DIY Decorative Edge Paper Punch Table Placemats

How to make pretty DIY Doily Placemats or Crafts Using a Circle Craft Paper Punch.

How to make a circle edged doily table placemat tutorial

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Circle Punch Doily Makers

To make the place mats I used a Martha Stewart Crafts Circle Edge Punch.

Overview of What the Decorative Edge Punch Can Do


I was sent the starter circle punch kit that comes with the classic doily edge punch.


It has 3 parts that are magnetically connected.  At first, I was confused at how it worked, but you know that saying – “When in doubt, read instructions”.

Once I did – I went from confused to thinking, “This is way cool –Wow! and so easy” 

Making doily placemats with brown paper

I like my Thanksgiving table to have brown accents – I think it makes the table warm and cozy with rustic simple touches from nature.  I used Kraft paper while making doily placemats, but you could also use brown paper grocery bags.


Once I made one doily, I was pretty excited and wanted to test it out using different types of paper. Scrapbook, wall, and Kraft paper work beautifully.


While playing with the decorative papers, I found that one set of glass dinner plates can take on a whole new personality for every holiday or dinner party simply by using a different pattern of paper as the placemat. Use one or layer two different size placemats as I did here for added interest.


For this Christmas place setting, I typed in my guests’ initials in monogram form on my computer and printed and cut them out. When placed on top of the circle punched scrapbook paper placemat- it acts as an elegant plate place card when the glass plate is set on top.

You can find glass plates at the dollar store.

It could not be easier to make these decorative edge round placemats. The best part – you don’t have to pre-cut the paper into a circle. The cutter does it for you. It also:

  • Punches a continuous, die-cut border in 7 different sizes for paper up to 12 inches
  • Trims the paper while punching

How to Make a Brown Kraft Paper Doily Placemat

Martha Stewart Circle Edge Punch tutorial

Remove the punch and knob from the base.  Set your size by adjusting the front and side sliders to the same number. I set them to 12.  I cut my paper into a 12-inch square.  Your paper does not have to be the exact size – just large enough to cover the metal punch plate as it turns a full circle.


1. Center your paper over the magnetic knob plate and set knob on top of paper – it has a magnet that will connect and hold your paper in place.  Turn the knob and the paper will move one space.

2. Press down on the punch, then remove it to reveal the punched design.

3. The puncher section also has a magnet that aligns the punch perfectly every time.  Make a punch, lift punch, turn knob one click, then place punch back on and punch again.

4. Repeat until you have the entire beautifully edged circle cut out. Takes less than 3 minutes.


It may have taken several years, but I could not be happier now that I finally have brown Kraft paper doily place mats for my Thanksgiving table.

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  1. Diane: your table settings are beautiful and creative!! Happy Thanksgiving Diane!

  2. Patricia Kiehne says:

    I purchased this hoe puncher by Martha Stewart. This year I pulled it out to use and it locks up and doesn’t completely punch hole . Leaves tabs on back. Are you having this problem. No local retailer sells it anymore and I can’t find a way t return to Martha Stewart. Heard they were having issue with it.

    Do you have another product you recommend.
    Patricia Kiehne

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Patricia –

      I still have my hole puncher and got it out to test it since I haven’t used it in a while. I tried it on card stock and regular weight printer paper. It worked perfectly on the card stock, but not the printer paper. Tabs stayed on the back on the printer paper.

      The only thing I can suggest is maybe try it on different weight paper and make sure when you press you put one palm over the punch and then place your other palm on top of it to make sure as you punch you keep the punch even.

      I don’t know of any other punches like this to suggest to you. It sounds like you have already searched on Google to find more info. This is the only place I think you would be able to find out anything about it or go back to the store you bought it at and see what they say. Sorry that I don’t have a fix for you.

  3. You probably covered this before but I’m wondering how you did the monograms on the circles on the plates. Fabulous.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Linda –

      To make the monogram plates, I typed in my guests’ initials in monogram form on my computer and printed. When placed on top of the circle punched scrapbook paper placemat- it acts as an elegant plate place card when the glass plate is set on top.

      You can find glass plates at the dollar store. You can find out how to make a monogram on your computer in this post:

  4. I picked up the circle punch from HSN when it was the TSV and it arrived Thursday. I LOVE IT! So many things to do with it. Your ideas are great. I just picked up burlap and made a runner and placemats last week. The circle punch made great chargers and matching coasters.

    I only have 4 different cartridges since that was all HSN was selling at the time, but they do so much I’ll be busy for a while. I may never buy a paper doily again.

    Thanks for all the great ideas.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      HI Shana – Did you see the flowers that they made with the punch? I will be making them for sure. They didn’t show how – at least in the segment I watched, but I will figure it out. :) I am looking forward to getting a few more cartridges – the leaf one – I love, but it doesn’t look like it will be available to purchase for awhile.

      1. Hi Diane -I saw two flowers. Those are going to be a hit. One is in the video saved online at HSN about the 16 minute point. That one is tissue paper. I tried it with just multiple sheets of red tissue paper in the same size cut into the circles, then folded in half then half again. Then wrapped the bunched triangles with green floral tape and attached them to a green floral stick. Then fluffed out the tissue paper. Reminds me of the old coffee filter wreath method. I think in Peony colors they would be really pretty.

        The set also came with a punch called flower arches. It is very pretty. There aren’t any instructions with that one, but they do display it in that same video.

        I liked the leaf – June seems so far away! I feel like a kid with new crayons.

    2. Does anyone know where I can purchase the setup I can’t find it in any major craft store if they don’t sell them anymore is there a another brand that I can purchase thank you

  5. Sheryll & Critters. says:


    You give the best advice and ideas! I watched Martha on HSN and she gave me the idea to make a straight punch…… oh how many things you can do with this circle punch. I am now dreaming of a stencil for the top of my bedroom wall…….. instead of (at least for now) expensive crown molding…… yes I do want it all. (Sigh).

  6. Hi, Diane

    The table looks great. I am looking the edge puncher.


  7. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    Oh, I must go find some brown paper bags now.. wait Sheryll, you don’t have the punch. lol I don’t usually go much for brown, but I love them now. I just turned on HSN and don’t see Martha yet…. going to the HSN site now. I just heard her name on TV, so I will definitely be watching. LOVE Martha and everything she does.

    And Diane, did you see the gorgeous silver, gold & red chargers at the Dollar Tree? I bet they will be gone when I go back to get them.

    I was trying to plan my simple menu for Thanksgiving (will be alone, but still like to eat). I decided just simple everything, like julienned carrots & also Brussels Sprouts sauteed in butter. Potatoes and either a small ham or pork tenderloin. I don’t like poultry so much, but if they have them, maybe a tiny hen I can put in the rotisserie.

    Okay, I just watched it, wow, wish I had one. This one today is a reduced price for today only for $49.95 + $5.95 S&H. Wow, you got a good deal to advertise it. I love it, it looks so foolproof too.


  8. Linda Southworth says:

    Your placemats are a winner Diane! I want to try my hand at these as well so I guess I need to see what Martha has to offer in Circle Punches. I am happy you found what you needed to complete the look and yes, the possibilities are endless. I can see after Christmas the cute valentine setting or shamrocks with the clear plates especially. I know the $Tree always carries clear plates. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Linda – It is nice to have my table ready to go now for Thanksgiving. Thanks for mentioning where you can find glass plates – they do always have them at the dollar Store. I will add it to the post. :)