A Note to You and From You

Does time seem to fly by for you? Did you not reach a goal you had set? If so, I have an motivating idea for you that may help you make the most of your time and reach your goals within a timeframe you set.

Time seems to be moving quickly, I don’t want to say to myself, “Wow, I missed the opportunity to do 1… 2… 3.”

Free printable note card of a colorful quilt block design of grandmother's garden

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So instead of being glued to social media, and binging on Netflix all day, yesterday, I wrote myself a note to hold myself accountable for what I can accomplish over the next few months.

Everything on my list are things I have been wanting to do, but kept putting on the back-burner. I now have the gift of time and am not going to let it slip by.

My Gift of Time List:

  • Draw more. I started this already – proof below. :-)
  • Walk or ride my bike every day for an hour.
  • Continue to lose weight and eat healthier foods.
  • Clean the files on my computer so it keeps humming along without any problems.
  • Clean out my studioffice.
  • Create as many posts as possible so I can keep to a regular posting schedule on my blog.
  • Watch my favorite old movies.
  • Make a few of the recipes I have downloaded from the internet to try for dinner.

You get the idea. If you want to hold yourself accountable, write a note to yourself listing the things you would like to accomplish.

Don’t forget to put a goal reaching date on the note. Once that day arrives, think how nice it will feel that you got what you wanted to accomplish done?

Free printable note card of a colorful quilt block design of grandmother's garden.

You can write your list on a note card and seal it. After life gets back to normal, open it up to see if you accomplished what you intended.

Take Your List a Step Further

Send your list to a best buddy and have them do the same with you. This way you are working as a team, but on your own lists.

  • If you don’t have any note cards, I made one for myself. I like to draw and never made the time for it before. It was the number one item on my “gift of time list”.
how to cut a free printable note card using a desk top Fiskars paper cutter.

I drew an old-fashioned quilt pattern called Grandma’s Garden and made it into a free printable folded note card that you can download and print.

I thought it an appropriate design as it has many colors and patterns that all work together to create a happy patchwork design. Just like we are, each and every one of us, unique in our own way.

Download the free printable Grandma’s Garden note card:

a pack of multi-colored a2 size envelopes

If you need some colorful envelopes, you can find them here: Colorful A2 Size Envelopes

Do you have any plans going forward If so, what is going to be on your Gift of Time list?

Free printable note card of a colorful quilt block design of grandmother's garden.

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  1. Usvintagewood says:

    Wow, I am really a fan of your concepts and very thoughtful ideas! In this uncertain time amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, most of us has been disconnected with our loved-ones that are far from us. This would make a great concept of mailing our written letters to and for them. This won’t be much compared to personal bondings and interactions but it’s the thought that really counts!

  2. Love the Grandma’s Garden card. I printed and already delivered to our neighbor who is a quilter with a special message inside. “In the Quilt of Life, FRIENDS are the STITCHES that hold it TOGETHER!” I also ordered stamps online with the American flag design to show support for unity of our country during this challenging time. I have my Gift of Time list on my chalkboard on our door. Great post!

  3. Send cards/notes to family members far away. Stay safe everyone!

  4. I have made a list of the MANY things I have wanted to do but just never seemed to have enough time. I write mine down in a note book, but I think I’ll use your idea and make note cards too. I agree we should use our time wisely and also for the sake of our health and that of others, STAY HOME. I’ve had several dr. appointments lately which were unavoidable and was taken aback to see all the cars in Walmart parking lot and in Kroger’s also.
    Recently my daughter sent me a e-mail where hospitals are running low on facemasks and are asking for volunteers t
    o sew some for their use. I downloaded a pattern and went through a stash of material , so today I’m going to try this. If any of your readers sew, I hope they will consider helping out by sewing some of these up. take care and stay healthy.

  5. Love the gratitude journal!

    And I wish you could hug that granddaughter, but I would feel the same as you about totally missing that birthday. My last gran (&11) is due in a few weeks, and I am praying I will get to go down and spend some time with that family.

  6. Catpainter says:

    Thanks, Diane, for the timely reminder to MAKE A LIST. I usually drift from one project to another and they all are interrupted frequently when I see something else that has to be done. : (

    And as an artist, I support you in drawing more – there is so much to be said for creating art as well as for re-purposing and repairing and renovation, which is creative, too. YouTube has so many Tutorials for your readers who might have always wanted to paint or draw. Now is a good time!

    BTW, we are under “Shelter in Place” mandate which only allows for trips for groceries, pet food, drugstore, gas so I am unable to support many of the local stores in our small town which are closed due to the virus.
    As a result, I have found that you can buy good quality art supplies, obscure screws and hardware and just about anything for a project from Amazon and get it in a day or two. Repaired and restored a small butler’s tray that required new tiny screws for all of the hinges. None available locally, so had to use Amazon and got them in 2 days. Ordered artists’ acrylic satin varnish for a painting when none was available here.
    And at the advice of a news show doctor, I now wipe down packages and mail with disinfecting wipes after removing and disposing of packaging, which goes straight into our curbside recycle can, as a precaution.
    Learning so many new ways to do things………
    Be well, stay healthy.

  7. Sorry you’ll miss your granddaughters birthday, looks like I shall miss mine’s 2nd. Great idea about making a list have started mine – mostly jobs I’ve been avoiding. No excuses now.
    good luck with your list. Take care and keep well x

  8. Oh Diane, I just got a little teary eyed for you! Birthdays with grandchildren are so special. We just went to my grandsons 3rd birthday party and hope we can have our granddaughters 5th birthday party in May.

    I am a list maker too and plan to get several projects done. I’m not really looking forward to 1st on the list though…painting 2 bathrooms. After that though the fun begins again, painting some furniture.

    I pray that you and your family stay well.

  9. I am doing the same things you are. I love how the bloggers I follow are using this time to post such positive content. It is so encouraging and nothing like a good project to get your mind off other things sometimes. When I made my run to WalMart the other day, I left the crowds looking for toilet paper and found some spray paint I wanted. Keep busy everyone and stay safe. Thanks Diane.

  10. Thank you!!! This is a wonderful project and I do love to hand write notes ?
    I’m sorry you won’t be there in person for your Zoe’s 1st bday. I am happy that we have technology and we all can use it during this crazy time in our world!!
    Stay healthy ?

  11. Barbara Warner says:

    What a lovely idea! I have already printed out one for me and made a list. I am also sending one to my cousin who makes lists and gets things done as well. I added “praying for the elderly and shut-ins” and “Pray for family and friends” to my list and I can think of them throughout the days and weeks ahead. I also added “Make phone calls to shut-ins.” This is going to be very trying on people who aren’t used to staying home. We will all be thankful for Skype and Facetime, as well as conversations on our phones by text or calls.
    Stay safe, and God bless you.

  12. Sorry about your cancelled events, but thank goodness for FaceTime, Skype, and other similar platforms. We made a list today of home projects. There’s a his, hers, and things that require us both. We start tomorrow. We need a plan…even though we are retired, this stumbling around the house with no direction is getting us nowhere.

    Stay healthy, find some laughter because it is the best medicine, and keep washing those hands! ;)

  13. Hi Diane: So sorry that your plans to be with your granddaughter had to be cancelled. But as you say, thank heaven you can visit remotely at least.

    As a motivational speaker and personal coach, I LOVE your idea of a “to-do” list. It is always something I recommend to my clients and even in my talks, except I do it daily. So good for you!

    One thing I definitely will not do nor recommend is to keep watching the news. It’s too depressing and can also create a greater sense of fear. I went to the grocery store on Monday and all I did differently was to wear latex gloves through the store until I got back to the car to remove them. I’m in my 70’s and while I can have my groceries delivered, I choose to do it in person to make sure I get what I want.

    Especially in these times of uncertainty, I advise clients to make a gratitude journal and make an entry each night before bed, of at least 10 things they are grateful for. It helps to go to sleep with a grateful heart. You will be on my list tonight, Diane! I love your blog, the creative things you do, and your upbeat spirit! Thank you!!!

  14. i can see that we’re in the exact same predicament with regards to grandbaby’s first birthday…..My husband and i were suppose to travel this coming weekend from Seattle area, up to Vancouver Island,, Canada, for our grandson’s first birthday…..sadly we had to cancel our trip too, since the border has been shut down. :(

  15. Thank you for the lovely card. It is printed off and ready to send to a quilting friend.
    I am a quilter and I am sure that you can guess what I am going to be doing for the next few days or weeks.
    Here in North Vancouver Canada, our small community has experienced several deaths of older folks and so far our neighbours all seem to be taking this very seriously. My husband and I are self isolating after a day trip to Washington State one week ago to visit friends. Washington State has been hard hit too and although we were super careful with hygiene, we only wish to be on the safe side for everyone that we come into contact with. We all need to be mindful of others at this time. This is an exceptional time and it calls for exceptional measures. Keep busy and keep well.

  16. Sue Bauman says:

    I want to finally learn how to crochet! I have instructional books and YouTube videos to watch, so hopefully I will be able to learn how to crochet a simple something in the upcoming weeks! The house is going to get very tidy, the gardens will get manicured (if it stops raining!), books read, clothes ironed, cat toys made! Stay well and occupied everyone!

  17. We are busy on a project in our breezeway. We are painting all the ugly orangey cover trim to make the walls. A muted grey. We have seven doors in this one room. Painting the two paneled doors, white and the rest black. I so wanted to paint them all black but one of them leads to a very tiny, windowless, bathroom and it would be too dark.

    We, too, are missing out on seeing grandkids and kids, too. I, too, am drawing and painting more and not out running around to HL buying more things I don’t need.

    Hang in there and God bless you and yours. Stay healthy.

  18. I’ve been doing a lot of face timing with my grand daughter too. She likes to pick up things in the room and show them to her Nana (me) over the phone or jump up & down on the bed or climb all over her mama like a little monkey! If my daughter just puts me on speaker phone, she says I’m “hiding” because she can’t see me. Lol

    Sorry to hear about your trip cancellations. My daughter & family made it to Europe for a trip in February, but it wasn’t an easy trip with a toddler and then they all got sick the last few days. I’m so thankful they are not abroad right now. We have a coworker stuck in Mexico at the moment.

    Stay safe XO

  19. Nan, Odessa, DE says:

    What weight paper would you use for card?
    What are you using for color on cad? Pen, colored pencils?
    Could you now take this to a UPS store and have it printed in color and reproduced in duplicates?
    Like the card!!

    Thing scarf is very helpful to.


    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Nan – I printed my card out on white cardstock that I bought in a pack at Walmart. It is sold right next to regular weight computer printer paper. To make the drawing I did the color blocks of the quilt by hand using Prismacolor magic markers. I then uploaded into Photoshop and added the stitches.

      Yes, I believe that if you take the .pdf file to the UPS store they could print it.

      Happy to hear you found the scarf post helpful. Take Care

  20. Barbara H. says:

    Thanks for the positive perspective and the note card download. Stay safe and take time to listen to the birds and enjoy your lake view, too.

  21. Glad you could at least Skype with your granddaughter! What a challenging time. I also had a big trip to the UK and IReland planned for the end of May to June and have been busily cancelling. I made me sad when I pull out my spreadsheet and remember the HOURS I spent choosing each place and debating back and forth was this one with the view better, or this one where we could walk to town. We will be going later since our airline tickets only allow us to rebook, so you better believe I’m going to go if at all possible. I’m a tax preparer and I’m having all my clients drop off or mail in so I’m still busy. But come April 15 if we’re still quarantined I’m taking your advice and going to make a list (I love a good list!!) and make it fruitful. Bless you and stay healthy and safe!!