Decorative Free Printable Labels For Organizing

 Free printable labels for organizing all the stuff in your home. I made them the way I make all the labels with card stock and self-laminating sheets.

When paging through the Ballard Designs catalog a few years ago, I came across little enameled re-writable name plaques.  They were white and outlined in black.They were Oh…. so cute…French! and Oh…. so expensive! I thought of so many uses for them, but knew I couldn’t afford them.

Not wanting to feel deprived of adding this stylish detail to my storage boxes, baskets, and bins, I created a less expensive, practically free version using card stock and self-laminating sheets.

These wipe-off labels make it easy to keep everything organized around your home.  The hardest part will be gathering all of your “stuff ” to put into your new labeled containers.

How to Make Decorative Label Plaques

  • I make a design using Photoshop Elements, save it as a .pdf and then print and cut the labels out on card stock. If you don’t have a photo editing program, simply download the ones I have made available in my Free Printable Label Gallery.
Free printable labels for home storage boxes

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  • To make the labels resemble chic enamel tags, I add a layer of shiny protection using clear laminating sheets (no laminating machine necessary) over the labels so they are easy to wipe clean and will last for a long time.
Self seal laminating sheets
  • I punch a hole in each side of the label with a hole puncher and attach the labels to storage boxes, bins, baskets and more with brass fasteners that you can buy where office supplies are sold. I use big fasteners for larger labels and tiny ones for smaller labels.

When I went hunting through my blog to find the labels I wanted to use, I realized they are not easy to find and I even know what posts they are in!

To make the search easier for you, I have created a page just for “free printable labels” for easy access and downloading.

  • You can find it here, but I also added a link in my navigation bar under my blog header.
Free printable labels for storage boxes

Here is a picture of the decorative labels I made for my clothes closet. I bought the pink boxes at IKEA.

Closet organizing ideas

While I was in Photoshop Elements, I added the item names to each label using the font Ever After but you can use markers over the lamination using your own handwriting. I have many blank labels with which I do just that.

  • If you know your way around Photoshop Elements or any photo editing software program, open up the downloaded label .pdf file in the program, upload the .pdf and use your favorite fonts to personalize each label, then print out the labels and seal with the laminating sheets.
Clothes closet labeling system on a budget

Once the labels are made and laminated I attach them to boxes, baskets, and containers of all sorts.

Instead of using your computer to print out pretty fonts for your labels, don’t miss my post, How to Make Your Handwriting Look Prettier.

How to Attach a Label to a Box

Free printable labels for the DIYer

To find out how to laminate the labels, check out the Free Printable Label Gallery.

supplies needed:

  • label – printed, sealed and cut out.
  • brass fasteners
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • awl or pointy object to make two small holes in box
How to attach labels to boxes

1. Find the center on the side of the box and mark with a light pencil mark. Center label over this mark and mark where holes are on the label. Use the awl to create two small holes in the box.

2. Push the ends of a brass fastener through label and hole in box.

How to attach free printable labels to storage boxes

3. Spread tips of brass fastener open on inside of box to secure. You can use clear tape over the spread-out tips to keep them secure.

Free printable labels to use around your home to help you stay organized

Download link for free printable labels for organizing: Large Decorative Labels

For more free printable labels and how to laminate them check out my new Free Printable Label Gallery

Transformed thrift store baskets with handles into stylish storage inside a cabinet.

Be warned, once you start adding pretty labels to a few items around your home you may not be able to stop labeling everything in your home. :-)

The label gallery page looks like the image below.

Free printable labels all in one place
Free printable labels to download and use to label boxes, bins, and baskets around your home. In My Own Style

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  1. PENNY OSBORNE says:

    Thank you very much for sharing your labels. Your generosity has brightened my Mom’s room in her long term care facility!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Penny – Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me how you are going to use the labels. It makes me happy to know that they are helping you get your moms’s room organized and cheery.

  2. Thanks for t’he advice. I és looking hi to punt Labels to Wire baskets. You are a genius

  3. Hi, is this available in word format so I can type in label?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kendra – Right now I do not have it in a Word format, but let me look how I need to create it and I will get back to you. Thank you for the idea.

  4. Alexandra Hoh says:

    Thanks so much for your labels. They’re simple to use, print, and very useful in trying to organize! Really appreciate your simplicity in otherwise an arduous task.

  5. How do I use this in photoshop? Is there a way to contact you aside from comments?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Terra –

      To answer your question. You save the pdf printable and then upload into the Photoshop Editor on your computer. You can then remove any wording you don’t want if there is any using the brush tool and choose the color whit #ffffff. To add your own words to the labels, choose the Type tool, choose your font, color and size and type in on the labels. Center the word and save. Then print out.

      You can contact me by going to my contacts page found here:

  6. Susie Gay says:

    Your free label post was so wonderful for me to use! Thank you so much for being so generous with your talent. I have posted on my blog about using your labels (and added a link) when I reorganized my laces and Swiss trims in my sewing room. You’re right….I may not be able to stop adding labels to things!

  7. Anita Rohmer says:

    I LOVE your site, Diane! Thanks to you, I finally made a start! First I’m doing my house, which is really too small for all we have! But I’m making labels like crazy. I have a feeding tube and that comes with a lot of stuff which is necessary. I was keeping it all in the bathroom closet, with extras spilling into the Master closet. It dawned on me that the feeding bags and plungers are only used in the kitchen, so why not keep those in the pantry? Duh! So. I have spray painted my containers and will try reorganizing the pantry (Which doubles as a laundry room, yuuk! NEVER again) We’ll be selling his house when I get it all organized an do some upgrades,
    THEN, I’ll start on the retirement home we plan to move into. It was inherited from my Mom, built in ’66 and I love it! ‘Was there when it was built & know that house, besides, the mortgage is PAID in full! There’s not a lot more sq ft, but a Hugh attached garage and the laundry room is also large. I plan to make a new entrance, then use that as a mudroom entry, Laundry room and hobby room! (That alone excites me!)
    I still have an estate sale to do. WHEW!
    But Thanks So much for your help!= & inspiration

  8. Teddee Grace says:

    My computer doesn’t seem to know what to do with a psd file. What is a psd file? Can you help?

  9. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    Thank you so much for all these wonderful freebies. You really do go to the last mile to give us all the help we or me needs.

    And those pink boxes remind me of your beautiful pom pom throw…… do you still have/use it? I am so enamored with it still.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Good morning Sheryll :-) I enjoy making labels and sharing them. Happy to know that they are helpful. Yes I still have the pom-pom throw. I use it all year round. In the summer it comes in handy when the AC in the house makes me chilly when watching a movie or reading. When I saw the pink boxes at IKEA I knew I had to have them. I also have the magazine files in the same color in my studioffice. Enjoy your day.

  10. says:

    So lovely label, very simple but attractive!

  11. These are so pretty Diane – thanks for the tutorial and printables. Getting my closet pretty and organized is on my fall to- do list!

  12. Michelle James says:

    Hi Diane. These are so nice. Thank you. I love Photoshop Elements and use it daily to create scrapbooking products and freebies. Thanks again.

  13. sharon / says:

    finally! I’ll look/be smart, chic, And budget-wise all at the same time. thanks! ♡

  14. Love the labels, but can’t seem to get the file to open. It keeps coming up ‘open in Houzz’. I wanted the decorative ones like you used. Any suggestions?
    Love your blog!

  15. Thanks Diane! These are great and you are a peach for sharing them! Xxoo

  16. Linda Weeks says:

    Thanks again, Ms. Diane; I really like the font you chose, too. Very legible and happy!

    1. Hello,
      I was curious what the name of the pretty curly font is that you used for the small closet labels?
      Thank you so much!

      1. Diane Henkler says:

        Hi Vanessa – I am not sure what label you are asking about. Is it one shown in the post you left the comment on or another? In the post you left the comment on the font used is Ever After. It is no longer found on the Dafont site, but you can still get it for free on fftonts.