Friday Link Love: Finding Inspiration & Ideas

Every so often I like to share what has inspired me and this week, inspiration is what I have been looking for to get my mind off the news. I find creative inspiration helps to keep me optimistic about life when the world seems to be spinning out of control.

So I headed to one of my favorite sites where I always find inspiration and I was sad to see that all their old posts were no longer on the site. What was left was highly styled posts. They all had beautiful photos, but none offering me the inspiration I always came away with on my visits :-(

I am not sure why they removed all the older content, but I think it could have something to do with what I read about, here. 

I am not totally immuned to this mindset, but after reading the post, I am more focused on keeping things here, in my own style. :-)

How to decorate with trays for fall

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It is time for me to search for some new-to-me inspiring sites. What are your favorite sites/ blogs that you go to when you are looking for positive, creative and lifestyle inspiration?

I know you have heard the saying “Elevating the Everyday”.  It can make a huge difference in your life, so adding ways to make the mundane a little more special can only help live more beautifully, right?

Since we all have to go to the supermarket, why not make it a stylish event?  No more hauling home groceries in plastic bags. This will be accompanying me to the supermarket from now on. 

What CAn I Bring Cookbook giveway

When I attended the Southern Living Idea House a few weeks ago, I was given a copy of the cookbook, What Can I Bring?  I didn’t think much about it at the time since I am not a foodie, but when I sat down to take a look earlier this week, I could not put it down.

What Can I Bring Cookbook
I bookmarked this recipe for Crack Crackers. Cheez-It’s baked with a mixture made using Ranch Dressing and dill. YUM-O!

I read it from cover to cover like a novel, which I never do with cookbooks. I am now a fan of the author, Elizabeth Heiskell.  The book doesn’t come out until October 17, but if you want to take a look you can see it here—–>  What Can I Bring

Color always inspires me.  This is one trendy and chic way to add some personal style and color to your tote or handbag.

This is useful and I know I would use it, but it is a little pricey for my “decorative accessories” budget.  I will be looking for something like it on my next visit to the thrift store.  

Have you ever watched Log Cabin Kings?  I am looking forward to seeing the house on the new episode on Tuesday night at 9:00. The preview of the house and the views out the windows look amazing and so different than the houses on most TV home shows.

And when I can’t find the creative inspiration I am looking for online or in books, I know where I can always find it….out in nature…right in front of me…

Sunset on Lake Murray SC

…like a spectacular sunset that shows up uniquely different every night. It is always awe-inspiring and keeps me focused on what is really important in life.

I hope your weekend is inspiring. Keep smiling!


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  1. I just stumbled on your post today and really enjoyed what you said!

  2. The groupthink article is so true. I’ve perused many home decor and creative diy and art websites–and usually find the very same styles. For example, I used to (and still do) love white sofas and cottage style warmth—but every single home decor website had the same exact livingrooms, I swear, so— I rebelled and bought a Dania grey leather sectional for my livingroom last year. haha! :D I decided to find my own style. I know this is the reason I always come back to your blog–> you are real and keep your blog posts real. You share a lot of innovative ideas. Thank you! :)

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kat – Your Dania grey leather sofa sounds fabulous! I know it must feel good that you have the confidence to do things in your own style. It makes me happy to know that you enjoy my posts. I hope to keep them coming. :-)

  3. laura janning says:

    what a gorgeous sunset. you can use the cookbook next week!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      I will and also will be emailing you to update with all our plans for next week.

  4. The Handmade Home says:

    Great post! And such a beautiful picture of the sunset! Have a great day :)

  5. Linda L Weeks says:

    I hope that you always find inspiration and joy in your days! Hugs, Linda

  6. Ricki Jill Treleaven says:

    I’m new to your blog, and I must say I’m truly enjoying it! :D

  7. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    Me too! I also, am never disappointed with your blog.

  8. Diane–you are my favorite home decor blog because I love how your voice and personality shine through in every post. I also think your “styling” is realistic–things in your home aren’t perfect vignettes that can’t be touched or moved. You live in your house and it shows. I love seeing how you move things from season to season and reuse them as opposed to just buying new things all the time. I love seeing the behind the scenes storage of things you aren’t using. I love watching projects start and hearing you narrate the story of how they happen, warts and bumps and all, and then seeing the end product. THAT is what inspires me to do a similar project–I feel like since you were honest about the challenges but still saw it through until the end, I can do it too! (Well…I might need to borrow Ed for a few of them.) Thanks for keeping it real, fresh, and inspiring in your own fun, sunny style!

  9. Diane, I really like the style of your blog and your bright colors are good for the eyes & so very pretty. I, too, have stopped following some blogs. The first blog that I ever started reading seems to have gone a different way lately and it is not interesting to me anymore. I like the saying you quoted about “Elevating The Everyday”. I’m going to put that into practice. Even lighting a pretty candle in the kitchen is a nice thing to do. I really enjoy the inspiration on your Blog and read it everyday.

  10. I thought it was just me! I stopped following some blogs because it all begins to look the same. I was forced into a kitchen remodel because of a plumbing “issue” and a weathered, white farmhouse kitchen is all that’s out there. That just won’t work with the style of our house. Thanks for the validation!

  11. I hear you about needing refreshing inspirational ideas, to counter all the bad news lately. I was just sitting down at work one day this week and thought . . . “boy, things are going to heck in a hand basket!” Sometimes we need something uplifting, like your posts ; – ) to remind us that there is still good in the world. After the last few weeks, I feel like I need a “Trauma Counseling”.

    I agree with several of the other post on this page, that yours in one of my most favorite, always opened blog posts I consistently open and reach for when I need some inspiration. So thank you and keep up the good work.

  12. Hi Diane, Some of the blogs I go to are: In My Own Style (sorry, I know that doesn’t help, but it’s true! ), Just Following Jesus in My Own Life, Stone Gable, The Shabby Creek Cottage, and Carmella Rayone. And on a sidenote, I hope you left a comment on that site that has changed, to let them know you are disappointed. I think people often hesitate to write “negative” comments, but sometimes that can steer people back to a better direction. Just sayin’.

  13. Mary Jane Sapko says:

    Diane, Your blog is my favorite!!!

    I always find inspiration and love your down-to-earth style.

    My favorite post was the one where you recycled your Dad’s plaid shirt.

    Keep doing what your doing!! PS- I am a twin also!

    Mary Jane Sapko

  14. Your blog is one of the few I visit every day and has stood the test of time. I also like Tongue in Cheek (but I don’t visit every day). I read Cup of Jo most days. Painted Hive and Little Green Notebook now and then. BippityBoppityBoo is a tumblr account that has amazing photos. Junkaholique gives me great longing to caravan throughout England. Sometimes I stumble on a site only to be crushed to see the blogger stopped posting. (Just noticed that half my list are folks outside of USA).

  15. Excellent post! I love, love all this. I am getting tired of some of my regular bloggers who seem to be in a recycle old stuff rut. You keep things fresh and I love your style and ambition. Keep up the great inspiration!

  16. This is my favorite kind of post. I love your realism and individualism.

  17. Julia@Cuckoo4Design says:

    Your view Diane!!!! It is so amazing. You know I’m completely feeling everything you say. Love the post about how to find your original voice. And thank you so much for sharing my tassel. I will also be giving the cook book a longer second look because I’m also not a foodie. Have a great weekend.

  18. Donna Morris says:

    And that’s why “In My Own Style” keeps making it to my in box-your uncanny ability to convey through your blog what many of your readers are thinking. I recently commented that I’m going to have to stop following many of the instagram accounts I used to enjoy as they are all starting to look the same and many just keep rehashing the same shot, different day. I’ve said before Diane, you have a talent for “keeping it real”. Thanks for not being boring and falling into the great – white, gray, and galvanized metal with some reclaimed wood thrown in for good measure, farmhouse chic abyss! Nice to read your blog because you are true to yourself (and a reader can actually find COLOR on your site!) Thank you for sharing very practical ideas and advice.

  19. Great post! I too have quit following so many blogs. Feel I’m falling down the rabbit hole only to see the same thing everywhere. Time was wasted and lost.

    I would love to have your sunset view! Gorgeous!!

  20. Kelly Dallas says:

    Hi Diane, I first came across your blog when I stumbled upon your DIY poster board monogram with the beautiful fall flowers. My edges were to jagged so I ended up cutting multiple letters with cardboard stock using my silhouette and then gluing each set if letters together. A process but I finally a similar result. The point is your blog inspired me. achieved You are the blog I go to for decor inspiration ? Dion Dior is my art guru ?

    1. Kelly Dallas says:

      Oops one more Magnolia Chip and Joanna Gaines, their vales and approach to life

      1. Kelly Dallas says:

        My sister in law gifted me with their Magnolia Market journal, it was a page turner and so inspiring that I have been paying it forward to my girlfriends ever since. Don’t get me wrong I can stand the thought of parting with any of them so I’ve been buying subscriptions and they are thrilled to receive them ?

  21. Deborah Johnson says:

    Thanks so much for the link to the GroupThink article…it was right on and so inspirational. I have stopped following a few blogs that seem so “different day, same story”. That’s one reason I enjoy your site-it is varied and great advice. With an awesome view!