How to Draw a Fall Pumpkin Sign on a Chalkboard

Fall is all about the color of the changing leaves and awaiting the gates to your local pumpkin patch to open so you can bring a few items from the autumn harvest home to decorate for the fall season. If you like fall pumpkins and chalkboards, you can create a this fall harvest pumpkin sign following these easy chalkboard pumpkin drawing tutorial.

I like to draw and do lettering, but never really have the time to do more of it. A few years ago I painted the narrow wall between my living room and kitchen with black chalkboard paint to create a creative wall where I could have fun creating drawings, signs, quotes and more throughout the seasons.

First sketch of chalkboard art on chalkboard.

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I created the wall not just for me, but when we have friends and family over. If I leave the wall blank, many pick up the chalk to start writing their names or to show off their drawing skills.

Chalkboard wall drawing supplies on table.

Drawing is one way I can concentrate on something that brings me joy just like planning my fall decorating. With football on the TV as the soundtrack, it got me into my fall groove.

I wrote a post about all my chalkboard drawing tips when I first started blogging and even was a contributor to a how-to lettering book, More Creative Lettering.

The Complete Book of Chalk Lettering by Valerie MC Keehan on a table with chalk and tools around it.

But for learning tips and techniques on all things chalkboard drawing, my go-to book is The Complete Book of Chalk Lettering. I like the subtitle the best…. Create & Develop Your Own Style. :-)

I bought this book a few years ago so I could get better at drawing and lettering on chalkboards. With each board I have created, step-by-step I have picked up techniques and tips to up my skills.

Finding joy, not perfection, is my goal.

Step-by-step is how you make anything happen especially when it is learning to do something at which you want to get better.

Each step will bring you closer to your goal – no matter if it is learning to decorate your home, to knit a sweater, become a master carpenter, or draw and letter like an artist on a chalkboard.

Open copy of the book The Complete Chalkboard Lettering Guide

The process is the same no matter what it is you want to do better….taking one step at a time.

Finding inspiration is always one way to start if you are feeling stuck. I found just the inspiration I needed in the chalkboard step-by-step lessons in the book.

I used one of the author’s designs as the base of my fall chalkboard design.

Open page of chalkboard lettering and art book.

When it comes to decorating a house or room, learning one step at a time and putting what you learn into play to see how it looks or works and then building upon it is the way to go.

Chalkboard drawing tips that make it easy to create artistic chalkboard art in your own style.

With each step, your confidence builds and you are no longer afraid to experiment with colors and styles.

When decorating a home, each step keeps building upon the last as you become better at rearranging furniture and accessories according to the principles of design, adding new items, displaying accessories in groups, etc. and then taking the most important step – editing out until you like what you see.

Close up of chalk lettering and pumpkin drawing on chalkboard wall.

Step-by-step is how you will get to your goal. If your goal is to make your home the best it can be for the life you want to live in it, then keep at it.

Fall chalkboard art on wall painted with chalkboard paint. Art says Farm Stand Pumpkins for Sale by the pound.

Over the years I have gotten better at lettering, but my drawings will never be perfect which is fine with me. I don’t do them for that reason. I created the drawing to bring me joy and the fact that I love pumpkins this time of year.

Seeing the wall every day will put a smile on my face.

Close up angled shot of fall chalkboard art on a wall in a kitchen.

This post is more about doing what brings you joy at home this fall, than just sharing a beautifully decorated room. I seek meaning and connection to everything I use in my house to make it the best place for both my family and me.

Fall Chalkboard art autumn pumpkins. close up shot of wall that says Farm Stand Pumpkins

What do you enjoy doing or seeing in your home at this time of year?

For you, that smile-making item may not be a chalkboard, but I am sure there is something that will bring you the best part of home.

That is the three C’s: Comfort – Cozy – Contentment = BLISS. :-)

Figure out what makes you smile in your home and then add it or more of it.

Chalkboard wall in kitchen

You May Also Like:

Fall Chalkboard Drawing and Lettering with Pumpkins.

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  1. Dream house says:

    I love this decorating groove back so much!

  2. fixing 15 says:

    Forgot to say I like the little glass jars that hold the chalk. Great idea.

  3. fixing 15 says:

    Super Cute, Diane! Here in Arkansas, we are just starting to get some cooler weather. I purchased my first (real) pumpkins for the year for my front porch, and I can’t wait for Halloween to get out my cheap , tacky, fun, GIANT pumpkin (it’s about knee high) that lights up and always makes me smile! Once in a while you have to have something a little silly in your life!

  4. Hi Diane
    Thanks for the inspiration
    Love your pumpkin sign!

  5. Barbara Davis says:

    I too was not in the mood to decorate for fall and felt the same way you did and fall is my favorite time of year also. So I told myself, self… are going to change your mood and do what makes you feel warm and cozy. I pulled out all my stuff today after giving my space a good cleaning and will start tomorrow to transition into fall. Gee, I already feel better! I even got out my pumpkin spice coffee to drink as I get my warm and cozy on!
    You are one of my favorite bloggers…..always good stuff!

  6. Football for me started Thursday night with my KC Chjefs hosting and beating the Houston Texans! That is my happy time! There were 17,000+ fans in the stadium and they didn’t have to play artificial crowd noise.
    Love your chalkboard wall and I think your pumpkins are beautiful! Glad you’re getting your groove on again, but it’s hard to believe it’s been 18 months since that sweet girl arrived!

  7. Sue Bauman says:

    The sound of football in my house yesterday perked me up, too! And seeing your artwork on your chalk wall brought a big smile to my face, I’ve always wondered how some people were able to make such beautiful artwork on a chalkboard; of course there’s a book for it and probably websites and YouTube videos!!!!! But your in-depth descriptions make it seem attainable! Thanks! Glad you have your groove back!

  8. Barbara Pilcher says:

    What a fun idea! Great tips to try. Thank you for another inspiring idea.

  9. Crystal Brown says:

    Oh, that chalkboard is just what the Fall doctor ordered! And YASSS to football! so happy to have the season start. Of course we’re knee deep in the Hockey playoffs, so yesterday was a great sports day. I agree that football goes hand in hand with Fall. I decorate mostly for myself anyway, Mr B isn’t in to seasonal change… we live in central Florida and trust me, the seasons do not change much here. So I do it for me, and the more I do the more fun it becomes. Of course, no friends or family will be able to see it…. in person, but that’s what IG and FB are for! So let’s fallify!

  10. Diane, that’s fantastic! Looks absolutely stunning. Thank you SO much for sharing yourself with us all. It’s always a bright spot in my day to see I’ve received a new post from you!

  11. Hi Diane,
    I love how your sign turned out. It is so festive! I have been feeling the same way lately. One day I feel like everything will be ok and we are in the home stretch, and the next day, I feel lost and unsure of the future. Working on home projects is one thing that gives me motivation and energy when I feel like this. I love seeing all the things you create, and you give us all inspiration! Glad you got your Fall decorating groove back-I am going to do the same!

  12. Football in the background is fall to me also. So glad you got your groove back. These times are hard for so many of us for so many different reasons. Reading how others keep pressing on helps encourage me that in time I will get my groove back also.

  13. Thank you for always sharing from your heart. Helps to know we are not alone, I too have had the malaise…..
    Organizing, purging at a snail’s pace.
    Football! I found it comforting and some normalcy needed.

    I am always looking for treasures at thrift stores too, so we have that in common so I am always happy to hear about your searches.

  14. Your chalkboard looks GREAT! I smiled when I read your comment about your Granddaughters scribbles with chalk. I did something similiar as my Granddaughter lives 8 hours away from us. She left her hand prints all over our sliding glass door when she was about 18 months and, I smiled every time I saw them!

  15. Wow!! What a talent….the Fall Board looks great ?. I may have to try my hand and make something like this. I don’t have much chalk writing experience, but I love the way it looks ?. Than you for linking your tips and the book info.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Lynn – I had a lot of enjoyment creating it. It may be hard to erase once when it is time to change it. At least I will have a photo of it. :-)

  16. When professional football became a political platform, I stopped watching. No crafts inspiration for me.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Hannah – It is sad that everything nowadays seems to becoming political – even something like a football game. :-(

      1. I totally agree with Hannah. Once football players started honoring criminals like Jason Blake and refused to stand for the national anthem, I refused to watch them. Sorry – no fall inspiration for me either. Otherwise, love your blog.

    2. Yet you felt the need to come to Diane’s always gracious blog to express your political opinion and to attempt to turn it into a political platform? That seems hypocritical to me.

  17. Diane, you did a fabulous, and dare I say, PERFECT job of creating an autumnal board. While I personally cannot stand the smell of chalk, I too am searching for my normal “fall joy mode”….I’m hoping it’ll hit by next Monday, as the day before the official first day of autumn is my gather and plan to decorate day! Maybe I’ll turn on the game next weekend and see if it inspires those cozy fall feelings. Although, I did buy Pumpkin Spice Fabreeze today….maybe that’s a start!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Carolyn – When the subject of chalkboards comes up usually you hear about people getting the shivers when the chalk is erased or someone runs their nails over it. Interesting that you can’t stand the smell of it. I guess you never can use chalk paint? :-) I will post how I decorated my living room next week as I am now in transition mode. I bet your Pumpkin Spice Fabreeze smells good.

  18. Diane- I always love seeing what you create! You are so artistic ? I feel the same way you do about the world and domestic events these days. So many bloggers started posting about fall decorating in August! I haven’t been able to muster any excitement at all for decorating but you’re absolutely right about football! Just the sound of it on the TV says Fall to me. Thank you for sparking my fall decorating mood.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sharon – I love decorating and making my house look just so, but this year, I am taking my time and will be bringing in more meaningful decor to create my cozy.

  19. Love this Diane! I’ve always wanted to try my “hand” at creative lettering.
    Have a good week. xxoo

    p.s. Your previous post talked about doing a veggie garden in your side yard. If you want some excellent advice watch Garden Answer on Youtube. She has a gazillion videos and several on raised bed prep and growing veggies.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Vikki – I will take a look at the Garden Answers site. Thanks. Right now our biggest decision is where to plant the garden as our yard is dabbled in shade. I am keeping a record of what area in the yard gets the most sun. It may have to be right in the middle of the side yard.

  20. Diane…you are so so talented. What a fun surprise for your guests too. It will be fun to watch you transition the wall for the holidays and seasons.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks June. Two years ago at Christmas I created a design on the wall. You can see it here: Last year I did a little bit more.

      Now I have to plan ahead to come up with a design for this holiday season.