Free Printable Frame for Your Fridge Photos

Free printable frame that can be printed and made to add decorative style to the kid’s art and photos you have hanging on your kitchen refrigerator.

free standing island for small kitchens

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Back in the spring when I posted this photo sharing my new kitchen island/cart, many of you commented about the photos of my infant granddaughter on the side of my refrigerator.

I usually am not a magnet’s holding stuff on my fridge kind of person, but I wanted to keep the many photos of my granddaughter where I could easily see them. She lives far away and I don’t get to see her as much as I would like.

The fridge became an easy place to hang them as I printed the cute photos from my phone that my daughter texts on a daily basis. I use fridge magnets to hold the photos up.

Free Printable Frame for Photos and Art

Trying to figure out a more organized way to display the photos, I came up with the idea to make a printable paper frame where I could easily change out the newest photo from time to time.

So I found a frame in my decorative storage and made it into a printable that I could print on my computer’s printer, with the assistance of Photoshop.

Free printable photo frame and photo

Here is my latest photo. The cutest pumpkin in the patch. :-) She is 7 months old now. My first photo for my new fridge frame.

5x7 magnetic picture frame free printable

This free printable can be made into a magnetic refrigerator photo frame. Make one or more. They are a wonderful way to display photos, kids artwork, and more in a stylish way. No more cluttered jumble on your fridge.

The printable photo frame can be made in a few minutes! Read on for the full tutorial.

How to make a free printable classic photo frame to hang on a fridge to display kids art and photos.

I like how the decorative photo frame looks on my fridge. It is ornate, but that is what I like about it. It’s a classic and stands out against the plain surface of the refrigerator.

The ease of changing the photo out while keeping my fridge not looking cluttered is what I was seeking. I will be making more frames – different style and sizes of frames so I can see her smiling face all over the fridge.

I will be adding these to the Subscriber’s Free printable library as I make them. So keep an eye out for these.

How to Assemble the Decorative Paper Photo Frame

How to make a free printable classic photo frame to hang on a fridge to display kids art and photos. #DIYHomeDecor #DIYMagnets #FridgePhotos #HomeCrafts #PhotoFrame #CraftyDIY #Magnetic Picture Frames #FreePrintable

I printed the frame on white card stock using my computer printer.

To hang it, I used small sheet magnets. I have a stash that I have gotten for free from businesses that give out their business card or menu to hang on the fridge. I save these to use for crafty DIY’s like this. If you don’t have any of these magnets around your house, you can buy sheet magnets at the craft store.

supplies needed:

  • Free printable frame (download below)
  • White card stock – sold where printer paper is sold.
  • 4 sheet style magnets – cut to width of frame
  • Paper cutter, craft knife or scissors
  • Painter’s tape or low tack tape
  • Ruler
  • Glue Stick
  • Optional: Self-laminating sheet – sold in office supply area at Walmart

Download the Free Printable Photo Frame

Photo used in frame should be at least 5′ x 7″. If the photo you want to use is smaller, print the .pdf below at a smaller size. This way the opening you cut out will be smaller than 5″ x 7″

  • If you can’t make printing size changes with your printer interface, use this Smaller pdf
  • If your printer interface allows you to adjust print size, print this Larger .pdf. If printed at 90%, the outer dimensions will be about 8″ x 10.5″ inches, but you can determine what size to print depending on your photo size.
DIY Frames for the Fridge. Cutting free printable photo frame using a paper cutter.
  1. Cut excess paper from outer edges of frame using a paper cutter, a craft knife and ruler, or a pair of scissors.
cut inside of free printable photo frame

2. Cut the inside out using a craft knife and straight edge to make sure your cuts are straight.

Optional: If you want the paper frame to be sealed for protection, use a self-laminating sheet over the front before you cut the center out. See how to use the sheets in this post: Free Printable Labels to Organize your Stuff.

How to Attach Frame to the Fridge

I cut up small business card size sheet magnets, but if you have full size magnet sheets you can attach the frame to the sheet so the entire back of the frame will be a magnet. I didn’t have any full sheets, but this freebie way works just as well.

How-to-cut-free-printable-frame-to-fit-photos you want to place on a fridge.
  1. Cut 4 sheet magnets to fit each corner on the back of the frame.
  2. Use glue to attach a magnet to each corner.
  3. Place two pieces of painter’s tape or low- tack tape to the back of your photo. This will help you center the photo in the frame.
  4. Once photo is centered, add two more pieces of painter’s tape to secure the photo in the frame.
  • When you want to change the photo, gently remove the painter’s tape and attach a new photo.
DIY Magnet fridge photo free printable frame.

For more free printables, check out my free printable library. If you are an email subscriber you also have access to the Member’s Library where I share exclusive printables, giveaways, and more.

Free printable DIY Frame for the Fridge. Add magnets to the back and add a photo.

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  1. Futura Interiors says:

    Great blog and was very useful.
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  2. Usvintagewood says:

    This idea is too adorable and also very easy not to try, do, and have! Great free printable frame design Diane! I’d love to print these out and follow more other DIYs and printables that you are sharing for absolutely free! Thanks for being so thoughtful in making and sharing these!

  3. Sally Perdue says:

    Thank you for the Free Printable Frame Diane! I laminated mine, but didn’t cut out the plastic (laminate) from the center so it can protect the photo. Love your ideas!!! Happy Halloween to you and Ed.

  4. She is adorable and the frame is lovely.
    There is nothing like a financial incentive to get a person to change a habit.
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  5. Hi Diane, I love the printable frame! Such a good idea for grandbabies photos and art work for fridge! Not only will it look better, but protect from wear and tear. A simple black frame would be great too.
    Diane, I need your help, I’m getting ready to chalk paint an old campaign dresser and I want it to look like your blue dresser, NOT distressed, but durable. I’ve read your posts on chalk paint and not sure whether I should buy or make
    myself . If I buy, whats your favorite brand or, I do have your recipe with POP and CC. Your opinion would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Beth –

      When I first wrote my DIY chalk paint posts, there was only Annie Sloan. Now there are literally dozens of brands of chalk paint on the market in all colors and price points. Annie Sloan is the best, still in my opinion and her wax goes on like butter and is so easy to buff to a sheen. I also like KILZ brand and used it in a warm white color on a night table. I was very happy with it. I also like Waverly Chalk paint sold at Walmart. It doesn’t come in a lot of colors, but goes on nice and smooth. Add Annie Sloan wax on top and you are good to go.

      The main reason to make your own chalk paint, is to get the exact color you want. You can go wrong with the CCP/POP mix. It is the most durable of any chalk paint, bought or made. So my advise would be to find the color you want, if a brand sells it, use that, if not make it yourself.

      I hope this helps you decide how to proceed.

  6. Adorable grandchild. I love the frame too. Nice ideas as usual.

  7. Judy Taylor says:

    She is the Cutest Little Pumpkin in the Patch!

  8. What a cutie pie! It’s amazing how quickly they change in the first year. My grand daughter just turned 20 months and she makes me laugh. I had wanted to be called grandma but she calls me Nana which is probably easier to say, so Nana it is!

  9. I liked that the beginning print was darker and easy to see for these 70-year-old eyes!

  10. Oh so sweet…what a darling looking pumpkin. You are so blessed.

  11. How stinkin’ adorable is that child! Really growing, isn’t she?
    Love the frame and pdf. Thanks, Diane

  12. Terri/HoustonLady says:

    Hi Diane, Love this printable frame. I would not have ever thought to repurpose those business card magnets.
    Thanks again for another one of your clever tips!