door.  The best part is that they are free.

Using burlap to create a fall window treatment is a simple and classic way to add a bit of “warm and cozy” to any room for the autumn season.

I even made a rustic tree branch curtain rod for the window to keep with the fall decorating theme.

Fall decorating ideas: No Sew Window Treatment

Fall Window Decorating Idea Using Burlap & a Tree Branch

You can also make this window treatment using any type of fabric yardage. If you do, you will need to hide the raw edges of the fabric.

To find a tree branch to use in place of a curtain rod, search for dead branches in the trees in your yard or in a wooded area. Look for a long straight branch in the length you need.

Any smaller branch shoots coming off of a branch can be removed with snippers to create a curtain rod for a rustic window treatment.

What Colors Does Burlap Come In?

Burlap comes in many colors beyond brown, so don’t feel limited. There are many fun and bright colors that you can use to decorate your home for fall or any season of the year.

a grid pattern showing many colors that burlap comes in besides brown.

Classic burlap is light brown, but it comes in a variety of more vibrant colors like blue, orange, pink, red, blue, yellow, green or black, so don’t feel you can’t use burlap when decorating your home because it is only brown.

You can also make this window treatment using any type of fabric yardage. If you do, you will need to hide the raw edges of the fabric.

How to Make the Burlap Swag and Tree Branch Rod

To find a tree branch to use in place of a curtain rod, search for dead branches in the trees in your yard or in a wooded area. Look for a long straight branch in the length you need.

Any smaller branch shoots coming off of a branch can be removed with snippers to create a curtain rod for a rustic window treatment.

supplies needed:

For Swaged Drape

  • burlap
  • scissors
  • measuring tape

For Tree Branch Curtain Rod

  • 2-3 large nails or size 20d screws or wood bracket style rod holders
  • A cut tree branch the length of your window, plus 8 inches –
  • Florist wire
  • Raffia – comes in many colors
  • Birch branches
  • Faux leaves in fall colors
  • Hot glue dispenser and glue sticks

Tree Branch Curtain Rod Holder Option:   I used large nails to hold up the tree branch curtain rod in the photos.

As another option, you could also use wood curtain rod holders stained or painted to coordinate with your room’s color scheme and style.

Time needed: 2 hours and 30 minutes

How to Make Fall Window Treatment with Burlap Yardage

  1. Measure Window

    To determine the amount of burlap yardage needed, measure height of window or to the length you want the burlap to fall on either side of the window and double this measurement, plus add 25 inches for each sway across the top for width.

    Each side length + number of swags = length of fabric yardage needed.

  2. Attach Tree Branch to Wall

    To create a curtain rod using a tree branch, hammer nails into wall on each side above the window where you want the rod to be. Or attach wood rod brackets.

    If you have a double window, add another screw or holder for support at the center point of the window.

    Lay cut tree branch across the nails and then use florist wire to secure branch to the screws.

    If using wood rod brackets, place branch into the rod holder on each side of the window, letting some of the rod on each side of the holder extend a little. This will create a nicer look for the rod.

  3. Attach Burlap Fabric

    Starting in the center of the rod, tie burlap to branch using cut strips of burlap or raffia that is the same color as the burlap.

    Let the burlap dip across the width of the window at even intervals to create a swaged effect. Doing this will also hide the nails and wire.

    Let the burlap fall freely at the sides to frame and create a curtain on each side of the window.

  4. Optional: Add Birch Branches & Leaves

    Arrange birch branches along top of tree branch rod – tuck them into the tied strips of burlap or raffia.

    Hot glue faux leaves evenly across the top.

    Living room decorated for fall using brown, rust and orange

How to Remove the Smell from Burlap?

To remove or lessen the smell of new burlap, place the burlap outside in the fresh air on a sunny day. Leave it outside for a few hours so it airs out. Putting it in the sun may also eliminate any stains in the fabric.

You can also place it on the Air Fluff setting in your dryer with a scented dryer sheet.

How to Make Fringe on Burlap

How to make burlap fringe

When using burlap fabric yardage to make no sew window treatments you can easily fringe the cut edges to create a finished look to the edges.

To create a fringe edge on burlap:

  1. Cut burlap to size needed.
  2. On each edge of the cut burlap, pull a few strands out. Doing this will create a fringe. Remove a lot of strands to create long fringe or only a few for a small fringed edge.

How to Clean Burlap Window Treatments

Burlap does not clean well when washed in water and detergent. The best way to keep burlap window treatments fresh is to give them a few shakes outside every once in a while to remove dust build-up.

If a spot of dirt gets on the burlap, spot clean with a damp sponge. Dab the sponge over the spot until it comes out and let dry.

More DIY Fall Burlap Window Decorating Ideas

Burlap is a very inexpensive and versatile fabric that can be made into any style of burlap window treatment you like. Here are a few ideas I found that range from a simple window valance to full length curtain panels.

Burlap Curtains DIY

Burlap curtains DIY hung on two windows in a living room.
Find the how-to directions at: Jessica Bruno

No Sew Burlap Valance

a burlap window valance on a window.
A quick and easy DIY Burlap Valance

No Sew Burlap Window Shades

diy burlap window shades
Read the tutorial: The Shingled House

Burlap Roller Shades

A travel trailer interior makeover with no sew burlap roller shades at a window.
Find the how to at: Mountain Modern Life

Where to Buy Burlap Window Treatments

burlap curtain panels on window.

Many retailers sell ready-made burlap curtains and valances in all styles and sizes. Here are a few I found:

More Easy Fall Decorating Ideas to Try

Living room decorated for fall using brown, rust and orange

Fall Decor to Make Shown in the photo above:

Striped Area Rug: The area rug under the vintage chest turned into a coffee table are 3 small rag rugs sewn together to create a larger looking one at a fraction of the cost it would be to buy a large one.  

Pillow on Sofa: The orange pillow is simply two cloth napkins tied over an existing pillow.  Wrap rubber bands to attach the two cloths on each corner of the pillow and then cover the rubber bands with raffia.

Floor Lamp Shade: The floor lamp’s shade has what is basically a gathered waist skirt with a hem placed over an existing shade. It comes on and off very easily.

For more no-sew decorating ideas using any type of fabric, check out the posts in my: No Sew Decorating category

Decorating Posts You May Also Like:

Fall burlap window treatments to make or buy

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  1. HMG Digital says:

    Autumn colors are so damn gorgeous. Great idea! thanks for sharing!

  2. Diane, even after all these years, that window treatment still looks great! That’s a timeless look. I actually love the whole vignette. It must be nice to look back at the projects in the book to know that they still have such value! I’d love to come across your book one of these days, but I bet the people who bought it still refer to it so I’m unlikely to pick one up secondhand. Thanks for sharing these on your blog!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Bettsi – It is fun to see how some decor stays classic and others go out of style and then come back around again years later. Same with clothes. Amazon sellers did sell my book for awhile until they were gone. There are a few available here on Ebay: https://bit.ly/3qaUKvp

      I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

  3. Kindred spirit- I do love your style! When I get into my zone, I’m hyped up and loving the process! It’s Such fun creating unusual decorative touches. Thank you for sharing!

  4. As I scrolled down, I recognized the pictures and realized that I have your book. I’ve really enjoyed it! Fall is my favorite.

    1. Hi Jennifer-
      :) – that is what I am doing right now. It always makes my day when someone tells me that they have my book, even after all these years. I am trying to post some of the projects from it every once in awhile – with an updated fabric or a modern tweak.

      My best- Diane

  5. Autumn Clark says:

    Great idea! I wanted to add a branch above my shower curtain somehow… This is lovely and so happy for you on the feature!
    Autumn Clark

  6. Just beautiful!!! I can’t wait to pull out my fall decor!
    Thanks for linking up to I’m Lovin’ It too!

  7. What a unique way to update your decor.

  8. Hi Allison-

    The photos of the Fall room where taken by a professional photographer who did work for Meredith Corp. It took her, an assitant, and an art director one full day to get those shots and a few others. We kept needing more props and I was running to my neigbors homes all day taking pots of mums and other fall goodies off their porches to use in the room.

  9. Your room looks so pretty! If you have a free moment, I have a new weekly (I hope!) Linky on my blog called Not “Baaad” Sundays with LambAround. I’d love for you to post this :)

  10. Heidi Roylance says:

    I love autumn time. It just think of so many happy memories. The burlap looks cute around the window.

  11. Absolutely beautiful! I love autumn colors.

  12. Laura Ingalls Gunn says:

    Oh I just love this. It is the perfect touch of fall.

  13. beachhouseliving says:

    Aren’t those pottery barn simple cylinder vases and bowls the best? I purchased several in a few sizes from the 8″ high round to the tall heavy vase. They just work no matter the decorating. Lugging home what felt like a 100#’s of glass wasn’t easy but in looking back worth it.

    1. Thats why we all love PB so much. There merchandise is so interchange-able and livable. I just wish it were not so expensive. I bought mine when they went on clearance. I have a decortating client who works there and she always gives me the inside scoop when stuff goes on sale.

      My best- Diane

  14. Love your relaxed fall look. It’s a beautiful room. Your new follower!

    1. Thanks Lindy It is always nice to have a new follower.

  15. Wow! That whole room just says FALL- Very creative. Hope you are feeling well…looks like you are back to doing what you love best! Diana

  16. Julie @ Practically Spent says:

    Oh, look at your lamp shade. That’s really creative! (Hope you’re feeling better all the time!!!)

    1. The lamp shade is one of those quickie decorating fixes. I am going to post more about it in the upcoming week.

  17. Great idea. It frames the window so nicely!