How to Create an Empty Picture Frame Gallery Wall

Using empty picture frames to create a gallery style wall will create interest where there is none in your home in a”chic on a shoestring way”. Creating a decorative gallery wall this way is also easy as you don’t have to be precise, measure, and line up every frame perfectly.

How to make a frame gallery wall

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I created the picture frame gallery wall at the top of my foyer steps a while ago. To make it I used a few frames I had on hand along with a few I picked up inexpensively at thrift stores and yard sales.

This year for Valentine’s Day, I added a red wood heart along with some pretty pink roses to some of the frames. The heart and flowers gives the frame gallery a pop of color that I can easy change on a whim with seasonal colors, flowers and decor items.

I used Command Brand Picture Hanging Strips to hang and layer not only the empty frames and wood letters on the wall, but also the red wood heart and the trio of flower vases.

Photo Gallery Wall Art Ideas

Once Valentine’s Day is over, I can easily remove the heart and flowers, leaving no damage – not one hole.

Command Brand Picture Hanging Strips come off cleanly and won’t damage your walls thanks to the stretch-release technology that is on all Command Products.

supplies needed:

  • Empty Frames of various sizes, colors, and shapes
  • Command Picture Hanging Strips – 2 sets for each frame
  • Wood Letters – craft store
  • Wood Heart
  • Flat sided glass vases
  • Fresh or fake flowers
  • Isopropyl rubbing alcohol
  • Clean rag or cotton balls
  • Bubble level
  • Painter’s tape
  • Tape measure
Wall art layout ideas

1. Determine how large the wall area is that you want to create the empty frame gallery. Mark it with painter’s tape. Clean wall surface with isopropyl rubbing alcohol, wipe gently, let dry.

How to hang a picture on the wall without making a hole

2. Mark the same measurements on the floor as a staging area for the placement of the frames. Play around with how you want the frames to be on the wall – where your initials, heart, and flowers will go. Once you like your layout – take a photo of it so you have it as a reference, if needed.

Command Picture Hanging Strip Ideas

3. Clean the back of all the frames with isopropyl rubbing alcohol and let dry. If there is any paper backing on the back of the frame, remove it or as much as you can.

4. Figure out how many sets of Command Picture Hanging Strips you will need. To make a set – press 2 strips together until they click.

Command Brand Picture Hanging Strip Tips

5. You need to use two sets of Command Picture Hanging Strips on the backs of all the frames that will be attached directly to the wall. Do not add strips to the frames that will be layered yet.

To attach: Remove one green liner. Position one set of Command Picture Hanging Strips on the back of frame, press firmly. Repeat. Remove the remaining green liner.

How to Add and Layer Frames to Wall

Picture Hanging tips using Command Brand Picture Hanging Strips

1. Start with bottom frame in your layout/design. Use a bubble level to make sure frame is level and then press firmly into the wall for 30 seconds. Once first frame is up, continue to add the base frames to the wall in the same way. Make sure each is straight, then press firmly and hold each one up for 30 seconds.

2. Each layered frame and letter will need the Command Picture Hanging Strips placed in different areas on the back – it may not be on the top as the base frames were attached, so do one by one.

Hold the layered frame up to the wall on top of the base frames that are already mounted on the wall to determine where the Command Picture Hanging Strips will need to be attached to the back of it – You want to attach them where they will overlap the first layer of frames.

Once you figure out where the Command Picture Hanging Strips need to be attached, attach them in the same way as in Step 5.

How to layer frames on a wall photo gallery
Wall Photo Gallery Ideas
How to hang wood initials and layer them inside a gallery wall arrangement.

3. Figure placement for layered letters to resemble a monogram. Add Command Picture Hanging Strips to the back of the smaller side letters first. Remove green liners. Center large center letter over them and press firmly for 30 seconds

How to hang wall gallery art and frames using Command Brand strips.

4. Then attach the Command Picture Hanging Strips to the back of the larger center letter.

Uses for Command Brand Picture Hanging Strips

5. Flip it over. Remove green liner strips.

Wall Decorating Ideas

6. Press firmly to the wall. Hold for 30 seconds.

Wall Decorating Ideas using wood frames and wood letters bought at the craft store.

7. To attach a single letter to a small frame – determine where the letter will contact the frame. Place Command Picture Hanging Strips in these sections. Remove green liners, and press firmly into the frame. Hold for 30 seconds.

How to hang small items on a wall without a nail.

Do the same to attach the heart.

Valentine's Day Decorating Ideas

How to Attach Rectangular Glass Vases to a Wall

Valentine's Day Decorating Ideas using flowers

To attach the vases – Add one set of Command Picture Hanging Strips to the back of each vase as shown.

How to hang a small vase on a wall.

Determine placement for each and then press each firmly into the wall. Hold for 30 seconds.

How to hang a vases on a wall.

Add water and flowers.

Decorating ideas in a gallery wall with flowers

When February 15th rolls around, the heart and flowers will be easy to take down while leaving no damage to the wall since I used the Command Brand Picture Hanging Strips.

Photo Gallery Wall Layout Ideas
rectangular glass vases on a wall mixed in with empty picture frames to create a unique layered gallery wall.
How-to-make-an empty-frame-gallery-wall.


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  1. Brenda Merchent says:

    I have been determined to do this for years and wasn’t quite sure how I was going to do it. Currently working with some art prints of places I have lived in Florida (I’m currently in Colorado and missing places my Mom and Dad retired to and places I’ve lived there.). You’ve made it look pretty easy. Never even considered command strips but great solution.

  2. just found your blog. this helps me a lot. I bought different sizes of frames online to decorate the wall on our stairs but I had trouble arranging them.

    1. camomille says:

      hi xela1030. where did you buy your frames, are they the same like in the post? I’m actually looking for gold frames but the prices are really high lols. need lots of them for my room

      hope you read this. thanks in advance

  3. CarrollAlexander says:

    I think its one of finest surprise for valentine day special, I really like it…and thanks for giving this wonderful idea about the valentine day.

  4. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    I just love this one too. I have always kept a secret wish to do the 3 D wall like the one in your guest bedroom. I think this one is even easier. I just have to get busy and buy some spray paint and a lot more picture frames. I think both are just gorgeous!

  5. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your gallery wall! The layers and different frames are so pretty and fresh! Thanks for sharing and I might be doing my own version soon on my big, blank living room wall. I’ve been looking for an idea and something like this might be perfect.

  6. Love this post! Especially loving the monogrammed letters and the heart!

  7. Kim@NewlyWoodwards says:

    Wow! This is amazing! I’m so inspired by this entire wall. I love the depth of the frames and how you added in the monograms and flowers …

    My mind is reeling with all of the possibilities.

    Stopping over from Serenity Now.

  8. I love love LOVE command strips! I use them to hang everything I can in my house, except for the super heavy stuff. Love the gallery wall — especially the vases with the real flowers! :)

  9. Hi, Diane

    I love this idea and I always enjoy learning something new from you. By the way, I changed my name from HOme Sweet Butterfly to DIY 180.
    Have a great weekend.


  10. Athena at Minerva's Garden says:

    What a pretty Valentine’s day decor idea!

  11. I love this idea. I can’t believe you can actually use these on vases too. Haven’t tried them yet, but that’s going to change. Thanks for the great tutorial!

  12. Nif @ Call*Me*Nif says:

    Love the flower vases! How unique!!

  13. cassie {hi sugarplum} says:

    That looks really really cool!! I love the dimension, and all the frames are really cool! Great job!

  14. I LOVE this! Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. Josh Urso Design says:

    Wow! You’ve opened our eyes to the potential of the command strips! We can’t believe they’ll hold a vase with water and flowers to a wall. Very creative and definitely gutsy!

  16. This looks fantastic I just loooooove it. Wow the flowers are fabulous Brilliant idea all of it…..

  17. Diane @ homesweethomemade says:

    Diane – this is the prettiest curation of frames I’ve ever seen! Totally love how you added the monograms and flowers. Picture perfect!! xo

  18. Diane,
    Here’s another reason I love your website! You are so creative it’s awesome!

  19. Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says:

    That looks great, Diane! I love how you’ve layered the frames. Nice way to add interest with the initials, too.

  20. Linda Southworth says:

    I would say this works for a long time display by changing out your themed items. Love it!

  21. wow, wow, Wow! I’m thinking about decorating our foyer too. But, I don’t have any final design yet. I am planning to research on how to put up a gallery wall, and here it is in your blog! Executed perfectly! I love how you added the vases with flowers! Thanks for providing the step-by-step process on how to do it! I’m very excited to decorate our wall.


  22. I think the idea of putting the vases on the wall was pretty clever! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Nice look, but Command Strips are very expensive. How many did the project use?

  24. BRAVO Diane.

  25. Oh, my, I am so totally in awe! I love the way you have the grouping of empty frames, and yeah, they are all colors and styles. I had to read every word and really studied how you adheared the vases. The flowers are the crowning touch. Beautiful, just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.