House Hunting & Decorating Giveaway

I have exciting news, I have been house hunting!!! Yes that it right, but it is not for me. I love my house and where I live. I plan to grow old here.

I have been house hunting for my twin sister and her family. She retires in June and after visiting me every year for 9 years, they are moving to South Carolina to live close to Ed and me.

3 homes looking at to buy for sister

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Since they live in Pennsylvania, I have been touring the homes for sale here in SC with the criteria they are looking for along with a realtor. I call her on Facetime so she can see the houses as well. It has worked quite well.

They put a bid on a house and it was accepted. They hope to move near the end of June, early July. So excited!!!

One thing I learned while looking at all the houses is that so many of them could use a few updates. As I was touring the homes, my mind floods with ideas on how I would update and decorate each of them.

It got me to thinking that my mind naturally does this and it is easy for me to see the potential in a dated interior. It is just the way my brain is wired. Many people can’t see past the old.

Thinking about updating decor also got me thinking of where I find inspiration and ideas that would work for me. Decorating books and magazines are one way. I like to read all of them. I don’t buy all of them, but check most of them out of my library.

I also like to go to the bookstore and take an afternoon to do nothing more than browse through every decorating and lifestyle book they have. I call these my Bookstore Days. If you have never done this, I highly recommend it.

Do you like to decorate and organize your home and enjoy reading the latest decorating books?

If so, I have 3 decorating books to giveaway to one lucky reader.

Right at Home decorating book by Bobby Berk

Right at Home by Bobby Berk

Right at Home – How Good Design Is Good for the Mind

This is one of my favorite decorating books that I have read in a long time. If you are not familiar with Bobby Berk, he is the “decorating guy” on the Netflix series Queer Eye. He also has his own design firm.

His advice and the way the book is organized is fresh and not the standard way of presenting decor and ideas.

I didn’t like some of the styles of the rooms in the book, but know to look past them so I could pick up ideas on things beyond personal style… like the furniture layout, lighting, and comfort and function of the room.

He will have you thinking like you never have before about how you go about decorating your home.

The Story of Your Home decorating book by Courtney Warren
The Story of Your Home by Courtney Warren

The Story of Your Home – A Room-by-Room Guide to Designing with Purpose and Personality.

I like the focus of this book… home is a place to make memories, build relationships, and find sanctuary, so it should tell your story. It is full of practical advice along with unique and inspiring photos.

Take the StyleSense Design Quiz to start determining the heart behind your home and the story you want to tell through it. Courtney will guide you through your house, one room at a time, providing tools to stretch you beyond mere aesthetics to the true essence of how you live and what you want your home to say-both to the people who live in it and those you invite in.

Organized Living book by Shira Gill
Organized Living by Shira Gill

Organized Living – Solutions and Inspiration for Your Home

If you struggle with clutter and organizing the contents of your home from your junk drawer in your kitchen to a full basement re-organization, the ideas and solutions in the book will help.

Throughout the book, along with all the tips & takeaways are stories interwoven with homeowners who share how they organize their homes. After reading this book, you will not only be motivated, but excited to get every room, cupboard and drawer organized in your home and keep it that way.

How to Enter Giveaway

To get a chance to win the 3 books, simply leave me a comment on this post.

Please note that after leaving the comment and hitting send, your comment may return a error saying comment didn’t go through or duplicate. The comment did go through. I don’t know why it started doing this, but I have my tech person trying to figure out a fix. It only seems to happen for some readers or a new reader who has never left a comment.

The giveaway will end at the end of Saturday May 4th. I will announce the winner in my Style Scouting post on Sunday.

What I am Working On

Yesterday I put the finishing touches on my master bath makeover. I can’t believe how light and bright the room is now. Once I get the photos taken, I will post all about what I did in a few days. Till then… :-)

More Decorating Books You May Like

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  1. I need the clutter, organizing book! I love to clean, purge and organize things in my home I just need to learn to let go of things! Happy house hunting.

  2. I love all your ideas and DIY’s. I know this is none of my business but what house did they choose? Are they all lake front? What are houses going for theses days? Could you tell me the price of all of the above? I get it if you don’t want to say what house your sister picked. BTW I’m a little jealous you’ll get to live by your sister. My little sister passed away last. year. so love on her and family as much as you can. We just never know when that last day will be. thanks for all the advice.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Cathy – She chose the house in the middle of the photo collage. It is newer and move in ready. The other two needed too much work. The homes are not on the lake. Lake homes start around $700,000 for a small one. Most around me that are for sale are over a million. The homes in the photo range from $480,000 – $599,000. I am so sorry to hear that your sister passed away last year. It must be so hard. XO. I agree that we have to live and love hard as we never know what the next day or even hour will bring.

  3. Sabrina K says:

    You always inspire me!! I had been wanting to paint my bathroom for months and once you started sharing about making yours over, I did it. I love your blog.

  4. Paula Ball says:

    I really your blog. Yours is only one I read consistently. Keep going strong.

  5. Carolyn Waller says:

    I’m excited, as I’m fairly certain you’ll have a hand in your sister’s house updates! Take lots of pics!

  6. Aren’t sisters the best! Thanks for the giveaway.

  7. Shellie M says:

    The skill of seeing hope and potential in homes (or people) is such a gift! The bookset looks wonderful!

  8. Amy Mooney says:

    I love your blog Diane and what exciting news to have your sister moving close by! If you help her with decorating, please share with your readers! Also can’t wait to see your master bath!:-)

  9. Chrystal Younger says:

    So happy for you, that you will have your sister close to you!

  10. Robin Wray says:

    I would love those books! Thank you for sharing your experiences through your blog!

  11. Paula Ruiz says:

    OMG: Where would I be without that bastion of bookstores, Barnes & Noble. If it weren’t for them I wouldn’t have my Bookstore Days. I love, love, love decorating books and tend to keep them though I have little storage room for books. Remember Charles Faudree?; I was so enthralled with his over the top (for today) decorating. How things have changed, and, yes, I love a lot of those changes too. And let’s remember before the computer and pinterest decorating books were all we had. Oh magazines would give you a little smear of someone’s kitchen but they couldn’t compete with a decorating book who page after page gave you so many ideas to do or at least dream.

    So bring it on and send this 80 year old women who is still interested in decorating one or all of those three books.
    Yours forever in decorating,

  12. Millie Gardner says:

    You are so lucky to have your sister and her husband moving near you and she is lucky to have you to be her real estate proxy! I know you will enjoy being close by again ;-). I’d love to win the books – thank you for the giveaway!

  13. How wonderful to have your sister living near you. Such a blessing💕

  14. Anne Kinsey says:

    Hi Diane,
    So wonderful to hear your sister will be moving close by! Great news! And how lucky she is to have you for ideas on decorating her new home as well as you knowing the places to find all the goodies!
    Been following you for years & love your clever reuse of items you already have in your home plus instructions of your DIY projects.
    My sister’s in CO, talk to her every day, but miss her so much.
    Best Wishes,

  15. So happy for you and your sister how awesome to live close by. I have a few sisters and absolutely love being able to be together through retirement! I love to read decorating books and decorating my home and talking with them about ideas for their homes. We’d love inspiration books. Thanks for your post always so informative!

  16. Like you, when I walk in a house, I just start running through how to “make it better”! I do it automatically, and it has taken me a while to understand that most other people do not do this! ha! I would love some new inspiration materials, and would very much enjoy the books.

  17. having your sister move is the best of both worlds: you dont have the stress of moving and you get the fun playing with the decorating and the organization! Not to mention having your sister close by – that’s exciting!

  18. Carol Heartfelt Whimsies says:

    Would love to win these!
    Congrats to both you and your sister!! How fun to live near each other in your retirement!

  19. Laura mach says:

    Have always liked your blog

  20. Mary Samp says:

    This is exciting news for you and your sister. We are currently relocating and downsizing to be near grandchildren. It is quite the adventure.

  21. Joy Galloni says:

    Wonderful your sister is relocating. I LOVE visiting my sister on Lake Wateree,SC (our home is in VA)
    With her encouragement, we have moved our RV to her land & enjoy lake life with them. So glad I have my sister! Joy

  22. Jackie Greene says:

    I would love to win one of the books. We are currently looking at retirement and where we would like to live. SC is one of our options!

  23. Beth Livingston says:

    That is such exciting news, that you and your sister will be closer together. Congratulations!

    (And I do hope I win…) :)

  24. What wonderful news hearing that your sister is moving closer to you! This is the start of a whole new chapter for you. The Story of Your Home by Courtney Warren sounds right up my alley.

  25. Debora Longenhagen says:

    That’s great that you weren’t able to help your sister find a house and make a successful offer. Where I am, there are few houses on the market and buyers must outbid the other offers.

    1. Debora Longenhagen says:

      Make that we’re able to! Intuitive text gets me so often. It was intuitive about the northeast real estate market!

  26. Sue Verbaan says:

    Hi Diane,
    I can’t believe it’s been over 10 years since I began following your
    Posts. I love your style and sense of color. I can’t quite manage the
    simplicity of your decor as I enjoy more eye candy🤪. You must be thrilled to have your sister moving to be closer to you. Many fun times ahead.
    Thanks for all your great ideas over the years.
    Sue Verbaan

  27. Jackie Holland says:

    Diane I would so enjoy your books. I have always receiving the magazines that have gorgeous ideas but they are expensive now. I would appreciate your consideration! Xoxo Jackie

  28. Joyce Nelson says:

    You have such creative ideas. I look forward to your blogs especially the ‘how to’s’. So easy to follow. Thank you

  29. Michelle Ciechna says:

    I have always loved reading decor books and always look forward to your posts! Would love to peruse the books you recommend.

  30. Diana McDaniel says:

    Diane, I have enjoyed your blog for a long time and I think this is the first time I have commented. I can’t wait for your master bath reveal because I loved your guest bath design. You are so talented!

  31. Terry J COOPER says:

    I would love to win one of these books! I am currently doing a bunch of remodeling.

  32. These books sound lovely. Thank you for the giveaway!

  33. Christy K says:

    I would love to have any of these books. My brain works the same way by seeing potential in houses. While I hate that my sister is going to be moving further away soon, it’s also fun to think about helping her with (another!) house.

  34. Anne Floy says:

    How wonderful for both of you. I so enjoy the 2 months that my sister and I spend living in the same condo complex in Florida each winter. Two activities that we enjoy are home and garden tours and thrifting. You two will have fun pulling togather her new home. I look forward to seeing updates.

  35. Thank you for the opportunity, all three books look great!

  36. Patty Reed Pederson says:

    What a nice thing to do!

  37. How wonderful to have you sister moving close by! Family is everything.

    1. I would love to have one of these books!!! I am looking forward to your bathroom photos — and so excited that you will have your sister close by!

  38. It would be a dream come true to have my out of state sister move to my town, I’m so happy for you! Can’t wait to see the bathroom reveal!

  39. How lovely, Diane, that your twin sister & her family are moving closer & that you helped them find their new home. I am sure your inspiration will be invaluable when your sister is “making it theirs”.
    Like you, I truly enjoy paging through home decor books. Sometimes I even get inspired by a color/pattern/piece/arrangement in photos that depict decor styles I’m not usually drawn to–something I can make my own. And our local library offers both past & current decor books to relish.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts & insights in a very genuine & relatable way. Cheers!

  40. I always enjoy your posts with your perpectives, insights, and helpful information!

  41. I can’t wait to see your bathroom makeover!

    So happy for you and your sister!

  42. Nancy Flaherty says:

    What a wonderful gift that your sister is moving your way!

  43. How exciting for you, that your sister is coming to live near you! I bet you both are happy about that. Wanted to mention…..I send you a question via email regarding the difference between a kcal and a calorie. I wanted to also know how many kcal you are allowed per day on a plant based diet plan. Can’t find the information anywhere I’ve looked. Thanks so much.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Nancy – How many calories you eat is totally up to you. The way I do is to eat almost everything on the left side of a calorie density chart. When you do this, you really don’t have to count calories. When I first started eating plant based I still followed the blue plan on Weight Watchers. In this plan you get 23 points a day. When you eat plants only and foods on the left side of the calorie density chart you will have a hard time reaching 23. If you are not familiar with a calorie density chart, you can read more about it here:

  44. Anonymous says:

    Always appreciate you insight and advice regarding decorating. Recommend you to many friends!

  45. Julie Shepherd says:

    These books look great! Love all the ideas and projects you share.

  46. I love so many of the simple ideas you share Diane. I’m intrigued by the books you’ve shared.

  47. So happy for you to have your sister nearby! Thank you for the chance to win the books. They all look interesting.

  48. Mary Faircloth says:

    How wonderful to have your sister nearby!

  49. What fun you will have with your sister living so close.
    I have gotten so many ideas from your posts. You truly have a gift!

  50. It will be wonderful for you to have your sister near again. Can’t wait to see the new bathroom!

  51. Oh, how lucky you are to have your sister moving close to you! I am forever looking for the perfect house for one of my (5) sisters to move into!
    We moved to a new to us home 6 months ago and I find myself going to your blog several times a week to check out your ideas or how you did something. My ideas are just furiously thrashing around in my head and even wake me at night sometimes, but I like to really think them through before I make a final decision. I have numerous paint projects that I accomplished with your help and advice—thank you!

  52. I zeroed in on your comment about how your brain immediately goes to how you would make a space different and I’m EXACTLY the same! I’ve even given it a name – ODD, Obsessive Design Disorder. I’m happy to know I’m ‘normal’. ☺️

    Looking forward to seeing your primary bath makeover and if it’s half as good as your guest bath, it’ll be spectacular.

  53. Hello Diane, Thank you so much for sharing so many inspiring and innovative decorating ideas. I’ve always enjoyed decorating and I have successfully redone and redecorated several homes. My husband and I have been building a new home. I’ve realized during this process that I am so much more inspired by a home that needs my ideas to make it better. I’ve found that I’m overwhelmed with the decisions that are necessary for a new home that is a blank canvas. It feels too important. It feels too final. For some reason I’m afraid of making mistakes. Any ideas for me?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sharon – The best way I think to make sure you are making the right choices is to get a big bulletin board and start putting photos or actual samples up on it. Keep looking and adding and taking away until you like what you see. And know that choosing everything for a new home that is a blank slate can be overwhelming. Know that you may not get every little detail right. Focus on the big stuff that cant be changed as easily. :-)

  54. Mary Kaiser says:

    How fun that your sister is moving closer to you! That will be fun for both of you! Thanks for having the contest to give me a chance to win one of the books. That is awesome!

  55. Anne Haun says:

    How fun – would love to have my sister live close to me. These look like great books – they would love to come live with me! Happy Mother’s Day!

  56. I love browsing through design and decorating books. I have enjoyed Myquillen Smith recently…she’s I believe. Love all your ideas and diys! Thank you!

  57. How exciting to have your sister move so close to you! You are so kind and generous to look for a home for her and she must truly trust your judgement. Yes, there are always ways to improve and make a house a home. I’d love to win these books, especially the last one on organizing!

  58. I only wish you could redecorate my home. I love all the lovely changes you’ve made to yours. Thanks for the opportunity to win these fabulous books.

  59. I’d love to win these books- it would help me recover from upcoming surgery! Thank you for the giveaway.

  60. Vicki Ozoroski says:

    I’d love these! I also like to go to the bookstore and browse especially on hot humid days! Excited for you and your sister! I’m hoping to move closer to mine in a couple of years.

  61. Decorating books? I’m in for that!

  62. Donna Clement says:

    Thank you for continuing to inspire me😊🏠💜I love to learn from the ideas and suggestions given in decorating books.

  63. I am eager to see which house your sister chose. You two must be very close in heart—and soon in location as well! 🥰

  64. I would love to win these books! Have always loved your blog.

  65. Carolyn Cohen says:

    Happy for you and your sister! I am the last of my 3 siblings and i miss them so much. Enjoy your closeness!

    Thanks for the freebies.

  66. Kathie Phillips says:

    Love you Sunday style Scouting posts.

  67. Mary Brewer says:

    All three books have a message! We are retired and definitely need ideas to refresh our home.

    I love everything you do.
    Thank you.

  68. Jaye Ryckman says:

    Hi Diane, I really have enjoyed your blog posts over the years and decorating ideas. I have never read any decorating books and now what a better time to win a book and see what they are all about. Very happy to hear your sister and her family are moving close to you.

  69. Debbi Heimaster says:

    Hi Diane,
    Would love to receive the 3 books. I have been following you here and on Facebook for years. I enjoy your design ideas !
    All the Best,

  70. Connie McGhee says:

    I also love immersing myself in decorating books and magazines. However, the costs of these has skyrocketed and a bookstore visit is outside my comfort zone. For these reasons I would love to be considered for this generous giveaway.

  71. Bev Loughnane says:

    I love your blog!
    I am in desperate need of some organizational help and the 3rd book looks like it can deliver.

  72. Lu Leader says:

    I’m so happy that your sis will live nearby! Lucky you! I’m going to start Bookstore Day— thanks for the idea!

  73. Was hoping you were giving away a house! Love your info.

  74. I’d like to enter your giveaway. My husband and I downsized last year and are in need of good ideas and advice for decorating our home. Enjoy your blog very much.

    1. E. Lessley says:

      Congratulations! Not just on your sister joining you but on finding her a wonderful home. That must be so completely satisfying.

      I would love a chance to win one of your decorating books. Please do include me. Thanks so much and again, congratulations.

  75. Ooooh, how exciting that your twin and her hubby will be moving close by. Thanks for the decorating book titles. Even if I DON’T win I can still read them.

  76. Thank you for the giveaway! We’re empty nesters now and still struggling with how to reorganize our home.

  77. Diane, this is such a fun giveaway. All three of those books sound great. And how wonderful for you and your sister to be much closer where you live!

  78. Anonymous says:

    You must be so excited to have your sister move near you! Enjoy

  79. I love looking at decorating books and magazines too! I have been collecting them for awhile but don’t have these three. They look very interesting! I am currently remodeling my sunroom, but I am always looking for small decorating ideas to update areas in my home. Love your ideas, Diane!

  80. I love books so much, but an afternoon of ‘Bookstore Days’ would end up putting my back out of commission for a day or two! So now, I do my browsing online at great blogs and websites!

    Great giveaway – good luck to all!

  81. Linda Forster says:

    Hi Diane. Would love to receive any of these books. I live in Macungie and have been following you for quite some time. You are the one that inspired us to redo our stairs! How exciting to have your sister close by. Best wishes,Linda

  82. I would love to win these books. Thank you for the giveaway.

  83. Auntie Kaye says:

    Hi Diane, I’ve been following your blog for I can’t remember for sure how many years. I learn something every time – proof old pooches can learn new tricks! I am also retiring soon, we will be downsizing to a retirement home – when we find one. I have been looking at listing and after listing, and I have noticed what you described in the areas of renovating and upgrading. So generous of you to offer this opportunity, and I am glad your sister will soon be near you!

  84. Linda Flatley says:

    I love decorating books as well as your ideas and projects!

  85. I’m not sure when you sleep, Diane! You are either busy designing, busy shopping, busy helping others, busy writing your blog, or busy enjoying your family! What a great way to spend this chapter of life.

  86. As a mother of triplets, I am so happy that you’ll have your sister nearby… My kids are on the phone the minute they wake up! ;) You must be so excited!

  87. Kay Rickels says:

    I look forward to seeing your bathroom update. I know you are looking forward to having your sister close!

  88. Donna Hughes says:

    Diane, thanks for always bringing fresh, practical and affordable ways to refresh a home. After moving parents multiple times and inheriting way too much stuff from those moves, I am not even sure what my style is! I am definitely looking forward to decluttering and refreshing!

  89. Laurie Wood says:

    How fun it must be for you to shop for your twin’s new home! I’m sure you have awesome ideas on how she could update things! Happy house hunting…

  90. Thank you for your generous thought. Books, sisters and house browsing, three of my favorite things!

  91. I don’t actually need any books (although I do really love Bobby). I just wanted to say how wonderful that your sister is moving closer to you! This getting older is no joke- so having people close by is so much easier.

    Hope you all have a wonderful summer!

  92. Catherine says:

    So very generous of you to do this giveaway. I’ve been following you for several years and learned so much in the “do it yourself “ categories. Thank you for the great ideas.

  93. Kind of exciting. We are planning to relocate soon and look forward to all you share Diane

    1. Would love a Chance to win your giveaway 😍

  94. My home is my haven. I’ve lived here for 41 years. I can hardly believe that we had 5 kids 17 and under when we moved in and now I live by myself. There has been a lot of transformation along the way!

  95. Isn’t house hunting fun when it’s not for you? I love that feeling of endless potential. Thank you for the book giveaway

  96. Cathy Ray says:

    I love all three! I defiantly need inspirations on organizing! The gift would really help me in all areas of our home.

  97. I would love to be the winner of one of these books. I enjoy your blog so much! Thanks!

  98. Michele M. / Finch Rest says:

    Hi D – oh my GOSH!!!!! Silly sensitive me actually teared up knowing you and your twin sister will finally be close together again. Congrats to her on her huge achievement of retirement. Coming down there to retire is a brilliant move and I couldn’t be happier for you both!!!

    You and I are the same age and I think we’d be good “real life” friends because I LOVE to do the same things. I love to go have a book day at the book stores – always a tea or coffee at my table with three huge stacks of decorator and entertainment books and many magazines. LOVE doing this on a rainy day. It’d be so much more fun doing it with a friend!!!

    As for the giveaway – yes, please count me in! I too agree with Bobby Berk – love that guy – so sweet – love the show – love his philosophies but not always his ultra modern designs. But would be great to read what he says. The other two I haven’t seen but lordy lordy I could use help with inspiration to get my basement organized! So thank you for this generous and kind giveaway opportunity! HAPPY MAY DAY to you! Hope you enjoy every moment of your month. Do keep us posted on the possible move with your sister. ♥♥

  99. Happy Spring Diane, I continue to enjoy reading your blog which is full of wonderful ideas. We just had our windows replaced – what an incredible difference but big project too. Look forward to your next post. Take care, Linnea

  100. How exciting to have your twin closer to you and so fun to house hunt!
    I love reading decorating magazines and books…I used to subscribe to so many and miss getting excited to see what was in the new issue!

  101. Linda M Sharp says:

    Good afternoon! I would love to be the recipient of one of the books in your give away!



  102. Michelle Turkington says:

    I love your style and all of your DIY projects!
    Exciting news to have family close by.

  103. Jeane Gallo says:

    I know you had fun looking at all those houses. And looking forward to your sister moving to SC. The summer heat is rough at first, but you do learn how to live with it.

  104. Susan Honeycutt says:

    I hope I WIN!! I too love to peruse decorating books. You’re so lucky your sister/husband will be living near you🩷💚

  105. Donna Marie says:

    I would love to win the books because I moved into my house 2 years ago and I now need some tips to finish my decorating!!! Make it more homey!!!

  106. How wonderful to have your sister come live near you!! Sometimes I feel very alone here because what’s left of my family is in Germany.
    I call my home my nest and a home should be for you and by you. Who cares what’s in. It has to make you feel good. And your blog is very helpful for that, not overdone and affordable!!

  107. Sandra Smith says:

    I like the idea that good design (of my home) is good for the mind. When your personal time environment is uncluttered, efficient and beautiful…this must translate to more happiness and contentedness. With this thought I will peruse my kitchen and put it to the “good design” test.

    Thanks for offering this concept and the giveaway! Sandra

  108. Janis Hill says:

    How exciting! I’m happy your sister is moving close. I can imagine all the fun you two are going to have.

    I have a confession. I save your Sunday post to read as little decorating bites to be savored during the week.

    Thank you for the possibility of winning one of these great decorating books.

  109. House hunting can be so nerve wracking. It is sometimes difficult to see how to change simple things like paint color and/or furniture choices and arrangement that can make the house your own.

  110. How wonderful your twin is moving close to you. Yall will have so much FUN together. I took a double take at the cover of Right at Home by Bobby Berk because it looks like he has hung a skateboard on the wall. I have the vintage skateboard my Daddy made me as a child in the 50s. Guess what? The wheels are actually from a pair of my skates. You may know the ones that you used a metal key to adjust the size. Now I will see where I can hang it. :) I too love looking at decorator magazines and books.

  111. How generous of you–I’d love those books.
    I’m happy for both you and your sister. I wish I lived closer to my two sisters! Thanks, Diane.

  112. Glad to hear your sister is moving closer, that’ll be nice!
    Would love to win the books too :)

  113. Elaine Beale says:

    Thank you Diane for the inspiration and encouragement you always provide! Your positive energy shines though out your writing. I look forward to seeing what you are up to and find usable tips in every project you do!

  114. Super excited that you get your sister closer!!! 💜
    So much fun to go house hunting too!
    I look forward to your updated bathroom post soon….I’m sure it will give me some ideas :)

  115. That is great news about your sister and her husband moving nearby. What a blessing to be able to help them find a place too! I’m sure that she is grateful for all that you’ve done so far and I’m sure the fun has just begun. I love your style and vision. I look forward to all of your posts. I don’t comment often but always send well wishes your way. You pulled me out of my shell with the book give-a-way. We recently moved to a place that needs alot of help. Thank you for a chance to read some of the books that inspire you and thank you for continuing to inspire us!

  116. How exciting to have your sister near and what a fun experience for you to be able to house hunt without the major decision making! I’m also sure you’ll be eager with decorating suggestions as well :)

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  117. Love to win these books!!!!

  118. Hi, Diane! I’m so happy your twin and her husband are moving to the South and that they will be close to you! What fun you are going to have! I always look forward to your newsletters in my email! I’ve found so many good ideas!
    I also enjoy looking at your WalMart & Amazon finds and have purchased some of the items you’ve shared.

  119. I’m just wondering if the contest is open to Canadian residents as I would love to win any one of these.

  120. I’m very happy for you and your sister! I like the way you can see past the old and create the new, something that’s evident in your blog and is inspirational for those of us who don’t have that ability. I’ve been doing a bit of house hunting lately just to see what’s available. We never planned to move again, but our move to the Pacific Northwest 5 years ago has brought on crippling arthritis for me. I love my house, I love the area, I love the fresh air and rain, but my body hates the climate. Two months of relief in the summer just isn’t enough, so I’m looking.

  121. Deb Wostmann says:

    So happy for you that your sister and her family will be living close to you. Having family nearby is special. Congrats.

  122. Sheri Moyer says:

    It’s so wonderful to have family nearby to share good times at gatherings. I also moved from Michigan to Florida to be near family. I just bought a smaller home and have been using some of your projects to give it a Welcome and Warm feeling, I am far from done, now retired I have more time to finish. Thank you for sharing your projects and home.

  123. Such happy news about your sister moving nearby!! Thank you for this giveaway. Your Style Scouting posts are one of my favorite Sunday morning reads!

  124. I’m h how exciting for you and Ed. Will they be moving to your side of the lake? Put me in for the drawing I can always use the help, I’m just so t have the eye for decorating.🫠

  125. Love real estate shopping for someone else! We are so happy to be in the Low Country now.

  126. This is so exciting! How close will your sister be? I have twin daughters, and twin grandchildren, so I love twin stories ❤️. And I love looking at houses and DIY, so you’re living my dream🤩

  127. Love your blog and your design sense. Thank you!

  128. Nadine Ertel says:

    I really enjoy all your ideas. I would love to win the books!

  129. Ellen Brandt says:

    So excited to have a bookstore afternoon and browse through some of these books. What a great idea!! Your decorating ideas are so fun! You should write a book too!!

  130. Melissa Davis says:

    Thanks for the inspiration . I am trying to redesign my house on a budget .

  131. Karen McClurg says:

    Hi Diane, These books look like a fun time!
    Thanks for thinking of us.

  132. I always enjoy reading your blog – you’re so practical, and you’ve shown us that you don’t have to spend a fortune to create a beautiful home. How fun that your sister will be moving closer to you! I wish mine was closer – I’m in PA and she’s in GA, but we stay close through calls, texts and visits. The decorating books look awesome – I would love to win them!

  133. I need all the help I can get. I would love these books! Fingers crossed!

  134. Sherry J Darlington says:

    So happy for you that your twin sister is moving close to you. You’ll have a whole new house to work on & with your best friend! Can’t wait for the master bath pictures. Love me some decorating books too!

  135. Mary Norquist says:

    Hi Diane, I love your posts and look forward to seeing them. There’s always an idea or an inspiration that I relate to. Thank you for the opportunity to enter the drawing for these three great books. I, too, love to browse the decor books at my bookstore!

    Best regards, Mary

  136. Diane, I have truly enjoyed reading your blog for many years. One of my highlights of Sunday morning is to read Style Scouting.

  137. Such beautiful homes near you! All the stonework and rooflines. Decorating books? Yes please! I have never even won a pack of gum but count me in. Can’t wait to see the redone bath. Great to hear your sister will be moving closer, too.

  138. Wow . . . . what a fun giveaway. I love my house and where I live but it’s feeling like it needs a refresh. Like you I love looking at home decorating sites and also purusing design books. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed so maybe one of your recommended books might help. Or, come to Kauai, sit on my deck with a mai tai and we can discuss design issues. What fun. Thanks for all your input. You are an inspiration and am looking forward to your next big reveal. Aloha.

  139. I really enjoy your blog, you’re so down to earth and practical. We’ll be moving to a “new” house in Florida in the fall and I could really use some help in making it a home.

  140. Sue Loiland says:

    I love your blog and sure hope i won one of these books!

  141. Would love to receive the books. Your blog is always an inspiration!

  142. “Sisters, sisters…” Yes, that old movie tune popped into my mind when you shared that your sister is moving to Lake Murray. What a wonderful time for both of you!

    Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway for the decorating books. Your recommendation means they will be great resources.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Zizi – The sisters tune sung by Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen in the 1954 movie “White Christmas is something my sisters and daughters love also. My daughters even sung it with props at my older daughters wedding. :-)

  143. Would love to win one of the decorating books.

  144. Dianne Whitehead says:

    I would love to win the books!

    Oh, I do so like the fireplace mantel decorating idea . . . I’m going to make one. I live in New Mexico and we don’t have many clippings from bushes (most people zeroscape), but I bet nice artificial plants would look great, too. I think the idea of changing the plantings for the seasons is wonderful. Think of what you could do with autumn leaves, then holly, etc.

  145. Bonnie Holloway says:

    Happy that you and your twin will be living close – life is good, eh? I’ve decided that “Book Store” day is a brilliant idea. I’m going to add a few to my life.
    Thank you!

  146. Carol Shelleman says:

    My home is an eclectic mix of old items, personal items, bold art, and neutral-ish furniture. We are almost finished with the primary suite renovation, the last of our big projects. Looking forward to adding decorative finishing touches to tie everything together. Thanks for this opportunity to find inspiration.

  147. Marilyn Holeman says:

    Hi Diane, How fun that your sister is moving close by! Those houses are gorgeous.
    The books look fun. If I don’t win, I plan to look for them in the library. Thanks for the giveaway!

  148. I love your posts, Diane. You remind me of myself when I was much younger. I don’t have as much energy as I used to, but I can still get excited about a home decor project. Keep up the good work!

  149. House hunting is so much fun! Fingers crossed I win a book:)

  150. Julie Buchtenkirch says:

    Hi Diane,

    Excited about the giveaway!! I too love the library and used to check out tons of decorating magazines….like 20 at a time. :) Also thanks for having your contest entry be simple (not having to go to a thousand places on social media to like and follow for extra entries, which I’m already following you but I’m rambling I just love the simple enter once approach. God bless you sweet talented sister.

  151. How nice to have your sister close by!! Love your blog!

  152. Carol Rodhouse says:

    Congratulations! Such happy news for both you and your sisters as well as your families!!!

  153. Would love to be considered for your generous “give away”. I too am always looking for inspiration and these books look gorgeous. I love your style. You inspire as well.

  154. These books looks so interesting!

    1. Julie Childs says:

      Just in the process of clearing up my Kitchen worktops and drawers and have found a great sharp knife drawer organiser which takes up little room from Joseph Joseph. I can finally get rid of my wooden knife Blocks wow.. how much space this has freed up is totally amazing. Also your idea of using wooden lazy Susan’s is Brilliant..Thank You Diane for all your ideas ..Love, Love your emails dropping into my inbox..And you enjoy looking forward to having your sister near..Great to have things to Smile about .

  155. Jodi Borsa says:

    Wow! Thanks for the chance to win the decorating books!

  156. Lisa Smith says:

    I’d love to enter your giveaway drawing. How exciting for you and your sister that they are planning to live near you. You’ll likely get to help her with your ideas for updating and making her new house “her own style”!

  157. Donna Hilgenbrink says:

    Thank you! Such a nice idea to share the books. I am stuck with looking at the old so some inspiration will be appreciated.
    Thank you also for the fun ideas with every post. You have created a great community.

  158. Susan Nordstrom says:

    Love the idea of a Bookstore Day. Because they seem to be few and far between these days, I’m thinking of making a Library Day instead.

  159. Would love to win these books! Thanks for the chance.

  160. Just moved closer to my son, how great you will have your sister nearby. Love your posts.

  161. Twins…so glad you were able to find a home for her. I can’t wait to see what part of the Lake she is on😊. Thanks for always being down to earth, practical and encouraging to try new things. I would love a new coffee table book from you. Cheers

  162. I’m house hunting myself right now, also in SC in the town where my sister-in-law lives, and she’s helping me with finding the right home and neighborhood. I know you’ll enjoy more time with your sister!

  163. So happy your sister will be closer. One of the issues with relocating in retirement is moving away from friends and loved ones. I am like you in that I can’t go into a house without thinking about how’d I’d either update or remodel. When we stay at airbnb’s my husband just rolls his eyes when I start. But I can’t help it and I love the imagining.

  164. Diane…
    How exciting to have your sister move close by. Think of all the “mischief ”
    You two can get into! LOL!!
    I really enjoy your blog, and look forward to every Sunday post.

  165. Carol Gregg says:

    How fun to look at houses and to have your sister moving close to you! I love all the ideas you have for doing things to ours homes. Thank you for doing the books giveaway!

  166. How wonderful to have your sister moving so close to you, and what fun touring all the possibilities! They are all cute, but I love the curb appeal of the third home. Hope to see which one they chose in future posts.

    Thank you for the opportunity to win these decorating books!

  167. How nice your sister will be close to you. I would give anything to have one of mine live near me. You are a lucky girl!

  168. These books all sound great. I can’t imagine house hunting by facetime! Your ideas for updating as you went through the homes must have also been helpful. It will be very nice to have your sis nearby! And it will likely be fun to help them settle in.

  169. So very happy for you that your sister is moving close-what fun you will have together!! Thanks for the chance to win the decorating books.

  170. Joy Nystrand says:

    I would love to receive one of the 3 books you are giving away!!

  171. leesa brinkley says:

    thank you Diane! inspirational, as always!

  172. I am so excited your sister and her husband will be moving near you. What a blessing! Yall will enjoy that so much.

    Thanks for the giveaway. I often use my library for great books, but sometimes they are older and not so current. :)

  173. So happy for you that your sister will be living close by soon! Thanks for having this giveaway!!

  174. Claudia Cann says:

    Diane, you are amazing. I have been following you for quite ahile.
    Thanks for sharing your creative mind with us.

  175. John Condon says:

    Dedicating book giveaway
    John Condon