How to Make Wood Desk Drawer Dividers

These wood desk drawer dividers are easy to make with a basic hand saw, wood glue, and molding from the home improvement store. 

This past week I moved my DIY efforts into my studioffice. It needed some major decluttering. When we moved to the lake house over a year ago, I set the room up the same way I had in my previous house. It worked fine for awhile, but not anymore. It is way too cluttered with stuff I no longer need.  The room went on a diet this week.

I will show you all that I did on Monday, but today I wanted to share where I got some of my decluttering inspiration.

The Home Decluttering Diet

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My blogging friend Jenn Lifford who blogs at Clean & Scentsible wrote a book that was just published entitled, The Home Decluttering Diet.

The Home Decluttering Diet Book

I found many ideas in Chapter 9 – Slenderizing The Home Office to help me get my studioffice lean and clean, too!

The Home Decluttering Diet

I loved how Jenn organized her desk by making DIY desk drawer dividers.


Back when I first started blogging, I posted about how I covered box lids to organize all the stuff in my desk. They worked great, but I wanted to customize the way the drawer contents were organized even more so that everything had its own place sized just right for every item.

How to Make Wood Desk Drawer Dividers

Wood needed to make desk drawer dividers

supplies needed:

  • 1/4″ hobby boards – sold at the home improvement store in the lumber aisle.
  • Hand saw and miter box
  • Measuring tape
  • Wood glue like Liquid Nails for Small Projects
  • Pencil
Home office desk drawer organizing
  1. Empty drawer of its contents.  Optional: A few years ago I lined the drawer with pages from a book.

2. Measure inside dimensions of drawer and figure out how many sections you want to create. Make sure you make the sections large enough to hold your stuff, like a stapler or pair of scissors. Use painter’s tape to create a the sections if needed to use as a guide. You can remove the tape later.

3. Cut the boards basic saw and miter box. You want each piece to fit snug against each other in the drawer.

4. Once you like the arrangement, remove the boards and paint them white. (This step is optional). Once the paint is dry, place the boards back in and glued the boards together using wood glue.

home office organizing idea for desks

Once glue is dry you can place the items back in the drawer.

Desk drawer organizing idea

One part of my decluttering efforts done. :-)

Desk drawer organizing idea

I loved these wood drawer dividers so much that I did the same thing for a drawer in my bathroom where I keep all my makeup.

Looking for more drawer organizing ideas?  Check out this post: How to Organize Drawers and More

DIY Desk drawer dividers to make to help you organize every drawer in your home.

You May Also Like These Desk Organizing Ideas:

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  1. Clean Home says:

    The idea of making a drawer divider was a very genius. I tried putting some plastic boxes in a drawer but it ended up very messy w/ color, size and heights of it. Looking forward to creating dividers, hope I can make it.

  2. Diane what is the paper you used in the bottom of your drawers?

  3. Our bedroom needs a declutter, badly. We are mid reno after moving and our young baby shares our room as well. Everything needs to be decluttered but our bedroom would be nice to have as a haven.

  4. My craft room needs some serious TLC

  5. Sharon Eberlin says:

    My craft room for sure. I recently moved it to my basement, but have not had time to organize it at all. It really needs some work. Your craft room is a true inspiration.

  6. Pam Cates says:

    I would say I need help with my “extra” closet in a guest room that holds Christmas decor along with other holiday decor used through the year. I have to completely unload everything to see what is available. Thanks, Pam

  7. Coonnie Johnson says:

    Oh my this question was a hard one for me because we’ll be moving this summer and I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. I guess I would have to say my kitchen/dining area. It contains my desk and it’s a constant battle for me to even find the top of it. Thanks for the opportunity to win the book!

  8. My whole house needs to be decluttered but the one room that will be my biggest challenge is my sewing/craft room. Live your blog – so many great tips and info.

  9. Denise D. says:

    I would have to say my craft room, it looks like a hurricane went through there, boxes on the floor, cardstock everywhere, it’s a total mess and needs some major organizing.

  10. My basement needs decluttering BADLY!

  11. Hello! I would love to declutter my craft room. I have so much, but always hesitate to part with things because you “never know when you might need it”! Thanks for the opportunity!

  12. I sat down with my coffee and BelVita biscuits for a relaxing read, only to have my energy kick into high gear upon reading your studioffice makeover! You inspire me!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Carolyn – To read that I have inspired you is the best thing I could ever hear. Thanks so much for telling me and reading my blog.

  13. I need to declutter the kitchen – get rid of all the extra serving pieces, cups, gadgets, etc. that hardly get used so the stuff that we DO use often can really be organized thoughtfully.

  14. Carmen Skyles says:

    Hi Diane ~ There are so many spots that could benefit from this book. Probably the area I would start first is my Den which is where I have my desk which is covered with papers and craft supplies. Thank you for the chance to win!
    [email protected]

  15. Alicia Gislason says:

    “You need to move or have a fire every ten years.” As a young mother, still marveling at all the uncluttered empty spaces in her unfurnished new home, this sage advice lingered in my mind although I had neither the experience nor the perception to apply it back then. Today, with two college girls in/out & our middle-schooler still leaving a “wake” –I get it now! :D
    Our garage is the catch-all/staging area that is the bottleneck, so that is the room most in need of decluttering!!!
    I completely identified with your basement purge project. THANK YOU! I, too, have been frustrated with having to repeat the effort every couple of months after a thorough spiff-up. I love your idea of having empty bins ready to receive the goods so that nothing piles up on the floor & everything has a home.
    Thanks to you, I may not have to move or have a fire after all!

  16. Debbie Volz says:

    Your home has gone from drab to FAB!!! I have so enjoyed watching you transform every square inch! I have to say I really, really admire the courage and determination in searching out and making the move to your “dream” home. (I envy your husband’s cooperation also). We are also searching and attempting to decide on a move to a warmer climate…probably northern Florida. You give me hope it can be done. To sell our existing home, the whole place needs decluttering…i.e. Drawers, furniture, rugs, closets, & chotskies (Sp?). Tnen we can move on and reorganize. I’m also excited to see what DIY’s you will do for your daughter’s wedding. You are such an inspiration?
    All the BEST to you?
    Debbie Volz

  17. Good morning Diane, I have a few rooms that are in desperate need of declutter/organizing. Finding items I need at the moment would be heaven! The Home Decluttering Diet book by Jennifer Lifford needs to be in my possession so that I have a companion to help with Controlling the Chaos. I would start with the Kitchen move onto my Creative Space & last room to be tackled would be the Garage. Thank You for All your inspirations.

  18. Sorry to say, my whole house!

  19. Laurie Perry says:

    My office is in the most need of decluttering too! I have an irrigation business with my husband and son, but also I sell on Ebay. So it is very hard to keep the two separated. I buy organizers without a plan first and then they don’t work. Yuck, I hate to waste money! Love your blog and the view from your desk! I don’t think I would get anything done. LOL

  20. Hi, sometimes I think the solution might be to give everything away and start all over. HA. My current organization project is the living room which has become a defacto art studio (because the actual art studio is so crammed I cant even work in there). Hmmm, I might need more than a book.

  21. I declutter my spare bedroom/office/storage area. It has no defined usage so it becomes a dumping ground. It needs work!

  22. June Verderosa says:

    HI Diane,
    Two years ago my husband and I married. since we are both in our 60’s we were merging two households full of stuff. We’ve done pretty well but our basement, which is partially finished, has become “the backroom at the Salvation Army”. That’s the way I like to describe it.
    We really only watch TV down there and I do my crafting, such as it is. Mostly, I make Xmas ornaments for my grandchildren.
    I’d love to carve out a place for that. Right now, my crafting shares the same space as the tool/work area. Not ideal.

  23. I love watching how you are making over your lake house!! My office/craft/class room could use a big makeover! I have a wall of book cases left by the previous owner and a hodge podge of furniture – my desk, a desk the previous owners left that is dual purpose – one day for crafts, one day for science projects!

  24. Amy Chapman says:

    Hi! Such great ideas you have ! I would have to say my spare bedroom. Floor to ceiling stuff in boxes and tubs from moving last July. It’s overwhelming and just not sure where to start. This would be amazing. Thanks so much for the chance!

  25. Linda Lash says:

    My office/craft room definitely needs to be decluttered!

  26. Sandy Woerner says:

    We have lived in our house for 20 yrs as of Feb 2017 and believe me when I tell you that after 20yrs of acquiring all of my parents odds and ends, my daughter getting married and leaving all her clutter, my 28yr old son with Downs Syndrome not wanting to get rid of his toys he has received throughout the years—–well EVERY room needs decluttered. I’m just as bad as all of us. We need all the help we can get.

  27. Gail Slagle says:

    Ugh! My whole house needs decluttering! I know, one room at a time. I love the drawer divider idea and I think I could actually do this. Thanks for a chance to win!

  28. Becky Sutton says:

    I live in a small one bedroom apartment and would love to organize my “craft space”. I have my craft supplies stored under my bed, in dresser drawers and on my craft table. Because most items are unorganized, my apartment appears messy and it’s difficult to find what I need. I would welcome the help of this book which offers tips to organize and de-clutter.

  29. Glenda Cashiola says:

    The room I’m also working on, like you, Diane, is my sewing & papercraft room. For more than 3 decades, my “craft” room was solely devoted to sewing and quilting. However, 6 years ago, I began making greeting cards as well. I thought that limiting my papercrafting to cardmaking would not require a lot of space for supplies, etc…not at all true!!!

    My room now is half quilting and half papercrafting and often very messy and often un-presentable. I NEED to get this room organized! I would really enjoy, and make good use, of the many ideas in it!

  30. Beth Garland says:

    I would declutter my master bathroom & closet. The closet has 20 YEARS of business tax records! A big job, but it’s gotta get done!

  31. I need to declutter my mater closet. Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. Julie buchanan says:

    I would declutter my bathroom.

  33. My Kitchen needs desperately help. I have an older kitchen with very shallow drawers cabinets that could use a major decluttering. I would love some inspiration.

  34. Wow!! So many entries.
    Your drawer looks so fabulous.
    Such a fantastic idea, it never occurred to me to just cut boards.

  35. Heather Anne says:

    Oh my goodness – what a difference! I love it! My whole house needs a decluttering diet – but that’s what spring is for, right? Our son is in a musical but after that is completed and we get our life back – spring cleaning!!!!

  36. Your decluttering ideas came at a perfect time. We (Joe & I) are decluttering and reorganizing Trinity’s music file room. It’s been quite a few years since anyone tackled the job. There’s piles of music everywhere and misc. sized filing cabinets to work with. (Ed could appreciate this, since Betty was here) The past few weeks we’ve discarded lots of “junk” and are now ready to make the music file room organized, clean and functional .Besides the music, there are many office supplies, etc to put away in a handy place. Any help offered is appreciated.

  37. Working on the declutter of my garage! Any ideas appreciated :)

  38. Like your office, my office desperately needs work. I always feel such inspiration after I’ve cleaned and organized things. Maybe I better get started …..

  39. Rosemary Gregory says:

    I am moving from my home of thirty-two years next month. Need I say more? While not being at the level of a television spot on The Horders, I’m close ? Love, love, love your blog.

  40. My husband and I both have some physical challenges. We are really finding it difficult, esp. recently to deal with clutter in our bedroom closets, drawers, along with the clutter and disorganization of our kitchen pantry and drawers. It causes us more physical effort and pain rummaging and removing things to find what we are looking for, than if we just would finally get these places organized for easy access. We just need a little guidance and ideas to get started! Thanks for reading!

  41. Stephanie Hobson says:

    Our dining room / workroom. Since we only use our dining room as such a few times a year it seemed like a good idea. But right now the table is covered with laundry (clean), and it’s full of boxes and a bunch of other stuff. :(

  42. all of our closets need to be cleaned, painted and re-organized (and decluttered!)

  43. Just started my dream job as a Children’s Librarian and decluttered my new office today. Now I need to do the same for my home office. The book looks terrific…love your blog!

  44. Sara Kapocius says:

    My closets are definitely in need of purging and decluttering. Just closing the doors no longer cuts it!

  45. I am on a mission to declutter every space in my house. drawer by drawer, shelf by shelf, inch by inch. But my worst room is my office because that’s where I stash all the items that have no home in other rooms. This book would be so helpful!! Love your blog and all your talents!

  46. My craft room definitely needs help. Not that other areas don’t need cleaning up but I need all of the things in my craft room. I’d just like to be able to find them and free up my counter so I can use it!

  47. Simone Lewis says:

    Hi Diane!
    I’ve been reading a lot of your posts, catching up and browsing. I feel empowered that I could do, or at least try, so many more projects.
    I’ve been intrigued by this project and all of your posts about lining a drawer. You’ve used starch and mod podge and gift wrap. Did I miss one? Do you have a preference? The book pages look so beautiful peeking out from under this desk drawer.
    I’m curious about a couple of things. Do you put shelf paper down in the kitchen, bathroom or linen closet? (BTW, I love your kitchen) And I’m a little confused about when to line the side of a drawer. Or to paint it.
    My house needs to be remodeled. I don’t know if I can do it without a plan. I definitely want one for the kitchen. I may need to knock down some walls and that is beyond my capabilities.
    Choosing one place that needs a decluttering makeover is almost impossible. I think I could be successful if I tackled my desk!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  48. Shirley Sauer says:

    I am entering this:
    Leave me a comment telling me what room in your house you want to put on a decluttering diet?

    Giveaway will run until the end of the day on Monday March 13th. I will contact the winner via email.

    Definitely my bedroom.

  49. j buckman says:

    Declutter? One word, closets.
    The closets keep the grandkid (gift) clothes, Sunday school teaching supplies, seasonal decorations and pillows, and more. Help!
    I try to be better, but it doesn’t happen. Thanks for sharing one small de-cluttering technique maybe if I start small. ?

  50. Sally Christiansen says:

    I would love for my drawers to look this good. My office is in desperate need of a decluttering especially the closet.

  51. I would start with our basement! It has become our dumping ground ….

  52. Hello Diane. Your home is beautiful! Thank you for sharing the changes you are making! My craft room could use some decluttering! I love all the little “do-dads” that go with crafting, but am always at a loss as to how to neatly store them without just tossing them in baskets and boxes and then I forget what I have! Thank you!

  53. My kitchen “catch-all” drawer that contains mini office supplies, coupons, keys, mailing labels, etc. could definitely use some help first. Then of course, my home/work office and entertainment room – all combined into one.

  54. Mary Stewart says:

    My office and 2 spare bedrooms are a wreck! Kids are out of school next week for spring break and I’m cleaning house!

  55. There is no room in my house that doesn’t need decluttering!

  56. my laundry room needs a decluttering diet! It is the room that gets all of the “extra” stuff, especially when company is coming over. It all goes in there and we close the door! Sometimes the stuff never comes out! Yikes.

  57. My closet/storage space. After losing a home studio after a move, space is at a premium!

  58. Erika Pelishek says:

    My office could use some decluttering!

  59. Heike Woolard says:

    So, yeah my drawers look like your before drawer. It works for now, but the hobby boards are a great idea. I am currently working on my small spare bedroom. Turning it into a craft room. I will keep a twin size bed in it, just in case the queen in the other guest bedroom isn’t enough.

  60. I need to declutter my sewing room. Love your blog, and what you’ve done to your new house. It’s beautiful.

  61. What a great book…I’m working on my whole house atm, and taking a load a week to the thrift shop and donating. But our lounge room is just full of books that we are not reading anymore, and is the hardest thing to just get rid of. It certainly needs a diet!!

  62. Heading to Lowe’s first thing tomorrow morning for my hobby boards!!! I am determined to organize my junk drawer in the kitchen! Maybe, if I am the lucky winner, I will be motivated to tackle my entire home cuz it sure needs It! Thanks for all your your blog!!!

  63. Catherine Cooper says:

    I have a craft room/office which definitely needs to become organized. It’s so frustrating to always have to hunt for a pen or scissors. Misplaced my sticky notes the other day along with some Sharpie pens. Arrrrgh!
    Your project looks wonderful! It’s always a pleasure to visit with you. I feel at home and like I have a friend at my side. Thanks Diane!

  64. My kitchen needs a decluttering diet. Reading your blog is like visiting home. I moved from SC – not too far from you about 10 years ago. Miss all things southern. Thanks for sharing all your creative ideas with us.


    Hey Diane, love your blog. I need help in all ares of organization as I have ADD.I start one thing and on to the next.Looks very useful, thanks for the chance.

  66. Hi Diane,
    HELP! I love reading your blog and remember when you decided to put your basement on a diet.
    All of my craft supplies, ribbon, paper – they’re taking up way too much space and I think they have multiplied – how I don’t know. I just know it’s a big job but I must start somewhere. I also remember that when it was time to move, you had already pared things down and that made your move so much smoother. I think that book might set me on the right trail.
    Thanks for all your inspiration. You never cease to amaze me with your creativity and using what you have.

  67. Linda Lou Mason says:

    My sewing room/office needs a diet as soon as possible. I lost my sewing machine in there somewhere. The office part of this room is bad too. Too many books, papers, DVDs, pens. pencils, etc. I sure could use the book to rescue me from myself.

  68. Joanne B. says:

    Am I the only one who thinks that pic of your organized desk drawer is, um – – – exciting? I absolutely am in love with how perfect and beautiful it is! I love things organized and thought the hodge podge of separate, undecorated boxes I had in my desk drawers were doing the job, but this? Oh my! I think I am in love. I think I feel project coming on…

  69. My craft room. It is a work in progress.

  70. The MUDROOM! With 4 children and one on the way, our little farm house mudroom can use some help. We have constant traffic through the back door with farm chores, and keeping a clean kitchen is hard to do without the mudroom being a place to unload everything. Help!

  71. Tedde Lowry Best says:

    Thank you for all your terrific ideas. We’ve sold the 6,000 sqft home and downsized to empty nest three bedroom condo so now the finished garage has become the most needed room of a transformation since it has become the sometimes; crafting space, painting space and holder of all of childhood memories until they can be passed onto almost adult children when they have their own homes.

  72. One room? Ha, well, I could use a good hand-holding through several :) For starters though, I’ll say the office!
    I can’t believe you’ve been in your lake home for over a year now! I’ve enjoyed reading about your journey, and admired your conviction to follow your dreams!
    I so enjoy your blog! It’s as though you can read my mind, as you address endless areas of ‘concern’ in my own home. Thank you for the lessons and continued inspiration!

  73. Diane Courtney Bush says:

    The ‘before’ photo looks rather good when compared to some of the drawers in my home. I really need to install these in my bathroom. Craft room and storage closet. It’s comforting, in a way to see that so many others are in the same ‘sort’ of mode! Thanks for sharing and caring.

  74. Ashleigh Hall says:

    My craft room/office is crying for help in the organization department. Looks like this book could definitely help point me in the right direction!

  75. Definitely my home office!! Slenderizing and filing are in my future!!

  76. Sally Allen says:

    My sewing room, aka the guest room, needs help. My supplies have taken over the closet, dresser and armoire……duplicates are everywhere, yet I can’t seem to find anything when I need it! Help!

  77. I need to declutter the kitchen/office area. I have piles of paper. It’s daunting. And, I can’t make myself go through it. I wonder if that book could help me. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  78. I need help decluttering in every room of our house! We just moved to NE Columbia, SC from AZ and I am drowning in boxes and stuff that I probably can do without. It can feel overwhelming at times at all the “stuff” that we have! I need some help with organizing everything. Thanks!

  79. My craft closet…… It’s gotten pretty bad, I started to declutter it and then company was coming so it’s just been sitting once again. I will get it done, one of these days!! Love your drawer organizers!!

  80. Definitely the drawers in our mast bath! Yuk!!!
    Thanks for the opportunity. Your desk looks amazing!

  81. I recently turned an unirganized office overflowing with random pieces of furniture and misc stuff into a scrapbooking room. I chalk painted some recycled metal drawer cabinets but have no idea how to keep my stuff separated within those drawers. Right now I took the drawers out of my plastic storge units and placed them inside the drawers. Now the plastic storage units are not useable.

  82. I love seeing all the creative things you do. Your kithen and hallway of navy blue are incredible. I really need to declutter every closet in my home.

  83. Oh gosh, It would have to be a toss up between my craft room and my kitchen cabinets.

  84. I think of myself as a pretty organized person but for some reason that does not apply to my master closet. I have had that on my to-do list for over a year and always find other things to do! I love books that inspire and motivate me, maybe this one will do the trick!

  85. I’ve got to get control of my office/sewing room/ craft room. It’s a small room so anything out of place and it looks like a tornado hit it. Definitely going to make some of these dividers for the drawers in my Hoosier cabinet. Thanks for the idea!

  86. I really like your desk organizers. It makes your desk drawer items look so neat. I need to work on organizing one of my bedroom closets. It’s full of boxes of pictures that I need to put in order.

  87. Susan Potter says:

    I work from home and have to say my office is a mess. Lot’s and lots of unorganized papers and stuff.

  88. Linda Weeks says:

    Wow! Looks like everyone out there needs a copy of this book! Good concept title, ‘slenderize’ the home…. I do have a pretty chubby kitchen right now… I read one book about removing excess stuff from the home and felt like I’d be giving away my whole place if I could be so ruthless. Couldn’t do it, so I’m still stuck with extra everything! I’ll be seeing if I can find Jenn Lifford’s book at the library!

  89. Joyce Ward says:

    HI Diane!
    How exciting to read about your gorgeous home DIY techniques and makeovers!
    The room that needs the most declutting organizational diet with a reset would be our guest room which is used for my office, crafts, calligraphy, and storeage. Since I’ve been In a spring cleaning mood, hopefully I can make that happen in the next couple of weeks. I’d like to move out everything but the furniture, work on the drawers organizing with the dividers similar to yours, organize two closets then clean top to bottom…
    That book would motivate me for sure. Thank you ever so much for the giveaway!

  90. Tina Gallagher says:

    My closet needs a decluttering diet. I have tried a few things but get so discouraged I give up. I walk around the piles and bags that are scattered on the floor. This might sound crazy, but having a walk-in closet may be my problem. I throw stuff in there because there is open space. I need some ideas!

  91. We just re did the kitchen so when I fill it back in, I want it to be efficient. The room will probably act as part home office as well.

  92. I think every room in my house could use some decluttering, some more than others! I have a craft room/office that needs help bad!

  93. Rita Marnell says:

    OMG! I really need this book! I have a spare bedroom that has for many years just simply been called The Junk Room. There was literally only enough floor space for me to be able to squeeze through to get to each of the two windows and to the closet door. About two years ago I tackled the clutter and made a huge impact, but I still have a long way to go. I love looking at photos of your studioffice and dream of having my own fabulous creative space. I’m retired, live alone, do everything myself, and am very resourceful, but getting rid of “stuff” is my Achilles heal. I would love, someday, to send you a photo of a studioffice I can be proud of. I’m a bid fan. Rita

  94. I had a formal living room and formal dining room. The dining room was way too small so we made the formal living room our dining room. Most people have a junk drawer I now I have a small 10×12 room that is now the junk room. It really needs some organization and I need help.

    Love all your projects, I wish I could be more like you.

  95. Ruth Anne Buterbaugh says:

    I’d love to have that book help me put my sewing room on a diet! It is fairly paralyzing to see the disorganization in there. Thanks for sharing your drawer dividers–I have never heard of hobby boards, but will now be on the lookout for them.

  96. I have an upstairs bedroom which has become a place to throw stuff I don’t want to look at!!!! Major work ahead….but I need a little inspiration!!!! I need that book!!!!

  97. My main concern is decluttering my sewing/craft room. I became sick with cancer in October 2015. Then in August 2016 I got real sick and found out I have brain cancer from the ovarian cancer in 2015. After surgery, chemo therapy, rehabilitation and radiation I decided I needed to make my sewing room into a guest room…just in case someone needed it. My master bedroom has a fairly large sitting space. I decided to move all my stuff to that part of the room…I wanted a storage building outside for my sewing room…but no way…too expensive. So now I am running out of space so I need all the help I can find. This book would be awesome to have. I am sure I can find all kinds of help in it. Thanks for your blog and making it possible to win this book.

  98. Melissa Leach says:

    Every closet in my home needs decluttering! I would love to win Jenn’s book to motivate me.

  99. Maree Sperle says:

    Definitely the office/tv room. I need a way to keep this room organized and tidy. I know it would help me get more things done each day if I did not have to go thru so much clutter to start with.

  100. Actually, I could probably de-clutter the whole house. The garage is probably the worst but not by much. It’s just so easy to use it as a dumping ground. We moved and had to downsize but we still have lots we just couldn’t part with but now it’s time to reassess those items. Do we truly need them? Probably not. I think I’ll go to the garage now. See what happens!!!!!

  101. Terri Gonzalez says:

    My biggest challenge is my craft room. I make wreaths which require ribbon (hoarder) and mesh in 2 sizes. Additionally, there are the flowers, tons of flowers, and greenery. Add signs and embellishments to that, and you have chaos! I have tried to get organized (2 rooms!) but I keep running out of space. Help!

  102. My room would be my sad, sad, sad sewing room/dumping ground! Actually, if it were JUST my sewing room, and not my dumping ground, it wouldn’t be nearly as sad.

    I made similar dividers in my kitchen utensil drawer a while back, and labeled them since the rest of the family needed to know where things went, too. It was a game changer! Naturally, I had planned to do the other drawers, but never did. Time for inspiration…thanks!

  103. Karen Simon Peterson says:

    My kitchen, and pantry, is in desperate need of decluttering. Thank you for the giveaway.

  104. My office…so much stuff in here I don’t know where to begin.

  105. Wow! As usual, love your ability to streamline! I moved from a 2 story home into an apartment and am trying to find a way to reasonably and aesthetically design/store the second bedroom into a not so cluttered office/work space. Hoping a book like this can offer insight, tho I always do love and appreciate your blog entries!

  106. mary heicher says:

    I have not 1, not 2, but 3 kitchen “junk” drawers that need organizing quite badly. lol
    What a good idea. I think I’ll try your solution.

  107. Carolyn B says:

    Hey!! My Scrapbook/Craft room. It’s a disaster! Way too much stuff, not enough room.

  108. Love your lake house and your frugal DIY tips! I need a LOT of decluttering but would probably start with my office, then the craft room. The pantry seems to always get disorganized quickly after I straighten it up, so any ”tis on keeping that space organized would be appreciated also.

  109. Actually, my entire house! We are now empty nesters and ready to downsize. This books sounds like it’s just what I need

  110. It’s our home office, to be sure! The rest of the house is pretty good, but I just cannot keep my desk area neat! ?$&@#]

  111. LaFawne Harlin says:

    Like so many others, craft room would be my first choice.

  112. Shannon k says:

    I’m renting out my spare bedrooms, so need to downsize my craft supplies and ‘gifts’ on hand

  113. Beth Fagundes says:

    My craft room/ office is my favorite place to be, but also drives me crazy with the lack of organization. I try, I really do, but it does not come natural to me and what seems to be right one minute proves to not be right another. I would LOVE this book to help me get my 10 X 10 room to a place where I can find things and move around the room freely. I spend WAY too much time hunting down the things I need and taking everything off a shelf to find the item I need at the bottom of the pile!

    And thank you Diane for an amazing blog that I enjoy so much. You make my day! :)

  114. Dina Casino says:


    Love your can do attitude! It inspires me to tackle those ‘Pandora’ type issues that seem to be everywhere in my home. This would be a great boost to help me with the attic and that kitchen junk drawer. I feel overwhelmed everytime I try to sort through these spaces.

  115. wendelin w dunado says:

    Since I lost my husband of 46 yrs two years ago, I have decided to move to North Carolina to be near both my sisters as we age. As a consequence, I am trying to declutter before the whole “remove furniture and stage house” for sale. And as someone who has moved MANY times in my life, I know how hard and bone tiring it is,not to mention the grief process which is till ongoing. To face doing it alone ( no children able to help) at 65 will be more so. It will be easier to do all the chores entailed in sale of house and packing, the fewer possessions I have. I need to buy/build a smaller, more perfectly designed home. So paring back is essential. Already dipped my foot into selling things online and learned many things NOT to do. I bet this book has lots of advice I could really use over the next year while going through this decluttering adventure. Reading your blog has given me some positivity and joy during the dark times of my grief.Thank you for that!

  116. Oh my, would I love to have some inspiration for my craft/hobby room. I think I may need an intervention! The kitchen pantry, while I love it, also enables me to hoard way too much stuff.

  117. My craft room…aka, the crap room. Because it is solely my space, it falls to the bottom of my priority list. :(

  118. Farrah Savidge says:

    For me it is laundry room closets. I store my underwear and gym clothes over the washer/dryer as they are in the bathroom That way I don’t carry things back and forth to my dresser. I would like to make drawers that fit on the shelves with low pullout fronts like old fashioned laujzurey drawers in old time department stores. But can’t find a good, easy material. Thanks for pointing me to hobby board.

  119. Karen Tucker says:

    We are in the process of moving into our own lake house this year and as we are both going to be retired I need to declutter my whole life! It’s been tough trying to decide which things to keep and which to get rid of! I’ve been taking a multi layer approach to the whole decluttering process and getting rid of things in stages. I really need to downsize my clothing and shoes so that everything will fit into my master bedroom and closet and don’t get me started about the rest of the house lol!

  120. Teresa Nankervis says:

    Thank you so much! My kitchen needs help!!

  121. Which room to declutter? Oh. My. Well, our bedroom, our boys’ bedrooms, my craft room, the kitchen, the garage, and the mini-barn. That excludes the bathrooms and dining room which really don’t need it.

  122. Angela Camp says:

    I would declutter my craft room so i can actually craft in it instead on the kitchen, dining room and living room.

  123. Diane, yours is the first blog I started following several years ago. I was thrilled when you, too, became a South Carolinian. You are so inspiring!
    In this house, clutter piles up in several places, but paper is my biggest problem. I would appreciate anything I can glean from The Home Decluttering Diet.
    May God bless you!

  124. Carla from Kansas says:

    My office!! It is scary at the moment. Love your dividers and the drawer liner.

  125. Hi Diane
    I love reading your blog. You have such great ideas that are very practical. The room that I most need to declutter is my craft room / office. I sometimes have too many projects going at once and get overwhelmed with all of the supplies,
    I think I NEED this book.

  126. Susan Verbaan says:

    Hi Diane, I love your style! Where do I begin? I confess I am a accumulator! Jewelry, craft supplies/beads
    And kitchen gadgets too. I need help in all these places plus more. I also reuse boxes of all shapes and sizes to corral my possessions. Especially in places where a drawer would be so much better but is beyond my budget. Being a snow bird I now have to keep organized in two places. ? You are an inspiration to
    So many of us . Keep it up. Sue

  127. Elizabeth Sotirion says:

    Good morning! I first want to say I really enjoy reading and learning from you and your ideas. I need to organize my craft room. I seem to thing I have this great way to do but end up making a huge mess! Then I can’t find what I want and become very frustrated! I need help, please. Would love your book to do it right once and for all. Thank you for this great opportunity to win!

  128. I don’t have 1 room, I have craft stuff… EVERYWHERE. So I need to declutter all of that and then organize into our guest room (that is hardly ever used). Thanks for the chance and the inspiration!


    P.S. Love your new kitchen and lake house!

  129. Lizzette Urgelles says:

    I need to organize my master bedroom!! We don’t have a walkin closet instead we have two small wall closets side by side and one huge mess! Thanks for the post.

  130. I have been on a bit of a decluttering quest while renovating my home. Last stop is the master bedroom. Right now it is a storage area for all the things that haven’t found their way back to the rest of the home. Can’t wait to finish! Thanks for the giveaway!

  131. My office needs decluttering.

  132. The master bedroom in my house needs decluttering sooooo badly! Two closets, bookshelves, drawers, under the bed, jewelry storage–so much to do!
    Love your posts, you inspire me.

  133. Messy drawers? Sounds like an advert for Depends, ha, ha, ha!

    Seriously…I would organize my desk drawer. I’m sure Jennifer’s book would be helpful for more than just that drawer. Love the name of the book…maybe that would be a diet I could be successful with.

    At first glance I thought your drawer was lined with Scrabble paper. As an Scrabble addict I was going to ask where I could find that paper. I play Scrabble on line at least once a day…love the game. Upon closer examination I realized the paper was “lettering styles.” That is so Diane, right? Vikki in VA

  134. brenda lindley says:

    I would love to declutter my craft room! It is a hot mess!

  135. Janice green says:

    We moved in late October 140 miles away. When packing, I made sure to downsize as much as I could because we were moved to less square footage, especially with leaving a 3.5 car garage with a loft. My husband, though, just packed all his stuff into many, many boxes. He is a collector of so many useless stuff, but he likes his stuff. He’s worked hard, and now in retirement, he feels he can share this stuff with his four grandkids. I need to make his ‘man cave’ a more organized room. I do plan on having him involved in the redo, but, being a person who loves to plastic box and label, I plan on showing him the merits of this technique. Would love to get a professional opinion, via the book, on how to tackle this enormous job.

  136. Jeane Gallo says:

    We just finished cleaning every closet in the house. Still have the kitchen cabinets to do. I think that’s where I need help.

  137. I want to declutter my whole house as well as help my son do his house! Keep things simple!

  138. Linda Southworth says:

    I so love the cut to fit boards. I have a couple of wide drawers I can do this to. As for what I need to put on a de-cluttering diet there are several but right now my catchall spare bedroom and sewing room.

  139. Patty O'Dell says:

    I need to declutter my whole house. For years I have kept everything and anything I think I may need in the future. I have had several jobs fall through and all of my office stuff came home to add more clutter. I started reading about all the things you have done with your home and I am truly inspired to get started with decluttering!

  140. I am in the process of doing a major redo of my house mainly deep cleaning and organizing. I am always looking out for visually stimulating and organizing tools! I find inspiration in so much

  141. No question about it, my nine year old daughter’s room. She’s such a hoarder!

  142. DonnaMarie says:

    Thanks, Diane.
    I’d like to put my basement on a decluttering diet and a few closets too!.

  143. Tora Geirs says:

    OHHHH I would declutter my bedroom because I have my craft space there and it really is a mess.
    By the way I LOVE your website, that I just recently found through Pinterest.T

  144. Danita Lee says:

    Your home transformation has been amazing. I’m always curious to see what you will do next. You inspire me. The room I need to declutter is my kitchen. I’m a gadget girl so I have lots of kitchen toys that I have to fish through. This book would help me do that. Thanks

  145. This is awesome!! I think I might use this for my desk at work!! I need major help decluttering my basement.

  146. My kitchen needs to be uncluttered!

  147. LOVE this project! One area in my home that really needs a decluttering is my guest/craft room. I could really use some beautiful inspiration to get going and finally be done with it!

  148. Filing is my problem: printed out recipes, papers or all sorts. They end up in a neat stack and don’t look too damaging then I never take the time to go back through them. My hanging file drawer just doesn’t do enough.

    Love the drawer organizer! Looks fantastic!

  149. Euna S. Ridenour says:

    We just moved in our new house a month ago today! It’s been a real effort to get things set up and settled! I think the room I need the most help with is my office too. I’m the only one that has to work in there, so it’s been left behind while the other rooms have taken priority. I too have too many things, but love them all and have a hard time parting with things. I love your drawer organization. I would love to see what else the Home Decluttering Diet has to offer! Thanks for the chance to win!

  150. What is that great paper you’re using to line the drawer?

  151. Susan Jackson says:

    The drawers in my bathroom. Between makeup and hair supplies it is a wreck!

  152. There is not a room in my house that does not need to be put on this diet.

    If I have to pick one, I would say the room where I store Kabuki costumes for dance, my stash and patterns for crochet, stuff for sewing and embroidery, and my writing — so I can get more stuff into it and help clear the other rooms .

  153. The room that needs a serious Gastric By-pass, is my “E” room. Yes. The office/guest room/closet/craft/storage/library/…/! And may I dare say, I am a teacher, advisor, dept. chair, single mom of a preteen young lady. Oh, my.

    Yes, if I could just manager to do that one room this summer…

  154. Anne Marie says:

    My kitchen definitely needs decluttering! My junk drawers are truly junk drawers. Why is it so hard to throw things away??? I need to get on this asap!

  155. Sheryll $ Critters. says:

    You always teach us all the best ways to do/fix our homes. Now if you could just make me get it done. I did one kitchen drawer (utensils) and that is as far as I have gone! The two tiny hallway closets (talk about darkness) are unspeakable! Then there is the guest room closet and the entire room, what a joke!

    I know from you what to do, I just can’t get it done.

  156. OMG, which room DOESN’T need some paring down??

    OK, if I have to pick JUST one, I’d go with our bonus room — I ususally just stand at the door and chuck things in so you can imagine what it looks like!!

  157. I also want to slenderize my office desk and cabinets. I have too much stuff and need to be able to size down my desk

  158. Michelle Powers says:

    If I have to pick just one , it’s my ‘office’ which is a converted closet so space is at a premium. Love the drawer organizer!

  159. My desk drawer looks just like yours use to. . . the office for sure.

  160. My garage is horrible and is need of the most fluttering and purging. Next would be the craft room. The drawer dividers are great.

  161. The room that always needs decluttering here is the multipurpose room. It’s part school room, part man cave. Too much stuff just gets stuck in here. :)

  162. Jeanne James says:

    My craft room/spare bedroom is such a mess that I close the door when we have company. I have made a path way in the room to get to the windows and open the blinds each day. I really need some inspiration! Diane, I love your blog and wish that I had your diy skills. Help!!!

  163. Carolyn Cohen says:

    My kitchen! We are starting our remodel soon and need to pare down and organize. PS I have gotten wonderful tips and ideas from your kitchen update! Thank you!

  164. Wow! I am so happy to have a tutorial on how to make wooden dividers. I, too, have been using small boxes to organize drawers. I want to make these for all my kitchen drawers! THANK YOU!

  165. My craft closet is a messss… It’s so bad, I don’t even know where to begin!

    1. Bobette Steanson says:

      Diane, perfect solution. Thank you

  166. My craft/spare bedroom could use a decluttering diet. Love those dividers! The book looks very nice.

  167. My sewing/knitting/stash room is out of control! Needs a major overall.

  168. Madeleine Ward says:

    I do not think there is any room or space that does not need this book. Organization is not my middle name, so HELP

  169. Lou Clifton says:

    I have lived in the same house since 1980. Married had two sons, lots of health problems,fast forward to 2017,when I started cleaning out. i kept everything.With you inspiration on the updates you have made, it has gave me the help to starting organizating and declutting. i am currently painting laundry room that has not been painted since we moved in. I now have a love of white paint after looking how refreshed your looks. My next room is the other side of the basement that has been become a dumping place. Toys from my sons the youngest is 24 all school papers and and dorm suppplies when they went off to college and

  170. We presently have a full house and my sewing room has been moved to the dining room. Unfortunately, it’s hard to fit 2 rooms worth of “stuff” into one room and still be able to eat dinner at the table! This looks like a fantastic and useful book!

  171. Carolyn Green says:

    Diane, you must be the most talented person in South Carolina! You always give such inspiring ideas and practical ways to complete them. Thank you for all you share with us. My office needs a major overhaul. It is a pocket office and has to be organized in order to function.

  172. Barbara Bieganski says:

    Office . Three teenagers are now adults and what was once the work/ study space needs to change to a more professional looking space.

  173. Robin Stephens says:

    My home’s been on a diet all year….and she’s doing very well. She’s lost a couple hundred pounds and is looking lean and cute! However she does have one closet that has way, way too much of everything. I guess it’s the last frontier, but time’s up. It’s that closet’s final hour!

  174. Kara Mellett says:

    Your organized drawer looks fabulous! My bonus room needs a decluttering diet!! The book would be very helpful.

  175. Mary Kaiser says:

    Love your organized drawers!! I need to declutter and organize my office. I have so much stuff!!

  176. Christy Peeples DuBois says:

    My bedroom needs to be on a diet from all the clutter that causes me such stress daily. It seems that I never make real progress.

  177. Every room needs some help.
    We moved to our beach cottage 10 years ago with too much stuff and I still have
    A looong way to go!

  178. Kelly Otwell says:

    My office!! I started out with a loose system that has quickly evolved into giant stacks of papers on the countertop. I seriously need help!!

  179. Good job with your studio/office transformation!!
    The room I need decluttering is the one of my sons, not the room where they sleep, but the one where they have all their stuff, games, playstation…
    Thanks Diane for this giveaway.

  180. Rosemary Gregory says:

    I am moving to Arlington VA to be closer to my granddaughters. Believe or not, they love the clothes that I make for them!!!! Due to the move, I am going to have to learn how to organize with shelves. I also make flowers with crepe paper as well as doing a lot of beading ( for me!).

    Many thanks!

    Rosemary Gregory
    [email protected]
    1450 Timberlane Dr.
    Birmingham. AL. 35213
    205-424-4122 mobile
    205-592-0908 homerose

  181. Rosemary Gregory says:

    I am moving to Arlington VA to be closer to my granddaughters. Believe or not, they love the clothes that I make for them!!!! Due to the move, I am going to have to learn how to organize with shelves. I also make flowers with crepe paper as well as doing a lot of beading ( for me!).

    Many thanks!

    Rosemary Gregory
    [email protected]
    1450 Timberlane Dr.
    Birmingham. AL. 35213
    205-424-4122 mobile
    205-592-0908 homerose

  182. I love this idea for organizing desk drawers! I think the room I need decluttering help with is my closet. Thanks for the creative inspiration to make decluttering fun!

  183. I always enjoy your newsletter and your many creative ideas. This article is particularly inspiring because I have recently been turning my son’s bedroom (he grew up and moved away years ago) into my office. I have a lot of paperwork from my various interests, particularly genealogy, and I’m trying to organize it as well as declutter the room so it is more comfortable to work in. I like the term “slenderizing” the home office!

  184. Your desk drawers organizer turned out great! I love to organize – too bad it never seems to be done! :) Can’t wait to see the rest of your room.

  185. Hi Diane,

    The room that I’d like to most put on a decluttering diet would be my library. . . or my office . . .or my bedroom. They could all use it! Thanks for the give away. Have a great weekend!

  186. The room that needs decluttering is my craft room.
    It started as a craft room but now its the junk room which needs major organization.
    I love your lake house and how you”re transforming it.
    Thank you for sharing all your tips with us.

  187. Simona Barlow says:

    Diane , love your new DIY draws.
    For me it will have to be my office/sewing room that needs a good clutter session.

  188. It looks great! I love all of the colors of pretty office supplies – and so pretty when they’re all organized! Thank-you so much for sharing my book! xo

  189. Boy would this come in handy! We are getting ready to downsize and after 25 years we’ve collected A LOT of stuff. It would be great to be organized before we put our house on the market and make a move to a smaller spot.

  190. Rhea Rench-Shrum says:

    The room that I need most on a declutter diet would be my guestroom/office. ?

  191. mary springer says:

    Love this! Not only do I want to dot his right away, but would love to get my craft room organized..I need help! My craft room is a sun room..a huge room filled with windows! I love it but its a mess.piles in each corner of boxes supplies and things I have collected. and along each wall some kind of organizer holding supplies…none match!

  192. HI Diane! I so enjoy the transformation that your lake house is taking! You always have such great inspiration! The room I need the most decluttering with would be my craft room. I always need more organization tips to find items quickly! The book sounds like just what I should read! Thanks!