Wood & Marble Pedestal Stand + More

Make a pedestal stand in any size, color, shape and style. Pedestal stands or cake stands can hold just about anything – houseplants, candles, and so much more.

Did you know in the crafty decorating world that….

How to make cake and pedestal stands by repurposing items.

YES…It does…. and I can prove it.

Valentine’s Day is coming up, I don’t decorate for the occasion, but do like to put out a doily candle or two, along with some pink roses.

My Valentine’s Day focus usually is on what to serve for a romantic dinner for two. :-)

This year, Ed and I are both trying to eat less. We have not cut out any food groups, but are just eating less of everything we enjoy.

We will probably have filet and some steamed veggies for dinner along with a glass of red wine.

For dessert, we are going to have cake, but instead of making or buying a whole cake that we would just end up eating (don’t want to do that) or throwing it away…total waste.

Instead, I plan to buy a single chocolate cake slice from the local bakery that we will split. Or to create this post… a slice from a frozen Pepperidge Farm Chocolate Cake found in the frozen food aisle at the supermarket. :-)

Wood-and-Marble-Cake-pedestal-to-make. How to Make a Small Cake Stand from Thrift Store Finds

To make it seem like a fabulous indulgence, I decided to make it even more special by elevating it, not just to the extraordinary, but literally elevating the cake on a dessert size pedestal cake stand.

I was inspired to make a wood and marble dessert plate size pedestal stand after seeing this 9″ diameter stand that was sold at World Market. It is no longer available, so I decided to head to the thrift store to see if I could find an inexpensive piece of round marble and make my own.

When you DIY with found objects you find when out thrifting or in your own stash of stuff, you can design anything your heart and mind can imagine.

Supplies Needed to Make a Small Cake Stand:

  • Round marble top or plate
  • Wood pedestal base – crafts store
  • Glue

Thrift store cheese board to repurpose into a cake pedestal

Last week I posted about my thrift store finds and told you I would show you what I did with each of the items.  I bought this cheese plate for $3.

When I got home, I removed the round piece of marble from it. It was not hard, I simply pried it out of the wood with a putty knife.

Here is where I will prove that 1 + 1 = 1 with a little help from…

… hot glue, Liquid Nails, or Glue Dots.

When you glue 1 base to 1 round flat item it equals 1 pedestal stand. :-)   1 + 1 = 1


I bought the wood pedestal at Michaels.

How to Apply Vintage Stain to Wood

You can leave the wood pedestal as is, paint it or stain it. I stained it using Amy Howard’s, Vintage Wood Better With Age that I had in my supply stash. It is kind of pricey. You can get the same look with this Driftwood Weathering Wood Finish or any driftwood or weathered wood stain. I mixed it with water to dilute it so it resembled a driftwood color.  You can use it full-strength to create a dark wood finish.  I rubbed white wax over it and into the grooves, then added 2 light coats of Polycrylic in a satin finish.

BUT….making a unique stand doesn’t have to stop with a wood pedestal and a piece of marble.

More Ideas for Pedestal Stand Bases You May Already Have

If the farmhouse style isn’t for you, look what other items you can use to make unique pedestal stands to fit any style.

How to make a cake stand or pedestal stand by repurposing items you already own.

For pedestal bases… I gathered the wood pedestal, a pillar candle holder, a woven item that is broken (thrift store find) and a silver candle stick holder.

For round tops, I gathered a basket, bowl, and a variety of dessert size plates I had, along with the round piece of marble.

More proof that 1 + 1 = 1.   I used hot glue to attach the basket to the candle holder.  If you only want to make it temporary, use Glue Dots that you can buy in the craft store.


Like vintage?  Combine a tarnished silver candle stick to a glass plate. I used the clear formula of Liquid Nails to attach these 2 pieces since you can see through the glass plate.

I found this pink and white gingham pattern plate at Michaels.  The marshmallow hearts are from HomeGoods.

I used hot glue to attach the broken woven base I found at the thrift store…

…with a white basketweave pattern plate to make a stand to hold jewelry on my bedroom dresser.



When gluing a base and a plate/basket together, place the plate upside down and then place the base on top.  This way you will be able to see clearly and center the base on the plate.


Let the glue dry and then turn the stand right side up and it will be ready to use.

Remember the glass dome from the cheese board I took apart?  It is too big to use with the marble round, but it works perfectly on a dessert size dinner plate.

Glass plates, wood pedestal, candle holders, round baskets…. Do you have any of these or something completely different that you can make into a pedestal stand that will fit your style?

If you don’t want to make a pedestal, here are a few regular size wood and marble pedestal stands I found online.

World Market Round Marble and Wood Pedestal Stand

Russo Cake Stand

Footed Cake Plate Stand

More Ways to Use a Pedestal or Cake Stand

  1. To hold appetizers when entertaining.
  2. On your vanity to hold jewelry.
  3. To elevate a special memento on a shelf.
  4. As a Home for succulents in tiny pots.
  5. Stacked in a pyramid of successive sizes.
  6. On top of a hutch to add interest and shape.
  7. In the master bath to hold soaps.

and.. There’s always cake!

Cake and Pedestal stands to DIY. Repurpose items around your home or from the thrift shop to make them.

Also I am sharing this post over on:  Tip Me Tuesday

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  1. Cheryl Atkinson says:

    I absolutely love this post. So many awesome ideas. thank you so so much. I love them!

  2. DIY Home Sweet Home says:

    These look great. I love the one with the strawberries on it.

  3. Melissa@ElegantlyCountry says:

    These are such a great idea! Wish I had seen this idea a year ago for our wedding cake table display! Guess I’ll just have to have another party so I can make one of these.

    Thanks for sharing.


  4. Wow, it’s so fabulous. It seem you must have passion on make and decorate the food. Great

  5. TerriC/HoustonLady says:

    Hi Diane,
    Love all these pedestals. My favorite is the tarnished silver candle stick with glass plate. I have two tarnished candle sticks… I think I will make one for desserts and one for jewelry : )

  6. Love them all, but especially the basket on the candle holder. You showed us some great ideas! Thanks.

  7. Danielle Driscoll says:

    These are all so fun, but my favorite is the marble one with the wood base. I have some of that wood stain down in the basement and I need to use it. Thanks for the fun idea!

  8. This is genius, Diane! I love every one of them!! So beautiful.
    Hugs, Jamie

  9. Laurie @ Vinyet Etc says:

    Eeeep, that gingham plate made me squeak, so so cute! I love this you are so clever!

  10. Karen Bare says:

    Dear Diane,
    This is the first time I’ve responded to a blog. I was sceptical when I first started following as we have very different styles, but you have great ideas! I now love seeing your posts pop up….they certainly brighten my week! You are the embodiment of one of my Mom’s favorite sayings, ” Necessity is the mother of invention!”. She would have loved your style, AND your energy! Thanks for what you do, and for sharing it!
    ❤️ Karen

  11. Absolutely LOVE these Diane!! So pretty and totally brilliant! The first one you shared with the wood stain?! Gorgeous!

  12. You just gave me an idea for some vintage dinner plates that I have been trying to sell in my Etsy shop. Oh, BTW, I used your pantry reorganizing idea (I don’t have a pantry, just a cabinet in my stairwell) for my blog post that will be coming up tomorrow and put a link back to your blog.
    Thanks for the great ideas!

  13. Jennifer @ Town and Country Living says:

    Good idea to purchase a single slice of cake, Diane! I agree – most of a whole cake goes to waste. I love your DIY pedestal and EVERY chocolate cake should be elevated, in my humble opinion. Thanks for joining Heartfelt and Handmade!

  14. Stephanie says:

    Love your ideas!! I have never been much of a thrift store shopper, but can’t wait to go out and see what I can find. PS:: my daughter has a house on Lake Keowee, and lives in Greenville. Small world?

  15. Susan Lindeman says:

    YOU are a genius! I absolutely love every one of those pedestals you created :-) Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas and creations with us!

  16. Kristin salazar says:

    This cake looks amazing and I love how you made the pedestal stand!

  17. They all look nice! Would you have the recipe for the chocolate cake featured on one of the stands? LOL
    Great ideas!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Chantal –

      I forgot to add where I bought the cake in the post. I will add it now. I did not make it. It is a frozen Pepperidge Farm cake from the supermarket. :-)

  18. Love it! Great idea Diane ❤️ I’m going to make one or two for myself.

  19. alda ellis says:

    you are so gifted and blessed with talent Diane! I have quit reading a lot of blogs ….but not yours! you always share a great idea and takeaway. I feel like we are friends from afar….hugs!!

  20. Love these ideas and so very easy! It’s a great way to use a really pretty plate or dish that you love, but don’t really have a use for because you only have one!

  21. All totally lovely ideas!

  22. And if no piece of marble… round piece of wood + marble contact paper = tada! Great idea. :) Love it, and I love how you’re going to celebrate Valentine’s Day!

    That piece of cake makes me want 1 + 1… and definitely not equaling 1. :D

  23. You are so creative! Please do MORE of these kinds of posts. Now I want to go thrifting. ?

  24. Carla from Kansas says:

    You are the bomb! So, so creative. Loved this post.