How To Make a Chevron Chalkboard Photo Frame

Today I am sharing how I made a Chevron chalkboard photo frame that I created using a random assortment of crafting supplies sent to me in a mystery box from as part of their Scribble Challenge to 40+ creative bloggers.  

When I first opened the box and saw the mixed assortment of craft supplies, I laughed and thought, Good Grief!!! – what am I going to make that uses all this stuff. I think the Scribble Shop people had a good time coming up with what they were going to include in the box.

I looked at this challenge as if I were back working in display, where I used to have to make miracles happen in decorating the store using only items available in the prop room.  I had to put my thinking cap on for this challenge and kept it on for quite some time. The wool roving and the feathers were the big challenge for me.

I am excited to say that I used every single item – even the tissue paper all the items were wrapped in and a few packing peanuts as well to create this-

Chevron Chalkboard Photo Frame 

Chevron-Pattern-Chalkboard-Frame made with scrap fabric

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Chevron chalk board frame


I couldn’t decide which of my little dollies I wanted in the frame, so I did both :)    When you want to change the photo it is easy to do – just pull the Velcro attached frame off – slip in a new photo and change the writing on the chalkboard.

Close up of chevron photo frame

This is what came in the box:

Pre-cut Fabric Squares in green and turquoise, American Brand chalkboard paint, Felt Works wool roving, feathers, Martha Stewart glitter and glue,  3 colors of Elements brads.

  Scribble Shop Challenge Supplies

There was also a 3 pack of these – they were delish. I used one of the gold wrappers to cover a button that is on the flower embellishment on the frame.


I added from my own stash:

14” x 18” piece of plywood, 4 x 6 photo frame, Needle Felting Kit, Mod Podge, Sticky back Velcro.

Other items I needed:

Cardboard to make a template, ruler, pencil, paint brush, scissors, craft knife, plastic wrap, saw-tooth picture hanger, hot glue gun and glue stick, sewing needle and thread.

Having a full yard of fabric would have made making this much easier as I had to cut and piece all these fabric squares to fit the chevron pattern.  I placed plastic wrap on my worktable and then added one coat of Matte Mod Podge to each square and let them dry.   I did this for 2 reasons:

1. To make the fabric more rigid and easier to cut into patchwork pieces.

2. To stop the fabric from fraying when I cut it into pieces.

Mod-Podge Fabric

I taped two pieces of cardboard together to the width of the plywood and then drew a Chevron pattern on it with a pencil and ruler.

How to draw a Chevron pattern

Then cut it out with a craft knife.

How to draw a Chevron pattern

I used it as a template to draw the pattern onto the plywood.


I used the chalkboard paint to paint the chevron pattern on the top of the board and I also painted the sides of the board.

Make a Chalkboard Chevron Frame

I had a gold frame in my basement stash and covered it with two coats of the chalkboard paint.

How to make a Chalkboard Chevron Frame

When the Mod Podge was dry on the fabric squares, I cut them to fit into the unpainted sections on the plywood.  I tried to keep the colors the same in each zig-zag stripe. I used Mod Podge to apply them to the board.

How to make a Chalkboard Chevron frame

Wool roving was new to me, but I did remember seeing how to felt on Martha once and knew if I was going to do anything with it, I would have to get felting needles and a foam block.  It was $4 for the kit.  To felt, you break up the wool a bit and layer it, then start stabbing it with the needle, shaping the wool as you go.

How to Needle Felting

I made two leaves with the green and a little ball with the blue and green wool.

How to needle felt

I also set aside two squares of fabric to make into fabric Yo-Yo Rosettes. I also cut out a petal portion from one of the fabrics and used the tips of 5 white feathers to make the flower embellishment.   To learn how to make a Yo-Yo Rosette you can find the steps in my post – How To Make DIY Decorative Trim

How to make a fabric Yo-Yo

I added sticky back Velcro tabs to the back corners so I could easily remove the frame from the chevron pattern board when I wanted to change the photo.

How to make a fabri chalkboard frame

I cut the tissue paper into 1/2-inch wide strips. I used Mod Podge to attach them around the sides of the plywood board.

How to cut -tissue-paper

The brads that were sent were in 4 different colors. I wanted them to all look like aged brass and used the gold glitter and glue to make them into a matching set.

Martha Stewart Glitter and Glue

To keep the board from making marks on the wall when hung, I cut 2 packing peanuts in half-

How to re-use packing peanuts

and glued one to each corner to act as bumpers.  I evenly spaced the gold glittered brads around the sides of the plywood board.

How to make bumpers for a frame using packing peanuts

To hang the frame I nailed in a saw tooth hanger on the back.

Picture hanging hardware

The layers of the flower embellishment: wool roving that I felted into leaves, feathers, fabric I hand stitched into Yo-Yo’s, flower shape cut out from a fabric square, button covered with candy wrapper, blue and green wool roving felted into a small ball.

completed Chevron fabric and chalkboard frame

Finished Chevron chalkboard frame

What would you have made using these items?


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  1. Love this! Can’t wait to get started. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Very talented and very clever!!

  3. Scribble Shop says:

    Hi Diane,
    Thank you for participating in the Scribble Shop Challenge.
    Wow, I’m impressed! I really like how you used the chalkboard paint and the fabric squares as a zig-zag pattern, it really adds a neat feel to this craft. Using the packaging peanuts as a wall protecter is so smart, I never would have thought of that!
    We are posting the finalist on our facebook page tomorrow, March 30th, 2012.
    Stay Tunned!

  4. Only you could make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, Diane! This is just over the top creative! I’ve always wanted to learn how to felt – a good friend of mine made purses, but knitted them and shrunk them in the washing machine with hot water – very cute, but I didn’t know about the needle and block technique. I must try that!

    1. Hi Joi – the needle and block technique is quite easy and since the starter kit is under $5, it is easy to try it out to see if you like how it felts.

  5. Jessica @shimmerkai says:

    So cute & meaningful!

  6. This is incredible, Diane! My box was different from yours, but I had exactly the same reaction when I saw what was inside. :)

    1. Hi again Tara – Thanks. After thinking about it for a week or two, it did become a fun challenge. It literally took a lot of out of the box thinking to come up with an idea trying to use all of the stuff.

  7. Shannon at madiganmade says:

    Diane – this is adorable! I love that we both had the same box of stuff but did very different things. The frame is a great idea. Love that you can change out the photo easily, too.

  8. Mod Podge Amy says:

    I totally agree on the chevron – I did it recently and it was not easy! You did such an amazing job Diane. It’s so pretty!

    1. Hi Amy – Thanks. It is funny how hard a chevron pattern is to draw. Who would have thought? I think it must be all the angles that are hard to line up right. Thank-you Blueprint Social for giving me the challenge XO

  9. So fun! These turned out amazing, great job!

  10. Maggie Mallard says:

    Wow how creative you are. I love how these turned out.
    Really great of you to show us how to do this
    Thanks for sharing

  11. Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

    I love this!!! You did a fabulous job of using all the supplies Diane!! I had NO idea what to do with the wool roving… :) Love that you can write on each of the chalkboard stripes!

  12. That is such a pretty idea!

  13. Diane, not only did you use everything in the package they sent you, you used them in such a gorgeous way! I am blown away by that frame – I want it in my own house! Seriously excellent work, my friend.

  14. Laura@Elegant Nest says:

    Amazing and inspiring…as always!
    I love this post…just reading it gets my creative energy going and makes me want to head out to the craft store for a pile of supplies. I could only hope to create something as cute and clever as your frames!
    Have a great day ~ Laura

  15. Great job! your creativity over floweth, and I’m so impressed you even used the candy wrapper, the foam peanuts and the tissue… seriously great job!!!!

  16. Ok, I hereby proclaim you the McGuyver of crafting!! ;-) Seriously cute & extremely creative, Diane.

    1. Hi Merri Jo – :) My dad was like McGuyver, he could fix or make just about anything work. I think I inherited that gene from him. My mom was extremely creative and my brothers and sisters and I always won contests and such growing up because she always thought up the best ideas. She passed away last year and sometimes when I get a good idea, I look to the sky and say – thanks Mom.

  17. Laura @ Ms Smartie Pants says:

    Diane, you outdid yourself on this one! It is adorable! I want to do felting someday, such a fun product.

    1. Hi Laura – Thanks. My oldest – Kelly is returning from her 2 year Peace Corps service in Africa this weekend. She Skyped me last night and told me she loved the frame and would like it for her apartment. She is going to med school in the fall and also loved the photo I found of her when she was little playing with her doctor bag.

      Felting was much easier than I thought. If you want to learn more there are many tutorial videos on You Tube.

  18. You are one creative lady! I would never have thought of this. My 5 year old granddaughter and I both love craft supplies. Recently she found 3 unopened pinecones of varying sizes out in the yard. She then took all sorts of craft stuff and dressed them as a family. Too cute!!! I think you and she would get along quite well!

    1. Hi Cheri – I know I would like her and her Grandmom who encourages her creativity :) A pinecone family sounds adorable. It is nice that you get to create with her. She must love coming to your house.

  19. Shauna@ Satori Design for Living says:

    Such a creative lady! I love the idea of painting the frame to be able to change a name or write whatever you feel like.

    1. Hi Shauna – thanks. I figured since it was chalkboard paint that would be a fun thing to do.

  20. This is so pretty! The fabric pieces look fantastic in Chevron stripes! I love how you used the packing peanuts to keep the frame from marking the walls…clever, clever CLEVER! You certainly did a great job of using EVERYTHING including the packaging it came in :)

    1. Hi Amy – Thanks. It was definitely a challenge and I thought long and hard on how to do it. It would have been easier with a yard of fabric and not the squares as I could have used the cardboard template to cut one piece long zig-zag strips from instead of piecing them together patchwork style with the squares.

      1. I could see from your photos that this project was quite time consuming and tedious (but of course the end result is well worth the effort :)). I commend you for sticking it out. I’ve was kicking around the idea of painting chevron stripes on a recent project but once I got out the ruler I threw up my hands and went with the old stand by…vertical and horizontal stripes :)

        1. Hi Amy – Drawing the stripes freehand on the board even with a ruler proved impossible for me too. That is when I made only one zig zag into a template and just repeating tracing it on the board. Much easier! Chevron looks so easy to draw, but is not.

  21. How cute and clever. Love the chalkboard idea to label and date the photos.

    1. Hi Sandra – Thanks – With two daughters who both read my blog – I couldn’t just show one of them – solved the dilemma with the easy switcheroo. :)

  22. Natalie @ A Turtle's Life for Me says:

    That’s gorgeous! I am very impressed! Great job!

    1. Thanks Natalie – It was a challenge trying to think up something that used everything.

  23. Kim @ seven thirty three says:

    That turned out beautiful! You did amazing with the supplies you received!

    1. Thanks Kim – I was blown away by the bracelets you made. I don’t know what I would have made with if I got that box. The bracelets were very clever and came out beautifully.

  24. Debbie~refreshrestyle says:

    That is awesome, love it. Love all the elements!

  25. Kim {ShopKim on Etsy} says:

    Wow, that came out amazing!! It’s definitely the best creation I’ve seen yet from this challenge. Excellent work!

    1. Hi Kim – Thanks so much. I had to really think out of the box literally for this one :)